380 research outputs found

    Skylab program payload integration. TO27 sample array

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    The objective of the TO27 sample array was to determine the change in optical properties of various transmissive windows, mirrors, and diffraction gratings caused by the deposition of contaminants found about the orbital assembly. The expected information to be obtained from the total TO27 sample array program is as follows: (1) effect of space contaminants on transmittance, reflectance, grating efficiency, and polarization; (2) variations in deposition of contaminants due to substrate, solar radiation, period of exposure, direction of exposure, and geometry effects; (3) identification of contaminants and source of evolution; (4) time of contaminant evolution and lingering time; and (5) guidelines for a model of spacecraft contamination

    Nonmetallic materials contamination studies

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    In order to impose adequate contamination control requirements in the selection of Wide Field Planetary Camera (WFPC) materials and to develop a data base of potential optical degradation of the WFPC charge-couple device window, the outgassing properties of WFPC materials and the collected volatile condensed material (CVCM) effects on MgF2 transmittance were measured. Changes in the transmittance were monitored in the wavelength region from 115 nm to 300 nm for selected CVCM thicknesses up to 150 nm. The outgassing properties of reemitted CVCM were also studied

    Silver-Teflon contamination UV radiation study

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    Silver-Teflon (Ag/FEP) is planned to be used as the thermal control material covering the radiator surfaces on the shuttle orbiter payload bay doors. These radiators require the use of materials that have a very low solar absorptance and a high emittance for heat rejection. However, operationally, materials used on these critical radiator surfaces, such as silver-Teflon, will be exposed to a variety of conditions which include both the natural as well as the induced environments from the Shuttle Orbiter. A complete test facility was assembled, and detailed test procedures and a test matrix were developed. Measurements of low solar absorptance were taken before and after contamination, at intervals during irradiation, and after sample cleaning to fulfill all the requirements

    Liver Resection after Downstaging Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Sorafenib

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    Background. Sorafenib is a molecular-targeted therapy used in palliative treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma in Child A patients. Aims. To address the question of sorafenib as neoadjuvant treatment. Methods. We describe the cases of 2 patients who had surgery after sorafenib. Results. The patients had a large hepatocellular carcinoma in the right liver with venous neoplastic thrombi (1 in the right portal branch, 1 in the right hepatic vein). After 9 months of sorafenib, reassessment showed that tumours had decreased in size with a necrotic component. A right hepatectomy with thrombectomy was performed, and histopathology showed 35% to 60% necrosis. One patient had a recurrence after 6 months and had another liver resection; they are both recurrence-free since then. Conclusion. Sorafenib can downstage hepatocellular carcinoma and thus could represent a bridge to surgery. It may be possible to select patients in good general condition with partial regression of the tumour with sorafenib for a treatment in a curative intent

    A comparison of acute phase proteins and traditional risk factors as markers of combined plaque and intima-media thickness and plaque density in carotid and femoral arteries

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    AbstractObjectives: to test the hypothesis that some acute phase proteins may be better independent predictors of objective measures of arterial wall impairment than traditional risk factors. Design: cross-sectional study. Materials and Methods: C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen, C3 complement and traditional risk factors were measured in 288 men aged 55-64 years, randomly chosen from the local registry lists. By ultrasound assessment of the bifurcations of carotid and femoral arteries, maximum combined plaque/intima-media thickness (CPIMTmax) and mean plaque density (MPD, in a grey scale from 0 to 255) were also measured. Results: in multivariate analysis only traditional risk factors remained associated with the overall CPIMTmax: smoking (r = 0.35, p < 0.0001), cholesterol (r = 0.23, p = 0.0001), age (r = 0.22, p = 0.0002), glucose (r = 0.18, p = 0.002) and systolic blood pressure (r = 0.13, p = 0.02). However, with regard to carotid disease only, fibrinogen was the strongest covariate of CPIMT (r = 0.18, p = 0.002). The overall MPD was independently associated with CRP (r = 0.25, p = 0.0008), physical activity (r = 0.19, p = 0.009), triglycerides (r = −0.18, p = 0.02) and body mass index (r = 0.15, p = 0.04). CRP was mainly associated with femoral MPD, while triglycerides were the major (inverse) covariate of carotid MPD. Conclusions: traditional risk factors are the main determinants of CPIMTmax, although fibrinogen seems to play a role in carotids. CRP was associated with high density femoral plaques. Finally, no acute phase protein was independently associated with low density, potentially vulnerable, plaques.Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 26, 81-87 (2003

    Evolution of temperature, O3, CO, and N2O profiles during the exceptional 2009 Arctic major stratospheric warming as observed by lidar and mm-wave spectroscopy at Thule (76.5°N, 68.8°W), Greenland.

