37 research outputs found

    Incorporating Social Values Toward Islamic Education in Multicultural Society

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    Enhancing students' understanding of social values in a multicultural society is crucial within Islamic education. This research employs a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative analyses, to explore factors supporting incorporating social values into curriculums and teaching strategies. Lessons in Islamic studies and social studies are delivered experientially and contextually, influencing students' social attitudes toward diversity, including tolerance, patriotism, respect, and sympathy. The findings highlight the comprehensive impact of this integrated approach on shaping students' perspectives

    Linking Religious Awareness of Madrasah Teachers with Critical Thinking

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    This study aimed to obtain an overview of the critical thinking skills and religious awareness of madrasah teachers through three aspects: (1) the transcendental relationship of teachers, (2) teacher religious participation, and (3) the intensity of the teacher’s religious intellect. In addition, the study also attempted to analyze the relationship of critical thinking skills with transcendental relationships, religious participation, and the intensity of teachers’ religious intellectuality. Quantitative research with correlational study was conducted. This study used a stratified random sampling technique. It took 20 to 27 teachers randomly from each madrasah based on the proportion of the number of teachers in each madrasa so that the number of samples reached 154 teachers in Bandung Regency who teach at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, and Madrasah Aliyah. The data collection techniques of the study were test and questionnaire. The results revealed that there was a significant correlational relationship between aspects of critical thinking and three aspects of religious awareness: transcendental relationships, religious participation, and religious intellectuality. The quality of the relationship varies with the highest significance being the relationship between critical thinking and religious intellectuality, followed by transcendental relationships and religious participation


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    This study aims to discuss value education through Islamic religious education at SMK Syahida. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The research subjects were selected by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques include: observation, interview, and documentation. The research subjects were the principal, Islamic Religious Education Teacher, Student Council Advisor, Student Council Management, and Students. Data analysis techniques use data collection, data reduction, data display, and verifying. The results and discussion of this research show that value education implemented at SMK Syahida creates students who obey worship, are democratic, protect the environment, and are tolerant in MA, SMK, and SMA environments. This is evidenced by data verification with a data assessment rubric, that from the results of observations, interviews, and documentation show that value education at Syahida Vocational School is through Islamic religious education. This study concludes that value education is very appropriate through Islamic religious education

    Peran Pendidikan Agama Islam Bagi Perempuan dalam Proses Mendidik Anak

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    One of the boldest change that has happened in the Jahiliyah dan Islamiyah is the shifting values of the women. At first, women hold no values in the society and Islam changed it into the opposite. Aside from women contribution in the Islamic heritage after that. The true role of a women is to be a mother that educate their children in an Islamic way. Understanding Islam is important for a women due to Islam has changed their values in the society and then their well-understood of Islam will affect their children like how Islam did to them. By using a normative approach, namely literature research, it can be concluded that mothers have an important role in training children to understand religion in order to prepare children for the future world. The rules of Islam from the past are absolute based on the Qur'an and Hadith have not changed since then. When women correctly understand the Islamic parenting, then the purpose of Islamic education contained in Surat At-Tahrim (66) verse 6 and Surat Luqman (31) verses 12-19 "To save children from the deviation of their nature, To make children believe in Allah SWT, Keeping children away from shirk., Making children obedient to worship Allah SWT, Forming children with noble morals., Forming children with a patient and trustworthy soul and Forming children with a social-community spirit” are achieved

    Counterradicalism Through Religious Education Curriculum: Solution to The Religious Literacy Crisis in Indonesian Islamic Universities

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    Islamic universities have been accused of being the milieu of the growing movement of radicalism along with the new facts about the involvement of two state Islamic universities among 10 state universities involved in radicalism. The campus management has responded to the movement by developing a religious curriculum and interreligious-based learning to improve religious literacy competence. This paper aims to evaluative the practice of religious curriculum and literacy as a strategy in improving counterradicalism in campus. The interviews, observations, and data analysis resulted in the finding that the religious curriculum development with open minded principles, religious universality, local wisdom, and humanism values in the learning activities in either classroom and or places of worship of other religions can foster good counterradicalism and interfaith literacy and eliminate the evolution of radical attitudes among students.  This paper suggested that the learning of religious education in campuses and schools include observation to the areas of interreligious activities and religious literacy studies to improve students' understanding of religious values among religious communities, so tolerance and counterradicalism can be fostered.Perguruan tinggi Islam telah dituduh sebagai lingkungan berkembangnya gerakan radikalisme. Hal ini sejalan dengan ditemukannya fakta baru tentang keterlibatan dua perguruan tinggi Islam Negeri di antara 10 perguruan tinggi negeri yang terlibat radikalisme. Pihak pimpinan kampus telah merespon gerakan tersebut dengan mengembangkan kurikulum agama dan pembelajaran berbasis interreligious untuk meningkatkan kompetensi literasi agama. Tujuan tulisan ini bersifat evaluatif tentang praktik kurikulum agama dan literasi agama sebagai strategi dalam meningkatkan kontraradikalisme di kampus. Wawancara, observasi, dan analisis data yang dilakukan menghasilkan temuan bahwa pengembangan kurikulum agama yang mendasarkan pada opened minded, nilai-nilai universalitas agama, lokal wisdom, dan humanism dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan di kelas dan ditempat ibadah agama lain dapat menumbuhkan sikap kontraradikalisme dan literasi lintas agama yang baik serta mengeliminir evolusi sikap radikal di kalangan mahasiswa.  Tulisan ini menyarankan agar pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama di kampus dan sekolah menggunakan observasi ke lokasi kegiatan interreligious dan studi literasi agama untuk meningkatkan pemahaman nilai-nilai keagamaan antar umat beragama sehingga dapat menumbuhkembangkan perilaku toleransi dan kontraradikalisme

