51 research outputs found

    Metagenomic characterization reveals virus coinfections associated with Newcastle disease virus among poultry in Kenya

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    Newcastle disease (ND) is an endemic viral disease affecting poultry and causing massive economic losses. This cross-sectional purposive study detected coinfections that are associated with the Newcastle disease virus among poultry from selected regions in Kenya. Cloacal (n = 599) and oral-pharyngeal (n = 435) swab samples were collected and pooled into 17 and 15 samples, respectively. A total of 17,034,948 and 7,751,974 paired-end reads with an average of 200 nucleotides were generated from the cloacal and oral-pharyngeal swab samples, respectively. Analysis of the de novo assembled contigs identified 177 and 18 cloacal and oral-pharyngeal contigs, respectively with hits to viral sequences, as determined by BLASTx and BLASTn analyses. Several known and unknown representatives of Coronaviridae, Picobirnaviridae, Reoviridae, Retroviridae, and unclassified Deltavirus were identified in the cloacal swab samples. However, no Newcastle disease virus (family Paramyxoviridae) was detected in the cloacal swabs, although they were detected in the oropharyngeal swabs of chickens sampled in Nairobi, Busia, and Trans Nzoia. Additionally, sequences representative of Paramyxoviridae, Coronaviridae, and Retroviridae were identified in the oral-pharyngeal swab samples. Infectious bronchitis virus and rotavirus were chickens' most prevalent coinfections associated with the Newcastle disease virus. The detection of these coinfections suggests that these viruses are significant threats to the control of Newcastle disease as the Newcastle disease virus vaccines are known to fail because of these coinfections. Therefore, this study provides important information that will help improve disease diagnosis and vaccine development for coinfections associated with the Newcastle disease virus

    Применение метода многокритериального анализа принятия решений (MCDA) для разработки инструмента оценки уровня терапевтической ценности (инновационности) оригинальных лекарственных препаратов

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    Among the most important aspects of the health policy are the methods for pricing of medicines, especially of innovative medicines. In many countries, the “therapeutic value” of a medicine is commonly used as a major criterion in negotiations on medicine prices. The existing tools for assessing the therapeutic value of medicines are not used in the Russian Federation. Here we propose a method for estimating the therapeutic value of innovative medicines based on the multi-criterial analysis.Одним из наиболее актуальных вопросов в области политики здравоохранения являются методы ценового регулирования лекарственных препаратов (ЛП) и, в первую очередь, инновационных ЛП. Во многих странах в качестве аргумента для обоснования цен на ЛП используется оценка уровня терапевтической ценности ЛП. Поскольку ни один из существующих инструментов оценки терапевтической ценности ЛП не может быть использован в условиях РФ, нами были предложены подходы и разработан набор критериев для оценки терапевтической ценности инновационных ЛП на основе методологии многокритериального анализа


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    The absence of an ideal medicine for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes, that would be able to provide not only high quality and constant monitoring of glycemia without increasing body weight, with no risk of hypoglycemia, with no negative impact on the heart, kidneys, liver, but could also ensure the preservation of the secretory function of β-cells, makes scientists continue to search for new opportunities to influence the occurrence and progression of T2D.Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) are the two primary incretin hormones secreted from the intestine on ingestion of glucose or nutrients to stimulate insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells. Within the pancreas, GIP and GLP-1 together promote β-cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis, thereby expanding pancreatic β-cell mass, while GIP enhances postprandial glucagon response and GLP-1 suppresses it. In adipose tissues, GIP but not GLP-1 facilitates fat deposition. In bone, GIP promotes bone formation while GLP-1 inhibits bone absorption. In the brain, both GIP and GLP-1 are thought to be involved in memory formation as well as the control of appetite. In addition to these differences, secretion of GIP and GLP-1 and their insulinotropic effects on β-cells have been shown to differ in patients with type 2 diabetes compared to healthy subjects.Enteroinsulin hormones' role in the development of gestational disorder of carbohydrate metabolism is poorly understood.In a review article we analyze the publications that summarize what is known about the pancreatic and extra-pancreatic GIP and GLP-1-effects compared with healthy subjects and type 2 diabetes patients. The aspects of gestational diabetes pathophysiology and the perspectives for studying enteroinsulin hormonal system during pregnancy are also discussed in the article.Отсутствие идеального препарата для лечения больных сахарным диабетом 2-го типа (СД-2), который сможет обеспечить не только качественный и постоянный контроль уровня гликемии без увеличения массы тела, риска развития гипогликемии, негативного влияния на сердце, почки, печень, но и обеспечит сохранение секреторной функции β-клеток, заставляет ученых продолжать поиски новых возможностей воздействия на причину возникновения и прогрессирования такой болезни, как СД-2. В поисках оптимального метода лечения СД-2 научные исследования были направлены на изучение принципиально нового механизма регуляции гомеостаза глюкозы посредством гормонов желудочно-кишечного тракта, называемых инкретинами.Гастроингибирующий пептид (ГИП) и глюкагоноподобный пептид-1 (ГПП-1) – два основных инкретина, вырабатываемых в кишечнике в ответ на поступление глюкозы или других нутриентов и стимулирующих секрецию инсулина β-клетками поджелудочной железы. Помимо инсулинотропных эффектов ГИП и ГПП-1 участвуют во многих биологических процессах, протекающих в различных тканях и органах, где представлены рецепторы ГИП и ГПП-1: в поджелудочной железе, жировой ткани, костной ткани и головном мозге. В поджелудочной железе ГИП и ГПП-1 стимулируют пролиферацию β-клеток и ингибируют их апоптоз, ГИП стимулирует выработку глюкагона в постпрандиальном периоде, тогда как ГПП-1 ее угнетает. ГИП способствует отложению жировой ткани, а также стимулирует костеобразование, в то время как ГПП-1 ингибирует резорбцию кости. В центральной нервной системе ГИП и ГПП-1 вовлечены в процессы формирования памяти и контроль аппетита. Секреция ГИП и ГПП-1 и их инсулинотропные эффекты различаются у больных СД 2-го типа в сравнении со здоровыми людьми.Наименее изучена роль энтероинсулярных гормонов в развитии гестационных нарушений углеводного обмена.В обзорной статье приведен анализ публикаций, обобщающий известные данные о панкреатических и экстрапанкреатических эффектах ГИП и ГПП-1 в сравнении у здоровых лиц и пациентов с СД-2. Также рассмотрены аспекты патофизиологии гестационного диабета и перспективы изучения энтероинсулярных гормонов у беременных женщин

