122 research outputs found

    Academic Leaders and the Regulatory Orientation: New and Improved!

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    The purpose of this article is to describe the challenges and regulatory knowledge gaps present in academic nursing leaders, explore orientation as an evidence-based approach to support leadership transition, recommend guiding frameworks, and report on the usefulness of orientations to facilitate academic regulatory compliance knowledge. During this time of yet another nursing shortage, and considering the aging population and nursing workforce, professional organizations and nurse leaders strive to develop innovative solutions to attract individuals to nursing. The shortage is also present amongst the ranks of nursing faculty and academic nurse leaders and the profession needs strong leaders at the helm of the nursing programs to educate future nurses to meet workforce demands (AACN, 2020a). Nursing education and professional practice are exceedingly regulated through state licensures, boards of nursing approvals, and accreditations. Furthermore, institutions of higher education and nursing programs must successfully achieve academic, operational, and financial goals within this highly regulated climate. This article offers a plan to design and implement such an orientation for recently appointed academic nurse leaders

    Regulatory Orientation to Support Transition to Academic Leadership

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    Background: As pre-licensure nursing education is burdened by levels of regulations and standards, it is important the academic leader understand regulatory compliance and the applicable federal, state, and local rules and laws. At a multi-campus university, the leader’s ability to address regulatory issues is critical to the program’s success. Local Problem: The university’s campus leader regulatory orientation lacks consistency and standardization of content and resources. This situation results in campus leaders having varying degrees of knowledge and competency ensuring academic regulatory compliance. Context: Regulatory compliance stems from external influences and multiple layers of regulations and accreditation. The university provides onboarding to support role transition for academic leaders; however, there was an opportunity to improve the regulatory orientation to promote the leaders’ professional development and curtail leader turnover rates. Intervention: The intervention consisted of a new academic regulatory orientation to promote consistent practice among academic leaders in maintaining regulatory compliance. Outcome Measures: To assess the effectiveness of the intervention, pre- and post-intervention surveys, including program evaluation, were created to evaluate the training, resources, and effectiveness of the DNP student to facilitate learning and meeting the program outcomes. Results: The training was deemed relevant, effective, and practical with reported increased knowledge and confidence regarding regulatory compliance and university policies. Conclusions: A regulatory orientation is an evidence-based strategy to impart applicable knowledge and support professional development in transition to academic leadership


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    Kekerasan berbasis gender sering menjadi topik hangat di banyak negara di dunia. Isu yang akan diangkat dalam kepenulisan ini adalah diskriminasi gender terhadap pekerja wanita di lingkungan kerjanya, sehingga menghambat perkembangan karir bagi pekerja perempuan di Korea Selatan. Hal ini dilandasi dari masyarakat yang masih kental dengan paham dan budaya patriarkinya sehingga menjadi pendorong praktik diskriminasi gender. Women’s March (WM) bersama dengan organisasi akar rumput lainnya menggerakkan perempuan yang merasa terdesentralisasikan haknya untuk bersuara akan kesadaran nilai gender. Fokus yang diambil adalah dengan mengusung kasus diskriminasi terhadap perkembangan karir perempuan (Glass Ceiling) dengan melihat prran dari gerakan WM dalam memobilisasi sumber dayanya, agar stereotip yang menjadi hambatan karir perempuan perlahan berkurang. Kepenulisan ini akan menjelaskan secara deskriptif mengenai peran dari gerakan WM di Korea Selatan untuk mengangkat nilai-nilai hak perempuan dengan menggunakan teori Resource Mobilization Theory (RMT). Munculnya gerakan WM ini dapat meningkatkan partisipasi dan pemahaman atas kesadaran gender dengan memobilisasi organisasi nasional maupun internasional berbasis gender


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    The purpose of the present thesis is to analyze the effects of FDI on wages in the manufacturing sector from 2002-2008 in 33 different countries. The introductory chapter will review existing literature, distinguishing between neoclassical, political economy and sociology approaches. A second part will estimate the effects of FDI on wages using the panel ordinary least squares (OLS) fixed effects method. Variables included to explain effects on wages, comprise: employment, inward FDI flows and stock, domestic capital, education and trade openness. Two sources are used to obtain international manufacturing wages’ data: International Labour Organization (ILO, 2012) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO, 2012). The main contribution of this master thesis is its estimation of the effects of FDI on wages in the manufacturing sector for both developing and developed countries, with the use of actual FDI data in the manufacturing sector. As a result, this master thesis will enable the reader to understand the effects of FDI on workers' wages in the manufacturing sector

    Vulnerability Assessment of Mangroves using the Coastal Vulnerability Index in Timbulsloko Village, Sayung, Demak

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    The ongoing global warming is causing climate change in several regions of Indonesia, resulting in various impacts. One of these impacts affects coastal areas, namely, the rise in sea levels. The mangrove ecosystem is one of the coastal ecosystems with a crucial role in both ecological and economic aspects of life. This ecosystem is more susceptible to damage due to climate change and human activities. The purpose of this research is to determine the vulnerability level of the mangrove ecosystem, thereby serving as a reference for the rehabilitation of the mangrove ecosystem in Timbulsloko Village. The method used is descriptive exploratory, involving direct field measurements of oceanographic variables, such as salinity, substrate, and tidal data. The analysis employed was the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) with scores divided into three categories: low, moderate, and high, with respective scores ranging between 0.45-2.31, 2.32-4.62, and 4.63-6.93. An analysis of the mangrove substrate was also conducted to determine the existing substrate types in Timbulsloko Village. The obtained results indicate that the salinity around the mangrove ranges from 29-30 ppt, the substrate type is characterized as mud, and the average tidal height is 1.5 m with a mixed leaning towards diurnal single tide. As a result, the vulnerability index value of the mangrove ecosystem in Timbulsloko Village is considered moderate, with a score of 3. The level of mangrove vulnerability is moderate, but sustainable management of the mangrove ecosystem is still required for the future.

    إثراء حفظ المفردات لزيادة كفاءة اللغة العربية في معهد دار الفلاح بي سونجو سمارانج

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    المناقشة المتعلقة بالموضوع الوارد في صياغة مشكلة البحث ، والذي اشتمل على كيفية إثراء المفردات في تحسين كفاءة اللغة العربية لطلاب مدرسة دار الفلاح بيسونغو الداخلية الإسلامية سيمارانج؟ هل يمكن أن يؤدي إعطاء المفردات كل يوم إلى تحسين الكفاءة العربية في مدرسة دار الفلاح الإسلامية الداخلية بيسونجو سيمارانج؟ هذه المشكلات ، تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد ما إذا كان يمكن للطلاب التواصل بشكل جيد باستخدام المفرودات في حياتهم اليومية. يوضح هذا عملية تطبيق جدية الطلاب في تعلم حفظ المفردات للتواصل اليومي. تعد مفردات اللغة الأجنبية أمرًا مهمًا لتسهيل التواصل الجيد. لأن مدرسة دار الفلاح بيسونجو الإسلامية الداخلية في بيسونجو سيمارانج تطبق نظامًا لغويًا كل يوم ما عدا السبت والأحد. ماذا عن الطريقة التي قدمها المسؤول الميداني للطلاب في السكن لتوفير مفردات للتواصل اليومي؟ أي ، بعد كل مغرب ، يعطي مدير قسم اللغة مفردات واحدة فقط لحفظها وفي اليوم التالي يستمر نفس الشيء لمدة تصل إلى أسبوع واحد. عند وصول الأحد ، اجتمع الطلاب جميعًا لمراجعة المفردات التي تم الحصول عليها وحفظها لمدة أسبوع. هذا النشاط يسمى محادثة. بشكل عام ، الدافع والتشجيع على دراسة اللغة العربية في إندونيسيا هو لأغراض دينية ، وتحديداً لدراسة وتعميق التعاليم الإسلامية من مصادر اللغة العربية. ومع ذلك ، في هذا الوقت ، أصبحت اللغة العربية جزءًا من الموضوعات التي يجب تدريسها في مؤسسات التعليم الرسمي. علاوة على ذلك ، في المؤسسات التعليمية الإسلامية ، يجب تعليم اللغة العربية للطلاب. استنادًا إلى الملاحظات الميدانية ، يُظهر أن التعلم في مدرسة دار الفلاح الإسلامية الداخلية بيسونغو سيمارانج قد نفذ طرقًا تعليمية مختلفة موجهة نحو إتقان المهارات اللغوية من الناحية النظرية والعملية. كما تم توفير كتب المفردات العربية في كتيبات / مقابض الطلاب للاستدلال وتطبيقها في الحياة اليومية. يتم التعلم من أجل تحديد مستوى جودة الطلاب في اللغات الأجنبية ، أي من خلال تزويد الطلاب بمعلومات حول اللغة الفعالة وأيضًا وفقًا لقواعد النحو و الصرف. وهو بالطبع في هذه الحالة يمكن تقديمه من قبل استاذ و استاذة من معهد دار الفلاح بي سونجو سمارانج في فصول اللغة. لذلك في هذه الحالة ، لا يتم إعطاء المفردات فقط ، من ناحية أخرى في فصول اللغة المكثفة في الصفوف من 1 إلى 4 ، يتم أيضًا إعطاء دروس النحو و الصرف والتي يمكن للطلاب تطبيقها لاحقًا في التواصل باللغة العربية

