17 research outputs found

    Estimating the geographical distribution of the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in young Mexicans

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    The geographical distribution of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) prevalence in young Mexicans (aged 17-24 years) was estimated stepwise starting from its prevalence based on the body mass index (BMI) in a study of 3,176 undergraduate students of this age group from Mexico City. To estimate the number of people with MetS by state, we multiplied its prevalence derived from the BMI range found in the Mexico City sample by the BMI proportions (range and state) obtained from the Mexico 2006 national survey on health and nutrition. Finally, to estimate the total number of young people with MetS in Mexico, its prevalence by state was multiplied by the share of young population in each state according to the National Population and Housing Census 2010. Based on these figures, we estimated the national prevalence of MetS at 15.8%, the average BMI at 24.1 (standard deviation = 4.2), and the prevalence of overweight people (BMI ≥25) of that age group at 39.0%. These results imply that 2,588,414 young Mexicans suffered from MetS in 2010. The Yucatan peninsula in the south and the Sonora state in the north showed the highest rates of MetS prevalence. The calculation of the MetS prevalence by BMI range in a sample of the population, and extrapolating it using the BMI proportions by range of the total population, was found to be a useful approach. We conclude that the BMI is a valuable public health tool to estimate MetS prevalence in the whole country, including its geographical distribution

    The IBdata Web System for Biological Collections: Design Focused on Usability

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    The software design process must put users at the core of the process to enable them to meet their specific objectives effectively, efficiently, and successfully. Thus, a software design for a computing system to consult biological collections guided by the concept of usability will result in an effective and efficient biodiversity informatics tool. Here, we introduce IBdata, a web system to consult biological collections, developed using a design approach based on the architecture of three layers: database, business rules, and user interface. The user interface design was guided by the concept of usability focused on four core concepts: simplicity, adaptability, guide the user through the journey, and feedback. The IBdata web system that we developed is composed of three modules (query, capture and editing, and administration), permitting it to query a database with about 1.7 million specimen records. Biodiversity data query systems must be effective and efficient and should meet the user’s expectations. Software design methodologies play a central role in achieving these goals, and, in this context, interface design techniques that put the user at the core of development are valuable, as in the development of the IBdata web system

    Broadening the antibacterial spectrum of histidine kinase autophosphorylation inhibitors via the use of epsilon-poly-L-lysine capped mesoporous silica-based nanoparticles

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    [EN] Two-component systems (TCS) regulate diverse processes such as virulence, stress responses, metabolism and antibiotic resistance in bacteria but are absent in humans, making them promising targets for novel antibacterials. By incorporating recently described TCS histidine kinase autophosphorylation inhibitors (HKAIs) into epsilon-poly-L-lysine capped nanoparticles (NPs) we could overcome the Gram negative (Gr(-)) permeability barrier for the HKAIs. The observed bactericidal activity against Gr(-) bacteria was shown to be due to the enhanced delivery and internalization of the HKAIs and not an inhibitory or synergistic effect of the NPs. The NPs had no adverse effects on mammalian cell viability or the immune function of macrophages in vitro and showed no signs of toxicity to zebrafish larvae in vivo. These results show that HKAIs are promising antibacterials for both Gr(-) and Gr + pathogens and that NPs are a safe drug delivery technology that can enhance the selectivity and efficacy of HKAIs against bacteria. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work was funded by FP7 ITN STARS-Scientific Training in Antimicrobial Research Strategies (Contract No. PITN-GA-2009-238490, J.M.W., A.M.), H2020 MSCA IF (AND-659121, N.V.), grant BIO2013-42619-P from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (A.M.), grant from the Spanish Government (Project MAT2015-64139-C4-1-R,N. M., J.R.M, R.M.M.), and a grant from Generalitat Valenciana (Project PROMETEOII/2014/047, N.M.). and Prometeo II/2014/029, A.M.).Velikova, N.; Mas Font, N.; Miguel-Romero, L.; Polo, L.; Stolte, E.; Zaccaria, E.; Cao, R.... (2017). Broadening the antibacterial spectrum of histidine kinase autophosphorylation inhibitors via the use of epsilon-poly-L-lysine capped mesoporous silica-based nanoparticles. Nanomedicine Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine. 13(2):569-581. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nano.2016.09.011S56958113

