84 research outputs found


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    PT . KOP adalah perusahaan dibidang percetakan yaitu label dan folding box. Namun perusahaan menghadapi masalah yang berkaitan dengan efektivitas mesin atau peralatan. Seperti kerusakan pada mesin cetak offset CD6 diantaranya blanked dan roll tinta rusak dan hasil cetakan menjadi tidak rata. Akibat yang ditumbulkan dari kerusakan tersebut bedampak pada kualitas produk yang dihasilkan tidak sesuai dengan standar. Dalam artikel ini akan dibahas perhitungan tingkat keefektifan mesin dengan formula perhitungan Overall   Equipment   Effectiveness (OEE) untuk mengetahui apakah mesin sudah bekerja secara efektif  serta  diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas mesin. Perhitungan OEE dilakukan pada divisi Printing, yaitu  mesin Offset CD6. Hasil perhitungan OEE menunjukkan bahwa nilai OEE masih dibawah standar perusahaan kelas dunia

    Penentuan Parameter Setting Mesin Pada Proses Corrugating

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    Corrugating process is the process in making carton box which is merging the top sheet of kraft paper (top liner), wave paper (paper medium) and kraft paper bottom (bottom liner) using glue. Output of corrugating process is corrugated sheet. The parameter of quality corrugated sheet is bursting strength. In the corrugating process, the value of bursting strength is influenced two factors: the speed and temperature of corrugator. In this study, we discuss the experiment to determine level of corrugator speed and temperature that can produce the maximum bursting strength. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is used to design of experiment and analysis. RSM able to identify points outside the experimental area (order model I) and determine the point of maximum response with the method of steepest ascent, and may explain the relationship of quantitative independent variable responses (order model II). The result of this study is that optimum levels engine speed is 178 m / min and level temperature of 174.9 C. The optimum level of value response bursting strength of 13.8 kgf /mm2

    Rancang Bangun Alat Sentrigufal Pencuci Daging Buah Kelapa Menggunakan Cairan Air Kelapa (Pre-Processing Metode Sentrifugasi)

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    The diversification of the coconut processing industry into Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) as a more prospective coconut derivative is currently still growing rapidly. VCO is a virgin coconut oil product that is beneficial for health, and can be used as a raw material for natural cosmetics which has high economic value. Preliminary research has successfully designed the construction of a coconut husk peeler and a coconut shell breaker machine as an early stage in the VCO production process technology. The discussion of this paper covers the design of a coconut meat washing machine utilizing coconut water which consists of a rotating tube with an adjustable tube rotation speed with an inverter and an electric motor as the driving force equipped with a high pressure nozzle with ± 75 psi pressure. Inside the tube there is a retaining divider that regulates the flow of the washed coconut meat. The washing process uses coconut water to wash coconut meat in a washing tube that rotates at a certain speed as needed with a capacity of 8 kg timer for ± 3-5 minutes. Coconut water is drained and coconut meat is ready for the next process

    Penentuan Strategi Penurunan Food Waste dengan Menggunakan Simulasi: Studi Kasus Industri Donut

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    Food waste is a global issue that is currently the center of attention of the world community. From developing countries to developed countries try to develop various methods or approaches to contribute to solving this problem. The existence of food waste in an industry is an indication of an unsustainable system of food production and consumption. This will lead to problems in the form of low total margins on food products and higher operating costs. In this study, experiments were conducted to reduce food waste with a case study at store-level with monte carlo simulation at one of the international franchise bakeries in Surabaya. Analysis of the sale of a franchised bakery. Then, in the form of a template that corresponds to take into account the amount of waste and lost sales (TW / TU) and costs incurred (TLS and TWC). This template is used for simulation with the amount of running equivalent to 3 months. Based on the analysis of the initial simulation results, it is in the form of 3 scenarios that may be applied, namely batch delivery system change, forecasting system changes, and lastly the combination of the two. Based on the results of the scenario, it was obtained that the combined method of forecasting winter-method with delivery policy 2 times a day with the condition of delivery in the form of inventory must be less than 20% of the batch once sent. With this scenario was found the average result per day in the form of waste of 707 products with a total income of Rp91,035,686, waste cost of Rp1,542.22, lost sales of Rp1,248,371

