9 research outputs found

    Heimler Syndrome is Caused by Hypomorphic Mutations in the Peroxisome-Biogenesis Genes PEX1 and PEX6

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    Heimler syndrome (HS) is a rare recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), amelogenesis imperfecta, nail abnormalities and occasional or late onset retinal pigmentation. We ascertained eight families with HS, and - using a whole exome sequencing approach - identified biallelic mutations in PEX1 or PEX6 in six of them. Loss of function mutations in both genes are known causes of a spectrum of autosomal recessive peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs), including Zellweger syndrome. PBDs are characterized by leukodystrophy, hypotonia, SNHL, retinopathy, and skeletal, craniofacial, and liver abnormalities. We demonstrate that each HS family has at least one hypomorphic allele that results in extremely mild peroxisomal dysfunction. Although individuals with HS share some subtle clinical features found in PBDs, the overlap is minimal and the diagnosis was not suggested by routine blood and skin fibroblast analyses used to detect PBDs. In conclusion, our findings define Heimler syndrome as a mild PBD, expanding the pleiotropy of mutations in PEX1 and PEX6

    A targeted next-generation sequencing assay for the molecular diagnosis of genetic disorders with orodental involvement.

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    BACKGROUND: Orodental diseases include several clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders that can present in isolation or as part of a genetic syndrome. Due to the vast number of genes implicated in these disorders, establishing a molecular diagnosis can be challenging. We aimed to develop a targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay to diagnose mutations and potentially identify novel genes mutated in this group of disorders. METHODS: We designed an NGS gene panel that targets 585 known and candidate genes in orodental disease. We screened a cohort of 101 unrelated patients without a molecular diagnosis referred to the Reference Centre for Oro-Dental Manifestations of Rare Diseases, Strasbourg, France, for a variety of orodental disorders including isolated and syndromic amelogenesis imperfecta (AI), isolated and syndromic selective tooth agenesis (STHAG), isolated and syndromic dentinogenesis imperfecta, isolated dentin dysplasia, otodental dysplasia and primary failure of tooth eruption. RESULTS: We discovered 21 novel pathogenic variants and identified the causative mutation in 39 unrelated patients in known genes (overall diagnostic rate: 39%). Among the largest subcohorts of patients with isolated AI (50 unrelated patients) and isolated STHAG (21 unrelated patients), we had a definitive diagnosis in 14 (27%) and 15 cases (71%), respectively. Surprisingly, COL17A1 mutations accounted for the majority of autosomal-dominant AI cases. CONCLUSIONS: We have developed a novel targeted NGS assay for the efficient molecular diagnosis of a wide variety of orodental diseases. Furthermore, our panel will contribute to better understanding the contribution of these genes to orodental disease. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBERS: NCT01746121 and NCT02397824.journal articleresearch support, non-u.s. gov't2016 Feb2015 10 26importe

    Syndrome de Papillon-Lefùvre : à propos d’un cas

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    Ce cas concerne une jeune fille ĂągĂ©e de 3 ans qui prĂ©sente un syndrome de Papillon-LefĂšvre et dont le diagnostic est basĂ© sur les donnĂ©es cliniques. Elle prĂ©sentait des hyperkĂ©ratoses plantaires dĂšs la premiĂšre consultation avec une parodontite sĂ©vĂšre et des dents mobiles ; les lĂ©sions palmaires ne sont apparues que quelques mois aprĂšs la premiĂšre consultation. Le traitement initial a comportĂ© la rĂ©alisation d’un traitement parodontal avec extractions des dents non conservables, puis la rĂ©alisation d’une prothĂšse dentaire pĂ©diatrique. (Med Buccale Chir Buccale 2009 ; 15 : 189- 194)

    Les habitudes de succion non nutritive chez l’enfant

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    La succion chez l’enfant est dĂ©crite dans la littĂ©rature sous deux aspects : la succion nutritive et la succion non nutritive. La succion nutritive est relative Ă  l’allaitement au sein, au biberon ou Ă  une combinaison des deux. La succion non nutritive est Ă©voquĂ©e lorsque l’enfant suce son pouce ou d’autres doigts, une tĂ©tine artificielle ou d’autres objets. Les habitudes de succion non nutritive sont trĂšs frĂ©quentes chez le jeune enfant. Bien qu’il ne faille pas dramatiser devant une succion digitale chez l’enfant de moins de 5 ans, celle-ci engendre toutefois des malocclusions Ă  des degrĂ©s variables surtout avec l’éruption des dents dĂ©finitives. La succion non nutritive paraĂźt donc complexe, tant dans ses consĂ©quences que dans sa prise en charge. Plusieurs procĂ©dĂ©s et dispositifs utilisĂ©s pour l’arrĂȘt de cette habitude dĂ©formante ont donnĂ© lieu Ă  des discussions dans la littĂ©rature, les mĂ©thodes Ă©ducatives et psychologiques restent toujours d’actualitĂ©