    Ecuaciones antropométricas para el cálculo de grasa corporal en adultos jóvenes

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    Dado que para la población Latinoamericana se cuenta con escasas ecuaciones antropométricas validadas para determinar porcentaje de masa grasa (% MG), se diseñaron ecuaciones antropométricas prácticas para calcular el % MG en adultos jóvenes. Se realizaron mediciones antropométricas por técnicas validadas, y se calculó el % MG por densitometría (BodPod) y biompedancia. Se reclutaron 284 voluntarios (18-35 años), de uno y otro sexo. Las ecuaciones se diseñaron por regresión lineal múltiple por el método de todas las regresiones posibles y se validaron por su grado de bondad de ajuste (R2), error estándar de estimación (EEE) y por validación cruzada. En hombres: % MG por densitométría R2 = 0.78, EEE = 3.64 %, p < 0.001; % MG por bioimpedancia R2 = 0.76, EEE = 2.48 %, p < 0.001. En mujeres: % MG por densitométría R2 = 0.98, EEE = 4.02%, p < 0.001; % MG por bioimpedancia R2= 0.99, EEE = 2.37 %, p < 0.001. Las ecuaciones aquí diseñadas presentan sencillez, alta validez y confiabilidad, siendo útiles en la clínica y campo deportivo.Given that in Latin America we have few validated anthropometric equations to determine percentage of fat mass (% MG), practical anthropometric equations were designed to calculate the % MG in young adults. Anthropometric measurements were made by validated techniques, and % MG was calculated by densitometry (BodPod) and bioimpedance. We recruited 284 volunteers (18-35 years), men and women. The equations were designed by multiple linear regression by the method of all possible regressions, and validated by their degree of goodness of fit (R2), standard error of estimation (SES), and cross-validation. In men: % MG by densitometry R2 = 0.78, SES = 3.64%, p <0.001; % MG by bioimpedance R2 = 0.76, SES = 2.48%, p <0.001. In women: % MG by densitometry R2 = 0.98, SES = 4.02 %, p <0.001; % MG by bioimpedance R2 = 0.99, SES = 2.37 %, p <0.001. The equations here designed have simplicity, high validity, and reliability, being useful in the clinic and sports field

    Prevalence of bullying by gender and education in a city with high violence and migration in Mexico

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    ABSTRACT Objective To understand the prevalence of bullying, by gender and educational level, in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, a city with high rates of violence and migration. Methods This was a cross-sectional, observational study conducted in 2012 – 2014 using a questionnaire known as the Bullying-Mexican. A probabilistic multistage cluster-sampling method obtained a study sample of 2 347 students (10 – 27 years of age) from the 400 000 enrolled in grade 5 – university level at the 611 public schools in Ciudad Juárez. Bullying prevalence and frequency (never, rarely, sometimes, often, every day) were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The statistical differences between males and females was assessed using a chi-square test; associations between frequency and academic level were determined by correspondence analysis and the Spearman Rho correlation. A multinomial logistic regression was performed to analyze whether gender and academic level acted independently in the frequency of bullying. Results Bullying prevalence was reported by 38% of females and 47% of males: ‘only victim’ represented 8.7%; ‘only aggressor,’ 13.2%; and ‘victim and aggressor,’ 21%. At higher levels of education, bullying prevalence declined; however, at the university, prevalence increased in the last semesters. Mockery and social exclusion were the two most dominant types of bullying, followed by beating, threats, and punishment. Conclusions The prevalence of bullying in Ciudad Juárez public schools is among the highest compared to other random studies and surveys. Bullying diminishes with age and educational level

    Estimating the geographical distribution of the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in young Mexicans

