13 research outputs found

    MĂ©moire des lacs et mĂ©moire des sociĂ©tĂ©s du Moyen Âge Ă  nos jours : approche palynologique et historique de la moyenne montagne jurassienne et alpine (lac de Remoray, Doubs ; glissement de Mont Granier, Savoie)

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    The main objective of this thesis was to establish a precise story of the interaction between societies and environment during the last millennium, in two zones of middle mountain area, which are particularly sensitive to the natural hazards as well as to the political, economic and social events, through a set of multiple data. The high-resolution study of two lacustrine sediment cores in two Jura and alpine sites, thanks to the palynological tool - pollen grains, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs - and the study of the historical and archival data allowed us, besides supplying a complementary corpus, to test a comparative approach (pollen vs cadastral data). At Lake Remoray (Doubs, Jura massif, 850 m asl.), the study specified the settlement process. The data of the Early Middle Ages, illustrate one more time that the idea that a forest desert preceding the arrival of the monks land-clearers is to be revised. The installation of religious communities during the XI-XIIIth centuries and the influence of the seigniorial powers in this strategic zone seem however the key stage in the implementation of a sustainable settlement. Economic activities diversify and take their development during the next centuries although certain periods are marked with sociopolitical crises and cross effects, more or less felt, of Little Ice Age. It will be necessary to wait for the XIX-XXth century transition to see the development of the recent silvo-pastoral landscape. Our second site of study finds its origin in what gives to the mountain another identity: the natural risks. The site is the testimony of a zone destroyed in 1248 AD by an immense landslide further to the fall of a part of the Mount Granier (Savoy, massif of the Chartreuse ; 1933 m asl.). This event, depriving the valley of five parishes and a thousand inhabitants quickly engendered a new territory, in terms of topographic, vegetal as well as socioeconomic aspect. The particular observation Lake Saint AndrĂ© lacustrine sequence, formed post-collapse, offered the opportunity to follow step by step this vegetal and human recovery, supported by the geological, geographical, archaeological and historic approaches which liven up the research in a recurring way. The results show of a period of vegetal recolonisation followed by a relatively fast agro-pastoral recovery with, as peculiarity, the implementation of a wine-making territory. The sedimentary recording of this lake allowed following, besides the indications of a varied food-producing farming till the beginning of the XXth century, the particular pollen testimony of the vineyard which will gradually become a monoculture.L’objectif principal de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© d’établir une histoire prĂ©cise des interactions sociĂ©tĂ©s-environnement durant le dernier millĂ©naire dans deux zones de moyenne montagne, territoires particuliĂšrement sensibles aux alĂ©as naturels ainsi qu’aux Ă©vĂšnements politiques, Ă©conomiques et sociaux Ă  travers un jeu de donnĂ©es multiples issues de diffĂ©rentes disciplines. L’étude de deux sĂ©quences sĂ©dimentaires lacustres de sites jurassien et alpin, grĂące Ă  l’outil palynologique - grains de pollen, spores et microfossiles non-polliniques -, particuliĂšrement dĂ©veloppĂ© ici avec la haute-rĂ©solution, croisĂ© avec l’étude des donnĂ©es historiques et archivistiques nous a permis, en plus de fournir un corpus complĂ©mentaire, de tester une approche comparative (donnĂ©es polliniques vs donnĂ©es cadastrales). Au lac de Remoray (Doubs, massif jurassien, 850 m d’altitude), l’étude a prĂ©cisĂ© le schĂ©ma du processus d’occupation de cette partie de la haute vallĂ©e du Doubs. Les donnĂ©es du haut Moyen Âge illustrent une fois de plus que l’idĂ©e qu’un dĂ©sert forestier prĂ©cĂ©dant l’arrivĂ©e des moines dĂ©fricheurs est Ă  nuancer. L’installation des communautĂ©s religieuses durant les XIĂšme-XIIIĂšme siĂšcles, et l’influence des pouvoirs seigneuriaux sur cette zone stratĂ©gique, semblent toutefois l’étape clef dans la mise en place d’un peuplement durable. Les activitĂ©s Ă©conomiques se diversifient et prennent leur essor durant les siĂšcles suivants bien que certaines pĂ©riodes soient marquĂ©es de crises socio-politiques et traversĂ©es par les effets, plus ou moins ressentis, du Petit Âge Glaciaire. Il faudra attendre la transition XIXĂšme-XXĂšme siĂšcle pour que les paysages sylvo-pastoraux que nous connaissons actuellement se mettent en place. SituĂ© un peu plus au sud (Savoie, massif de la Chartreuse), notre second site d’étude trouve son origine dans ce qui donne Ă  la montagne une autre identitĂ© : les risques naturels. Le site est le tĂ©moignage d’une zone dĂ©vastĂ©e en 1248 de notre Ăšre par un immense glissement de terrain suite Ă  la chute d’une partie du Mont Granier (1933 m d’altitude). Cet Ă©vĂšnement, privant une partie de la vallĂ©e de cinq paroisses et d’un millier d’habitants, a engendrĂ© rapidement un nouveau territoire, aussi bien topographique, vĂ©gĂ©tal que socio-Ă©conomique. L’observation particuliĂšre des sĂ©diments du lac Saint-AndrĂ© formĂ© post-Ă©boulement a offert l’occasion de suivre pas Ă  pas cette reconquĂȘte vĂ©gĂ©tale et humaine, appuyĂ© par les approches gĂ©ologiques, gĂ©ographiques, archĂ©ologiques et historiques qui animent la recherche de façon rĂ©currente. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus tĂ©moignent d’une pĂ©riode de recolonisation vĂ©gĂ©tale suivie d’une reconquĂȘte agro-pastorale relativement rapide, avec comme particularitĂ© la mise en place d’un territoire viticole. L’enregistrement sĂ©dimentaire particulier de ce lac a permis de suivre, en plus des indices d’une agriculture vivriĂšre variĂ©e jusqu’au dĂ©but du XXĂšme siĂšcle, le tĂ©moignage pollinique particulier de la vigne qui deviendra petit Ă  petit une monoculture

