478 research outputs found

    Housewives and Virtual Market Shop during the Coronavirus Pandemic: Insight from Women's Empowerment Process

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    Covid-19 pandemic, the coronavirus disease, has negatively impacted the economy, especially for underprivileged individuals and informal sector workers that lost their jobs due to strict government policies. Consequently, they have encountered difficulties in making ends meet for their families. This research aims to describe the efforts made by housewives and their impact on supporting life needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. To respond to this question, the analysis uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. So that, this study shows that the several efforts do homemakers for building virtual markets, optimizing skills, and creating businesses for cooperating parties. It is for the income problem of insufficient capital and avoids a loss. Moreover, those efforts have an impact on creating self-employment opportunities and on the sustainability of family income

    From Traditional Trade to E-Commerce: Case Analysis on Empowerment of Conventional Market Traders in Yogyakarta

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    Conventional markets have increasingly marginalized in the modernization era from consumers, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, and have affected the decreasing traders' income. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the efforts to empower conventional market traders in increasing their income through the development of an e-commerce transaction system. A qualitative approach was used with data collection techniques, such as interviews and observations, while the data were analyzed by interactive technique. According to the results, the development of an e-commerce transaction system in conventional markets was conducted with a strategy of assessing market potential, socializing e-commerce concepts, and training on website management. At the implementation level, two factors behind the success of this program were the role of universities and financial support from the local government. Furthermore, the inhibiting factors include the social motivation of consumers in shopping and the cost of shipping goods. The efforts to develop an e-commerce transaction system was ineffective in increasing traders' income, while the loyalty of consumers who continue to shop at the market can contribute to the increase in income

    Housewives and Virtual Market Shop during the Coronavirus Pandemic: Insight from Women's Empowerment Process

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    Covid-19 pandemic, the coronavirus disease, has negatively impacted the economy, especially for underprivileged individuals and informal sector workers that lost their jobs due to strict government policies. Consequently, they have encountered difficulties in making ends meet for their families. This research aims to describe the efforts made by housewives and their impact on supporting life needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. To respond to this question, the analysis uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. So that, this study shows that the several efforts do homemakers for building virtual markets, optimizing skills, and creating businesses for cooperating parties. It is for the income problem of insufficient capital and avoids a loss. Moreover, those efforts have an impact on creating self-employment opportunities and on the sustainability of family income


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    Orientalism refers to studies conducted by western scholars on Islamic literatures which are considered closer to eastern habitants in term of the language used, literatures, civilization, culture, histories, set of beliefs, and the regulation. Anyway, the studies conducted by the orientalists, as a matter of fact, do not merely set targets as suspected by the majority of Moslems. To sort, the targets set by the orientalists in conducting their studies are classified into five: religion, colonialism, politic, science and technology, and economy. Joseph Shacht belongs to prominent figure of orientalist whose interest is in Hadits study. His study gives big impact on Islamic law. He mentionsb that Islamic law is not the product of theology and yurisdiction, but the product of history and sociology. His conclusion gives effect on the source of Islamic law. He views that Islamic law does not come from the God but totally the evolutional product of history and sociology. The validity of his conclusion is being questioned and criticized by Fazlurrahman. Although Joseph Shacht neglects the existence of Hadits in the hierarchy of Islamic law, his big contribution is that he has introduced the Islamic law to the secular western people.Keywords: Orientalism, Joseph Shacht, Five Targets, Historical, Sociologica


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    In this paper, a new powerful method in artificial neural networks, called modular network SOM (mnSOM) is introduced. mnSOM is a generalization of  Self Organizing Maps (SOM) formed by replacing each vector unit of SOM with function module. The modular function could be a multi layer perceptron, a recurrent neural network or even SOM itself. Having this flexibility, mnSOM becomes a new powerful tool in artificial neural network


