66 research outputs found


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    Writing in a foreign language is most difficult when learning. Students at the SMAN 2 Bangkalan have difficulty finding the idea, especially in descriptive writing. Therefore, teachers as the central components in the learning process must be creative and innovative. In order to help the student, therefore, any learning media that is Kamus Putar Deutsch-Indonesisch applied. Media Kamus Putar selected, because when someone learns German, one always needs a dictionary. The location of the wording book is at first thick and the students are not interested in that. But this media presents a form of the dictionary that is more practical and not equal to the other in general dictionaries. In this essay, researcher take two main things as an object which are : “1) How to apply learning media using Kamus Putar Deutsch-Indonesisch to improve students skills in writing deceptive text. "This research is a true experiment design research using descriptive qualitative research method. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Bangkalan, while the research sample was class X MIA 6 without applying until applying Kamus Putar Deutsch-Indonesisch media. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. The data sources are obtained through this study to the students in the class X MIA 6 SMAN 2 Bangkalan, which are up to 35 people. Before and after the application of Kamus Putar Deutsch-Indonesisch. The data in this study is the process of applying learning media Kamus Putar Deutsch-Indonesisch, which are done three times. There are also data on the learning results of descriptive writing with learning media Kamus Putar Deutsch-Indonesisch as next data. The results of this study show that the learning medium Kamus Putar Deutsch-Indonesisch is used well and with proper procedures. The result of the observation shows that the students are more active during the learning process. The students like to learn German with the learning medium Kamus Putar Deutsch-Indonesisch, especially in descriptive letters. The ability of the pupils in Germans increases significantly. The learning results of the students are better than before, although there are still some mistakes in writing as in grammar. So the conclusion is drawn that the learning media Kamus Putar German-Indonesian can be used as an alternative to learning German, especially in the teaching of writing. Keywords : Learning Media, Kamus Putar Deutsch-Indonesisch, Descriptive tex


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    Some people who appreciate literature still discuss about the real of each terms which often appear in literary works especially in narrative fiction, such as plot, story, character, characterization, and conflict. Eventhough, there are some people who appreciate literature who are not able to differentiate those terms. That is why, the purpose of this article is to explain the position of literary works in fiction, especially narrative fiction. Because of characteristic of fiction include all the aspects of story so in this article explain about story, plot, and conflict. Story as an even which followed by other even, then followed by another even, and so on, while plot as even series which is composed by cause and effect. Meanwhile, conflict is created by the interaction of each character. Without interaction, a conflict could not be created. So that is why, a conflict as a part of integral that should be stated in. Good or bad o a conflict depend on the criteria of conflict itself

    Gambaran Determinan Remaja Gay

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    Various independent domestic and foreign survey institutions mentioned that inIndonesia there are 3% of LGBT people out of the total population. The rise ofLGBT phenomena in Indonesia is closely related to the trends of liberal countriesthat provide recognition and a place for LGBT communities in society. LGBT isconsidered a part of the modern life style of society which regards the view ofheterosexuality as conservative and does not apply to everyone. This study is todetermined the determinants of what makes adolescents into gay groups.Descriptive survey type research design. The sampling technique of snowballsampling, and the research respondents were 2 people. Retrieving data by indepth interview. The results showed that the determinants of gay adolescents were psychological factors, environmental factors, and economic factors. Suggestions from this research are that adolescents are expected to use their time for activities and positive things for their development, parents must give attention and affection and equip religious knowledge, and moral education to children, the government is expected to expand employment opportunities for the communit

    Implementasi Zakat Mal Terhadap Pengaruh Perubahan Status Sosial Ekonomi Mustahik (Studi Pelaksanaan Zakat Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No 23 Tahun 2011 dan BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang

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    Zakat merupakan instrumen dalam agama Islam yang ditujukan untuk menyeimbangkan dan mensejahterakan ekonomi masyarakat kurang mampu dan mengentaskan kemiskinan. Pendayagunaan zakat dikelola tidak hanya untuk kegiatan-kegiatan konsumtif saja melainkan dimanfaatkan pula untuk kegiatan-kegiatan produktif. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan hukum ini menggunakan metode yuridis sosiologis yang spesifikasi penelitiannya bersifat deskriptif analitis. Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti bagaimana implementasi zakat mal di BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang termasuk dalam bagaimana menghimpun, mengelola, mendistribusikan, dan pendayagunaan zakat di BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang, apa sudah tepat sasaran dan perbengaruh terhadap tingkat perubahan status sosial ekonomi mustahik di BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang dalam menghimpun dana zakat, infaq, dan shadaqah (ZIS) melakukan kerjasama dengan instansi-intansi baik pemerintah maupun swasta serta seluruh masyarakat di Kabupaten Rembang. Pengelolaan dana ZIS di BAZNAS Kabupten Rembang dibagi dalam beberapa program diantaranya, program Rembang sehat, Rembang peduli, Rembang cerdas, Rembang makmur, dan Rembang taqwa. Setelah dana ZIS terkumpul dan dikelola di BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang selanjutnya ZIS didistribusikan kepada delapan golongan yang berhak menerima zakat, selanjutnya dalam hal pendayagunaan ZIS BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang mengalokasikan terhadap kebutuhan produktif dan konsumtif. Pertumbuhan ZIS di BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang setiap tahun terus mengalami peningkatan dan terus berkembang. Zakat telah memberikan pengaruh perubahan sosial ekonomi bagi mustahiknya, secara kesluruhan program-program kerja BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang sudah baik, akan tetapi perlu upaya untuk terus mengembangkan program kerja dalam segi produktif khusunya karena dalam pengembangan program produktif BAZNAS Kabupaten Rembang masih jauh dalam mencapai target yaitu mengubah mustahik menjadi muzakki.Kata kunci:Zakat, Perubahan Status Sosial Ekonomi, Mustahik

    Gambaran Determinan Remaja Gay

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    Various independent domestic and foreign survey institutions mentioned that inIndonesia there are 3% of LGBT people out of the total population. The rise ofLGBT phenomena in Indonesia is closely related to the trends of liberal countriesthat provide recognition and a place for LGBT communities in society. LGBT isconsidered a part of the modern life style of society which regards the view ofheterosexuality as conservative and does not apply to everyone. This study is todetermined the determinants of what makes adolescents into gay groups.Descriptive survey type research design. The sampling technique of snowballsampling, and the research respondents were 2 people. Retrieving data by indepth interview. The results showed that the determinants of gay adolescents were psychological factors, environmental factors, and economic factors. Suggestions from this research are that adolescents are expected to use their time for activities and positive things for their development, parents must give attention and affection and equip religious knowledge, and moral education to children, the government is expected to expand employment opportunities for the communit


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    Bottom up system in budgeting process is more adopted for this time. But effectiveness of this system in increasing managerial performance is debatable because of individual motivation that reflected hazard moral. This research tries to examine the effect of budget participation to managerial performance with moral hazard as moderating variable. This research is a case study in Sumenep – Madura (East Java), with respondents are public executive at SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah) whom included in budget team. There were 70 respondents who  participated in this research. The hypotheses was examined with multiple regression in interaction model with absolute difference. The results show that high budget participation will increase managerial performance if lower hazard moral is not supported with alpha 5%. Although interaction model is statistically significant, but interaction coefficient is negative at -4,492, this caused hypothesis is rejec