    The trophic reliance of methane in the benthic food web: natural versus anthropogenic drivers

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    It is now widely recognized that biogenic methane can contribute up to 80% of the chironomid biomass in case of hypoxic tropholytic zone. However, several studies have revealed that hypoxic deep conditions can appear more or less abruptly through time, suggesting that the biogenic methane contribution is not the \u27reference\u27 functioning in most lakes. This study aims at identifying the causes of the trophic reliance of methane (\u27TRM\u27) activation, and to understand the environmental conditions that enable the activation of the TRM. Three different lakes (productivity, altitude, water depth, etc.) were investigated using paleolimnological approach. The methodological strategy is built in three steps: (i) the reconstruction of the temporal evolution of methanotroph availability (ancient DNA of methanotroph) and the chironomid paleo-diet (carbon stable isotopes), (ii) the comparison of these dynamics with the histories of climate variability and anthropogenic pressures (pollen analysis) (iii) and the assessment of the environmental conditions (trophic state, oxygen conditions and organic matter accumulation) that allowed this activation. Results reveal very contrasting evolutions suggesting (i) that this pathway is highly driven by human and climate pressures and (ii) that lakes seem to have a various \u27sensibility\u27 facing the activation and the modulation of the TRM

    Exposure to nitric oxide protects against oxidative damage but increases the labile iron pool in sorghum embryonic axes

