760 research outputs found

    USING PICTURE SERIES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY (A Classroom Action Research at the Third Grade Students of MTS NW I Kembang Kerang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)

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    English as the first foreign language in Indonesia is taught starting from the elementary school level up to university level. The general objective of teaching English in Indonesia, based on the school based curriculum (KTSP), is to develop students’ communicative competence of the four language skills or aspects of teaching and learning; reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Richard (1992: 189) states that the teaching of language skills (reading speaking, listening, and writing) are related to each other, when a lesson involves activities that relate listening and speaking, reading and writing, it means that listening activity is related to spoken or oral language, and reading is related to written language. The purpose of learning English language in Junior High School is to achieve the functional level. In this, the students can develop their competences in oral or written to resolve daily problems. They are conscious of the importance and essential of English in the global era. They can develop their comprehension about language and culture (Depdiknas, 2006: 278)

    Pengaruh Efikasi Diri dan Dukungan Guru Tahfidz terhadap Motivasi Menghafal Al-Quran

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    Motivasi menghafal Alquran terbentuk dari keyakinan santri bahwa mereka mampu mencapai target harian dalam menghafalkan Alquran dan didukung oleh guru tahfidz dalam bentuk emosional, penghargaan, materi, dan informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh efikasi diri dan dukungan guru tahfidz terhadap motivasi menghafal Alquran pada Santri SMA Tahfidz Al-Izzah Samarinda. Subyek penelitian ini adalah santri SMA Tahfidz Al-Izzah Samarinda dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 87 santri. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala motivasi menghafal Alquran, skala efikasi diri, dan skala dukungan guru tahfidz. Ketiga skala tersebut disusun dengan bentuk skala model Likert dan pengujian hipotesisnya menggunakan uji statistik nonparametrik berupa uji Kendall’s Tau. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan efikasi diri terhadap motivasi menghafal Alquran santri yaitu dengan nilai p = 0.000. Pada dukungan guru tahfidz terdapat pengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi menghafal Alquran santri yaitu dengan nilai p = 0.003


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    ABSTRAK Muhammad Zaini Fajri. NIM. 1603905. Skripsi: ANALISIS Tingkat KETERAMPILAN BERMAIN SEPAKBOLA KELAS XI MIPA DI SMAN 16 KOTA BANDUNG. Skripsi ini dibimbing oleh Carsiwan, M. Pd dan Asep Sumpena, M. Pd. program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebarapa besar tingkat keterampilan bermain sepakbola di kelas XI MIPA SMAN 16 kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan melakukan observasi. Populasi adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA SMAN 16 Kota Bandung berjumlah 30 orang dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu game performance assesement instrument (GPAI) yang di adaptasi menjadi instrumen penilaian penampilan bermain (IPPB). Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pengolahan data, tingkat keterampilan bermain siswa kelas XI MIPA mendapatkan rata – rata persentase sebesar 40 % termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat rendah. Penelitian ini hanya berfokus pada tiga aspek keterampilan bermain sepakbola yaitu membuat keputusan (decision making), melaksanakan keterampilan tertentu (skill execution), dan meberikan dukungan (support). Fokus penelitian selanjutnya dapat dilaksanakan lebih lanjut mengenai aspek keterampilan bermain sepakbola secara menyeluruh. Kata Kunci: Tingkat keterampilan bermain sepakbola. ABSTRACT Muhammad Zaini Fajri. NIM 1603905. Thesis: ANALYSIS OF LEVEL SKILLS PLAYING FOOTBALL CLASS XI MIPA IN SMAN 16 KOTA BANDUNG. This thesis is guided by Carsiwan, M. Pd and Asep Sumpena, M. Pd. Health and Recreation Physical Education Study program. Indonesian education university. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of football playing skills in class XI MIPA SMAN 16 Bandung. This research uses quantitative descriptive method by observing. The population is students of class XI MIPA of SMAN 16 in Bandung totaling 30 people using random sampling techniques. The instrument used in this study is the game performance assessment instrument (GPAI) which was adapted to be an instrument of playing performance assessment (IPPB). Based on the results of analysis and data processing, the level of playing skills of students of class XI MIPA get an average percentage of 40% included in the very low category. This study only focuses on three aspects of playing football skills, namely making decisions (decision making), implementing certain skills (skill execution), and providing support. The focus of further research can be carried out further regarding aspects of football skills as a whole. Keywords: Level of football playing skills

