10 research outputs found

    An Investigation Into the Resistance/powering and Seakeeping Characteristics of River Catamaran and Trimaran

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    The increase of fuel price has caused fleet operational and shipping business to be in danger situation. The fuel consumption of a ship is influenced by ship volume or wetted area which contributes directly to the increase of ship resistance and the size of main engine. In order to find out the appropriate answers, a series of investigation into river transportation using monohull, catamaran and trimaran types of vessel was carried out. The work focused on the estimation of total resistance and powering as well as seakeeping characteristics and carried out experimentally using tank test and numerically using a ship design software (Maxsurf). It was found out that the catamaran and trimaran could have less resistance and hence power compared  to monohull of similar displacement. The seakeeping characteristics of the multihull vessels were also comparable with those of the monohull. This is a good indication that river catamaran/trimaran is an efficient  and comfortable vessel. If a prototype or real vessel is developed, it can be a very efficient ship as well as a ship with high safety standard. &nbsp

    Development of Catamaran Fishing Vessel

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    Multihull due to a couple of advantages has been the topic of extensive research work in naval architecture. In this study, a series of investigation of fishing vessel to save fuel energy was carried out at ITS. Two types of ship models, monohull (round bilge and hard chine) and catamaran, a boat with two hulls (symmetrical and asymmetrical) were developed. Four models were produced physically and numerically, tested (towing tank) and simulated numerically (CFD code). The results of the two approaches indicated that the catamaran mode might have drag (resistance) smaller than those of monohull at the same displacement. A layout of catamaran fishing vessel, proposed here, indicates the freedom of setting the deck equipments for fishing vessel


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja, pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan , pengaruh disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan danpengaruh  lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan Kebun Raya Sukorambi (TBS) Jember. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian  dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan sampel karyawan Kebun Raya Sukorambi (TBS) Jember sebanyak 63 responden. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah model analisis regresi linier berganda. Untuk menganalisis hubungan kausal antara variabel digunakan  uji hipotesis dengan uji F dan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda diketahui bahwa kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja sebesar 0,458, artinya sikap dan gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh kuat terhadap kehidupan organisasi, terutama kinerja pegawai di lingkungan Pelaksanaan tugas mereka Sedangkan motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja sebesar 0,065 berarti bahwa variabel motivasi dapat meningkatkan moral, kepuasan kerja, produktivitas kerja karyawan dan menciptakan suasana dan hubungan kerja yang baik. Keterbukaan tenaga kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja 0,076 berarti bahwa disiplin kerja sebagai alat untuk berkomunikasi dengan karyawan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran dan kemauan untuk mematuhi semua peraturan perusahaan dan norma kekuatan sosial, sedangkan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja 0,450 berarti bahwa lingkungan kerja dapat meningkatkan toleransi dalam tim, motivasi untuk melakukan kerja ekstra, dan menghormati semangat peraturan di perusahaan.Kata Kunci: leadership, motivation, discipline work, work environment and performance


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    Abstract: Research on corporate culture has been widely conducted both in Indonesia and overseas. However, research focuses on occupational health and safety (OHS) culture has not gained much attention in Indonesia, especially related to leadership, job satisfaction, motivation, and employee performance. This research aimed to analyze the influence of OHS culture, leadership, and motivation on job satisfaction and employee performance in the “X” oil and gas company in East Kalimantan Province. Primary data were collected from the sample consisted of 290 respondents, i.e, the permanent employees and the contractor’s employee working at Hindi II base. Results showed that OHS culture had a significant influence on job satisfaction, but it had no influence on employee performance. Leadership had a significant influence on job satisfaction and employee performance. Motivation had a significant influence on job satisfaction and employee performance. Job satisfaction had a significant influence on employee performance. Keywords: OHS Culture, Leadership, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance

    The working class\u27 struggles for a better life in dos Passos\u27 U.S.A. = Perjuangan "Kelompok Pekerja" Untuk Perbaikan Hidup dalam novel U.S.A. Karya Dos Passos

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    Telah diteliti sebuah kajian tentang perjuangan masyarakat pekerja golongan bawah dalam upaya mencapai kehidupan yang lebih baik di tengah-tengah kernakmuran industri Amerika. Searing denganpesatnyapertumbuhan industri di Amerika, rnasyarakat negara menjadi semakin materialistis. Perkembangan industri yangg pesat memberikan dampak bagi para pekerja tersebut. Karena dtmia industri sangat kompetitif,lcelompok pekerja tersebut menjadi korban monopoli dan eksploitasi dan kelompok /capita/is yangg menghalalkan segala cara untuk mencapai keun tungan pribadi. Perkernbangan Amerika yang demikian mendatangkart keresahan bagi para pekerja. Kekayaan yang diperoleh negara itu hdak membawa kern-.1 uranbagi mereka. Hal yang demikian mendorong mereka untuk berjuang memperoleh perbaikan hidup karena dalam sistem monopoli kapitalisme, sulit bag\u27 mereka untuk memperbaiki hidup. Walaupun mereka jujur dan bekerja keras seperti yang digambarkan dalam cerita "rags to riches" dan Horatio Alger, mereka tetap sebagai buruh. Akhirnya yang mereka dapatkan hanya kemiskinan. Kata kunci: industrialisasi - eksploitasi pekerja - perjuangan untuk perbaikan hidu


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    The increase of fuel price has caused fleet operational and shipping business to be in danger situation. The fuel consumption of a ship is influenced by ship volume or wetted area which contributes directly to the increase of ship resistance and the size of main engine. In order to find out the appropriate answers, a series of investigation into river transportation using monohull, catamaran and trimaran types of vessel was carried out. The work focused on the estimation of total resistance and powering as well as seakeeping characteristics and carried out experimentally using tank test and numerically using a ship design software (Maxsurf). It was found out that the catamaran and trimaran could have less resistance and hence power compared  to monohull of similar displacement. The seakeeping characteristics of the multihull vessels were also comparable with those of the monohull. This is a good indication that river catamaran/trimaran is an efficient  and comfortable vessel. If a prototype or real vessel is developed, it can be a very efficient ship as well as a ship with high safety standard.  Keywords: catamaran, monohull, resistance, seakeeping, trimara


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    Some ways have been conducted to improve the quality of the human resources. One of them is to apply TQM. The data used in this experiment was primary data obtained from the respondents. Coefficient of determination was used to examine the model fit. t-test had been used to examine the hyphoteses partially and F-test had been used to examine hypotheses secara simultaneously. The result showed that the role of employee, role of leader, relation between leader and emplyoee, aspect of organization and aspect of environment were among variables that have a siqnificantly influence on the improvement of (1) theoretical ability; (2) technical ability; (3) conceptual ability; (4) moral ability; (5) technical skill (6) the quality of human resources. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Telah banyak cara dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia tersebut, salah satunya adalah melalui penerapan TQM. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari responden. Untuk mengetahui ketepatan model yang digunakan, diuji dengan koefisien determinasi, pengujian Hipotesis secara parsial digunakan uji t dan pembuktian hipotesis secara bersama-sama digunakan uji F. Berdasarkan pada analisis data diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut : variabel peran karyawan, variabel peran pimpinan, variabel hubungan pimpinan dan karyawan, variabel aspek organisasi dan variabel aspek lingkungan berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap peningkatan (1) kemampuan teoritis; (2) kemampuan teknis; (3) kemampuan konseptual; (4) kemampuan moral; (5) ketrampilan teknis; (6) kualitas sumberdaya manusia. Kata kunci: Total Quality Management (TQM),Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)

    Pengembangan Sumber daya manusia di perguruan tinggi menyongsong tahun 2003

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