    The effect of electromagnetic fields on postoperative pain and locomotor recovery in dogs with acute, severe thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion: a randomized placebo-controlled, prospective clinical trial.

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) due to acute intervertebral disc extrusions (IVDE) is common in dogs and is treated by surgical decompression. Dogs with sensorimotor complete injuries have an incomplete recovery. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) reduce postoperative pain through anti-inflammatory effects and there is growing evidence for neuroprotective effects. This randomized, controlled clinical trial evaluated the effect of PEMF on post-operative pain and neurologic recovery in dogs with surgically treated sensorimotor complete SCI due to acute IVDE. Sixteen dogs with surgically treated complete thoracolumbar SCI were randomized to receive PEMF (15 minutes every 2 hours for 2 weeks then twice daily for 4 weeks) or placebo starting immediately after diagnosis. The primary outcome was gait score at 2 weeks. Secondary measures of gait, pain perception and proprioceptive function were evaluated at 2 and 6 weeks. Plasma GFAP concentration was measured as a SCI biomarker. Post-operative pain was quantified by measuring mechanical sensory thresholds (MST) at control and surgical sites. There was no significant difference in demographics or GFAP concentration between the 2 groups at trial entry. There was no difference in primary outcome or in secondary measures of gait, but proprioceptive placing was significantly better at 6 weeks and GFAP concentrations were significantly lower at 2 weeks in the PEMF group. MSTs were significantly higher in the PEMF treated group. We conclude that PEMF reduced incision-associated pain in dogs following surgery for IVDE and may reduce extent of spinal cord injury and enhance proprioceptive placing. Larger clinical trials are warranted


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    After reviewing literature in the field of job satisfaction in teaching, we conducted a study with Angolan teachers, analyzing this phenomenon in terms of sociodemographic and professional variables. We used the survey methodology, using a sociodemographic questionnaire, the General Satisfaction Scale at Work adapted by Silva, Azevedo e Dias (1994), and the Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (TJSQ) by Lester (1982),translated and adapted to the Portuguese population by Seco (2000). As for the results we can conclude that, in general, participants in this study expressed satisfaction with their work and simultaneously low levels of desire to abandon it.Após a revisão bibliográfica no domínio da satisfação profissional na docência, realizámos um estudo com professores angolanos, procurando analisar este fenómeno em função de variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais. Utilizámos a metodologia de inquérito, recorrendo às variáveis de caracterização sociodemográfica e profissionais, à Escala de Satisfação Geral no Trabalho (ESGT) de Barton e colaboradora (1992), adaptada por Silva e colaboradores (1994), e ao Questionário de Satisfação Profissional do Professor (Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire - TJSQ) de Lester (1982), traduzido e adaptado à população portuguesa por Seco (2000). Quanto aos resultados obtidos podemos concluir que, de uma forma geral, os participantes no presente estudo manifestam satisfação com o trabalho e simultaneamente níveis baixos de desejo de abandono