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    Abstrak: Islam sebagai agama universal harus tampil elegan dalam mengurai permasalahan kehidupan manusia. Meskipun ia hadir sebagai blue print dari Tuhan, kehadirannya tidak bisa lepas dari budaya. Meskipun kehadiran budaya sebagai sesuatu yang berada di luar blue print Tuhan, keberadaan budaya kerap kali memengaruhi diundangkannya suatu ketentuan hukum Dalam masalah mu’âmalah (ekonomi syari’ah) misalnya, asuransi yang merupakan hasil karya manusia harus direspon secara positif karena tidak ada larangan terhadapnya dan ia sejalan dengan prinsip universal ajaran  Islam, yakni saling menolong, saling melindungi, dan saling menanggung. Karena itu, memasukkan asuransi sebagai entry dalam ensiklopedi Islam merupakan keharusan, karena dalam Islam adat juga dapat digunakan sebagai sumber hukum Islam. Pertimbangan ini dikuatkan dengan adanya kemaslahatan yang ada di dalam asuransi itu sendiri bagi umat Islam. Meskipun tidak bisa dipungkiri adanya tarik ulur tentang halal atau tidaknya asuransi masih mewarnai ijtihad para ulama yang mempunyai otoritas tentang masalah itu, namun seyogyanya yang perlu dipertimbangkan juga adalah adanya sentimen positif dari masyarakat tentang keberadaan asuransi syari’ah dengan pertumbuhannya dari tahun ketahun yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang sangat fantastis. Abstract: As a universal religion, Islam should appears elegantly in describing social problems. Islam as a norms are the blue print of God, however, its implementation is not free from the influence of culture, as the out sider of God blue print. Culture often influences the enactment of Islamic legal provision. In case of mu’âmalah (Islamic economy), insurance for instant, is a man made system of economy that should be regarded positively since there is no prohibition on it  and it is in accordance with the universal Islamic teaching; helping each other, guarding one another and taking risk together. Therefore, taking it as an entry in Islamic encyclopedia is a must since culture, in some cases, is regarded as a source of Islamic law. This attempt is conducted by considering the advantage of insurance for muslims even though there is still a dispute about such matter among ulama. However, the fact is there is a positive response from people about the existence sharia insurance which is proved by the fantastic development of such kind of insurance from year to year. Kata Kunci: Asuransi, budaya, syari’ah, âqila

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Kharismatik Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Jasa Mutu Mineral Indonesia Cabang Samarinda

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    Tujuan Studi: Untuk Mengetahuiadanya pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Kharismatik Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Jasa Mutu Mineral Indonesia Cabang Samarinda Metodologi: Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Kualitatif dengan aplikasi SPSS24 dengan Uji Validitas, Uji Reliabilitas, Uji AnalisisRegresi Linier Sederhana, dan Uji T. Hasil: Menurut ouput penulisan serta analisa data yang didapat terhadap “Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Kharismatik Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Jasa Mutu Mineral Indonesia”, yaitu diperoleh adanya pengaruh  yang signifikan antara Gaya Kepemimpinan Kharismatik Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Manfaat: Hasil Penelitian ini dapat memberikan masukan yang mungkin bermanfaat bagi perusahaan mengenai pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan  kharismatik terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan. &nbsp

    Internalisasi Sifat Wara’ dalam Konsumsi Makanan Halal (Telaah Teori Konstruksi Sosial Peter L. Berger)

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    This paper will reveal the Sufistic dimensions implicit in the government's discourse in enforcing the obligation of halal certification for food products, beverages, slaughtered animals, and slaughter services in 2024. To analyze this paper, the author uses a critical discourse analysis approach by utilizing the theory of Peter L. Berger. The results of the discussion, it can be concluded that in order to create sustainability in the existence of the government discourse, it is necessary to apply three points of Berger's thinking (Externalization, Objectivity, and Internalization) in order to reveal the implied meaning in the discourse. So that the obedience of each individual is not just obeying the rules of the state but is able to absorb the philosophy behind the discourse and make it the subjective consciousness of the individual

    Company bankruptcy prediction framework based on the most influential features using XGBoost and stacking ensemble learning

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    Company bankruptcy is often a very big problem for companies. The impact of bankruptcy can cause losses to elements of the company such as owners, investors, employees, and consumers. One way to prevent bankruptcy is to predict the possibility of bankruptcy based on the company's financial data. Therefore, this study aims to find the best predictive model or method to predict company bankruptcy using the dataset from Polish companies bankruptcy. The prediction analysis process uses the best feature selection and ensemble learning. The best feature selection is selected using feature importance to XGBoost with a weight value filter of 10. The ensemble learning method used is stacking. Stacking is composed of the base model and meta learner. The base model consists of K-nearest neighbor, decision tree, SVM, and random forest, while the meta learner used is LightGBM. The stacking model accuracy results can outperform the base model accuracy with an accuracy rate of 97%
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