403 research outputs found

    Undominated Sequences of Integrable Functions

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    [EN] In this paper, we investigate to what extent the conclusion of the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem holds if the assumption of dominance is dropped. Specifically, we study both topological and algebraic genericity of the family of all null sequences of functions that, being continuous on a locally compact space and integrable with respect to a given Borel measure in it, are not controlled by an integrable function.Luis Bernal-Gonzalez, Maria del Carmen Calderon-Moreno, and Jose A. Prado-Bassas have been supported by the Plan Andaluz de Investigacion de la Junta de Andalucia FQM-127 Grant P08-FQM-03543 and by MCINN Grant PGC2018-098474-B-C21. Marina Murillo-Arcila is supported by MEC, Grant MTM2016-75963-P, and PID2019-105011GB-I00.Bernal-González, L.; Calderón-Moreno, MDC.; Murillo Arcila, M.; Prado-Bassas, JA. (2020). Undominated Sequences of Integrable Functions. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 17(6):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-020-01631-2S117176Araújo, G., Bernal-González, L., Muñoz-Fernández, G.A., Prado-Bassas, J.A., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Lineability in sequence and function spaces. Stud. Math. 237, 119–136 (2017)Aron, R.M., Bernal-González, L., Pellegrino, D.M., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Lineability: The Search for Linearity in Mathematics, Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2016)Aron, R., García, D., Maestre, M.: Linearity in non-linear problems. RACSAM. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat 95(1), 7–12 (2001)Aron, R.M., Gurariy, V.I., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Lineability and spaceability of sets of functions on R{\mathbb{R}}. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 133(3), 795–803 (2005)Balcerzak, M., Bartoszewicz, A., Filipczak, M.: Nonseparable spaceability and strong algebrability of sets of continuous singular functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 407(2), 263–269 (2013)Bartoszewicz, A., Bienias, M., Gła̧b, S.: Lineability within Peano curves, martingales, and integral theory. J. Funct. Spaces 2018, Article ID 9762491 (2018)Bernal-González, L., Ordóñez Cabrera, M.: Lineability criteria, with applications. J. Funct. Anal. 266(6), 3997–4025 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2013.11.014Bernal-González, L., Pellegrino, D., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Linear subsets of nonlinear sets in topological vector spaces. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 51(1), 71–130 (2014)Bongiorno, B., Darji, U.B., Di Piazza, L.: Lineability of non-differentiable Pettis primitives. Monatsh. Math. 177, 345–362 (2015)Calderón-Moreno, M.C., Gerlach-Mena, P.J., Prado-Bassas, J.A.: Algebraic structure of continuous, unbounded and integrable functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 470, 348–359 (2019)Calderón-Moreno, M.C., Gerlach-Mena, P.J., Prado-Bassas, J.A.: Lineability and modes of convergence. RACSAM. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. 114, 18 (2020)Conejero, J.A., Fenoy, M., Murillo-Arcila, M., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Lineability within probability theory settings. RACSAM. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. 111, 673–684 (2017)Diestel, J.: Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 92. Springer, New York (1984)Enflo, P.H., Gurariy, V.I., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Some results and open questions on spaceability in function spaces. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 366(2), 611–625 (2014)Gurariy, V.I., Quarta, L.: On lineability of sets of continuous functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 294(1), 62–72 (2004)Hinrichsen, D., Fernández, J.L.: Topología General. Urmo, Bilbao (1977)Hunt, B.R., Sauer, T., Yorke, J.A.: Prevalence: a translation-invariant “almost every” on infinite-dimensional spaces. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 27(2), 217–238 (1992)Narici, L., Beckenstein, L.: Topological Vector Spaces, 2nd edn. CRC Press, Chapman and Hall, Boca Raton (2011)Nielsen, O.A.: An Introduction to Integration and Measure Theory, Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts. Wiley, New York (1997)Oxtoby, J.C.: Measure and Category, 2nd edn. Springer, New York (1980)Rodríguez, J.: On lineability in vector integration. Mediterr. J. Math. 10, 425–9438 (2013)Rudin, W.: Real and Complex Analysis, vol. 3. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (1987)Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Chaos and lineability of pathological phenomena in analysis, Thesis (Ph.D.). Kent State University, ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, 139 (2006)Wilard, S.: General Topology. Addison Wesley, Reading (1970

    Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Managed Aquifer Recharge System for Irrigation under Climate Change Conditions in Southern Spain