    Beragam Metode Memahami Hadis Nabi Saw

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    The existence of hadiths has not only colored society in various aspects of life, particularly in the academic world, but has also become a continual and fascinating subject of study and research, including approaches and methodologies for understanding and applying hadiths. Nevertheless, comprehending the meaning of a hadith properly can sometimes be relatively challenging. Therefore, the understanding of hadiths has undergone a very long journey, from the time they were spoken and established by the Prophet Muhammad until the present day. The methods used to understand these hadiths have varied from one period to another. This can be understood as a dynamic in the development of human intellectual insight that never ceases over time. The evolution in the understanding of hadiths is also marked by the emergence of various approaches and methods in line with the changing conditions and situations. ABSTRAK Keberadaan hadis tidak hanya telah mewarnai masyarakat dalam berbagai kehidupan, terutama dalam dunia akademisi, akan tetapi juga telah menjadi bahasan dalam kajian dan penelitian yang menarik dan tiada hentinya, termasuk pendekatan dan metodologi pemahaman hadis beserta aplikasinya. Meskipun demikian, untuk memahami maksud suatu hadis secara baik terkadang relative tidak mudah. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman terhadap hadis telah mengalami perjalanan yang sangat panjang, sejak hadis itu diucapkan dan ditetapkan oleh Nabi saw sampai saat sekarang inki. Metode yang digunakan dalam memahami hadis tersebut saling berbeda antara satu periode dengan periode yang lain. Hal ini dapat dimaklumi sebagai suatu dinamika perkembangan wawasan intelektual manusia yang tidak pernah berhenti sepanjang masa. Perkembangan pemahaman terhadap hadis juga ditandai oleh munculnya berbagai pendekatan dan metode sesuai dengan kondisi dan situasi


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     Notaris memiliki jabatan kepercayaan dari orang yang bersedia menyerahkan kepercayaanya kepada notaris dan notaris mempunyai kewajiban dalam menjaga rahasia semua yang diberitahukan kepada notaris, meskipun hal itu tidak tercantum didalam akta. Notaris juga berkewajiban untuk membuat akta dan apa yang ingin dicantumkan oleh para pihak serta notaris wajib berkewajiban untuk membacakan akta sehingga para pihak yang membuat akta paham akan isi dalam akta dan akses pada informasi tetap diberikan, termasuk kepada akses pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang sejalan, sesuai dengan isi dalam akta yang diminta oleh para pihak. Rumusan masalahnya yaitu pengaturan secara hukum mengenai ketentuan notaris yang dapat menggunakan hak ingkar kepada pihak ketiga serta perlindungan dan akibat hukum terhadap notaris terkait pembukaan kerahasiaan akta. Metode penelitian menggunakan yuridis normatif dan menggunakan teknik analisa deskriptif Kata Kunci: Notaris, Rahasia Akta, Para Pihak, Hak Ingkar The notary has a position of trust from the person who is willing to give up his trust to the notary and the notary has the obligation to keep the secret of everything that is notified to the notary, even though it is not stated in the deed. The notary is also obliged to make a deed and what the parties want to include and the notary is obliged to read out the deed so that the parties who make the deed understand the contents of the deed and provide access to information, including access to relevant legislation in accordance with the contents of the deed. requested by the parties. The formulation of the problem is the legal arrangement regarding the provisions of the notary who can use the right of denial to third parties as well as the protection and legal consequences of the notary regarding the disclosure of the confidentiality of the deed. The research method uses normative juridical and uses descriptive analysis techniques Keywords: Notary, Secret Deed, Parties, Right of Denia


