505 research outputs found

    An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Entrepreneurship Tendency and Usage of Social Media of University Students

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    Entrepreneurship tendencies of university students are nearly ubiquitous, while there has been little analysis of the effects of social media using on entrepreneurship tendencies in the literature. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between thehabit of social media usingand entrepreneurship tendencies of university students. The research problem involves two variables. The first one is social media which are an important determinant of social and business life. The second one is the tendency of candidates who wish to become entrepreneurs. The sample group consisted of students, who take lesson of entrepreneurship, from Mersin and Ahi Evran Universities and took place during the academic year of 2014-2015. The data was collected through an online questionnaire that is reformed by authors with reference to Chye-Koh (1996), Quan-Haase and Young (2010), as 60 items, and then 567 students take part in the sample with convenience sampling method. There are two suitable methods that could have been used for this research; the correlation and regression analyses. The data gathered has been analyzed using statistical packaged software and the results will be introduced with suggestions and comments. The validity and reliability of the data collection tool has been confirmed after analyzing the collected data with statistical methods (p<0,05 and p<0,01). The results are interpreted within the framework of the research problem. As a result of the conducted analysis, statistical significant relationships were found between the two variables (r:0,474; p<0,01). Finally, the regression analysis results are seen important for researchers, professionals, and those interested in these fields

    Use of Sports Science Knowledge by Turkish Coaches

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 8(1) : 21-37, 2015. The purpose of this study is to examine the following research questions in Turkish coaching context: a) What are coaches’ perceptions on the application of sport science research to their coaching methods? b) What sources do coaches utilize to obtain the knowledge they need? c) What barriers do coaches encounter when trying to access and apply the knowledge they need for their sport? In addition, differences in research questions responses were examined based on gender, years of coaching experience, academic educational level, coaching certificate level, coaching team or individual sports, and being paid or unpaid for coaching. The participants were 321 coaches (255 men, 66 women) from diverse sports and coaching levels working in Ankara. The questionnaire “New Ideas for Coaches” by Reade, Rodgers and Hall (2008) was translated, adapted into Turkish, and validated for the current study. According to our findings among Turkish coaches, there is a high prevalence of beliefs that sport science contributes to sport (79.8%);however, there are gaps between what coaches are looking for and the research that is being conducted. Coaches are most likely to attend seminars or consult other coaches to get new information. Scientific publications were ranked very low by the coaches in getting current information. The barriers to coaches’ access to sport science research are finding out the sources of information, being able to implement the sport science knowledge into the field of coaching, lack of monetary support in acquiring knowledge, and language barriers. Also, differences in perceptions and preferences for obtaining new information were identified based on coaches’ gender, coaching contexts (i.e., professional-amateur), coaching settings (i.e., team/individual), and their other demographic characteristics (i.e., coaching experience, coaching educational level, and coaching certificate level). Future coach education programs should emphasize the development of coaches’ competencies in identifying and accessing eligible sports science knowledge sources and lack of money for acquiring information while also tailoring the messages based on differences in coaching contexts, coaching settings, and coaches’ demographic characteristics so as to ensure successful knowledge transfer

    FPGA based implementation of IEEE 80211a physical layer

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 57-59.Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a multicarrier transmission technique, in which a single bitstream is transmitted over a large number of closely-spaced orthogonal subcarriers. It has been adopted for several technologies, such as Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), Digital Audio and Terrestrial Television Broadcasting and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) systems. In this work, IEEE802.11a WLAN standard was implemented on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for being familiar with the implementation problems of OFDM systems. The algorithms that are used in the implementation were firstly built up in MATLAB environment and the performance of system was observed with a simulator developed for this purpose. The transmitter and receiver FPGA implementations, which support the transmission rates from 6 to 54 Mbps, were designed in Xilinx System Generator Toolbox for MATLAB Simulink environment. The modulation technique and the Forward Error Coding (FEC) rate used at the transmitter are automatically adjusted by the desired bitrate as BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM or 64QAM and 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4, respectively.The transceiver utilizes 5986 slices, 45 block RAMs and 73 multipliers of a Xilinx Virtex-4 sx35 chip corresponding to % 39 of the resources. In addition, the FPGA implementation of the transceiver was also tested by constructing a wireless link between two Lyrtech Software Defined Radio Development Kits and the bit error rate of the designed system was measured by performing a digital loop-back test under an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel.İnce, MustafaM.S