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    The geographical distribution of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) prevalence in young Mexicans (aged 17-24 years) was estimated stepwise starting from its prevalence based on the body mass index (BMI) in a study of 3,176 undergraduate students of this age group from Mexico City. To estimate the number of people with MetS by state, we multiplied its prevalence derived from the BMI range found in the Mexico City sample by the BMI proportions (range and state) obtained from the Mexico 2006 national survey on health and nutrition. Finally, to estimate the total number of young people with MetS in Mexico, its prevalence by state was multiplied by the share of young population in each state according to the National Population and Housing Census 2010. Based on these figures, we estimated the national prevalence of MetS at 15.8%, the average BMI at 24.1 (standard deviation = 4.2), and the prevalence of overweight people (BMI ≥25) of that age group at 39.0%. These results imply that 2,588,414 young Mexicans suffered from MetS in 2010. The Yucatan peninsula in the south and the Sonora state in the north showed the highest rates of MetS prevalence. The calculation of the MetS prevalence by BMI range in a sample of the population, and extrapolating it using the BMI proportions by range of the total population, was found to be a useful approach. We conclude that the BMI is a valuable public health tool to estimate MetS prevalence in the whole country, including its geographical distribution

    Somatotype and body image as predictors of overall and abdominal obesity in college students from Northern Mexico

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    Objective: To maximize somatotype and body image (BI) as predictors of overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity in university students in northern Mexico. Methods: Body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), waist circumference (WC, cm), somatotype and self-perception of the BI from 329 college students (17-35 years, 51% males) were evaluated; Sensitivity, specificity, precision and accuracy of said variables were also evaluated, using ROC curves and classification/regression tree analysis. Results: Average BMI and WC were 24 ± 4 and 79 ± 9 (male) and 25 ± 5 and 81 ± 10 (female). Somatotype and BI changes predicted both BMI (≥ 82.6%) and WC (≥ 87.4%); A somatotype scale ≥ 5.35 (endomorphy), ≥ 4.75 (mesomorphy) and ≤ 1.25 (ectomorphy), or an BI> 3.5 predicted overweight/obesity, while a somatotype ≥ 6.55 (endomorphy), ≥ 5.45 (mesomorphy), ≤ 1.15 (ectomorphy), or a BI ≥ 4.5 predicted abdominal obesity and thinness idealization. Conclusions: Somatotype and the BI are useful tools to predict overall and abdominal obesity in Mexican college students. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]Objetivo: Maximizar somatotipo e imagem do corpo (IC) como preditores de sobrepeso/obesidade e obesidade abdominal em estudantes universitários no norte do México. Métodos: Foram avaliados o Indice de massa corporal (IMC, Kg/m2), a circunferência da cintura (CC, cm) somatotipia e auto-percepção do IC 329 estudantes universitários (17-35 anos, 51% masculino); Sensibilidade, especificidade, precisão e precisão destas variáveis também foram avaliados usando ROC análise curvas e árvore de classificação/regressão. Resultados IMC e CC foram média 24 ± 4 e 79 ± 9 (macho) e 25 ± 5 e 81 ± 10 (fêmea). Alterações na somatotipo e IC previsto tanto IMC (≥ 82,6%) como CC (≥ 87,4%); Uma escala de somatotipia ≥ 5,35 (endomorph) ≥ 4,75 (mesomorfia) e ≤ 1,25 (ectomorfia), ou CI> 3,5 previu excesso de peso / obesidade, enquanto um somatotipo ≥ 6,55 (endomorph) ≥ 5,45 (mesomorfia) ≤ 1,15 (ectomorfia), ou um IC ≥ 4,5 previu obesidade abdominal e idealização de magreza. Conclusões: Somatotipo eo IC são ferramentas úteis para prever a obesidade geral e abdominal em estudantes universitários mexicanos.Objetivo: maximizar el somatotipo y la imagen corporal (IC) como predictores de sobrepeso/obesidad y obesidad abdominal en estudiantes universitarios del norte de México. Métodos: se evaluaron el índice de masa corporal (IMC, kg/m2), la circunferencia de cintura (CC, cm), el somatotipo y la autopercepción de la IC de 329 estudiantes universitarios (17-35 años, 51% varones); Se evaluaron además la sensibilidad, especificidad, precisión y certidumbre de dichas variables, usando curvas ROC y análisis de árbol de clasificación/regresión. Resultados: El IMC y la CC promedio fueron 24±4 y 79±9 (masculino) y 25±5 y 81±10 (femenino). Los cambios en somatotipo e IC predijeron tanto el IMC (≥ 82.6%) como la CC (≥ 87.4%); Una escala de somatotipo ≥ 5.35 (endomorfia), ≥ 4.75 (mesomorfia) y ≤ 1.25 (ectomorfia), o una IC > 3.5 predijeron sobrepeso/obesidad, mientras que un somatotipo ≥ 6.55(endomorfia), ≥ 5.45(mesomorfia), ≤ 1.15(ectomorfia), o una IC ≥ 4.5 predijeron obesidad abdominal e idealización de delgadez. Conclusiones: el somatotipo y la IC son herramientas útiles para predecir obesidad general y abdominal en estudiantes universitarios mexicanos