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    Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and diethylenetriamine NONOate (DETA NONOate), were used as the source of exogenous NO to study the effect of NO upon germination of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) seeds through its possible interaction with iron. Modulation of cellular Fe status could be an important factor for the establishment of oxidative stress and the regulation of plant physiology. Fresh and dry weights of the embryonic axes were significantly increased in the presence of 0.1 mM SNP, as compared to control. Spin trapping EPR was used to assess the NO content in axes from control seeds after 24 h of imbibition (2.4±0.2 nmol NO g−1 FW) and seeds exposed to 0.01, 0.1, and 1 mM SNP (3.1±0.3, 4.6±0.2, and 6.0±0.9 nmol NO g−1 FW, respectively) and 1 mM DETA NONOate (6.2±0.6 nmol NO g−1 FW). Incubation of seeds with 1 mM SNP protected against oxidative damage to lipids and maintained membrane integrity. The content of the deferoxamine–Fe (III) complex significantly increased in homogenates of axes excised from seeds incubated in the presence of 1 mM SNP or 1 mM DETA NONOate as compared to the control (19±2 nmol Fe g−1 FW, 15.2±0.5 nmol Fe g−1 FW, and 8±1 nmol Fe g−1 FW, respectively), whereas total Fe content in the axes was not affected by the NO donor exposure. Data presented here provide experimental evidence to support the hypothesis that increased availability of NO drives not only protective effects to biomacromolecules, but to increasing the Fe availability for promoting cellular development as well

    Memory of lakes and memory of societies from the middle ages to our days : palynological and historical approach of the jura and alpine middle mountain area (lake Remoray, Doubs ; Mont Granier's landslide, Savoy)