    The Mediator Roles Of Attitude Toward The Web Site And User Satisfaction On The Effect Of System Quality On Net Benefit: A Structural Equation Model On Web Site Success

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the mediator roles of attitude toward the web site and user satisfaction on the effect of system quality on net benefit. A new conceptual model for web site success is developed based on previous models in the literature. System quality is one of the most important antecedent of perception of net benefit for customers of B2C sites. The effect of system quality on net benefit has been through user satisfaction in the literature. Some models included attitude toward the web site dimension in the same level with user satisfaction. Therefore, the research model suggested these two variables play mediator roles on the effect of system quality on net benefit. A structural equation model is used to analyze this model. It is statistically proved that attitude toward the web site and user satisfaction play mediator roles on the effect of system quality on net benefit

    Methanogenic population dynamics in full-scale UASB reactors

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    Bu çalışmada, alkol distilasyon atıksularını arıtan, kısaca IUASB, TUASB ve CUASB olarak adlandırılan üç farklı gerçek ölçekli yukarı akışlı anaerobik çamur yatağı (UASB) reaktörünün 2002-2004 yılları arasındaki işletme performansları, Metan Arke komunite yapıları ve Potansiyel Metan Üretim (PMÜ) hızları tartışılmıştır. Aynı süreçte UASB reaktörlerinden 2-12 kg KOİ/m3.gün aralığındaki organik yükleme hızlarında, %60-95 aralığında KOİ giderim verimleri elde edilmiştir. Spesifik Metan Aktivite (SMA) test sonuçları IUASB, TUASB ve CUASB reaktörlerinin PMÜ hızlarının 2002 yılında sırasıyla 321, 344 ve 256 mL CH4/gUAKM.gün iken, 2004 yılında  sırasıyla 133, 109 ve 108 mL CH4/gUAKM.gün değerlerine düştüğünü göstermiştir. Reaktörlerden elde edilen gerçek metan üretim (GMÜ) hızları, reaktör çamurlarının PMÜ hızları ile oranlandığında elde edilen değerler, 0.1-0.4, reaktörlerin maksimum kapasitelerinin çok altında yüklendiklerini göstermektedir. Floresanlı yerinde hibritleşme (FISH) sonuçları her üç reaktörde de baskın metanojenlerin, asetoklastik bir cins olan Methanasaeta’ya ait olduğunu göstermiştir. Hidrojen kullanan metan arkelerinden Methanobacteriales TUASB ve CUASB reaktörlerinde, Methanococcales ise IUASB reaktöründe baskın halde bulunmaktadır. IUASB ve TUASB reaktörlerinin asetoklastik metan üretim kapasitelerinde meydana gelen, sırasıyla %59 ve %68’lik kayıplara pararel olarak, reaktörlerde rastlanan tek asetoklastik cins olan Methanosaeta’nın rölatif miktarında sırasıyla %25 ve %11’lik kayıplar, hidrojen kullanan metanojenlerin rölatif miktarlarında ise sırasıyla %20 ve %24’lük bir artış meydana gelmiştir. CUASB reaktöründeki metanojenik komünite yapısı zaman içerisinde stabil kalmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Floresanlı yerinde hibritleşme, spesifik metan aktivite testi, metanojenler, UASB reaktör, alkollü içki endüstrisi atıksuları.A prerequisite for stable performance in an anaerobic treatment system is maintenance of active methanogenic populations in the system. However, there are few published studies available that assess performance of a full-scale anaerobic reactor in relation to the make up of reactor biomass in terms of qualitative and quantitative measures of methanogenic species and their activities. This study was undertaken to assess changes in performance of three full-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, namely IUASB, TUASB and CUASB, at wastewater treatment plants of Istanbul Alcohol (Raki), Tekirdag Alcohol (Raki) and Canakkale Alcohol (Cognac) distilleries in relation to qualitative and quantitative measures of the relevant archaeal