51 research outputs found


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    This study evaluated the nutritional status and dietary aspects of Down Syndrome (SD), between 5 and 18 years, linked to the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional of Presidente Prudente. The sample consisted of 15 SD patients, and anthropometric measurements (weight and height) were used to assess the nutritional status and the percentage of body fat (%Fat) was verified through bioimpedance. A food frequency questionnaire was used to evaluate dietary habits. A high prevalence of overweight and high %Fat was observed. Body weight and% G were higher in individuals with frequent consumption of high fat and carbohydrate foods, as well as lower in those with frequent consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables. It is concluded that the obesity of syndromic children and adolescents is not only related to the chromosomal alteration, but also to the alimentary habits they may have.Este estudo avaliou o estado nutricional e aspectos dietéticos de portadores de Síndrome de Down (SD), entre 5 e 18 anos, vinculados a Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais de Presidente Prudente. A amostra foi composta por 15 portadores de SD, sendo que para avaliação do estado nutricional realizou-se medidas antropométricas (peso e altura) e verificou-se o percentual de gordura corporal (%G) através da bioimpedância. Para avaliação de hábitos alimentares foi aplicado um questionário de frequência alimentar. Observou-se uma alta prevalência de excesso de peso e %G elevado. O peso corporal e %G foi maior nos indivíduos com consumo frequente de alimentos ricos em gordura e carboidrato, bem como menor, naqueles com consumo frequente de frutas, verduras e legumes. Conclui-se que a obesidade das crianças e adolescentes sindrômicas não está somente relacionada à alteração cromossômica, mas também ao hábito alimentar que os mesmos podem possuir

    Translating proteomic into functional data: An high mobility group A1 (HMGA1) proteomic signature has prognostic value in breast cancer

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    Cancer is a very heterogeneous disease, and biological variability adds a further level of complexity, thus limiting the ability to identify new genes involved in cancer development. Oncogenes whose expression levels control cell aggressiveness are very useful for developing cellular models that permit differential expression screenings in isogenic contexts. HMGA1 protein has this unique property because it is a master regulator in breast cancer cells that control the transition from a nontumorigenic epithelial-like phenotype toward a highly aggressive mesenchymal-like one. The proteins extracted from HMGA1-silenced and control MDA-MB-231 cells were analyzed using label-free shotgun mass spectrometry. The differentially expressed proteins were cross-referenced with DNA microarray data obtained using the same cellular model and the overlapping genes were filtered for factors linked to poor prognosis in breast cancer gene expression meta-data sets, resulting in an HMGA1 protein signature composed of 21 members (HRS, HMGA1 reduced signature). This signature had a prognostic value (overall survival, relapse-free survival, and distant metastasis-free survival) in breast cancer. qRT-PCR, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry analyses validated the link of three members of this signature (KIFC1, LRRC59, and TRIP13) with HMGA1 expression levels both in vitro and in vivo and wound healing assays demonstrated that these three proteins are involved in modulating tumor cell motility. Combining proteomic and genomic data with the aid of bioinformatic tools, our results highlight the potential involvement in neoplastic transformation of a restricted list of factors with an as-yet-unexplored role in cancer. These factors are druggable targets that could be exploited for the development of new, targeted therapeutic approaches in triple-negative breast cancer

    SAXS Studies on Ionomers and Polymer-Amphiphile Complexes

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    Wybrane wydarzenia w historii medycyny, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zagadnień związanych z rakiem Część 2 Od Wesaliusza (1514–1564) do Johna Huntera (1728–1793)

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    Niniejsze zestawienie chronologiczne stanowi wybór znaczących wydarzeń w historii medycyny, bezpośrednio lubpośrednio związanych z chorobami nowotworowymi. Przyczynkiem do powstania tego zestawienia był fakt, żeukazało się dotychczas stosunkowo niewiele zestawień chronologicznych dotyczących historii onkologii, a spośródtych opublikowanych wiele nie ma przywołanych źródeł i nie przytacza lat życia lekarzy, chirurgów i badaczy. Autorma zatem nadzieję, że poniższy, uporządkowany w czasie i opatrzony wykazem piśmiennictwa, wybór wydarzeńi postaci będzie szczególnie pomocny dla wszystkich, którzy bardziej szczegółowo piszą o historii medycyny, a o historiionkologii w szczególności

    The impact of occupation on workers' health: I - Morbidity

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    Realizou-se revisão bibliográfica crítica, com o propósito de estimar o impacto dos efeitos da ocupação sobre a morbidade de trabalhadores para, a partir de tal exercício, inferir as implicações sobre o setor saúde. As repercussões sobre a morbidade foram medidas através dos dados sobre acidentes do trabalho, intoxicações agudas profissionais e doenças profissionais. Foram ainda incluídas outras "doenças relacionadas com o trabalho", exemplificadas com a hipertensão arterial, doenças respiratórias crônicas, doenças do aparelho locomotor, distúrbios mentais e estresse.A review is made to estimate the impact of occupation on workers' health, as part of the rationale with regard to the integration of Occupational Health into the Health Sector. In this first study, based on a critical review of the literature, the repercussions on morbidity are discussed, through the analysis of Brazilian data on occupational accidents, acute occupational intoxications, occupational diseases and other "work-related diseases" such as cardiovascular diseases (hypertension being taken as a model), chronic respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, (low-back pain serving as a paradigm) mental disorders and stress