    Exploratory data analysis to reveal learning loss condition in Islamic religious education

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    One of the negative impacts of this prolonged distance teaching and learning activity during the pandemic is that students lag in absorbing lessons, known as learning loss. Islamic religious education (IRE) as value education, especially in Indonesia, can also cause learning loss. This study aims to identify possible indications of learning loss experienced by madrasa students in IRE. This study uses data science methods with an exploratory data analysis (EDA) approach. Respondents are students in the sixth grade of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), the ninth grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and the twelfth grade of Madrasah Aliyah (MA). The total respondents in this study were 38,326 MI students, 29,350 MTs students, and 13,474 MA students. The results of the EDA found that most madrasas in Indonesia experienced indications of learning loss in IRE subjects during distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, both at the MI, MTS, and MA levels. This study found that the learning loss condition is influenced by various states and readiness for distance learning, both the preparedness of students to learn independently, the availability of digital content that is interesting and easy to understand, as well as the availability of facilities and technology for distance learning

    Pengembangan kepribadian

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    Buku ini membahas konsep-konsep dasar pengembangan kepribadian dalam Islam, seperti akhlak, amanah, dan kejujuran, serta memberikan strategi dan metode pengajaran untuk membantu siswa dalam pengembangan kepribadian mereka. Buku ini juga membahas masalah-masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh mahasiswa dalam pengembangan kepribadian, seperti kecenderungan perilaku negatif dan kesulitan dalam mengendalikan emosi. Dalam buku ini, pembaca dapat menemukan berbagai latihan praktis dan studi kasus untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam pengembangan kepribadian mereka. Buku ini sangat cocok sebagai referensi bagi mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam yang ingin mempelajari cara mengajar dan membantu siswa dalam pengembangan kepribadian dalam konteks pendidikan Islam

    Mengartikulasikan pendidikan nilai

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    Pendidikan nilai yang diharapkan dapat mencerahkan peserta didik, acapkali dikalahkan oleh pemberdayaan kemampuan akademis yang berorientasi pada hasil pendidikan yang lebih pragmatis. Untuk itu, penjelasan tentang konsep dan tindakan pendidikan nilai merupakan bagian penting dari revitalisasi nilai dalam pendidikan nasional

    Manajemen pendidikan Islam

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    Buku "Manajemen Pendidikan Islam" membahas tentang manajemen pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah Islam. Buku ini memberikan gambaran yang lengkap dan sistematis tentang manajemen pendidikan Islam, mulai dari konsep dasar hingga implementasi dalam praktik. Buku ini terdiri dari beberapa bab yang membahas topik-topik penting dalam manajemen pendidikan Islam, seperti perencanaan pendidikan, pengorganisasian sekolah, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan pengendalian pendidikan. Setiap bab memberikan penjelasan yang jelas dan lengkap serta contoh-contoh kasus yang relevan dengan topik yang dibahas. Buku "Manajemen Pendidikan Islam" membahas manajemen pendidikan dari perspektif Islam, sehingga memberikan pemahaman yang utuh tentang bagaimana manajemen pendidikan dapat diimplementasikan secara efektif dan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip Islam. Buku ini juga membahas tentang pentingnya nilai-nilai Islam dalam manajemen pendidikan, seperti akhlak, amanah, dan kejujuran

    Pengembangan model pendidikan nilai melalaui Pendidikan Agama Islam di sekolah

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    Buku ini yang berlatar belakang keprihatinan terhadap berbagai perilaku menyimpang dikalangan remaja. Maka perlunya pembinaan pada remaja melalui pendidikan nilai. dalam buku ini penulis berupaya membahas mengenai Konsep dasar Pendidikan Nilai/Umum, Tahapan Pendidikan Nilai melalui Pendidikan Agama Islam, dan Implementasi pendidikan nilai dalam sekolah: sekolah SMK Syahida Tasikmalaya, MA Darul Qolam, dan SMAN 2 Cianjur