    A targeted next-generation sequencing assay for the molecular diagnosis of genetic disorders with orodental involvement

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    International audienceBackground Orodental diseases include several clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders that can present in isolation or as part of a genetic syndrome. Due to the vast number of genes implicated in these disorders, establishing a molecular diagnosis can be challenging. We aimed to develop a targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay to diagnose mutations and potentially identify novel genes mutated in this group of disorders. Methods We designed an NGS gene panel that targets 585 known and candidate genes in orodental disease. We screened a cohort of 101 unrelated patients without a molecular diagnosis referred to the Reference Centre for Oro-Dental Manifestations of Rare Diseases, Strasbourg, France, for a variety of orodental disorders including isolated and syndromic amelogenesis imperfecta (AI), isolated and syndromic selective tooth agenesis (STHAG), isolated and syndromic dentinogenesis imperfecta, isolated dentin dysplasia, otodental dysplasia and primary failure of tooth eruption. Results We discovered 21 novel pathogenic variants and identified the causative mutation in 39 unrelated patients in known genes (overall diagnostic rate: 39%). Among the largest subcohorts of patients with isolated AI (50 unrelated patients) and isolated STHAG (21 unrelated patients), we had a definitive diagnosis in 14 (27%) and 15 cases (71%), respectively. Surprisingly, COL17A1 mutations accounted for the majority of autosomal-dominant AI cases. Conclusions We have developed a novel targeted NGS assay for the efficient molecular diagnosis of a wide variety of orodental diseases. Furthermore, our panel will contribute to better understanding the contribution of these genes to orodental disease. Trial registration numbers NCT01746121 and NCT0239782

    Amelogenesis imperfecta: Next-generation sequencing sheds light on Witkop’s classification

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    Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a heterogeneous group of genetic rare diseases disrupting enamel development (Smith et al., Front Physiol, 2017a, 8, 333). The clinical enamel phenotypes can be described as hypoplastic, hypomineralized or hypomature and serve as a basis, together with the mode of inheritance, to Witkop’s classification (Witkop, J Oral Pathol, 1988, 17, 547–553). AI can be described in isolation or associated with others symptoms in syndromes. Its occurrence was estimated to range from 1/700 to 1/14,000. More than 70 genes have currently been identified as causative.Objectives: We analyzed using next-generation sequencing (NGS) a heterogeneous cohort of AI patients in order to determine the molecular etiology of AI and to improve diagnosis and disease management.Methods: Individuals presenting with so called “isolated” or syndromic AI were enrolled and examined at the Reference Centre for Rare Oral and Dental Diseases (O-Rares) using D4/phenodent protocol (www.phenodent.org). Families gave written informed consents for both phenotyping and molecular analysis and diagnosis using a dedicated NGS panel named GenoDENT. This panel explores currently simultaneously 567 genes. The study is registered under NCT01746121 and NCT02397824 (https://clinicaltrials.gov/).Results: GenoDENT obtained a 60% diagnostic rate. We reported genetics results for 221 persons divided between 115 AI index cases and their 106 associated relatives from a total of 111 families. From this index cohort, 73% were diagnosed with non-syndromic amelogenesis imperfecta and 27% with syndromic amelogenesis imperfecta. Each individual was classified according to the AI phenotype. Type I hypoplastic AI represented 61 individuals (53%), Type II hypomature AI affected 31 individuals (27%), Type III hypomineralized AI was diagnosed in 18 individuals (16%) and Type IV hypoplastic-hypomature AI with taurodontism concerned 5 individuals (4%). We validated the genetic diagnosis, with class 4 (likely pathogenic) or class 5 (pathogenic) variants, for 81% of the cohort, and identified candidate variants (variant of uncertain significance or VUS) for 19% of index cases. Among the 151 sequenced variants, 47 are newly reported and classified as class 4 or 5. The most frequently discovered genotypes were associated with MMP20 and FAM83H for isolated AI. FAM20A and LTBP3 genes were the most frequent genes identified for syndromic AI. Patients negative to the panel were resolved with exome sequencing elucidating for example the gene involved ie ACP4 or digenic inheritance.Conclusion: NGS GenoDENT panel is a validated and cost-efficient technique offering new perspectives to understand underlying molecular mechanisms of AI. Discovering variants in genes involved in syndromic AI (CNNM4, WDR72, FAM20A 
 ) transformed patient overall care. Unravelling the genetic basis of AI sheds light on Witkop’s AI classification

    A targeted next-generation sequencing assay for the molecular diagnosis of genetic disorders with orodental involvement

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