40 research outputs found


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    Development of Civil State Apparatus is an activity that must be carried out by the Central Government in this regard Sidoarjo Local Government in achieving public service excellence. The development of these employees has been done a long time to start referring to the provisions of law number 5/2014 on the civil state apparatus. The changes in law that regulate the apparatus indicate not maximal implementation of the management of official, especially in that local government. In general, the management of apparatus isn’t carried out properly yet, so then, the public services will be disrupted. Public demands increasingly more complex on government services, and all forms of dissatisfaction and complaints appeared everywhere. It’s of course; the authority of government will be disappeared if the case isn’t resolved immediately. All forms the weakness of public service can be addressed by professional apparatus management that must be done in a transparent manner. Arrangement and legal instruments are the key to succeed personnel management. Development of apparatus ranged from recruitment to the career can be realized when the instrument is clear, and a clear path, as outlined in the strict provisions as well. So anyone in government larders will be able to implement civilian personnel development mechanism transparently and easily

    Pengembangan Kapasitas Aparatur Sipil Negara di Daerah

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    The purposes of this study was to analyze and describe the transparency of the capacity building of state apparatus and harmonization of development policy on the state apparatus in the area. This type of research used qualitative descriptive approach. Data collected through literature  study that is derived from primary data and secondary data. Based on the analysis related to manage and develop the capacity of civil state apparatus in the area indicate that Computer Assisted Test (CAT) method for recruitment of civil servant in Sidoarjo is one form of a positive transparency that is expected to create a cadre of civilian apparatus qualified and competent. The use of this method aimed to develop the quality of personnel resources. In addition, it is supported by policy on the capacity building of civil state apparatus which is comes from center. But, in reality its policy is not harmonized. It is indicated by policy on learning permits and learning task as a form of capacity building of civil state apparatur is irrelevant between the center and the local. So that implementer actors have difficulty in its implementation

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Komputer dan Jaringan Dasar Pada SMK N 1 Tanjung Baru

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    Peran media pembelajaran dalam kegiatan PBM sangat penting. Pemilihan media yang tepat dapat memudahkan transformasi pengetahuan, memotivasi untuk belajar dan meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik. Salah satu permasalahan pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran komputer dan jaringan dasar yang dihadapi  SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Baru Kabupaten Tanah Datar Provinsi Sumatera Barat adalah  belum tersedianya media pembelajaran interaktif, sehingga tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap materi belum maksimal.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat dan mengembangkan media pembelajaran sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar dan  indikator pencapaian kompetensi.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah  Research and Development, terdiri dari beberapa tahapan, yaitu 1) potensi dan masalah, 2) mengumpulkan data, 3) disain produk, 4) validasi disain, 5) revisi disain, 6) ujicoba produk, 7) revisi produk  dan 8)  produksi.  Uji validitas media pembelajaran ini dilakukan oleh 3 validator ahli materi dan 3 ahli disain media. Sedangkan uji kepraktisan dilakukan oleh  2 guru mata pelajaran dan 22 siswa  kelas X.  Berdasarkan  analisis deskriptif terhadap data penilaian dari 6 validator, diperoleh nilai  rata-rata validitas ahli materi sebesar 0,944 dan validitas ahli media sebesar 0,893 yang berarti valid.  Dan  hasil uji kepraktisan media pembelajaran diperoleh rata-rata  sebesar 95,24 %  yang berarti sangat praktis. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran  yang dibuat dapat dinyatakan valid dan praktis untuk digunakan

    Infeksi Ganda Leptospira dan Hantavirus pada Rattus norvegicus di Maumere Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Infection of Leptospirosis and Hantavirus are increased which related to global warming. Rattus norvegicus is reservoirs of both of diseases infections. Dual infection of Leptospira and Hantavirus in R. norvegicus become risk factor of Leptospira and Hantavirus infection in the human. The objective of this study is to figure out the prevalence of Dual infection in R. norvegicus. This study was descriptive research with cross-sectional design. The population of study was R. norvegicus in Maumere City, Flores. The rats  (n=114) were trapped from perimeter and buffer area of Maumere Port, Flores in August to November 2014. Leptospira in R. norvegicus detected by PCR used specific primers for 16S rRNA gene and Hantavirus by nested – PCR used specific primers for the L segment. The data was analysed using descriptive analysis. The prevalence of Leptospira in R. norvegicus was 4.3%, hantavirus was 22,8% and dual infection of Leptospira and Hantavirus was 1.8%. The transmission dual infection of leptospirosis and Hantavirus are potentially occured in Maumere


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    Introduction: Hyperlipidemia lead to atherosclerosis. Bay Cedar (Guazuma ulmifolia), Orange Jessamine (Murraya paniculata), White Mulberry (Morus alba) leaves and Mountain Ginger (Zingiber cassumunar) rhizomes (BOWM) has a potency as antihyperlipidemic drug. This study aims to determine the effect aqueous extract of BOWM on the levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) serum of male wistar rats induced by a modification of an high fat diet (MHFD).Methods: This study used a laboratory experimental method in vivo with control group posttest only design. 25 male wistar rats, 8 weeks, body weight 150-200 grams were grouped into five, namely Negative Control (KN), Positive Control (KP), Dosage Group 1 (KD1), Dosage Group 2 (KD2), Dosage Group 3 (KD3). The aqueous extract of BOWM was given for 12 weeks along with MHFD treatment. The dose of aqueous extract of BOWM; KD1 (189mg/200gBB), KD2 (378mg/200gBB), KD3 (756mg/200gBB) were given everyday orally. Serum TNF-α levels were measured by TNF-α rat ELISA kit. Data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney.Results: The TNF-α serum levels were: KN 280,52 ± 27,28; KP 282,52 ± 45,14; KD1 269,90 ± 7,01; KD2 308,25 ± 30,72; KD3 312,54 ± 33,21. MHFD did not significantly increase serum TNF-α level of KP compared to KN. The aqueous extract of BOWM did not significantly (p>0,05) decrease serum TNF-α level of KD1 compared to KN and KP. Serum TNF-α level of KD3 increased significantly (p<0,05) compared to KN; KD2 and KD3 compared to KD1.Conclusion: BOWM aqueous extract has no effect on the levels of serum TNF-α in MHFD-induced rat


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    Introduction: Hyperlipidemia lead to atherosclerosis. Bay Cedar (Guazuma ulmifolia), Orange Jessamine (Murraya paniculata), White Mulberry (Morus alba) leaves and Mountain Ginger (Zingiber cassumunar) rhizomes (BOWM) has a potency as antihyperlipidemic drug. This study aims to determine the effect aqueous extract of BOWM on the levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) serum of male wistar rats induced by a modification of an high fat diet (MHFD).Methods: This study used a laboratory experimental method in vivo with control group posttest only design. 25 male wistar rats, 8 weeks, body weight 150-200 grams were grouped into five, namely Negative Control (KN), Positive Control (KP), Dosage Group 1 (KD1), Dosage Group 2 (KD2), Dosage Group 3 (KD3). The aqueous extract of BOWM was given for 12 weeks along with MHFD treatment. The dose of aqueous extract of BOWM; KD1 (189mg/200gBB), KD2 (378mg/200gBB), KD3 (756mg/200gBB) were given everyday orally. Serum TNF-α levels were measured by TNF-α rat ELISA kit. Data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney.Results: The TNF-α serum levels were: KN 280,52 ± 27,28; KP 282,52 ± 45,14; KD1 269,90 ± 7,01; KD2 308,25 ± 30,72; KD3 312,54 ± 33,21. MHFD did not significantly increase serum TNF-α level of KP compared to KN. The aqueous extract of BOWM did not significantly (p>0,05) decrease serum TNF-α level of KD1 compared to KN and KP. Serum TNF-α level of KD3 increased significantly (p<0,05) compared to KN; KD2 and KD3 compared to KD1.Conclusion: BOWM aqueous extract has no effect on the levels of serum TNF-α in MHFD-induced rat

    Tausiyah Untuk Pengendalian Tekanan Darah Penderita Hipertensi Primer Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Purwokerto Timur

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    Introduction: Hipertension can cause heart deseases, renal deseases and stroke. Treatment non farmacology is modify life style that include diet, physical activity and stress control. Tauziyah is one methoda to control stress. The objective of research is to identify the influnce of tauziyah toward blood pressure at hipertention patient. The research used quasy experimental. Sample are taked randomized. There were 17 respondent as intervension group and 20 respondent as control group. The intervenstion group got tauziyah for 20 minutes with mp.3 player. Blood pressure is measured before and after intervention with digital tensimetre. Analysis used paired t test and independent t test. There is significant blood pressure difference before and after intervention (p value 0.012) and there is significant decreasing blood pressure difference between intervention and control group. Tausiyah is efective to decrease blood pressure at primary hipertention patients

    Rancang Bangun Alat Penyekir Katup Otomatis Berbasis Microcontroller

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    Leakage of the valve in the cylinder head of the combustion engine was caused by a pile of crust attached to the valve seat, so that it interferes with the compression process and reduces engine performance. Valve Grinding Automatic System Based Microcontroller is an innovation designed for valve cleaning, works by converting electrical energy into rotational motion. Using research and development methods, this tool was developed to overcome the mechanical difficulties of adjusting manual cleaning movements by hand. The variables in this study were the dynamo rotational speed and the time required for cleaning. Based on the research, Valve Grinding Automatic System Based Microcontroller provides three choices of rotational speed of 1500 rpm, 2000 rpm and 2500 rpm with each speed requiring a cleaning time of 3 minutes, 2 minutes, and 1 minute. From the results of testing using diesel fuel, it is known that the results of cleaning the valve do not leak and have met the standard. Kebocoran katup pada cylinder head motor bakar disebabkan oleh tumpukan kerak yang melekat pada seating katup sehingga mengganggu proses kompresi dan menurunkan kinerja mesin. Alat Penyekir Katup Otomatis Berbasis Microcontroller merupakan inovasi yang dirancang untuk penyekiran katup yang bekerja dengan cara mengubah energi listrik menjadi gerak rotasi. Dengan metode research and development, alat ini dikembangkan untuk mengatasi kesulitan mekanik dalam mengatur gerakan penyekiran manual dengan tangan. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah kecepatan putaran dinamo dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk penyekiran. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, Alat Penyekir Katup Otomatis Berbasis Microcontroller menyediakan tiga pilihan kecepatan putaran yakni 1500 rpm, 2000 rpm dan 2500 rpm dengan masing-masing kecepatan memerlukan waktu penyekiran 3 menit, 2 menit, dan 1 menit. Dari hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan solar, diketahui bahwa hasil penyekiran katup tidak mengalami kebocoran dan telah memenuhi standar


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    The transition process of implementation standard for environmental management system (EMS) ISO 14001 :2015 lasts for three years, requiring every organization to adopt the latest version by September 2018. The objectives of this research is to describe and analyze the stages done by copper ore mill. This research used concept analysis method, which focused and could be basically defined to examine the basic elements of widely used concept to clarify ISO 14001 :2015 standards characteristics and relations. The result of this research provided a conceptual framework based on the standard of ISO 14001:2015 – EMS : Requirements with Guidance for Use, where this framework consists to steps to design the transition change from EMS ISO 14001 :2004 to its 2015 new version. The description of every step is expected to give understanding and model for organizations that must conduct transition and for the ones that will start implementing the EMS

    Rancang Bangun Smart Alert

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    Abstract Motorcycles are the biggest contributor to driving accidents in Indonesia. Some of the accidents that occurred were caused by the negligence of passengers who did not pay attention to the clothes worn when riding a motorcycle. Smart Alert is an innovation designed as an effort to prevent the passenger's skirt or hijab from being wrapped around a motorcycle chain or spokes. This tool utilizes several simple electronic components such as batteries, sensor, microcontroller, buzzer and LED as a circuit. This distance detecting device is fully controlled by a microcontroller with an ultrasonic sensor to detect the distance on one side and its supporting components. With the Smart Alert, the potential for accidents can be avoided and minimized thereby reducing the number of driving accidents in Indonesia.&nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords Buzzer, Crash, LED, Microcontroller, Smart Alert Abstrak Sepeda motor merupakan penyumbang kecelakaan berkendara terbesar di Indonesia. Beberapa kecelakaan yang terjadi tersebut diakibatkan oleh kelalaian dari penumpang yang tidak memerhatikan pakaian yang dikenakan ketika akan menaiki sepeda motor. Smart Alert merupakan inovasi yang dirancang sebagai upaya pencegahan terlilitnya rok atau hijab penumpang pada rantai atau jari-jari sepeda motor. Alat ini memanfaatkan beberapa komponen elektronik sederhana seperti baterai, sensor, microcontroller, buzzer serta LED sebagai rangakaiannya. Alat yang mendeteksi jarak ini dikendalikan sepenuhnya oleh sebuah microcontroller dengan sebuah sensor ultrasonik untuk mendeteksi jarak pada suatu sisi beserta komponen-komponen penunjangnya. Dengan adanya Smart Alert maka potensi kecelakaan dapat dihindari dan diminimalisir sehingga menurunkan angka kecelakaan berkendara di Indonesia. &nbsp; &nbsp; Kata Kunci Buzzer, Kecelakaan, LED, Microcontroller, Smart Aler