78 research outputs found

    Elternberatung in der Therapie von Lese- und Rechtschreibstörungen

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    Der Terminus Lese-Rechtschreibstörung umfasst ein Entwicklungsdefizit schulischer Fertigkeiten, bei dem es Kindern trotz altersentsprechender kognitiver FĂ€higkeiten und regelmĂ€ĂŸiger Beschulung besonders schwer fĂ€llt, Lesen und/oder Schreiben zu lernen. Da betroffene Kinder Gefahr laufen, zusĂ€tzliche komorbide Störungen auszubilden, bedĂŒrfen sie nicht nur einer gezielten Übungsbehandlung sondern auch einer UnterstĂŒtzung der sozial-emotionalen Entwicklung durch ihr unmittelbares soziales Umfeld. Eine multimodale Therapie des Kindes mit Einbezug der Eltern scheint daher unverzichtbar. Zudem zeigen Studien, dass Eltern lese-rechtschreibschwacher Kinder einen hohen Informationsbedarf in Bezug auf das Störungsbild des Kindes und dessen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten aufweisen und sich insgesamt stĂ€rker belastet fĂŒhlen. DarĂŒber hinaus besitzt der Einsatz von Eltern in der Funktion als Ko-Therapeuten großes Potenzial fĂŒr die Förderung der schriftsprachlichen FĂ€higkeiten von Kindern mit Lese-Rechtschreibstörung. Weiter zeigen sich sowohl bei Kindern ohne als auch bei jenen mit Entwicklungsstörungen positive Effekte von Elterntrainings auf elterliche Belastungen, Kompetenzen sowie VerhaltensauffĂ€lligkeiten der Kinder. Inwiefern Eltern durch Therapeuten, Lehrer, Ärzte oder andere Fachleute beraten und praktisch angeleitet werden, ist bisher kaum erforscht. Auch ist kein evidenzbasiertes deutschsprachiges Programm bekannt, dass dem Be-darf dieser spezifischen Zielgruppe von Eltern entspricht. Diese Forschungsdesiderate bilden die Ausgangspunkte fĂŒr die in dieser Dissertation untersuchten Fragestellungen. Einerseits soll ein erster Eindruck in Hinblick auf Beratung und Partizipation von Eltern im Rahmen der Lese-Rechtschreibtherapie gewonnen werden. Anderseits kann mithilfe der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse der Entwicklung und Evaluation eines spezifischen Elterngruppenprogramms Vor-schub geleistet werden. Dieses Programm zielt zum einen auf die Belastungsreduktion und KompetenzstĂ€rkung seitens der Eltern sowie zum zweiten auf eine Minderung von Verhaltensproblemen auf Seiten der Kinder ab. Im Fokus der WirksamkeitsprĂŒfung stehen neben der Teilnehmerzufriedenheit und der Erreichung persönlich definierter Ziele die Effekte auf die elterliche Belastung und Kompetenz sowie das Verhalten des Kindes. Die aus insgesamt vier Studien gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sollen Hinweise ĂŒber den derzeitigen Beratungsstand der Eltern von Kindern mit Lese-Rechtschreibstörung liefern und gleichzeitig ein evidenzbasiertes Beratungsangebot fĂŒr die Praxis bereitstellen.Dyslexia is a developmental disorder that is characterised by children’s difficulties in learning to read and/or spell despite age appropriate cognitive abilities and regular school attendance. Children with dyslexia are at risk of developing comorbid secondary disorders. Therefore, they are not only in need of specific therapy in reading and writing but also require support for their social-emotional development through their direct social environment. Consequently, a multi-modal therapy with parental participation seems indispensable, as is the case with other disor-ders during childhood and adolescence. In addition, studies show that parents of dyslexic chil-dren are often stressed to a higher extent and lack information concerning the child’s disorder and the treatment options. Furthermore, the use of parents as co-therapists has great potential to promote abilities in reading and writing in children with dyslexia. In addition studies on children with and without developmental disabilities show positive effects of parent training on parents’ stress and competencies as well as on their child’s behavior problems. There is little research focusing on the extent to which dyslexia therapists, teachers, physicians, and other professionals involve parents and counsel them in dealing with dyslexia. Furthermore there is a lack of standardised and evaluated programs for German speaking countries that meet the needs of this special target group of parents of dyslexic children. This need for research was the basis of the recent research project. The first aim within this research was to gain infor-mation regarding counselling and participation of parents during their child’s dyslexia therapy. Secondly, it aimed at developing and evaluating a tailored group-based parenting program for parents of children with dyslexia. This program intended to reduce parenting stress and enhance competencies in dealing with dyslexia as well as reduce behavior problems of the child. The evaluation focused on investigating participants’ satisfaction with the program, achievement of personal goals, and effects on parenting stress and competencies as well as the child’s be-havior. The findings of four studies shall provide information about the counselling of parents with dyslexic children and deliver an evidence based group program that can be used by practitioners

    Invisible Diaspora? English Ethnicity in the United States before 1920

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    The article presents an examination into the English population of the United States during the 19th and early 20th centuries, examining their ethnic identity as a diaspora community. Introductory details are given noting the relative lack of attention given to English Americans as an ethnic group. Topics addressed include reasons behind the invisibility of the English immigrant identity in the U.S., the existence of English ethnic organizations, and an overview of their activities

    Police Chemistry

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    Johann von Justi, the foremost literary cameralist of his generation, served as chief police commissioner in Göttingen between 1755 and 1757. While in Göttingen, Justi offered lectures at the university on the “economic, police and cameral sciences.” He also arrested vagrants, wrote on chemistry, disciplined unruly students, conducted chemical experiments, supervised the pricing of Göttingen\u27s staple goods, engaged in a public controversy with a prominent Berlin chemist, edited and published a bi-weekly periodical (Göttingische Policey-Amts Nachrichien), and worked with the university\u27s curator to refashion the academic structure of the sciences. Taken together, these various activities reflected his broad vision for social and academic change, a vision with important implications for the form and content of the sciences. Drawing on archival material in Göttingen, on articles from the Policey-Amts Nachrichten, and on Justi\u27s other cameralist and chemical writings, I use his everyday experiences as a local police official to explore the meaning of his chemical work. I argue that Justi\u27s chemistry was suffused with the cameralist dreams and ambitions of a small-town police commissioner. It is what I call police chemistry

    Long-term effects of a parent- based language intervention on language outcomes and working memory for late-talking toddlers

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    A randomized control intervention study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the highly structured Heidelberg Parent-Based Language Intervention (HPLI). The outcomes of 43 children (n = 23 intervention, n = 20 control) who had been identified as late talkers during routine developmental check-ups carried out in pediatric practices at the age of 2 years were examined at 4 years 3 months of age. To address these results, we used standardized instruments to assess language and memory performance. At the age of 4 years, expressive language abilities did not differ as a function of the early language intervention. Results in language comprehension, phonological memory, and episodic buffer were significantly better in the intervention group than in the control group. These findings demonstrate the long-term effectiveness of the parentbased language intervention HPLI, and have practical implications for dealing with children with specific expressive language disorder (SELD)

    Norwood, Richard

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    Papyri Supply Materials Recipes from the 3rd Century AD

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