1,467 research outputs found

    Santo Domingo : Centro de interés histórico patrimonial, propuesta de conservación del patrimonio urbano arquitectónico

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    Proyecto de graduación (Licenciatura en Arquitectura y Urbanismo) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Arquitectura de Urbanismo, 2014.La arquitectura constituye uno de los principales medios que evidencian los procesos históricos del desarrollo de toda sociedad. Se ha convertido en un constructo social que marca no sólo el paso del tiempo, sino a su vez deja huella de los sistemas sociales, económicos, técnicos y culturales de cada uno de los momentos históricos en los cuales ha sido concebida. En nuestro contexto costarricense no se ha hecho la excepción y el paso del tiempo ha dotado de una gran diversidad al panorama de nuestros pueblos y ciudades, los cuales coleccionan las diferentes tendencias constructivas y arquitectónicas, que con el paso de los años han evolucionado para dar paso a las nuevas tecnologías, y para adaptarse a las necesidades de cada contexto. A lo largo y ancho de nuestro país podemos ir encontrando los vestigios que quedan de cada una de estas tradiciones arquitectónicas y urbanas, desde la arquitectura precolombina, pasando por las tradiciones coloniales hasta llegar a las prácticas contemporáneas. La arquitectura costarricense se convierte en un gran libro de historia que ilustra de primera mano la herencia del país. Sin embargo de la misma forma como las nuevas tecnologías de la información están desplazando y dejando en el olvido a los grandes libros de Historia, así las nuevas construcciones arquitectónicas y modelos urbanísticos están desplazando y borrando el legado de los antepasados. Esto seguirá sucediendo a menos que se tomen las medidas necesarias para proteger y concienzar a las comunidades sobre la verdadera importancia de preservar ese trozo de historia tangible en las formas propias de la arquitectura. Mucha de la herencia histórico-arquitectónica del país se encuentra hoy relegada a los archivos, pues las nuevas construcciones y expectativas de crecimiento de las comunidades han optado por una modernización de las ciudades a partir de la demolición de las antiguas construcciones, reduciendo el inventario histórico-arquitectónico del país

    Trastornos psicológicos y de calidad de vida en pacientes de cáncer de pulmón

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    Psychosocial issues are a natural component of a cancer patient. The word cancer by itself brings a high level of uncertainty and fear, which generates high demands for the patient and his family. It has been established that 30-50% of patients with a cancer diagnosis have a significant degree of distress that requires treatment by professional staff. Approximately 174,470 newly diagnosed Lung cancer cases, and 164,460 deaths cause by this disease are expected in the year 2006. Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer in the industrialized world. Lung cancer patients commonly experienced symptoms of distress and decrease in physical functioning related to the treatment and the disease itself. The impact of this phenomenon can be reflected in their emotional well being and their quality of life. Depression and Anxiety are the most frequent disorders present in these patients, unfortunately, very often, they are ignored and not treated. Patients that have difficulties adjusting to their new situation clearly represent a challenge to the treatment team. This article reviews the general psychosocial aspects of then lung cancer patient including aspects such as: symptoms distress, family distress, guilt and tobacco, quality of life and survivorship

    Phenotype characterization of embryoid body structures generated by a crystal comet effect tail in an intercellular cancer collision scenario

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    Cancer is, by definition, the uncontrolled growth of autonomous cells that eventually destroy adjacent tissues and generate architectural disorder. However, this concept cannot be totally true. In three well documented studies, we have demonstrated that cancer tissues produce order zones that evolve over time and generate embryoid body structures in a space-time interval. The authors decided to revise the macroscopic and microscopic material in well-developed malignant tumors in which embryoid bodies were identified to determine the phenotype characterization that serves as a guideline for easy recognition. The factors responsible for this morphogenesis are physical, bioelectric, and magnetic susceptibilities produced by crystals that act as molecular designers for the topographic gradients that guide the surrounding silhouette and establish tissue head-tail positional identities. The structures are located in amniotic-like cavities and show characteristic somite-like embryologic segmentation. Immunophenotypic study has demonstrated exclusion factor positional identity in relation to enolase-immunopositive expression of embryoid body and human chorionic gonadotropin immunopositivity exclusion factor expression in the surrounding tissues. The significance of these observations is that they can also be predicted by experimental image data collected by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in which two-beam subatomic collision particles in the resulting debris show hyperorder domains similar to those identified by us in intercellular cancer collisions. Our findings suggest that we are dealing with true reverse biologic system information in an activated collective cancer stem cell memory, in which physics participates in the elaboration of geometric complexes and chiral biomolecules that serve to build bodies with embryoid print as it develops during gestation. Reversal mechanisms in biology are intimately linked with DNA repair. Further genotype studies must be carried out to determine whether the subproducts of these structures can be used in novel strategies to treat cancer