    A Hybrid Simulation Study to Determine an Optimal Maintenance Strategy

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    With the increasing complexity of the process industry, having excellent maintenance management is essential for manufacturing industries. Various parts that interact and interdependent with each other make a well-planned maintenance strategy is one of the major challenges facing by industry. The whole system could be interrupted just simply because of the failure of a component.  Therefore, a review of a maintenance strategy must be done from a system perspective. It is suggested that the optimal preventive maintenance time interval is not only determined by the lowest maintenance cost of each machine but also its impact on the whole system. Two main indicators that can accommodate the system perspective are reliability and revenue. A large number of machines and the array of machines can be synthesized in the reliability indicator. Moreover,  the creation of maximum revenue is always the main goal for a business. The best maintenance strategy will be determined from the revenue obtained by a process industry. The process industry discussed in this study is a flour mill which is very well known in Surabaya. This study applied a hybrid simulation to solve this problem. Monte Carlo simulation was used to observe the machine individually and the results are reviewed using the application of System Dynamics. Three improvement scenarios were proposed in this simulation study. Scenario 2 was chosen as the best scenario because it was able to generate the highest revenue at the end of the period. Scenario 2 recommends setting the preventive maintenance time interval considering resource availability

    Pemodelan Pengelolaan Food Waste Di Jaringan Grocery Store Dengan Sistem Dinamis

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    Food waste tergolong sebagai fenomena baru yang belum banyak dikaji oleh para peneliti. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan di kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan gabungan antara studi eksploratif dan pengembangan model. Penelitian ini melakukan pendekatan simulasi dinamik untuk menampilkan permasalahan yang ada. Dari coding grounded theory didapatkan bahwa kebijakan yang dilakukan toko ritel di UK terhadap produk waste yaitu dengan cara memberikan ke badan amal dan memberikan kepada karyawan, sedangkan kebijakan yang dilakukan toko ritel di Surabaya terhadap produk waste yaitu dengan cara melakukan proses ulang dan pemberian diskon untuk meningkatkan profit. Dengan pemodelan sistem dinamik bentuk alur food waste ditoko ritel dapat dianalisa dengan melihat model simulasi dan besarnya waste akhir. Daya tahan produk akan mempengaruhi banyaknya waste. Perusahaan mempunyai kebijakan dengan cara melakukan proses ulang dan pemberian diskon pada produk yang memiliki daya tahan kurang dari 4 hari. Dari hasil analisa dan pengolahan data dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebijakan perusahaan untuk usaha mengurangi waste sudah baik Kata kunci : Kualitatif, Interview, Grounded Theory Method, Sistem Dinamik

    Managing the 8 Wastes of Lean at a Higher Education Institution: An ISM-MICMAC Approach

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    A Higher Education Institution (HEI) is required to be more competitive in maintaining its sustainability. The large number of stakeholders of an HEI makes it difficult to be agile in the intense competition. One of the concepts that can be used to improve the agility of an HEI is the Lean philosophy. Lean philosophy focuses on eliminating waste in the process of creating value for stakeholders. Previous research has identified several wastes in the operational activities of an HEI. This study aimed to develop a series of actions to eliminate wastes that have been identified. Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) and Matrices Impacts cross-multiplication applique classmate (MICMAC) are employed to model the relationship between wastes based on their mutual influence. ISM forms a hierarchical structure of interrelationships between wastes. Meanwhile, MICMAC will classify wastes based on their level of influence in a cartesian diagram. These models will help to analyze the root cause of the problem so that effective waste elimination actions can be arranged. Keywords: Higher Education Institution, Lean, Waste, MICMAC, Lean Philosoph

    Studi Eksploratif Manajemen Sampah Makanan pada Jaringan Toko Produk Pangan di Indonesia