methanogenic populations. Composition and quantity of archaeal methanogens were determined using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) combined with epifluorescence microscopy. Specific methanogenic activity (SMA) test was used to determine the potential methane production (PMP) rates of the anaerobic sludges. The IUASB reactor performed well achieving COD removal efficiencies of no lower than 80% at a range of OLRs from 6-11 kg COD m-3 day-1 in years between between 2001 and 2004. The TUASB reactor also performed well achieving COD removal efficiencies between 70% and 85% at OLRs in a range of 2-12 kg COD m-3 day-1 between 2001 and 2004. COD removal efficiency of the TUASB reactor varied between 60% and 80% at OLRs in a range of 2.5-12 kg COD m-3 day-1 between 2002 and 2004. According to the SMA tests results PMP rates of the IUASB, TUASB and CUASB sludges were 321, 344 and 256 mL CH4 gVSS-1 day-1 respectively in the year 2002 and decreased to 133, 109 and 108 CH4 gVSS-1 day-1 respectively after two years of operation. When the PMP rates were compared with actual methane production (AMP) rates obtained from the three UASB reactors, AMP/PMP ratios were evaluated to be between 0.1 and 0.4. These results can be interpreted that the three UASB reactors were under loaded compared to their potential acetoclastic methanogenic capacities. This could have been due to retaining high amount of granular sludges within the UASB reactors resulting in F/M (food to microorganisms) ratios in a range of 0.02-0.07 gCOD gTVS-1 day-1 which is much lower than the typical values reported for similar reactors in literature. Since all other operational parameters such as pH, temperature, alkalinity, nutrients etc. have been maintained within their typical ranges, it was concluded that the prolonged operation of  the three UASB reactors under very low F/M ratios might have lead to the significant decreases in the PMP rates of the reactor sludges. FISH results revealed that the relative abundance of archaeal cells within the IUASB, TUASB and CUASB sludges were in range of 14-18%, 15-17% and 14-15% respectively. Methanosaeta spp. were the predominant methanogen in all of the anaerobic sludges. However, over time the relative abundance of acetoclastic Methanosaeta in the IUASB and TUASB reactors reduced from 83% ± 1.6 and 90% ± 1.2 to 58% ± 2.1 and 79% ± 1.4 of the archaeal population respectively. These decreases coincided with 59% and 68% decreases in the acetoclastic methanogenic capacities and 20% and 24% increases in the relative abundance of hydrogenotrophic methanogens in the archaeal population of the IUASB and TUASB sludges respectively. Although a 58% decrease in the acetoclastic methanogenic capacity of the CUASB sludge was detected, the reactor sludge had stable archaeal community structure. Among the hydrogenotrophic methanogens, Methanococcales followed by Methanobacteriales were dominant methanogens within the IUASB reactor. This study is the first that reports dominance of Methanococcales among the hydrogenotrophic methanogens within UASB reactors. Methanobacteriales was the predominant hydrogenotrophic methanogen within the both TUASB and CUASB reactors. In this study the significant decreases in the activity of methanogens was detected at an early stage by using the SMA test so that process conditions can be changed, and collapse of the reactors can be avoided. The SMA test and FISH results showed that the reduction of acetoclastic methanogenic activity in IUASB and TUASB reactors is related to loss of Methanosaeta spp. However, acetoclastic methanogenic activity losses in the CUASB reactor were not reflected in the archaeal community structure of  the reactor sludge. Keywords: Fluorescence in situ hybridization, specific methanogenic activity, methanogens, UASB reactor, alcohol distillery effluents