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    L’objectif principal de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© d’établir une histoire prĂ©cise des interactions sociĂ©tĂ©s-environnement durant le dernier millĂ©naire dans deux zones de moyenne montagne, territoires particuliĂšrement sensibles aux alĂ©as naturels ainsi qu’aux Ă©vĂšnements politiques, Ă©conomiques et sociaux Ă  travers un jeu de donnĂ©es multiples issues de diffĂ©rentes disciplines. L’étude de deux sĂ©quences sĂ©dimentaires lacustres de sites jurassien et alpin, grĂące Ă  l’outil palynologique - grains de pollen, spores et microfossiles non-polliniques -, particuliĂšrement dĂ©veloppĂ© ici avec la haute-rĂ©solution, croisĂ© avec l’étude des donnĂ©es historiques et archivistiques nous a permis, en plus de fournir un corpus complĂ©mentaire, de tester une approche comparative (donnĂ©es polliniques vs donnĂ©es cadastrales). Au lac de Remoray (Doubs, massif jurassien, 850 m d’altitude), l’étude a prĂ©cisĂ© le schĂ©ma du processus d’occupation de cette partie de la haute vallĂ©e du Doubs. Les donnĂ©es du haut Moyen Âge illustrent une fois de plus que l’idĂ©e qu’un dĂ©sert forestier prĂ©cĂ©dant l’arrivĂ©e des moines dĂ©fricheurs est Ă  nuancer. L’installation des communautĂ©s religieuses durant les XIĂšme-XIIIĂšme siĂšcles, et l’influence des pouvoirs seigneuriaux sur cette zone stratĂ©gique, semblent toutefois l’étape clef dans la mise en place d’un peuplement durable. Les activitĂ©s Ă©conomiques se diversifient et prennent leur essor durant les siĂšcles suivants bien que certaines pĂ©riodes soient marquĂ©es de crises socio-politiques et traversĂ©es par les effets, plus ou moins ressentis, du Petit Âge Glaciaire. Il faudra attendre la transition XIXĂšme-XXĂšme siĂšcle pour que les paysages sylvo-pastoraux que nous connaissons actuellement se mettent en place. SituĂ© un peu plus au sud (Savoie, massif de la Chartreuse), notre second site d’étude trouve son origine dans ce qui donne Ă  la montagne une autre identitĂ© : les risques naturels. Le site est le tĂ©moignage d’une zone dĂ©vastĂ©e en 1248 de notre Ăšre par un immense glissement de terrain suite Ă  la chute d’une partie du Mont Granier (1933 m d’altitude). Cet Ă©vĂšnement, privant une partie de la vallĂ©e de cinq paroisses et d’un millier d’habitants, a engendrĂ© rapidement un nouveau territoire, aussi bien topographique, vĂ©gĂ©tal que socio-Ă©conomique. L’observation particuliĂšre des sĂ©diments du lac Saint-AndrĂ© formĂ© post-Ă©boulement a offert l’occasion de suivre pas Ă  pas cette reconquĂȘte vĂ©gĂ©tale et humaine, appuyĂ© par les approches gĂ©ologiques, gĂ©ographiques, archĂ©ologiques et historiques qui animent la recherche de façon rĂ©currente. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus tĂ©moignent d’une pĂ©riode de recolonisation vĂ©gĂ©tale suivie d’une reconquĂȘte agro-pastorale relativement rapide, avec comme particularitĂ© la mise en place d’un territoire viticole. L’enregistrement sĂ©dimentaire particulier de ce lac a permis de suivre, en plus des indices d’une agriculture vivriĂšre variĂ©e jusqu’au dĂ©but du XXĂšme siĂšcle, le tĂ©moignage pollinique particulier de la vigne qui deviendra petit Ă  petit une monoculture.The main objective of this thesis was to establish a precise story of the interaction between societies and environment during the last millennium, in two zones of middle mountain area, which are particularly sensitive to the natural hazards as well as to the political, economic and social events, through a set of multiple data. The high-resolution study of two lacustrine sediment cores in two Jura and alpine sites, thanks to the palynological tool - pollen grains, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs - and the study of the historical and archival data allowed us, besides supplying a complementary corpus, to test a comparative approach (pollen vs cadastral data). At Lake Remoray (Doubs, Jura massif, 850 m asl.), the study specified the settlement process. The data of the Early Middle Ages, illustrate one more time that the idea that a forest desert preceding the arrival of the monks land-clearers is to be revised. The installation of religious communities during the XI-XIIIth centuries and the influence of the seigniorial powers in this strategic zone seem however the key stage in the implementation of a sustainable settlement. Economic activities diversify and take their development during the next centuries although certain periods are marked with sociopolitical crises and cross effects, more or less felt, of Little Ice Age. It will be necessary to wait for the XIX-XXth century transition to see the development of the recent silvo-pastoral landscape. Our second site of study finds its origin in what gives to the mountain another identity: the natural risks. The site is the testimony of a zone destroyed in 1248 AD by an immense landslide further to the fall of a part of the Mount Granier (Savoy, massif of the Chartreuse ; 1933 m asl.). This event, depriving the valley of five parishes and a thousand inhabitants quickly engendered a new territory, in terms of topographic, vegetal as well as socioeconomic aspect. The particular observation Lake Saint AndrĂ© lacustrine sequence, formed post-collapse, offered the opportunity to follow step by step this vegetal and human recovery, supported by the geological, geographical, archaeological and historic approaches which liven up the research in a recurring way. The results show of a period of vegetal recolonisation followed by a relatively fast agro-pastoral recovery with, as peculiarity, the implementation of a wine-making territory. The sedimentary recording of this lake allowed following, besides the indications of a varied food-producing farming till the beginning of the XXth century, the particular pollen testimony of the vineyard which will gradually become a monoculture

    Livret-guide de l’excursion "Lacs, tourbiùres et paysages du Haut-Doubs": XXIVùme Symposium de l’APLF, Pontarlier, sept. 2015