    Reconstruction of Endometrium from Human Endometrial Side Population Cell Lines

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    Endometrial regeneration is mediated, at least in part, by the existence of a specialized somatic stem cell (SSC) population recently identified by several groups using the side population (SP) technique. We previously demonstrated that endometrial SP displays genotypic, phenotypic and the functional capability to develop human endometrium after subcutaneous injection in NOD-SCID mice. We have now established seven human endometrial SP (hESP) cell lines (ICE 1–7): four from the epithelial and three from the stromal fraction, respectively. SP cell lines were generated under hypoxic conditions based on their cloning efficiency ability, cultured for 12–15 passages (20 weeks) and cryopreserved. Cell lines displayed normal 46XX karyotype, intermediate telomerase activity pattern and expressed mRNAs encoding proteins that are considered characteristic of undifferentiated cells (Oct-4, GDF3, DNMT3B, Nanog, GABR3) and those of mesodermal origin (WT1, Cardiac Actin, Enolase, Globin, REN). Phenotype analysis corroborated their epithelial (CD9+) or stromal (vimentin+) cell origin and mesenchymal (CD90+, CD73+ and CD45−) attributes. Markers considered characteristic of ectoderm or endoderm were not detected. Cells did not express either estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) or progesterone receptor (PR). The hESP cell lines were able to differentiate in vitro into adipocytes and osteocytes, which confirmed their mesenchymal origin. Finally, we demonstrated their ability to generate human endometrium when transplanted beneath the renal capsule of NOD-SCID mice. These findings confirm that SP cells exhibit key features of human endometrial SSC and open up new possibilities for the understanding of gynecological disorders such as endometriosis or Asherman syndrome. Our cell lines can be a valuable model to investigate new targets for endometrium proliferation in endometriosis

    Концепция ценностноориентированного здравоохранения

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    This article contains the aims and main principles of the concept of value-based healthcare (VBHC). The relevance of the implementation of this approach into the Russian healthcare system results from the fact that during the control and payment for medical care, the treatment outcomes are evaluated selectively and at separate stages. The medical care payment system considers only its volumes and not achieving the desired treatment outcome significant to a patient. A review of the world’s best practices of introducing VBHC conception and, also new medical care payment methods such as bundled payment and pay-for-performance (P4P) has been conducted. According to international experience, VBHC increases the quality of medical care and provides the optimization of costs. To implement VBHC model in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to ensure the informatization of the providing medical care, development, and improvement of medical quality control systems (development of the resulting criteria for medical care quality for all diseases), and introduction of the rating system for medical organizations. Provided these processes are ensured, further progressing to P4P is possible. Moreover, it would also be feasible to implement VBHC in other healthcare processes including procurement of drugs and medical devices, their pricing, and reimbursement.В статье описаны цели и основные принципы концепции ценностно-ориентированного здравоохранения (ЦОЗ). Актуальность внедрения данного подхода в систему здравоохранения РФ обусловлена тем, что при контроле и оплате медицинской помощи оценка результатов лечения осуществляется выборочно и на отдельных этапах. Система оплаты медицинской помощи учитывает лишь ее объемы, а не достижение значимого для пациента результата лечения. Проведен обзор зарубежного опыта по внедрению концепции ЦОЗ, а также новых методов оплаты медицинской помощи, таких как «пакетное финансирование» и «оплата за результат». Согласно международному опыту, внедрение ценностно-ориентированного подхода позволяет повысить качество медицинской помощи и оптимизировать расходы. Для осуществления перехода в РФ на ценностно-ориентированную модель необходимо обеспечение информатизации медицинского процесса, развитие и совершенствование системы контроля качества медицинской помощи (разработка результирующих критериев качества медицинской помощи для всех заболеваний) и внедрение рейтингования медицинских организаций. При условии наличия этих составляющих возможен дальнейший переход на P4P при оплате медицинской помощи. Целесообразно внедрение принципов ЦОЗ и в другие процессы в здравоохранении, в частности в закупку лекарственных препаратов и медицинских изделий, в процесс их ценообразования и возмещения стоимости