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    Pendidikan merupakan salah satu asset penting dalam kehidupan manusia, khususnya dewasa ini yang menuntut kemahiran seseorang dalam sebuha pekerjaan. Untuk memajukan pendidikan suatu bangsa yang harus diperhatikan terlebih dahulu adalah kompetensi tenaga pengajarnya (guru). Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta sebagai salah satu lembaga pencetak tenaga pengajar berusaha meningkatkan kualitas pendidikannya agar menghasilkan lulusan yang unggul dan professional serta siap bersaing di dunia kerja. Salah satu usaha tersebut adalah dengan diadakanya program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) yang pada periode kali ini berlangsung dari 10 Agustus 2015 sampai 12 September 2015. PPL bertujuan untuk mengasah kemampuan mahasiswa dan memberikan pengalaman bagi mereka sebelum benarbenar terjun ke lapangan pekerjaan. PPL merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib tempuh dan wajib lulus bagi mahasiswa yang mengambil jurusan kependidikan di UNY. Pada PPL ini penulis melaksanakan PPL di SMA Negeri 2 Bantul yang berlokasi di Jl. RA Kartini, Trirenggo, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Pelaksanaan program PPL bermaksud untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman nyata kepada mahasiswa serta mampu menerapkan berbagai ilmu yang didapatkan selama di kampus. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL dimulai dari observasi hingga pelaksanaan PPL yang terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan mengajar, pelaksanaan mengajar, dan evaluasi hasil mengajar. Dari hasil observasi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 Mei 2015 diketahui beberapa permasalahan di sekolah maupun potensi yang sebenarnya dapat dikembangkan di sekolah tetapi belum diberdayakan. Kegiatan PPL yang dilakukan meliputi tahap persiapan, praktek mengajar, dan analisis hasil. Praktik mengajar dilaksanakan tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai 12 September 2015. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, mahasiswa diberi kesempatan mengajar sebanyak 9 kali. Pelaksanaan PPL dilaksanakan di kelas X IIS 1 dan X IIS 2, serta pernah menggantikan di kelas X MIA 4. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PPL selama kurang lebih satu bulan di SMA negeri 2 Bantul ini dapat dipetik hasilnya oleh mahasiswa berupa penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan praktik keguruan dalam bidang Pendidikan Sejarah yang diperoleh di bangku perkuliahan. Meskipun demikian, tetap masih ada hambatan dalam pelaksanaan PPL. Penyusun menghimbau supaya hubungan kerjasama antara pihak sekolah dan UPPL-UNY tetap terjaga dengan baik


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    Bottom up system in budgeting process is more adopted for this time. But effectiveness of this system in increasing managerial performance is debatable because of individual motivation that reflected hazard moral. This research tries to examine the effect of budget participation to managerial performance with moral hazard as moderating variable. This research is a case study in Sumenep – Madura (East Java), with respondents are public executive at SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah) whom included in budget team. There were 70 respondents who  participated in this research. The hypotheses was examined with multiple regression in interaction model with absolute difference. The results show that high budget participation will increase managerial performance if lower hazard moral is not supported with alpha 5%. Although interaction model is statistically significant, but interaction coefficient is negative at -4,492, this caused hypothesis is rejec


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    The study explores how Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)-informed Genre-Based Approach (GBA) to teaching English as a Foreign Language writing is orchestrated in a teacher training program. This approach helps student teachers see the socio-communicative consequences of their metalinguistic repertoires to achieve certain communicative purposes to a particular readership. The data are collected through students’ writing and their reflection about learning writing instructed by SFL-informed GBA. The data analysis is done using Halliday Systemic Functional Linguistics to see whether texts include appropriate lexicogrammatical choice to represent text as a social semiotic means. Results show that students are aware of their socio-communicative means of writing for a certain readership. The implementation of GBA may affect students’ awareness of writing as a social act, yet a more comprehensive study needs to be developed to see how SFL-informed GBA affects pre-service teachers writing and how it helps shape English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching in their own classrooms.


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    Some people who appreciate literature still discuss about the real of each terms which often appear in literary works especially in narrative fiction, such as plot, story, character, characterization, and conflict. Eventhough, there are some people who appreciate literature who are not able to differentiate those terms. That is why, the purpose of this article is to explain the position of literary works in fiction, especially narrative fiction. Because of characteristic of fiction include all the aspects of story so in this article explain about story, plot, and conflict. Story as an even which followed by other even, then followed by another even, and so on, while plot as even series which is composed by cause and effect. Meanwhile, conflict is created by the interaction of each character. Without interaction, a conflict could not be created. So that is why, a conflict as a part of integral that should be stated in. Good or bad o a conflict depend on the criteria of conflict itself
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