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    Droughts and climate change in regions with profitable irrigated agriculture will impact groundwater resources with associated direct and indirect impacts. In the integrated water resource management (IWRM), managed aquifer recharge (MAR) offers efficient solutions to protect, conserve, and ensure survival of aquifers and associated ecosystems, as the Water Framework Directive requires. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the socio-economic feasibility of the MAR system in the overexploited Boquerón aquifer in Hellín (Albacete, Spain) under climate change and varying irrigation demand conditions. To assess, in monetary terms, the profitability of the MAR system, a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been carried out. The results for the period 2020–2050 showed that the most favourable situations would be scenarios involving artificial recharge, in which future irrigation demand remains at the present level or falls below 10% of the current irrigation surface, as these scenarios generated an internal rate of return of between 53% and 57%. Additionally, the regeneration of the habitat will take between 5 and 9 years. Thus, the IWRM with artificial recharge will guarantee the sustainability of irrigation of the agricultural lands of Hellín and will achieve water balance even in severe climate change conditions.Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Diseñar el aprendizaje en la universidad: Identificación de patrones de actividades

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    Una de las acciones que caracteriza a los docentes es el diseño del aprendizaje de los alumnos. Losdocentes continuamente estamos tomando decisiones que de una u otra forma afecta lo que losalumnos aprenden y la forma como lo hacen. Generalmente este proceso se desarrolla en contextosde privacidad. Hasta la entrada en vigor del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, la visibilidaddel diseño del aprendizaje que el profesorado realizaba era limitada. La información filtradapúblicamente acerca de nuestros diseños de aprendizaje se limitaba a breves descripciones de loque se denominaban “programas de asignaturas”, que poco o nada describían acerca de qué erarealmente lo que hacíamos en el aula, así como qué hacían nuestros estudiantes para aprender.En este artículo describimos una investigación que ha analizado los procesos de enseñanza en launiversidad a través del estudio del diseño de secuencias de aprendizaje. Tras analizar unavariedad de docentes de diferentes universidades y ramas de conocimiento, constatamos queexisten diseños de aprendizaje innovadores que pretenden promover en el alumnado una altacomprensión de lo aprendido a través de su implicación en procesos de indagación. Pero sinembargo, también constatamos cómo permanecen constantes tareas que denominamosasimilativas y que configuran la mayor parte de las tareas de aprendizaje del alumnado

    Lectura de contexto y abordaje psicosocial desde los enfoques narrativos Sahagún.

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    Mediante el siguiente análisis, se tratará de analizar y valorar eventos psicosociales traumáticos desde una perspectiva psicológica, así mismo, argumentar una postura clara y coherente desde la técnica Análisis del Relato en un escenario, en este caso la historia de Edison Medina y el caso de Pandurí. Para ello, es importante recordar que la violencia es violencia en cualquier escenario y así mismo las víctimas, aunque este último término debe ser considerado solo para la reparación y reconocimiento tanto del estado como de los grupos armados violentos, artífices de la vulneración. Las acciones de narrar, re-narrar y de quien escucha, se vuelve inseparables, pues en ello convergen el enfoque narrativo y su importancia en este proceso; pues en el lenguaje aparece en todas las expresiones tanto internas como externas, las que se dicen, pero también las que se callan. Lo subjetivo toma fuerza, y en escenarios violentos se hace visible lo emocional, y ese grito, es el que debe escucharse, eso permite la libertad de los cuerpos que han sido vulnerados, aquellos que existen o simplemente la memoria de aquellos que partieron. En los temas abordados hasta ahora, se encuentra una problemática viva, el conflicto, el cual es una realidad social en la que todos son actores directos o indirectos, así que no cabe la posibilidad de excluirlos, pues en estos escenarios, la cotidianidad conflictiva se asoma en cada relato, en cada historia y como las memorias tanto individual y colectivas son permeadas por la violencia, pero así mismo, de estas historias surgen nuevas posibilidades de afrontar las adversidades; estas narraciones, muestran es posible resurgir, como es posible un nuevo comienzo sin olvidar los acontecimientos que los han traído hasta aquí, dejando entre ver que, el ahora, es una reconstrucción constante en el tiempo. Se espera que esta actividad genere un pensamiento reflexivo y un llamado al cambio social, al interés por el otro, a la reconstrucción de las memorias, esas que hacen la permanencia del ser humano en estos espacios que habitaThrough the following analysis, we will try to analyze and evaluate traumatic psychosocial events from a psychological perspective, as well as to argue a clear and coherent posture from the technique Story Analysis in a scenario, in this case the story of Edison Medina and the case of Pandurí To do this, it is important to remember that violence is violence in any scenario and so are the victims, although this last term must be considered only for the reparation and recognition of both the state and the violent armed groups, the architects of the violation. The actions of narrating, re-narrating and of the listener become inseparable, because in it the narrative focus and its importance in this process converge; for in language it appears in all expressions both internal and external, those that are said, but also those that are silent. The subjective takes force, and in violent scenes the emotional becomes visible, and that cry is the one that must be heard, that allows the freedom of the bodies that have been violated, those that exist or simply the memory of those who left. In the issues addressed so far, there is a living problem, conflict, which is a social reality in which all are direct or indirect actors, so it is not possible to exclude them, because in these scenarios, conflicting everyday life it appears in each story, in each story and how individual and collective memories are permeated by violence, but likewise, from these stories new possibilities arise to face adversities; these narrations, show it is possible to resurface, as a new beginning is possible without forgetting the events that have brought them here, leaving between seeing that, now, is a constant reconstruction in time. It is expected that this activity generates reflective thinking and a call for social change, for the interest in the other, for the reconstruction of memories, those that make the permanence of the human being in these spaces he inhabits

    Designing learning in the university: Identifying patterns of activities

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    Una de las acciones que caracteriza a los docentes es el diseño del aprendizaje de los alumnos. Los docentes continuamente estamos tomando decisiones que de una u otra forma afecta lo que los alumnos aprenden y la forma como lo hacen. Generalmente este proceso se desarrolla en contextos de privacidad. Hasta la entrada en vigor del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, la visibilidad del diseño del aprendizaje que el profesorado realizaba era limitada. La información filtrada públicamente acerca de nuestros diseños de aprendizaje se limitaba a breves descripciones de lo que se denominaban “programas de asignaturas”, que poco o nada describían acerca de qué era realmente lo que hacíamos en el aula, así como qué hacían nuestros estudiantes para aprender. En este artículo describimos una investigación que ha analizado los procesos de enseñanza en la universidad a través del estudio del diseño de secuencias de aprendizaje. Tras analizar una variedad de docentes de diferentes universidades y ramas de conocimiento, constatamos que existen diseños de aprendizaje innovadores que pretenden promover en el alumnado una alta comprensión de lo aprendido a través de su implicación en procesos de indagación. Pero sin embargo, también constatamos cómo permanecen constantes tareas que denominamos asimilativas y que configuran la mayor parte de las tareas de aprendizaje del alumnado.One of the actions that characterizes teachers is the design of student learning. Teachers are continually making decisions that affect one way or another what students learn and the way they do to learn. Usually this process takes place in contexts of privacy. Until the entry into EEES, the visibility of learning design that teachers performed was limited. The publicly leaked information about our learning designs was limited to brief descriptions of what is called "syllabuses", which described little or nothing about what was really what we did in the classroom and our students for what they did learn. This article describes a research that has examined the processes of teaching at the university by studying the design of learning sequences. After analyzing a variety of teachers from different universities and branches of knowledge. We find that there are innovative designs aimed at promoting learning in students a high understanding of learning through their involvement in processes of inquiry. But nevertheless, we also note how tasks are constant assimilative and call up the majority of the student's learning tasks.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    Adipose Tissue Homeostasis Orchestrates the Oxidative, Energetic, Metabolic and Endocrine Disruption Induced by Binge Drinking in Adolescent Rats

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    Binge drinking (BD) is the most common alcohol consumption model for adolescents, and has recently been related to the generation of high oxidation and insulin resistance (IR). White adipose tissue (WAT) is a target organ for insulin action that regulates whole-body metabolism by secreting adipokines. The present study aimed to analyse the oxidative, inflammatory, energetic and endocrine profile in the WAT of BD-exposed adolescent rats, to obtain an integrative view of insulin secretion and WAT in IR progression. Two groups of male adolescent rats were used: control (n = 8) and BD (n = 8). An intermittent i.p. BD model (20% v/v) was used during 3 consecutive weeks. BD exposure led to a pancreatic oxidative imbalance, which was joint to high insulin secretion by augmenting deacetylase sirtuin-1 (SIRT-1) pancreatic expression and serum adipsin levels. However, BD rats had hyperglycaemia and high homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance value (HOMA-IR). BD exposure in WAT increased lipid oxidation, as well as decreased insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and AKT expression, sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBP1), forkhead box O3A (FOXO3a) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), and adipocyte size. BD also affected the expression of proteins related to energy balance, such as SIRT-1 and AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK), affecting the adipokine secretion profile (increasing resistin/adiponectin ratio). BD altered the entire serum lipid profile, increasing the concentration of free fatty acids. In conclusion, BD led to an oxidative imbalance and IR process in WAT, which modified the energy balance in this tissue, decreasing the WAT lipogenic/lipolytic ratio, affecting adipokine secretion and the systemic lipid profile, and contributing to the progression of IR. Therefore, WAT is key in the generation of metabolic and endocrine disruption after BD exposure during adolescence in rats. (Figure presented.). Key points: Adolescent rat binge drinking (BD) exposure leads to hepatic and systemic oxidative stress (OS) via reactive oxygen species generation, causing hepatic insulin resistance (IR) and altered energy metabolism. In the present study, BD exposure in adolescent rats induces OS in the pancreas, with increased insulin secretion despite hyperglycaemia, indicating a role for IR in white adipose tissue (WAT) homeostasis. In WAT, BD produces IR and an oxidative and energetic imbalance, triggering an intense lipolysis where the serum lipid profile is altered and free fatty acids are increased, consistent with liver lipid accumulation and steatosis. BD exposure heightens inflammation in WAT, elevating pro-inflammatory and reducing anti-inflammatory adipokines, favouring cardiovascular damage. This research provides a comprehensive view of how adolescent BD in rats impacts liver, WAT and pancreas homeostasis, posing a risk for future cardiometabolic complications in adulthood.Junta de Andalucía CTS-193, USE-22 212-

    Evaluation of the surveillance system for human immunodeficiency virus infections of Navarra, Spain, 1985-2003

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    BACKGROUND: Navarra has an information system of HIV diagnoses working since the beginning of the epidemic up to the present day. This study aims at describing and evaluating this system, focusing on its sensitivity. METHODS: The updated guidelines for evaluating public health surveillance systems from the CDC were used to describe the purpose and operation of the system and to analyse its attributes for the period 1985-2003. For the evaluation of the sensitivity the regional database of antiretrovirals distribution was used. RESULTS: The HIV surveillance system of Navarra is confidential and name-based, and includes all HIV-infection cases diagnosed each year. The information sources of the system are: (a) all the laboratories in the public health system that perform the western blot test, and (b) hospital discharge registries. The system covers the entire population of Navarre (584,734 inhabitants). It uses the HIV case definition proposed by the European Centre for the Epidemiological Monitoring of AIDS. The system is well-accepted by the community and by all the stakeholders, including those providing data. By the end of 2003 it included 2302 HIV cases, and 98.8% of all patients who had ever received antiretrovirals in Navarra. CONCLUSIONS: The HIV information system of Navarra is simple, useful, well-accepted and highly sensitive. The information about antiretroviral distribution was useful for this evaluation. Fundamento: Navarra cuenta con un sistema de información sobre los diagnósticos de infección por VIH que abarca desde el comienzo de la epidemia hasta la actualidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir y evaluar su funcionamiento y sus atributos, haciendo énfasis en el estudio de su sensibilidad. Métodos: Siguiendo las directrices para la Evaluación de Sistemas de Vigilancia en Salud Pública de los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades de Atlanta, describimos el sistema de información sobre diagnósticos de infección por VIH de Navarra (el sistema) y analizamos sus atributos cualitativos y cuantitativos entre 1985 y 2003. Para valorar la sensibilidad se utilizó como referencia el registro de dispensación de antirretrovirales de los hospitales de Navarra. Resultados: El sistema de información sobre diagnósticos de infección por VIH de Navarra es nominal y confidencial, e incluye los casos nuevos diagnosticados cada año. Sus fuentes de información son todos los laboratorios que realizan la prueba de confirmación de Western blot en el sistema público, y el registro de altas hospitalarias de la Comunidad Autónoma. Cubre a toda la población de Navarra (584.734 habitantes), y utiliza la definición de caso de infección por VIH del Centro Europeo para la Vigilancia Epidemiológica del VIH y el sida. Es un sistema bien aceptado por la comunidad y por los responsables de suministrar los datos. Hasta diciembre de 2003 se habían incluido 2.302 casos, incluyendo al 98,8% de los pacientes que reciben o han recibido antirretrovirales en Navarra. Conclusiones: Este sistema de información es sencillo, útil, bien aceptado y altamente sensible. La información sobre uso de antirretrovirales ha sido de utilidad para su evaluación

    First-in-Human, First-in-Child Trial of Autologous MSCs Carrying the Oncolytic Virus Icovir-5 in Patients with Advanced Tumors

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    We present here the results of a first-in-human, first-in-child trial for patients with relapsed/refractory solid tumors using Celyvir, an advanced therapy medicine that combines autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) carrying an oncolytic adenovirus. Celyvir was manufactured from a bone marrow aspirate and then given intravenously. Patients received weekly infusions for 6 weeks at a dose of 2 × 106 cells/kg (children) or 0.5-1 × 106 cells/kg (adults), 2 × 104 viral particles per cell. Fifteen pediatric and 19 adult patients were recruited, but 18 were screen failures, mainly because rapid disease progression before Celyvir was available. No grade 2-5 toxicities were reported. Adenoviral replication detected by PCR was found in all but 2 pediatric patient and in none of the adult ones. Absolute numbers of circulating leukocytes suffered minor changes along therapy, but some subsets showed differences comparing the pediatric versus the adult cohorts. Two patients with neuroblastoma showed disease stabilization, and one of them continued on treatment for up to 6 additional weeks. Celyvir, the combination of MSCs and oncolytic adenovirus, is safe and warrants further evaluation in a phase 2 setting. The use of MSCs may be a strategy to increase the amount of oncolytic virus administered to patients, minimizing toxicities and avoiding direct tumor injections.The trial was sponsored by Fundación de Investigacion Biomedica del Hospital Nino Jesus (EudraCT 2008-000364-16; NCT01844661). This work was funded by grants EC11/061, EC08/00094, and EC07/90591 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fondos FEDER. M.R is supported by Asociación Pablo Ugarte, Asociación NEN, and Fundación Neuroblastoma.S

    Learning activities in higher education : towards autonomous learning of students?

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    Una de las acciones que caracteriza a los docentes universitarios es el diseño del aprendizaje de los alumnos. Los docentes continuamente estamos tomando decisiones que, de una u otra forma, afectan a lo que los alumnos aprenden y a la forma en que lo hacen. Generalmente, este proceso se desarrolla en contextos de privacidad. Hasta la entrada en vigor del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, la visibilidad del diseño del aprendizaje que el profesorado realizaba era limitada. En esta investigación pretendemos analizar cómo diseñan los profesores universitarios el aprendizaje de sus alumnos. Para ello, nos centramos en describir y analizar las actividades de aprendizaje que el profesorado selecciona para orientar los procesos de adquisición de competencias por parte del alumnado. La recogida de datos en nuestro estudio se ha llevado a cabo mediante entrevistas individuales semiestructuradas con 51 docentes universitarios de las diferentes áreas de conocimiento. Se trata, además, de una selección intencionada de la muestra, ya que hemos entrevistado a docentes con una reconocida trayectoria en proyectos y actividades de innovación. La finalidad de la entrevista consistía en que los participantes describieran una secuencia de aprendizaje que habitualmente planifican e implementan para el desarrollo de la materia que imparten. Las entrevistas se grabaron y analizaron mediante un sistema de categorías que ha permitido clasificar las actividades y tareas que el profesorado utiliza para planificar el aprendizaje de sus alumnos. Hemos agrupado las actividades de aprendizaje en las siguientes categorías: asimilativas, gestión de información, aplicación, comunicativas, productivas, experienciales y evaluativas. Los resultados nos muestran que las actividades asimilativas son las más frecuentes y que no existen en general diferencias entre docentes de diferentes ramas de conocimiento en función de las tareas de aprendizaje que planifican. Estos resultados nos indican que es necesario seguir formando a los profesores para que empleen tareas y actividades más relevantes para un aprendizaje autónomo de los alumnos.One of the activities that characterize teaching is the design of student learning. Teachers are continually making decisions that affect one way or another what students learn and the way they do. Usually this process takes place in contexts of privacy. Until the entry into the European Higher Education Area, the visibility of learning design that teachers performed was limited. In this research we analyze the way the university teachers designed the learning of their students. To do this we focus on describing and analyzing the learning activities that teachers selected to guide the processes of acquisition of competence by students. The collection of data in our study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 51 university teachers from different areas of knowledge. We have interviewed teachers with a proven track record of innovation projects and activities. The purpose of the interview was that the participants describe a sequence of learning that usually planned and implemented for the development of the subject they teach. The interviews were recorded and analyzed using a category system that has allowed classifying the activities and tasks that teachers used to plan student learning. We have grouped the learning activities in the following categories: assimilative, information management, application, communication, production, experiential and evaluative. The results show that the assimilative activities are the most common and generally there are no differences between teachers from different branches of knowledge in terms of learning tasks that plan. These results call attention to the need to continue to train teachers for the use of tasks and learning activities more relevant to students