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    Kosmologi dalam al-Qur’an dapat digambarkan bahwa Allah telah menciptakan tujuh lapis langit dan meletakkan yang satu di atas yang lain di atas bumi, dalam tatanan yang sempurna dan tanpa cela, masing-masing berorbit pada jalannya sendiri. Karena alam semesta dan proses-proses yang terjadi di dalamnya sering kali dinyatakan sebagai ayat-ayat Allah, maka memeriksa dan meneliti kosmos atau alam semesta dapat diartikan juga membaca ayat-ayat tersebut. Dengan memperhatikan alam semesta maka akan dapat merinci dan menguraikan serta menerangkan ayat-ayat di dalam al-Qur’an yang pada umumnya merupakan garis-garis besar saj

    Strategi Pengembangan Pondok Pesantren melalui Usaha Kecil Masyarakat

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    Tulisan ini, merupakan kajian kepustakaan penulis tentang kerangka konsepsional pengembangan lembaga pendidikan, khususnya pondok pesantren. Sebagai wujud konsepsi, maka tulisan ini hanya mendiskusikan beberapa elemen penting, baik itu operasional pengembangan secara umum ataupun pengembangan dalam konteks pendidikan pesantren. Pada intinya, penulis ingin mengeksaminasi beberapa keunggulan pesantren sebagai bagian basis pengembangan masa depan. Tulisan ini terfokus pada usaha kecil masyarakat yang di kelola bersama oleh pesantren. Sehingga, pesantren bisa mengaktualisasikan peranannya sebagai pemberdaya masyarakat dan sekaligus memberikan sumbangsih real terhadap kebutuhan-kebutuhan materia

    Methods and Thoughts in the Islamic Theology

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    The discourse that has developed so far around Islamic theology includes the emergence of dominant theological currents due to political factors. Yet if it is explored more in-depth, freedom of thought (tafakkur) is one of the main factors. Based on this understanding, two issues need to be discussed in this paper: First, how are the various methods and patterns of thought that develop in the realms of Islamic theology; Second, what issues are the subject of debate in the realms of Islamic theology. The discussion is carried out by descriptive analysis based on relevant sources that are not limited in number. The discussion results show that the thought processes carried out by kalam scholars (mutakallimīn) have had a significant influence on the growth and development of Islamic theology. The arguments of the mind that were fertilized by Greek philosophy and other civilizations also played an important role in developing Islamic theology. Besides, the formation of more dominant schools is due to the different methods of thinking in explaining God, His oneness, and His attributes

    Pembinaan Karakter Sosial Melalui Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak Di MTs Ishlahul Muslimin Senteluk Batulayar

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    This study aims to find out (1) What are the social character building programs at MTs Ishlahul Muslimin Senteluk Batulayar. (2) How is the implementation of social character development programs at MTs Ishlahul Muslimin Senteluk Batulayar. Based on the location and source of the data in this research, it is included in field research, and in terms of the nature of the data, it is included in qualitative research, based on the discussion including descriptive research. Methods of data collection using observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation. Data analysis was carried out in the field, and testing the validity of the data was carried out by observation, triangulation, and peer discussion. After the researchers conducted the research, it can be concluded that social character building is necessary, 1) Creating a Social character development program needs the best possible preparation, studying it before the character building process, preparing physiologically and psychologically for the teacher. 2) In the implementation of the character development program, namely efforts to improve the social character of students, teachers use good methods / methods, namely teacher-centered and student-centered coaching using methods. Besides that, teachers must try to instill habituation and role models in all things, especially in terms of fostering social character to students in programs that have been planned. Supporting factors for character building by teachers in the implementation of social character development at MTs Ishlahul Muslimin Senteluk Batulayar include: the condition of students who have a strong level of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, stable student conditions, competent teacher conditions and willing to fight for better change, facilities and infrastructure supportive learning environment.   Keywords: Social Character, Coaching Progra
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