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    Experiencia de la histerectomía como indicación de urgente durante 14 años (1994- 2008) en dos hospitales de segundo nivel de la secretaría de salud en el estado de México

    Intercellular cancer collisions generate an ejected crystal comet tail effect with fractal interface embryoid body reassembly transformation

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    We have documented self-assembled geometric triangular chiral crystal complexes (GTCHC) and a framework of collagen vascular invariant geometric attractors in cancer tissues. This article shows how this system evolves in time. These structures are incorporated together and evolve in different ways. When the geometric core is stable, and the tissue architecture collapses, fragmented components emerge, which reveal a hidden interior identifying how each molecule is reassembled into the original mold, using one common connection, ie, a fractal self-similarity that guided the system from the beginning. GTCHC complexes generate ejected crystal comet tail effects and produce strange helicity states that arise in the form of spin domain interactions. As the crystal growth vibration stage progresses, biofractal echo images converge in a master-built construction of embryoid bodies with enolase-selective immunopositivity in relation to clusters of triangular chiral cell organization. In our electro-optic collision model, we were able to predict and replicate all the characteristics of this complex geometry that connects a physical phenomenon with the signal patterns that generate biologic chaos. Intrinsically, fractal geometry makes spatial correction errors embrace the chaotic system in a way that permits new structures to emerge, and as a result, an ordered self-assembly of embryoid bodies with neural differentiation at the final stage of cancer development is a predictable process. We hope that further investigation of these structures will lead not only to a new way of thinking about physics and biology, but also to a rewarding area in cancer research

    A methodology for the synthesis to logical netlist of an ASIC

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Ingeniería en Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Electrónica, 2017.The advances in technology for manufacturing ASICs allow more features to be added. As result, and depending on the architecture of the ASIC, more functional blocks do exist to support such additional features. This imply requiring more resources to synthesize each functional block into a logical netlist. As the physical design process is completed by a third party, reducing the time to deliver the complete set of synthesis files is critical for the project, so that the engineers can start the quality checks of each netlist earlier than the schedule, and the final product can be both completed and released on schedule. This work describes a methodology that automatically executes the synthesis flow of RTL code to logical netlist on each block that forms an ASIC. It helps keeping a better traceability of changes through the milestones in a project. A simulator of the methodology was implemented in Perl to validate that the complete synthesis runtime of an ASIC is improved, compared against a serial flow approach. Consequently, the time to synthesize the complete set of functional blocks is speedup 8.8 times

    Impacto ambiental de los residuos sólidos de construcción generados en el mejoramiento, rehabilitación de redes de agua potable y alcantarillado sanitario de la zona urbana del distrito de Huánuco, periodo 2022

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio es describir la relación del Impacto Ambiental de los residuos sólidos de construcción generados en el mejoramiento, rehabilitación de redes de agua potable y alcantarillado de la Zona Urbana del distrito de Huánuco, Periodo 2022, para los cuales mediante la matriz de Leopold y con la ayuda de la población de estudio nos permitió obtener valor de los impactos y al responder el cuestionario de forma colaborativa saber respecto a la variable de residuos sólidos de construcción. La investigación fue del tipo descriptivo correlacional, nuestra población investigada estuvo compuesta de habitantes de la ciudad de Huánuco y la muestra también estuvo compuesta por residentes locales, de forma aleatoria y estuvo conformada por 87 habitantes. Los residentes de la zona en la que se está llevando a cabo el proyecto de mejoramiento y rehabilitación. Como instrumento se utilizó el cuestionario para ver la variable RSC y la matriz de Leopold modificada de Conesa (2010) donde se visualizará la valoración del impacto ambiente de la zona. Obteniéndose resultados que fueron impactos negativos en los componentes ambientales de agua, suelo y aire, de la misma manera se obtuvieron impactos positivos en los componentes sociales y económicos. Se concluyeron que el efecto medioambiental del proyecto de mejora y reconstrucción de las infraestructuras de agua y alcantarillado de la ciudad fueron negativos y moderado