    Therapeutic potential of transplanted placental mesenchymal stem cells in treating Chinese miniature pigs with acute liver failure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stem cell-based therapy to treat liver diseases is a focus of current research worldwide. So far, most such studies depend on rodent hepatic failure models. The purpose of this study was to isolate mesenchymal stem cells from human placenta (hPMSCs) and determine their therapeutic potential for treating Chinese experimental miniature pigs with acute liver failure (ALF).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>hPMSCs were isolated and analyzed for their purity and differentiation potential before being employed as the donor cells for transplantation. ALF models of Chinese experimental miniature pigs were established and divided into four groups: no cell transplantation; hPMSCs transplantation via the jugular vein; X-ray-treated hPMSCs transplantation via the portal vein; and hPMSCs transplantation via the portal vein. The restoration of biological functions of the livers receiving transplantation was assessed via a variety of approaches such as mortality rate determination, serum biochemical analysis, and histological, immunohistochemical, and genetic analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>hPMSCs expressed high levels of CD29, CD73, CD13, and CD90, had adipogenic, osteogenic, and hepatic differentiation potential. They improved liver functions <it>in vivo </it>after transplantation into the D-galactosamine-injured pig livers as evidenced by the fact that ALT, AST, ALP, CHE, TBIL, and TBA concentrations returned to normal levels in recipient ALF pigs. Meanwhile, histological data revealed that transplantation of hPMSCs via the portal vein reduced liver inflammation, decreased hepatic denaturation and necrosis, and promoted liver regeneration. These ameliorations were not found in the other three groups. The result of 7-day survival rates suggested that hPMSCs transplantation via the portal vein was able to significantly prolong the survival of ALF pigs compared with the other three groups. Histochemistry and RT-PCR results confirmed the presence of transplanted human cells in recipient pig livers (Groups III, IV).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data revealed that hPMSCs could not only differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>, but could also prolong the survival time of ALF pigs. Regarding the transplantation pathways, the left branch of the portal vein inside the liver was superior to the jugular vein pathway. Thus, hPMSCs transplantation through the portal vein by B-ultrasonography may represent a superior approach for treating liver diseases.</p

    It is time to define an organizational model for the prevention and management of infections along the surgical pathway: a worldwide cross-sectional survey

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    Background: The objectives of the study were to investigate the organizational characteristics of acute care facilities worldwide in preventing and managing infections in surgery; assess participants’ perception regarding infection prevention and control (IPC) measures, antibiotic prescribing practices, and source control; describe awareness about the global burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and IPC measures; and determine the role of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic on said awareness. Methods: A cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted contacting 1432 health care workers (HCWs) belonging to a mailing list provided by the Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery. The self-administered questionnaire was developed by a multidisciplinary team. The survey was open from May 22, 2021, and June 22, 2021. Three reminders were sent, after 7, 14, and 21&nbsp;days. Results: Three hundred four respondents from 72 countries returned a questionnaire, with an overall response rate of 21.2%. Respectively, 90.4% and 68.8% of participants stated their hospital had a multidisciplinary IPC team or a multidisciplinary antimicrobial stewardship team. Local protocols for antimicrobial therapy of surgical infections and protocols for surgical antibiotic prophylaxis were present in 76.6% and 90.8% of hospitals, respectively. In 23.4% and 24.0% of hospitals no surveillance systems for surgical site infections and no monitoring systems of used antimicrobials were implemented. Patient and family involvement in IPC management was considered to be slightly or not important in their hospital by the majority of respondents (65.1%). Awareness of the global burden of AMR among HCWs was considered very important or important by 54.6% of participants. The COVID-19 pandemic was considered by 80.3% of respondents as a very important or important factor in raising HCWs awareness of the IPC programs in their hospital. Based on the survey results, the authors developed 15 statements for several questions regarding the prevention and management of infections in surgery. The statements may be the starting point for designing future evidence-based recommendations. Conclusion: Adequacy of prevention and management of infections in acute care facilities depends on HCWs behaviours and on the organizational characteristics of acute health care facilities to support best practices and promote behavioural change. Patient involvement in the implementation of IPC is still little considered. A debate on how operationalising a fundamental change to IPC, from being solely the HCWs responsibility to one that involves a collaborative relationship between HCWs and patients, should be opened

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries