48 research outputs found

    Upaya Penurunan Risiko Stunting Melalui Pendekatan Interproffesional Collaboration (IPC)

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    Background: Indonesia still ranks in the 10th largest stunting rate in the world. Research seeks to find new approaches to improve the quality of maternal behavior in providing nutrition to babies. Purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of Interproffesional Collaboration. Methods: The study was conducted in Karanganom Klaten, Central Java, March-August 2019. This study was an experimental study with a quasi-experimental design on 90 respondents who had babies less than 2 years. The treatment is in the form of an Interproffesional Collaboration program (doctors, nurses, midwives, nutritionists, and sanitarians) which provide health promotion programs according to their respective professions for 3 months. The research instrument was a cognitive test, a questionnaire, and a of infants under two years of ageantrompomary examination sheet. Data were analyzed using Dependent t-test. Results: The mean value of knowledge about stunting increased from 31.44 to 80.22 (p = 0.001), knowledge about how to give nutrition to of infants under two years of age increased from 48.81 to 70.74 (p = 0.001), the attitude towards stunting changed from 9.68 to 16.52 (p = 0.001), and the behavior of providing nutrition was also getting better from 76.53 to 87.73 (p = 0.001). The results of the Dependent Paired t-test p = 0.001, proved that the Interproffesional Collaboration program (nurses, doctors, midwives, nutrition, and sanitarians) was effective in increasing the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of residents in preventing the risk of stunting. Conclusion: Interproffesional Collaboration is effective to increase knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of mothers of infants under two years of age (baduta) in an effort to prevent the risk of stunting and improve the nutritional status


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    Introduction: Health problems more complex and require teamwork professions. Teamwork requiring the same perception among members of the profession. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of IPE program on students' perceptions of team work. Methods: It is a combination of research (mixed research) to measure the effectiveness of IPE program to change students' perceptions of teamwork. Subjects were 8 department of Surakarta Health Polytechnic students who carry out programme IPE in Ngemplak, Boyolali, with a number of 652 respondents. The sample is 50% of students from each department. Student perceptions were measured using a questionnaire Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale (IEPs) according Luecht, Madsen, and Taugher (1990) combined with FGD students perseption. Data were analyzed using Two Way ANOVA using SPSS 18 series. Results: (1) The value of the average of student perceptions before implementing IPE program is 54.32, the highest in orthotic prostetic (2) The value of the average perception after implementing IPE program is 67.48, the highest in Jamu (3) Program IPE can add friends and new knowledge from other professions (4) IPE program effectively to improve student perceptions. Conclusions: IPE programs can effectively improve students' perceptions of teamwork across professions (t = - 13.229; p=0.000). Keywords: Interprofesional Education (IPE), Teamwork, Student Perceptio


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    Introduction: The family is an important part in the success of health development. Index of healthy family as a health status indicators and the strategy appears logical to gain of healthy direction based on the family. Interprofesional Education (IPE) is the strategy of health education institutions in contributing to improving the health status of the family. Assess the effectiveness of the program Interprofesional Education (IPE) to the improvement of health status of the family. Method: This is a Quasi-Experimental research with pre post design. Subjects were 120 families with healthy family index value <0.800. Treat the form of counseling families through programs Interprofesional Education (IPE). The research was conducted from July to December 2016. Results: (1) The value of the average index of a healthy family before being implemented program IPE 0,400 unhealthy category (2) Index healthy families after the implementation of the program of IPE is pre healthy with the average value of 0.690 (3) IPE effective in improving the health status of the family , p = 0.000 (4) there is a family medical issue that can not be solve because there is no appropriate departement of the institution handle this issue. Conclusions: IPE effective in improving family health status (p = 0.000) Keywords: Interprofesional Education (IPE), Status of Family Health, Healthy Family Inde


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    An understanding of the photoelectric effect is the key to understanding the basics of quantum physics. The photoelectric effect can explain the quantization of energy that cannot be explained using classical physics theory. This study aims to determine the level of understanding of the concept of sixth semester physics education students of Semarang State University about the photoelectric effect. The data collection method used is a test method that contains a number of questions to reveal the students' conception of the photoelectric effect. Data analysis techniques in this study are quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results showed that as many as 61% -64% of students still had difficulty in distinguishing the effect of the frequency and intensity of light on the photoelectric effect. In addition, more than 83% of students have not been able to understand the function of the potential difference given between the cathode and anode plate in the photoelectric effect experiment. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the level of understanding of the concept of students is still low, which is characterized by the existence of several types of misconceptions about the photoelectric effect


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    An understanding of the photoelectric effect is the key to understanding the basics of quantum physics. The photoelectric effect can explain the quantization of energy that cannot be explained using classical physics theory. This study aims to determine the level of understanding of the concept of sixth semester physics education students of Semarang State University about the photoelectric effect. The data collection method used is a test method that contains a number of questions to reveal the students' conception of the photoelectric effect. Data analysis techniques in this study are quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results showed that as many as 61% -64% of students still had difficulty in distinguishing the effect of the frequency and intensity of light on the photoelectric effect. In addition, more than 83% of students have not been able to understand the function of the potential difference given between the cathode and anode plate in the photoelectric effect experiment. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the level of understanding of the concept of students is still low, which is characterized by the existence of several types of misconceptions about the photoelectric effect


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    Background: WHO stated that the lack of physical activity has been identified as a risk factor that causes the fourth 3.2 million deaths per year globally. Physical activities such as sports are known to play an important role to improve the function of attention. Sport has become a trend that spread throughout the world and can be used for many purposes even as a lifestyles around the world, including Indonesia. Aim: Determine the effect of aerobic exercise routine to attention. Methods: This study was an observational analytic study with cross-sectional design. This study was conducted in Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang. The samples were medical students of Undip (n = 52) divided into regular aerobic exercise group and non-regular aerobic exercise group, and then measured using Attention Network Test software. Attention between the two groups are analyzed using the Mann - Whitney test . Results: Among the 52 subjects, 50 % belong to the non-regular aerobic exercise group, 50% of regular aerobic exercise group. An average increase in attention on the function of alerting, orienting, and conflict was found in the sport group. The Mann - Whitney test showed a significant results in alerting p= 0.036, in orienting p= 0.042 , and in conflict p= 0.006. Conclusions: There is a significant difference between the non-regular aerobic exercise group and regular aerobic exercise group of samples in the function of alerting, orienting, and conflict. Keywords: Attention, regular aerobic exercise, attention network test, alerting, orienting, conflict

    Reconstruction of vocational high school physics instructional materials

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    Instructional materials for static electricity and dynamic electricity for Physics subjects in Vocational High Schools are not in accordance with the scope of the material contained in the Electronics Department: (1) The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the teaching materials of static electricity and dynamic electricity in Physics in the Electronics Department; (2) Qualitative Content Analysis Method was used to explore the contents of seven book titles with different publishers and is strengthened through inter-views with Physics teachers in the Department of Electronics. In the process of analyzing the content of the contents of this textbook used Atlas.ti computer software; (3) The findings show that the content in the Vocational High School Physics books pub-lished by several publishers does not yet have specific conformity with the Department of Electronics; (4) conclusion. There are code relating to the content content, researchers only specify it into 39 code titles in the VHS Physics Textbook. from qualitative analysis. The level of compatibility of the content of the material with the 2013 Revised Curriculum was 42.86%, the availability of pictures was 75%, examples of questions from the equa-tions of each series were 85.71%, the suitability of the practicum with the Electrical Clump was 14.29%. content conformity with the Revised 2013 Curriculum and electro majors has a slightly low percentage of 42.86%. So in this study, the authors reconstruct VHS Physics teaching materials for the Electrical Department and also make VHS Physics teaching materials for the Electrical Clump