    Nutrient enhanced bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons in anoxic marine sediments

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    Marmara Denizi petrol hidrokarbonlarıyla yoğun bir şeklide kirletilmektedir. Bu kronik kirliliğin giderilmesi için sürdürülebilir, az insan müdahelesi gerektiren ve ekonomik bir ıslah stratejisi geliştirilmesi şarttır. Eğer Marmara Denizi sedimentlerinde anaerobik hidrokarbon ayrıştırıcı mikroorganizmalar aktif bir şekilde bulunuyorsa ve aktivitelerini arttırmanın bir yolu bulunabilirse, kirliliğin giderilmesi için en iyi yöntem anaerobik koşullarda biyoıslah uygulanmasıdır. Anoksik koşulların hâkim olduğu, petrol hidrokarbonlarıyla aşırı şekilde kirletilmiş olan Haliç Körfezi sediment süzüntü sularında mevcut N ve P seviyeleri mikrobiyal çoğalmayı destekleyecek seviyelerin çok altındadır. Nutrient takviyesi ile sedimentlerin mikrobiyal aktivitelerinin arttırılabilirliğini sınamak için anaerobik koşullar altında hidrokarbon ayrışım mikrokozmosları kurulmuştur. Mikrokosmaslardaki nutrient seviyelerinin doğal seviyelerden başlanarak giderek arttırılması, hidrokarbon ayrıştırma aktivitesinde ~9× artışla sonuçlanmıştır. Sedimentlerin doğal hidrokarbon içeriklerinin tümü bu şekilde giderilebilmiştir. Sedimentler bir çok farklı aromatik (18 farklı 1-5 halka aromatikler) ve alifatik (n-C9-31 alkanlar ve asiklik isoprenoidler) hidrokarbonları ayrıştırabilmiştir. Mikrokozmoslarda metanojenesis ve dissimilatif sülfat indirgenmesi prosesleri hidrokarbonların ayrıştırımasında rol almıştır. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma Haliç Körfezi’ndeki yoğun ve kronik kirliliğin, sediment organizmalarının aktivitelerinin nutrient takviyesi ile arttırılması yoluyla giderilebilmesinin mümkün olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu çalışmanın çıktıları, daha az maliyet ve insan müdahalesi gerektiren biyoıslah uygulamalarının dünya çapında uygulanmaya başlanmasına öncülük edecek niteliktedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Petrol hidrokarbonları, deniz kirliliği, biyoıslah, Haliç Körfezi.Anoxic Halic Bay sediments have been extremely polluted with petroleum hydrocarbons, and N and P are limited in the sediment porewaters for biological activity. These raised the question that hydrocarbon degradation activity of Halic Bay sediments can be increased by N-P amendment under anaerobic conditions to overcome the pollution. In this study, anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation microcosms were set up to increase activity of Halic Bay sediments by gradually decreasing the natural TOC/N/P ratio of the sediment porewaters to the unlimited nutrient conditions. Microcosms were set up in an anaerobic cabinet with a regulated atmosphere of nitrogen. Each microcosm was fed with a defined substrate mix consisting of 31 different hydrocarbon types. Two control microcosms were included: (1) hydrocarbon mix was not added to determine the extent of anaerobic degradation on natural hydrocarbon content of the sediments; (2) NaN3 treatment was applied to suppress microbial activity. The anaerobic microcosms were incubated for 224 days. Decreasing the natural TOC/N/P ratio of the sediment porewater (1000/5/1) to 1000/40/6 resulted in ~9× increase in gas production (CH4+CO2) and hydrocarbon removal. Addition of external hydrocarbons to the microcosms was also resulted in ~2× higher gas production and hydrocarbon removal. A high proportion (92 %) of aromatic hydrocarbons and all n-alkanes were removed from the microcosms under unlimited nutrient supply conditions without external hydrocarbon addition. The sediment microorganisms degraded wide range of aliphatic (n-C9-31 alkanes and acyclic isoprenoids) and aromatic (18 different 1-5 ring aromatics) hydrocarbons. The anaerobic degradation hierarchy of hydrocarbons was as follows: the most easily degradable n-alkanes, followed by more resistant branched acyclic and monocyclic hydrocarbons, the most resistant polycyclic steroidal and triterpenoidal hydrocarbons, and aromatic hydrocarbons. Monitoring functional gene and transcript abundances revealed that methanogenesis and dissimilatory sulfate reduction took place simultaneously during the first 126 days, afterwards, only the syntrophic methanogenic consortium was active. Microbial activity and abundance were very high and related to the C removal all through the incubation period. Archaea abundance increases were ~1.5× higher than those of Bacteria. 74 and 67 % of the total C removal occurred between the days 126 and 168 during which period microbial activity levels increased 6-8×. Overall microbiological results implied that C removal in this period can be attributable to activities of syntrophic consortium of fermentative bacteria and methanogens. In this study, we obtained anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation rates (700 ug/gSediment.L.day) as fast as enrichment cultures' rates. Although the obtained rates were comparable to the aerobic ones, they are still much lower than the aerobic hydrocarbon degradation rates. On the other hand, an aerobic bioremediation strategy is unfeasible for Halic Bay since oxygen penetration into the anoxic sediments is poor and oxygen mass transfer enhancement by mechanical means is inappropriate for the inaccessible sediments. Under these conditions anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation is the only alternative. In summary, we have obtained three lines of evidence for demonstrating anaerobic bioremediation feasibility of petroleum HC pollution in Halic Bay sediments: (1) the anaerobic hydrocarbon degrading microbiota was highly abundant in the sediments; (2) anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation was taking place in the sediments; (3) the sediments were able to degrade wide range of hydrocarbons under anaerobic conditions; (4) high anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation rates were achieved via biostimulation of the sediments through nutrient amendment. We are now making the preliminary preparations to carry out a field-scale bioremediation trial to remove the accumulated hydrocarbons from the subsurface of Halic Bay through biostimulation of the sediments. Success of this trial will certainly lead to less human intervened and more economical field-scale bioremediation applications for over polluted anoxic marine environments worldwide. Keywords: Petroleum hydrocarbons, marine pollution, bioremediation, Haliç Bay.