    Prävalenz der peripheren arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit bei Patienten mit akutem Schlaganfall

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    There are only limited data on the association of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and stroke. The present analysis aimed to provide information on the prevalence of PAD in acute stroke patients. Moreover, risk factors that were associated with PAD were analyzed in a prospective cohort of acute stroke patients. Of altogether 359 analyzed patients, there were 309 stroke patients (80 TIA, 187 ischemic, and 42 hemorrhagic strokes) and 50 non-stroke controls. There were no significant differences in baseline demographic and clinical parameters among the three groups of stroke patients. The prevalence of PAD in the control group was 14% (7/50). There was a trend towards a higher prevalence of PAD in stroke patients [χ2 test: p=0.099; prevalence PAD: TIA: 16.25% (13/80), ischemic stroke: 28.34% (53/187), hemorrhagic stroke: 21.43% (9/42)]. Within all stroke patients those with permanent ischemic injury showed a significant higher rate of PAD as compared to TIA, and controls, respectively (for both: p=0.038). There was no significant difference between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients, and no differences between controls, TIA, and ICH patients, respectively. For stroke patients, the logistic multivariate regression analysis identified age, arterial hypertension, current or former smoker, and history of cardiovascular events to be significantly associated with presence of PAD. Furthermore, patients with PAD showed significantly more often stenosis of the carotid artery, which is one of the etiologies of stroke. This study represents the first systematic investigation of the prevalence of PAD in stroke. PAD is more common in stroke than in matched non-stroke patients. Ischemic stroke patients suffer from PAD more frequently, compared to patients admitted for TIA and ICH. These findings address the importance of a modification of primary and secondary prevention of these vascular high risk patients. Patients with newly diagnosed PAD should undergo carotid sonography, and patients with PAD might benefit from different post-stroke pharmacological treatment.Es existieren nur wenige Informationen zur Assoziation von Schlaganfall und peripherer arterieller Verschlusskrankheit (pAVK). Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war einerseits die systematische Erfassung der Prävalenz der pAVK in einer prospektiven Kohorte an akuten Schlaganfallpatienten, sowie andererseits die Identifizierung der - mit dem Vorliegen einer pAVK verbundenen - Risikofaktoren dieser Patienten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Analyse von 309 Schlaganfallpatienten (Subgruppen: transitorische ischämische Attacke [TIA; n=80], Ischämien [n=187] und Hämorrhagien [ICB; n=42]) und der 50 nach Alter und Geschlecht abgeglichenen Kontrollpatienten beschrieben. Die demografischen und klinischen Basisparameter der drei Schlaganfallsubgruppen unterschieden sich nicht signifikant. Die Prävalenz der pAVK in der Kontrollgruppe war 14% (7/50), bei TIA 16,25% (13/80), bei ischämischen Schlaganfällen 28,34% (53/187) und bei Blutungen 21,43% (9/42). Hier zeigte sich bereits ein statistischer Trend fĂĽr die Gruppe aller Schlaganfälle gegenĂĽber der Kontrollgruppe (χ2 test: p=0,099). Die Patientengruppe mit ischämischen Schlaganfall wies im Vergleich zu den anderen Schlaganfalltypen eine signifikant höhere Prävalenz der pAVK auf (χ2-Test: jeweils p=0,038). Es konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede von hämorrhagischen Schlaganfällen vs. TIA, vs. Ischämie und vs. Kontrollgruppe gezeigt werden. Interessanterweise war der Nachweis einer Karotisstenose (einer der Hauptursachen fĂĽr Schlaganfälle) signifikant mit dem Vorliegen einer pAVK assoziiert. In der multivariaten logistischen Regressionsanalyse konnte fĂĽr die akuten Schlaganfallpatienten nachgewiesen werden, dass die Parameter Alter, arterielle Hypertonie, aktueller oder vergangener Zigarettenkonsum und bereits stattgehabtes kardiovaskuläres Ereignis prädisponierende Faktoren fĂĽr das gleichzeitige Vorliegen einer pAVK sind. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse stellen die erste systematische Erfassung der Prävalenz der pAVK bei Schlaganfallpatienten dar. Sowohl das häufigere Vorkommen einer pAVK bei Schlaganfallpatienten im Vergleich zur Normalbevölkerung als auch die höhere Prävalenz der pAVK bei den Ischämiepatienten im Vergleich zur TIA und ICB, haben unmittelbare Relevanz fĂĽr die Patientenversorgung. Dies betrifft die Primärprävention (Untersuchung auf etwaige Karotisstenosen) und die modifizierte medikamentöse Sekundärprävention nach stattgehabtem ischämischem Schlaganfall
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