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    National audienceCette courte excursion sera exclusivement consacrĂ©e Ă  quelques sites emblĂ©matiques du Haut Doubs. Nous resterons entre 800 et 900 mĂštres d’altitude dans cette partie haute du dĂ©partement du Doubs, l’un des quatre dĂ©partements de la Franche-ComtĂ©.Depuis Pontarlier, nous remonterons d’abord le cours du Doubs, pratiquement jusqu’à sa source qui se situe Ă  Mouthe. Au passage, juste Ă  la sortie de Pontarlier, nous pourrons admirer le Fort de Joux qui surplombe la cluse de Pontarlier, passage utilisĂ© depuis toujours pour accĂ©der Ă  la Suisse, et plus loin Ă  l’Italie.Deux sites feront l’objet d’une attention particuliĂšre : les deux lacs de Saint-Point et Remoray, et la zone des tourbiĂšres de Frasne.Cette partie du Massif du Jura est connue pour ses paysages, alternance de vastes forĂȘts de conifĂšres, de grasses prairies parcourues par les vaches montbĂ©liardes et de zones de transition entre pĂąturages et forĂȘts : les prĂ©-bois. D’importantes zones de marĂ©cages et de tourbiĂšres y sont protĂ©gĂ©es et valorisĂ©es. Au-delĂ  de cette carte postale idyllique et des dĂ©lices gastronomiques associĂ©s, la rĂ©putation du Haut Doubs tient aux rudesses de son climat

    Le Néolithique de la haute chaßne du Jura français

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    Le lac de Saint-Point, situĂ© Ă  850 m d'altitude dans la haute vallĂ©e du Doubs, a fait l'objet d'un carottage lacustre profond dont la datation est appuyĂ©e par 24 dates radiocarbone. La sĂ©quence sĂ©dimentaire (12,3 m), qui couvre la totalitĂ© du Tardiglaciaire et de l'HolocĂšne, offre l'opportunitĂ© d'une Ă©tude dĂ©taillĂ©e de l'anthropisation prĂ©coce du paysage. C'est au coeur de la chĂȘnaie mixte atlantique qu'apparaissent les premiers indices polliniques d'anthropisation ; ils sont datĂ©s de 5400-5300 cal. BC. À partir de 4800-4600 cal. BC et jusqu'Ă  la fin de l'Ăąge du Bronze, un systĂšme agraire particulier se met en place. L'environnement vĂ©gĂ©tal reste trĂšs forestier mais les impacts sont rĂ©guliers et rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s : dĂ©frichements et pics de pollen de cĂ©rĂ©ales, puis pics de pollen des plantes des prairies et enfin augmentation des taux de pollen des arbres hĂ©liophiles et pionniers comme Juniperus (genĂ©vrier) et Acer (Ă©rable)

    20th century human pressures drive reductions in deepwater oxygen leading to losses of benthic methane-based food webs

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    International audienceFreshwater lakes play a key role in the global carbon cycle as sinks (organic carbon sequestration) and sources (greenhouse gas emissions). Understanding the carbon cycle response to environmental changes is becoming a crucial challenge in the context of global warming and the preponderance of human pressures. We reconstructed the long-term (1500 years) evolution of trophic functioning of the benthic food web, based on methanotrophic ancient DNA and chironomid isotope analyses). In addition, human land use is also reconstructed in three different lakes (eastern France, Jura Mountains). Our findings confirm that the benthic food web can be highly dependent on methane-derived carbon (up to 50% of the chironomid biomass) and reveal that the activation of this process can correspond to a natural functioning or be a consequence of anthropic perturbation. The studied lakes also showed a similar temporal evolution over the last century with the disappearance of the profundal aquatic insects (Chironomidae, Diptera), considered as keystone for the whole lake food web (e.g., coupling benthic-pelagic), inducing a potential collapse in the transfer of methane to top consumers. This functional state, also called the dead zone expansion, was caused by the change in human land-use occurring at the beginning of the 20th century. The strong modification of agro-pastoral practices (e.g., fertilization practices, intensive grazing, and sewage effluent) modified the influx of nutrients (by diffuse and/or point-source inputs) and induced a significant increase in the trophic status and organic matter sedimentation to reach unprecedented values. Further studies should be planned to assess dead zone expansion and, according to the regime shift theory, to provide environmental tipping points for sustainable resource management