604 research outputs found


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    IMA MUTASIM : Wisata Ziarah merupakan Perjalanan atau wisata, diistilahkan sebagai Assafar atau Az-ziyarah, wisata ziarah merupakan sebuah bentuk kunjungan ritual dan dilakukan ke makam dan masjid bersejarah. Dari prosesnya, wisata ziarah juga dipahami sebagai perjalanan batin seseorang, sehingga memiliki ikatan emosi dan kontempolasi tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini diantaranya adalah untuk membuktikan adanya relevansi antara Wisata Ziarah Balong Keramat Darmaloka yang terletak di desa Darma Kec. Darma dengan Perkembangan Dakwah Islam. Kerangka pemikiran didasarkan pada Kehadiran Balong Keramat Darmaloka sebagai salahsatu pariwisata di kabupaten kuningan yang juga biasa dikunungi sebagai wisata ziarah karena dilokasi tersebut terdapat makam wali utusan dari Cirebon yang menyebarkan dakwah islam diwilayah Darma. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriftif kualitatif berdasarkan kajian lapangan. Dan analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan mencatat hasil wawancara, catatan lapangan, kemudian memilah dan memilih, mengkalisifikasikannya serta berpikir membuat katagori data itu sehingga memperoleh suatu kesimpulan, dengan sumber data dari data teoritis, literature atau kajian pustaka yang ada kaitannya dengan masalah yang akan diangkat dan data empiric yang diambil dari lokasi penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat sebuah relevansi antara Wisata Ziarah Balong Keramat Darmaloka dengan perkembangan Dakwah islam. Dimana dalam wisata ziarah terdapat unsur dakwah mauidzotulhasanah dan hikmah yang diambil diantaranya berupa Mengingat akan kematian serta dijadikan Wasilah mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Sehingga mempengaruhi pada kesadaran spiritual masyarakat yang diaktualisakikan terhadap berbagai kegiatan keagamaan yang terus berkembang dari tahun ketahun, yang ditandai dengan berbagai indikasi bertambahnya sarana prasarana ibadah dan pendidikan berbasis pesantren

    Israel’s Asylum Regime: The Inconsistencies with National and International Duties

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    Since 2005, Israel has been a destination for refugees fleeing conflicts, repression, and political instability in some African countries, primarily Sudan, Eritrea, and western African countries. Until 2010, more than 26,000 refugees and asylum seekers entered Israel without authorization through the notorious Israeli-Egyptian borders.1 Due to the ‘illegal’ entry (not through an official border crossing point), Israeli law defines those who successfully make it to Israel as ‘infiltrators.’ The term infiltrator originates from the 1950s Anti-infiltration Law. As will be discussed later in the article, the Israeli legislator drafted the law to respond to the illegal border crossing of Palestinian Fedayeen in the 1950s. For more than a decade and a half, African asylum seekers remained in limbo with no hope of enjoying their rights to durable status, the right to family reunification, and the like. Despite Israel moving toward granting humanitarian status to genocide survivors from Sudan in recent years, significant numbers of asylum seekers, primarily from Eritrea, remain in an uncertain status


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    IMA MUTASIM : Wisata Ziarah merupakan Perjalanan atau wisata, diistilahkan sebagai Assafar atau Az-ziyarah, wisata ziarah merupakan sebuah bentuk kunjungan ritual dan dilakukan ke makam dan masjid bersejarah. Dari prosesnya, wisata ziarah juga dipahami sebagai perjalanan batin seseorang, sehingga memiliki ikatan emosi dan kontempolasi tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini diantaranya adalah untuk membuktikan adanya relevansi antara Wisata Ziarah Balong Keramat Darmaloka yang terletak di desa Darma Kec. Darma dengan Perkembangan Dakwah Islam. Kerangka pemikiran didasarkan pada Kehadiran Balong Keramat Darmaloka sebagai salahsatu pariwisata di kabupaten kuningan yang juga biasa dikunungi sebagai wisata ziarah karena dilokasi tersebut terdapat makam wali utusan dari Cirebon yang menyebarkan dakwah islam diwilayah Darma. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriftif kualitatif berdasarkan kajian lapangan. Dan analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan mencatat hasil wawancara, catatan lapangan, kemudian memilah dan memilih, mengkalisifikasikannya serta berpikir membuat katagori data itu sehingga memperoleh suatu kesimpulan, dengan sumber data dari data teoritis, literature atau kajian pustaka yang ada kaitannya dengan masalah yang akan diangkat dan data empiric yang diambil dari lokasi penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat sebuah relevansi antara Wisata Ziarah Balong Keramat Darmaloka dengan perkembangan Dakwah islam. Dimana dalam wisata ziarah terdapat unsur dakwah mauidzotulhasanah dan hikmah yang diambil diantaranya berupa Mengingat akan kematian serta dijadikan Wasilah mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Sehingga mempengaruhi pada kesadaran spiritual masyarakat yang diaktualisakikan terhadap berbagai kegiatan keagamaan yang terus berkembang dari tahun ketahun, yang ditandai dengan berbagai indikasi bertambahnya sarana prasarana ibadah dan pendidikan berbasis pesantren


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    LectureThe performance and durability of industrial gas turbines are strongly dependent on the operating conditions and the environment in which they function at. Engine performance and durability must be equally considered when operating in environments that challenge engine component lives. This paper describes the various elements that contribute to engine durability when operating in offshore applications with high salt/Sulfur fuels, and a “Systems-Solution” approach to attaining excellent turbine power and efficiency by mitigating the risk of degradation mechanisms that the turbine materials are subjected to. The System Solution to be discussed involves the use of advanced materials in conjunction with appropriate air and fuel filtration systems. Advances in alloys and coatings as well as air and fuel filtration systems have been very strong in the last number of years, and as a result new solutions have emerged to support the new challenging demands and requirements of gas turbines

    Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Tobacco Prevention Programs: A survey Of Arab Secondary Schools In Kuala Lumpur

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    This study aims at evaluating the effectiveness of tobacco prevention programs. The descriptive method was adopted and a questionnaire was applied. The data was analyzed by using (SPSS) program. The sample consisted of 63 teachers (30) males – 33 females), selected from three of Arab secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur. Study results showed that there were no differences of statistical significance in the implementation of policies between teachers and no differences in the training and skills. Results also showed that there were no differences in providing knowledge of programs and support sessions between teachers. There were no differences in policies, training and providing knowledge between males and females. The significance of this result is that tobacco prevention programs were not effective in all the surveyed schools in all parts of programs, policies, training, skills implementation and providing knowledge to students and staff

    Water Poverty and its Impact on Income Poverty and Health Status in Sudan: The Case of Gezira State (1993-2013)

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    Water resource development can address poverty, improve well-being, and enhance people\u27s opportunities in different fields of life. Even though water resources are available in Sudan, some parts of the country still continue to face significant water provision challenges. This research is aimed at measuring water poverty in Gezira State, Sudan over the period of 1993-2013 using the methodology of Sullivan et al. (2003). The research employed data collected from the Central Bureau of Statistics, Khartoum, Sudan. Both descriptive and empirical approaches are used to analyze the data. The average incidence of the water poverty index (WPI) over the period under consideration is estimated at 41.8 %, which is quite high given the fact that Gezira State is endowed with huge water resources and capacities. Environmental problems are found to be the main contributor to water poverty in the state. The results also assert that water poverty significantly increases income poverty. In this case, a 1% increase in water poverty is found to increase income poverty by 2.3%. It is worth noting that agriculture is the dominant economic activity in Gezira State because water is of paramount importance for production, grazing, and agro-industries. Furthermore, the results reveal that water poverty significantly reduces life expectancy at birth. The elasticity of life expectancy at birth with respect to changes in the WPI is estimated at -0.11. The study recommends the adoption of better water use in various fields of development besides solving the water supply problems, particularly in rural areas of the state, solving the environmental challenges that face water resources, enhancing institutional capacities for the water sector, improving the level of water management by the adoption of effective water regularity systems, and encouraging water awareness programs through the different types of media. Investing in water and sanitation is highly recommended to generate rapid returns

    Development of Smart Lead-Acid Battery Charger for Electric Vehicle Application

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    The battery charger is a critical part in an electric vehicle (EV) because it charges the battery, which is the weakest part of it. An unduly long charging time limits the use of the EV. Currently, it takes a long time to charge a battery of limited capacity, making EVs rather impractical to use. The objective of this thesis is to design, simulate, construct and test a smart charger for fast charging a battery. The charger consists of two units - the power processing unit and the battery management unit. The power processor is based on a step-down DC-to-DC converter topology. The battery management unit uses first a current control (constant current mode) and then voltage control (constant voltage mode) to charge the battery. The smart control mechanism is based on current and voltage sensing combined with sequenced average current and voltage control to charge the battery as fast as possible and to maximise its charge. The charger was tested successfully on single-phase and three-phase voltage supplies at different output voltages and currents. The charger developed was able to charge a 30 Ah lead-acid battery in two hours as opposed to six hours using a conventional charger. The research showed that it was possible to develop a battery charger which can charge a battery to its limits quickly without gassing and overheating. It is likely that the battery life will be extended without the detrimental effects experienced

    Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) in Vector Systems Played Sense Role of Epigenetic in Plants

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    The green fluorescent protein (GFP) of jellyfish (_Aequorea victoria_) has significant advantages over other reporter genes, because expression can be detected in living cells without any substrates. Recently, epigenetic phenomena are important to consider in plant biotechnology experiments for elucidate unknown mechanism. Therefore, soybean immature cotyledons were generated embryogenesis cells and engineered with two different gene constructs (pHV and pHVS) using gene gun method. Both constructs contain a gene conferring resistance to hygromycin (_hpt_) as a selective marker and a modified glycinin (11S globulin) gene (_V3-1_) as a target. However, sGFP(_S65T_) as a reporter gene was used only in pHVS as a reporter gene for study the relation between using sGFP(_S65T_) and gene silencing phenomena. Fluorescence microscopic was used for screening after the selection of hygromycin, identified clearly the expression of sGFP(_S65T_) in the transformed soybean embryos bombarded with the pHVS construct. Protein analysis was used to detect gene expression overall seeds using SDS-PAGE. Percentage of gene down regulation was highly in pHV construct compared with pHVS. Thus, sGFP(_S65T_) as a reporter gene in vector system may be play useful role for transgenic evaluation and avoid gene silencing in plants for the benefit of plant transformation system

    Usages of Semantic Web Services Technologies in IoT Ecosystems and its Impact in Services Delivery: A survey

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    Internet of things (IoT) has begun to emerge in our daily life through the huge number of smart services provided by the devices that deploy around us.  Vague and uncertainty in attributes that using in describing services, different levels of quality of each service and the limitation in capabilities of IoT devices are affect and hinder the process of discovering or selecting services.   The services in IoT need to be well described to enable users to receive their services that relevant to their query. This survey will investigate the most popular semantic services models and explore the use of these models in enhancing services discovery and services selection in IoT domain. Furthermore, the survey will investigate the evaluation metrics used by each study and compare the results that they obtained.&nbsp