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    The 2009 Arctic sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) was the most intense event of this kind ever observed. Unique ground-based measurements of middle atmospheric profiles for temperature, O3, CO, and N2O obtained at Thule (76.5°N, 68.8°W), Greenland, in the period January – early March are used to show the evolution of the 2009 SSW in the region of its maximum intensity. The first sign of the SSW was detected at θ~2000 K on January 19, when a rapid decrease in CO mixing ratio took place. The first evidence of a temperature increase was observed at the same level on 22 January, the earliest date on which lidar measurements reached above ~50 km. The warming propagated from the upper to the lower stratosphere in 7 days and the record maximum temperature of 289 K was observed between 1300 and 1500 K potential temperature on 22 January. A strong vortex splitting was associated with the SSW. Stratospheric backward trajectories indicate that airmasses arriving to Thule during the warming peak underwent a rapid compression and an intense adiabatic warming of up to 50 K. The rapid advection of air from the extra-tropics was also occasionally observed to produce elevated values of N2O mixing ratio. Starting from mid-February the temperature profile and the N2O mixing ratio returned to the pre-warming values in the mid and upper stratosphere, indicating the reformation of the vortex at these levels. In late winter, vertical descent from starting altitudes of ~60 km is estimated from CO profiles to be 0.25±0.05 km/day

    Validation of the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder HNOmeasurements

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    We assess the quality of the version 2.2 (v2.2) HNO3 measurements from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Earth Observing System Aura satellite. The MLS HNO3 product has been greatly improved over that in the previous version (v1.5), with smoother profiles, much more realistic behavior at the lowest retrieval levels, and correction of a high bias caused by an error in one of the spectroscopy files used in v1.5 processing. The v2.2 HNO3 data are scientifically useful over the range 215 to 3.2 hPa, with single-profile precision of ∼0.7 ppbv throughout. Vertical resolution is 3–4 km in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, degrading to ∼5 km in the middle and upper stratosphere. The impact of various sources of systematic uncertainty has been quantified through a comprehensive set of retrieval simulations. In aggregate, systematic uncertainties are estimated to induce in the v2.2 HNO3 measurements biases that vary with altitude between ±0.5 and ±2 ppbv and multiplicative errors of ±5–15% throughout the stratosphere, rising to ∼±30% at 215 hPa. Consistent with this uncertainty analysis, comparisons with correlative data sets show that relative to HNO3 measurements from ground-based, balloon-borne, and satellite instruments operating in both the infrared and microwave regions of the spectrum, MLS v2.2 HNO3 mixing ratios are uniformly low by 10–30% throughout most of the stratosphere. Comparisons with in situ measurements made from the DC-8 and WB-57 aircraft in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere indicate that the MLS HNO3 values are low in this region as well, but are useful for scientific studies (with appropriate averaging)


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    Annals of Geophysics (ISSN: 1593-5213; from 2010, 2037-416X) is a bimonthly international journal, which publishes scientific papers in the field of geophysics sensu lato. It derives from Annali di Geofisica (ISSN: 0365-2556), which commenced publication in January 1948 as a quarterly periodical devoted to general geophysics, seismology, Earth magnetism, and atmospheric studies...

    Pharmacologically active microcarriers for endothelial progenitor cell support and survival

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    The regenerative potential of endothelial progenitor cell (EPC)-based therapies is limited due to poor cell viability and minimal retention following application. Neovascularization can be improved by means of scaffolds supporting EPCs. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether human early EPCs (eEPCs) could be efficiently cultured on pharmacologically active microcarriers (PAMs), made with poly(d,l-lactic-coglycolic acid) and coated with adhesion/extracellular matrix molecules. They may serve as a support for stem cells and may be used as cell carriers providing a controlled delivery of active protein such as the angiogenic factor, vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A). eEPC adhesion to fibronectin-coated PAMs (FN-PAMs) was assessed by means of microscopic evaluation and by means of Alamar blue assay. Phospho ERK(1/2) and PARP-1 expression was measured by means of Western blot to assess the survival effects of FN-PAMs releasing VEGF-A (FN-VEGF-PAMs). The Alamar blue assay or a modified Boyden chamber assay was employed to assess proliferative or migratory capacity, respectively. Our data indicate that eEPCs were able to adhere to empty FN-PAMs within a few hours. FN-VEGF-PAMs increased the ability of eEPCs to adhere to them and strongly supported endothelial-like phenotype and cell survival. Moreover, the release of VEGF-A by FN-PAMs stimulated in vitro HUVEC migration and proliferation. These data strongly support the use of PAMs for supporting eEPC growth and survival and for stimulating resident mature human endothelial cells