    Validación sistemática de un cuestionario para identificar el Bullying escolar

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    La violencia entre pares, conocida como bullying, es un problema muy arraigado entre los escolares mexicanos; un ambiente social violento la incrementa. Tras la errónea declaración de guerra en contra del narcotráfico por la pasada administración del expresidente Felipe Calderón, Ciudad Juárez se convirtió en una de las ciudades más violentas del mundo. Lo anterior trajo a esta ciudad enormes problemas, entre ellos el incremento del bullying en los escolares. De acuerdo con el informe nacional sobre violencia y salud de 2006,1 aquel año en México la prevalencia de bullying alcanzaba 32% en escolares de 6 a 9 años y 13% en edades de 10 a 13 años; a nivel mundial, se encontraba entre 5 y 45%.2 Para medir esta prevalencia son necesarios instrumentos validados que permitan conocer con confiabilidad el problema y con ello buscar soluciones efectivas. Aquí enviamos el reporte de la validación de un cuestionario para conocer la prevalencia de bullying entre escolares desde nivel primaria hasta universidad. Mediante una aleatorización sistemática, que abarcó proporciones equitativas de todos los grados escolares, y tras haber solicitado el consentimiento informado de los participantes, encuestamos a 2030 estudiantes en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, entre 2012 y 2014, de ambos sexos y de 9 a 20 años de edad. Aplicamos el cuestionario de dos dimensiones llamado Bull-M,3 el cual fue validado previamente en una muestra piloto en jóvenes de secundaria. El análisis de Cronbach para cada segmento poblacional (primaria, secundaria, bachillerato, universidad, hombres y mujeres) muestra una consistencia interna promedio de 0.82. El análisis confirmatorio muestra adecuados índices de ajuste: ji cuadrada (χ2)=285, ji cuadrada divida por grados de libertad (χ2/gl)=15, índice de bondad de ajuste (GFI)=0.97, índice de ajuste normalizado (NFI)=0.95, índice de ajuste comparativo (CFI)=0.96, y error cuadrático medio de aproximación (RMSEA)=0.08. Validamos con lo anterior el Bull-M para las diferentes poblaciones aquí estudiadas. Observamos, además, mayor prevalencia de bullying entre hombres (47.4%) vs mujeres (38.4%) (χ2=19.2, p<0.001) y una disminución conforme la edad escolar: 52.7% a nivel primaria y 28.1% entre universitarios (R= -0.99, p<0.001). El problema del bullying repercute en la salud física y mental de quien lo padece, de quien lo promueve y de quien lo realiza; es, por lo tanto, un problema social y de salud pública. Tanto víctimas como agresores presentan altas incidencias de depresión y problemas en sus relaciones interpersonales que con el tiempo pueden resultar en problemas de criminalidad, abuso de fármacos y pensamientos o intentos suicidas.4,5 Por lo anterior, consideramos necesario estudiar este problema en poblaciones con alta prevalencia, como Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. En nuestro conocimiento, las prevalencias aquí reportadas son las más altas encontradas en México y en Latinoamérica