218 research outputs found

    The Ricci flow on a cylinder

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    In this paper we study the Ricci flow on surfaces homeomorphic to a cylinder (that is, a product of the circle with a compact interval). We prove longtime existence results, results on the asymptotic behavior of the flow, and we report on an interesting phenomenon: convergence to constant curvature in the normalised flow,under certain assumptions on the initial data, cannot be exponential.Comment: Comments and criticism more than welcom

    Preventive detention in the place of residence, a viable option in military criminal justice

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    La ausencia de la detención domiciliaria en la ley penal militar, la especialidad de la justicia y la protección de la disciplina y el servicio como valores esenciales en la fuerza pública, conllevaron a no conceder este beneficio jurídico a los procesados por esta jurisdicción, aun por vía de integración normativa. Se investigó los parámetros que tiene la justicia ordinaria para otorgar esta figura, y a partir de allí, se preguntó si era concebible aplicarla en la justicia penal militar sin afectar dichos valores. Para resolver el problema se optó por un enfoque cualitativo basado en la revisión y análisis de la jurisprudencia y la doctrina con el fin plantear la posibilidad de otorgar el subrogado penal cumpliendo los mismos parámetros de la jurisdicción común y se determinó que en torno al reconocimiento de la dignidad humana, la libertad y la integración es absolutamente valido el reconocimiento de tan negado beneficio.The absence of home detention of the military criminal law, the specialty of justice and the protection of discipline and service as essential values in the public force, led to not granting this legal benefit to those prosecuted by this jurisdiction, even for way of normative integration. The parameters that the ordinary justice has to grant this figure was investigated, and from there, it was asked if it was conceivable to apply it in the military criminal justice without affecting said values. To solve the problem, a qualitative approach was chosen based on the review and analysis of jurisprudence and doctrine in order to propose the possibility of granting the criminal surrogate fulfilling the same parameters of the common jurisdiction and it was determined that around the recognition of human dignity, freedom and integration is absolutely valid the recognition of such a denied benefit.Maestrí


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    Resumen:El mundo de la globalización y la construcción de la sociedad del conocimiento han repercutido en las inquietudes de la escuela a la que propone como ente investigativo, ya sea del orden cualitativo ocuantitativo. Desde el orden cualitativo, la etnografía se presenta como un herramienta de abordaje de la realidad cercana al mundo de la educación que favorece el estudio de núcleo problemático de la educación al tiempo que, ejerce aspectos pedagógicos a la hora de realizarse, permitiendo la integración de maestro y estudiantes como objeto y sujeto de la investigación.Palabras clave:Etnografía, educación, fenómeno educativo, metodología

    Los héroes en Colombia sí existen medios de comunicación, teoría del conflicto e imaginarios sociales en la sociedad colombiana

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    El Ejército Nacional de Colombia es el responsable de la campaña LOS HÉROES EN COLOMBIA SÍ EXISTEN, un proceso que por varios años busco posicionar la imagen del soldado en la población civil fortaleciendo este actor en temas de comunicación y de esta forma exponer una forma del conflicto armado colombiano. Las propuestas publicitarias de este actor son la oportunidad de explicar el papel de los actores dentro de un conflicto y entender el uso de este tipo de herramientas para la resolución del mismo. Teniendo como base una idea: la construcción de imaginarios de la población civil a través de elementos comunicativos.The National Army of Colombia is responsible for the campaign HEROES IN COLOMBIA do exist, a process that for years sought to position the image of the soldier in civilian strengthening this actor in communication and thus exhibit a form of conflict Colombian armed. Proposals are advertising this actor the opportunity to explain the role of actors in a conflict and understand the use of these tools for the resolution of it. Taking as a basis an idea of imaginary construction of civilians through communicative elements.Comunicador (a) SocialPregrad

    Overproduction of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase DNA-binding domain blocks alkylation-induced DNA repair synthesis in mammalian cells

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    The zinc-finger DNA-binding domain (DBD) of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP, EC specifically recognizes DNA strand breaks induced by various DNA-damaging agents in eukaryotes. This, in turn, triggers the synthesis of polymers of ADP-ribose linked to nuclear proteins during DNA repair. The 46 kDa DBD of human PARP, and several derivatives thereof mutated in its first or second zinc-finger, were overproduced in Escherichia coli, in CV-1 monkey cells or in human fibroblasts to study their DNA-binding properties, the trans-dominant inhibition of resident PARP activity, and the consequences on DNA repair, respectively. A positive correlation was found between the in vitro DNA-binding capacity of the recombinant DBD polypeptides and their inhibitory effect on PARP activity stimulated by the alkylating agent N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). Furthermore, overproduced wild-type DBD blocked unscheduled DNA synthesis induced in living cells by MNNG treatment, but not that induced by UV irradiation. These results define a critical role for the second zinc-finger of PARP for DNA single-stranded break binding and furthermore underscore the importance for PARP to act as a critical regulatory component in the repair of DNA damage induced by alkylating agents.</p

    Overproduction of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase DNA-binding domain blocks alkylation-induced DNA repair synthesis in mammalian cells

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    The zinc-finger DNA-binding domain (DBD) of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP, EC specifically recognizes DNA strand breaks induced by various DNA-damaging agents in eukaryotes. This, in turn, triggers the synthesis of polymers of ADP-ribose linked to nuclear proteins during DNA repair. The 46 kDa DBD of human PARP, and several derivatives thereof mutated in its first or second zinc-finger, were overproduced in Escherichia coli, in CV-1 monkey cells or in human fibroblasts to study their DNA-binding properties, the trans-dominant inhibition of resident PARP activity, and the consequences on DNA repair, respectively. A positive correlation was found between the in vitro DNA-binding capacity of the recombinant DBD polypeptides and their inhibitory effect on PARP activity stimulated by the alkylating agent N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). Furthermore, overproduced wild-type DBD blocked unscheduled DNA synthesis induced in living cells by MNNG treatment, but not that induced by UV irradiation. These results define a critical role for the second zinc-finger of PARP for DNA single-stranded break binding and furthermore underscore the importance for PARP to act as a critical regulatory component in the repair of DNA damage induced by alkylating agents.</p

    Hotel Costing vs. Accounting Costing System

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    Purpose: This study contrasts the costing process applied in four-star hotels in Bogota with the traditional costing systems identified and used in academic training processes.   Theoretical Framework: From the different definitions of cost, reference is always made to the necessary capital expenditures in the company, directly associated with the product or good that is produced, which must be easily identifiable and must also be recoverable at the time of sale of a product.At this point it is important to clarify that the term “cost” is understood as a measure of the consumption of resources related to the demand of the work and activities to be performed, while “expense” is a measure of consumption related to the capacity provided to perform the work, activity and/or process (Mejía &amp; Salazar, 2015, p. 51). In a similar context, Rodriguez (2008) refers to expenditure as the cash outflow within a hotel related to sales and administration departments, and supports the relationship of the cost for manufacturing the product.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The focus of the research process was mixed, given the combination of quantitative data collected, as well as the analysis of opinions, facts and contrasts obtained in the process of collecting information that constitute qualitative notes on the latest experiences lived by the group of experts in the development of their functions within the hotels. The variables shown in Figure 3 were present in this information gathering and evaluation process.   Findings: Within the results presented, a costing system is differentiated from a costing process showing the relevant variables necessary to be called a “system”.   Research, Practical &amp; Social Implications: The pandemic generated by Covid-19 was a limiting factor for reaching this group of hotels and caused the closure of establishments and the cessation of operations in most of the lodging companies. The research group mitigated this fact by convening a group of 17 people to a focus group, as experts, validating them through their work experience since they have held positions in hotels as accountants, cost managers and controllers.   Originality/Value: A sample of 43.3% of the four-star hotels in the city of Bogotá D.C. was used, where instruments were applied to present the results that were analyzed with context analysis matrices

    Electron microscopy and calorimetry of proteins in supercooled water

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    Some of the best nucleating agents in nature are ice-nucleating proteins, which boost ice growth better than any other material. They can induce immersion freezing of supercooled water only a few degrees below 0 degrees C. An open question is whether this ability also extends to the deposition mode, i.e., to water vapor. In this work, we used three proteins, apoferritin, InaZ (ice nucleation active protein Z), and myoglobin, of which the first two are classified as ice-nucleating proteins for the immersion freezing mode. We studied the ice nucleation ability of these proteins by differential scanning calorimetry (immersion freezing) and by environmental scanning electron microscopy (deposition freezing). Our data show that InaZ crystallizes water directly from the vapor phase, while apoferritin first condenses water in the supercooled state, and subsequently crystallizes it, just as myoglobin, which is unable to nucleate ice.Financial support through the Spanish MINECO/MCIU grants Nos. PID2019-104650GB-C21/PID2019104650GB is gratefully acknowledged. We were further supported by the following grants: Basque government IT1566-22, Basque Government Elkartek 2019, Maria de Maeztu "Units of Excellence" Program MDM 20160618, Cursum ADASTRA [project "Wetinflu TRAV"]. A.M.B. is indebted to the Erwin Schrodinger Intl. Institute (ESI) Vienna for the workshop DCC_2016 "water and interfaces". In addition, we thank Mitsuhiro Okuda for sample preparation optimization and Andrey Chuvilin for valuable discussions and assistance during the ESEM measurements