    Rus Savaş Uçağının Düşürülmesi İle İlgili Yayınlanan Haberlerde Söylem Ve İdeoloji

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    Çok eskiye dayanan Türkiye-Rusya ilişkileri zaman zaman kesintiye uğramış olsa da bu iki ülke uzun süreli bir iş birliğini arzu etmiştir. Ancak son dönemlerde yaşanan bazı olaylar Türk-Rus ilişkilerinin iyice gerilmesine sebep olmuştur. Önce 22 Haziran 2012’de Türkiye’ye ait bir F-4 uçağının Suriye tarafından düşürülmesi ilişkileri yaralamış, daha sonra ise 24 Kasım 2015’te Rusya’ya ait SU-24 uçağının Türkiye tarafından düşürülmesi iki ülke arasındaki bağları tamamen koparmıştı. Bu olayların ardından her iki ülkede hem siyasi hem de toplumsal anlamda önemli gelişmeler yaşanmış, mikro ve makro düzeyde birtakım kararlar alınmıştı. Alınan kararlara ilişkin siyasal ve toplumsal tepkinin yansımasını ise her iki ülke basınında görmek mümkündü. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Rus SU-24 uçağının Türkiye tarafından düşürülmesiyle ilgili haberlerin; Rus ve Türk ulusal basınında ne şekilde yer aldığını ya da olayı nasıl bir çerçeveye oturttuklarını belirlemeye çalışmaktır. Çalışmada, haber söyleminin kurulmasında habercilerin nasıl bir dil kullandıklarının çözümlenmesi yapılmaya çalışılmıştır

    Kamu girişimcilerinin kişilik özelliklerini belirlemeye yönelik uygulamalı bir çalışma

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    Kamu girişimciliği kamusal sorunların çözümünde kullanılan insan gücü ve maddi kaynakların kullanımında ve yönetiminde daha etkin bir yöntem olarak benimsenmektedir. Kamu girişimciliği, kamu örgütlerinin tüketici istek ve ihtiyaçlarına daha kaliteli ve hızlı cevap verecek şekilde yeniden tasarlanmasını, daha az bürokrasiyi, daha fazla esnekli- ği, daha fazla rekabetçi anlayışı, daha fazla yenilikçiliği ve girişimciliği sağlayarak etkinliği artırmaktadır. Kişilik ise, insanın fiziksel ve sosyal çevresiyle olan etkileşimini ortaya koyan duygu, düşünce ve davranışlarının ayırt edici birleşimidir. Kişiliğin oluşumunda çevre ve kalıtımın etkisi net olarak ifade edilmekte ve kişilik çevre ve genetik faktörlerin sentezi şeklinde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı kamu girişimciliğini belirleyen kişilik özelliklerinin tespit edilmesidir. Çalış-ma iki kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Birinci kısımda kaynak taramasına dayalı kuramsal çerçevenin oluşturulmasının ardından ikinci kısımda ise yapılan alan araştırması sonuçları yer almaktadır. Araştırma Kamu İktisadi Teşekküllerinde görevli 235 kamu girişimcisi üzerinde uygulanan anket formlarından geçerli sayılan 144 adedinden elde edilen bilgiler SPSS İstatistik Paket Programı ile analiz edilmiş ve sonuç itibariyle kişiliğin kamu girişimciliği üzerinde etkili olduğu ve sorumluluk kişilik özelliğinin kamu girişimcilerinde baskın kişilik özelliği olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar itibariyle çalışmanın hipotezleri kısmen doğrulanmıştı