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    AbstrakStudi ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap fenomena sampah makanan pada tingkat toko produk pangan di Indonesia. Wawancara semi-terstruktur dilakukan terhadap 12 responden mewakili toko produk pangan yang memiliki jaringan di seluruh Indonesia. Hasil transkrip wawancara selanjutnya dianalisis dengan metode grounded theory sehingga menghasilkan informasi valid sebagai dasar membangun narasi dan argumentasi. Volume sampah makanan pada tiap toko produk pangan diestimasi berada di kisaran 40-50 juta rupiah per bulan. Penyumbang sampah makanan terbesar adalah produk pangan segar dengan masa simpan yang relatif singkat seperti buah dan sayur. Tindakan pencegahan yang telah dilakukan oleh toko produk pangan yakni melalui kebijakan order, evaluasi order, hingga inspeksi yang ketat. Tindakan mitigasi juga dilakukan melalui diskon hingga 50%, pengolahan lebih lanjut untuk memperpanjang masa penjualan, dan penanganan produk sebaik mungkin. Tindakan pencegahan dan mitigasi tersebut semua hanya didasarkan pertimbangan dari aspek bisnis. Kesadaran dari responden dalam mengaitkan fenomena sampah makanan dengan isu lingkungan belum ada sehingga perlu dorongan melalui kebijakan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap dampak lingkungan dari sampah makanan.Kata kunci: Indonesia, negara berkembang, sampah makanan, toko produk pangan AbstractThis study aims to reveal the phenomenon of food waste at the store-level in Indonesia. Twelve respondents representing the grocery store chains in Indonesia are interviewed by using a semi-structured interview. Grounded theory method is used to analyze the interview transcripts so it can produce valid information as the basis for building narratives and arguments. The volume of food waste in each store is estimated at IDR 40-50 million per month. The most significant food waste contributors are fresh food products with a relatively short shelf life, such as fruits and vegetables. The preventions that have been taken by the grocery stores are through order policies, order evaluation, and strict inspection. The mitigations are also carried out through discounting the price of products up to 50%, further processing to extend the sales period, and handling the product properly. However, the preventions and the mitigations are focused only on business aspect. Other findings indicate that there is still no awareness from respondents in relating the phenomenon of food waste to the environmental issue. Therefore, government policy is needed to increase awareness of the environmental impact of food waste.Keywords: developing country, food waste, grocery store, Indonesi

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Ketertelusuran Berbasis Web Untuk Industri Oleofood

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    Kebutuhan informasi ketertelusuran (traceability information) dalam industri pangan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan utama untuk melakukan proses perencanaan. Disamping itu, informasi ketertelusuran ini sangat dibutuhkan agar industri mampu melakukan emergency response untuk mengatasi berbagai insiden keamanan pangan. Namun, banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi dalam membangun sistem ketertelusuran pada industri pangan yang memiliki proses produksi kontinyu. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari studi ini adalah mengembangkan sebuah sistem informasi yang mampu melakukan penelusuran satu tahap ke depan (one step forward) dan satu tahap ke belakang (one step backward) pada industri pangan dengan produk yang dijual dalam kondisi cair/curah. Fase pertama studi dimulai dengan melakukan analisis SWOT dan analisis kebutuhan. Selanjutnya, setelah sistem informasi ketertelusuran dibangun, maka dilakukan verifikasi dan validasi. Verifikasi dilakukan dengan mengujicobakan sistem informasi ini dengan studi kasus yang telah dirancang. Sedangkan validasi dilakukan dengan uji lapangan, yaitu mengujicobakan sistem informasi pada perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Hasil yang didapat dari studi ini yaitu waktu yang lebih cepat dalam pengumpulan data saat simulasi penarikan produk. Harapannya dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen terhadap kualitas penerapan manajemen keamanan pangan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan

    Penentuan Rute Terpendek Dengan Metode Tabu Search (Studi Kasus)

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    Distribusi atau pengiriman merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang penting bagi sebuah perusahaan. Beberapa permasalahan dalam melakukan distribusi atau pengiriman antara lain menentukan banyaknya kendaraan yang dipakai, dan juga menentukan rute kendaraan yang dapat dioptimalkan jarak tempuhnya serta biaya transportasi agar seluruh permintaan pelanggan dapat terpenuhi sehingga keuntungan optimal akan diperoleh perusahaan. Penentuan rute pengiriman dengan menggunakan metode nearest neighbor dan tabu search menghasilkan rute yang optimal dengan mempertimbangkan jarak serta kapasitas angkut kendaraan. Jarak tempuh pada rute aktual perusahaan lebih besar daripada jarak tempuh rute hasil metode. Selisih total jarak yang dihasilkan yaitu 8.3 km. Persentase selisih total jarak yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 13%, apabila perusahaan menggunakan rute hasil metode maka perusahaan lebih efisien dalam pendistribusian produknya dan juga dapat menekan biaya distribusi yang akan dikeluarka