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    Abstract: Training Worthy Of Children, Knowledge, Motivation Of Village Formation Worthy Of Children.The objective of the research is to analyze the influence of village-worthy training on the knowledge and motivation of the community about the establishment of a village worthy of children in Ngargurejo, Ngemplak, Boyolali. It is a quasi experimental study with an experimental pre post design. Research respondents are all stake holder Ngargorejo, Ngemplak, Boyolali as many as 40 people. Sampling techniques use proportional sampling by selecting representatives from all stakeholders with the aim that the chosen research subject can truly represent the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder. Data obtained through interviews and filling questionnaires. The results of this study (1) The Effectiveness of Child-Friendly Village Training on Knowledge shows the average value of respondents' knowledge about DLA is 82.06, median value of middle or 65, the most common mode or value 0, standard deviation of 82.7 with The highest or maximum value of 330 and the lowest or minimum value is 0. Based on table 5.5. Seen the average value of knowledge of respondents after training DLA is 205.3, median 201,5, mode 210, standard deviation 57,58, highest value 300 and lowest 25. Based on table 5.7. Seen that the average value of knowledge of respondents increased from 82.62 ± 82.72 to 205.25 ± 57.57. Since the value of p (Sig 2-tailed) 0.001 is smaller than 0.05 it can be concluded that DLA training significantly affects the improvement of respondent knowledge about DLA. (2). Based on statistical tests with t-test, although there is an increase in mean value of motivation to implement DLA program from 62,83 ± 10,20 increase to 63,65 ± 4,78, but because p value (Sig 2-tailed) = 0,629 more Large from 0.05 then it can be concluded DLA training does not affect the increase in motivation to implement DLA program. DLA training had significant effect to improve knowledge about DLA with paired samplet-test 0,001, but Child's Decent Village Training did not influence society's motivation with result p = 0,629. Keywords: Training Worthy Of Children, Knowledge, Motivation Of Village Formation Worthy Of Children. Link OJS 3 artikel PENGARUH PELATIHAN DESA LAYAK ANAK TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN DAN MOTIVASI MASYARAKAT TENTANG PEMBENTUKAN DESA LAYAK ANAK DI DESA NGARGOREJO NGEMPLAK BOYOLAL

    Analisis Faktor Resiko Filariasis Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ngemplak Kabupaten Boyolali Jawa Tengah

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    Background: Currently filariasis is one of the priority diseases to be eliminated. WHO in 2000 declared the Global Goal of the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis as a Public Health Problem by the Year 2020. The Indonesian government's policy is to gradually implement Filariasis Elimination Program through Filariasis Provision of Mass Drug Prevention (POPM) programs in filariasis-endemic districts/cities and management of filariasis clinical cases. Filariasis cases in Central Java in 2013 - 2016 tended to increase, including in Boyolali Regency. If this condition is not immediately treated properly, it can make it possible to end up with filariasis. Methods: Materials and methods. This research is a survey research with mixed-research or mixed research approach. Respondents were patients and families of filariasis sufferers, government stakeholders, and health stakeholders. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and field observations. Results: Filariasis risk factors found were (1) lack of knowledge of patients and families about the treatment and prevention of transmission of filariasis (2) mosquito vector control has not been done well (3) Home environment conditions (3) Still found gaps or gaps between health sector stakeholders (4) There are still filariasis patients who have not carried out filariasis treatment properly. Conclusion: Risk factors for filariasis are individual factors, lack of efforts to control mosquito vectors, environmental factors, and the existence of gaps between health stakeholders

    TVET Learning Innovation on Automotive Virtual Laboratory Based on Cloud Openstack

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    Changes and industrial transformation globally in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 resulted in technological gaps between the industrial and academic environment, especially in the field of vocational education in automotive engineering. The purpose of this research is to design a virtual laboratory network model that contains the latest material sources from the industry called Virtual Cloud Automotive Laboratory (VCAL). The cloud network model in virtual laboratories is designed such as the Infrastructure as a Services (IaaS) platform, the Platform as a Services (PaaS), Software as a Services (SaaS). The design process is carried out by the PPDIO method, namely Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, and Optimize. VCAL is built using open stack software consisting of a database and user interface. The SaaS platform enables industries to share competency and occupational materials for maintenance and repair of light vehicle or automotive engines in the form of 3D view web, video, audio-visual that can be accessed by students, lecturers in enriching aspects of repair and maintenance skills. The test results are limited to Automotive Cloud Virtual Laboratory access done by 10 users simultaneously with different devices, namely PC computers, notebooks, Android smartphones, the results show that the server used can run very well