2,459 research outputs found

    Cakar ayam shaping machine

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    Cakar ayam (Figure 7.1) is one of the Malay traditional cookies that are made from sliced sweet potatoes deep-fried in the coconut candy. In current practice of moulding the cookies, the fried sweet potatoes are molded using traditional manual tools, which are inefficient and less productive for the mass production purposes. “Kuih cakar ayam” associated with the meaning of the idiom means less messy handwriting has a somewhat negative connotation .This cookies may just seem less attractive in shape but still likeable . In fact, this cookie is considered a popular snack even outside the holiday season. The choice of the name of this cookie is more to shape actually resembles former chicken scratches made by the paw the ground while foraging. The value of wisdom, beauty and creativity of the Malays is clearly evident through the Malay cookie. Although it is attacked by the invention of modern cakes that look far more interesting, these cakes will be able to survive a long time until now

    The effect of Effective Microorganism (EM) on growth and yield of paddy / Muhammad Amirul Omar

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    Effective Microorganisms (EM) are mixed cultures of beneficial naturally-occurring organisms that can be applied as inoculants to increase the microbial diversity of soil ecosystem. This research was conducted at UiTM campus Jasin with five treatment and 4 replicate. The treatment are T1: 100% NPK, T2: 70%NPK 30%EM, T3: 50%NPK 50%EM, T4: 30%NPK 70%EM, T5: 100%EM. The experimental design used in study is Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The parameters involved in this study are Height of paddy, Number of Tiller, Number of Panicle, Weight of Fresh grain and Weight of Dry grain. The result shown there is significant different between treatment for all parameters. For plant height T2(112.56) shows the highest mean and T5(96.18) shows the lowest mean. For number of Tiller T2(65.91) shows the highest mean and T5(28.59) shows the lowest mean. For number of panicle T2(45.63) shows the highest mean and T5(13.81) shows the lowest mean. For Weight of fresh grain T2(36.73) shows the highest mean and T5(13.68) shows the lowest mean. For Weight of dry grain T2(36.31) shows the highest mean and T5(13.15) shows the lowest mean

    Intellectual Property Management System (IPMS)

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    Intellectual Property can be defined as the permission to control the use of certain intangible expression and ideas in a form of entitlement, for an individual. For many reasons, intellectual property or IP has been playing a major role in many organizations that promote invention and innovation. The reason of having a good IP practise is to ensure the idea and work of one particular inventor or innovator will be secure from infringement and plagiarism. In Malaysia especially, many organizations still don't have a good IP practise. Those companies tend to neglect the necessity of having their idea protected and secured. In order to fulfil the needs of having a simple system that can help organizations to promote a good IP practise, Intellectual Property Management System or IPMS came into the picture. The purpose of this system is to act as a hub that can help organizations to smoothen the procedure of patenting within the premise. Traditional ways are normally can be related to the use of paper and pen. Inventors and innovators have to fill a 5-page of form and have to wait for a long period of time before their idea being approved by the employer. There are many risks when using the traditional way. The papers went missing, misplaced, tear apart; there are all the risks that might occur

    Cognitive Programs Memory - A Framework for Integrating Executive Control in STAR

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    Cognitive Programs are algorithms which guide the execution of visual tasks in the Selective Tuning (ST) model and its extension Selective Tuning Attentive Reference (STAR). However, no framework exists that allows for their rapid development, parameterization and execution. In this thesis we propose that a basis set of elemental operations called Neural Primitives (NP) in conjunction with other control elements constitute a Cognitive Program. The Neural Primitives are biologically inspired computations that dictate the transformation functions from one representation to another and form the foundation of this thesis. Therefore a key theme here is using low level neural computations, the NPs to perform higher level cognitive functions that are required for task demands. This thesis also introduces a database like structure called the Cognitive Programs Memory (CPM) that holds a set of predefined CPs which are accessible by the visual task executive (vTE) - a component of STAR with a major role of controlling task execution. The CPs have been tested on the execution of three psychophysical experiments demonstrat- ing how a sequence of operations can be used to complete visual tasks. The CPs have also been tested on two experiments demonstrating that the application of the NP operations result in qualitatively similar neural tuning curves to neurophysiological data

    Endostatin concentration in plasma of healthy human volunteers

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    Background: Angiogenesis is involved in many cardiovascular and cancerous diseases, including atherosclerosis and is controlled by a fine balance between angiogenic and angiostatic mediators. Endostatin is one of the main angiostatic mediators, and inhibits angiogenesis and prevents progression of atherosclerosis. The available literature shows a broad range of concentrations in relatively small samples of healthy controls and is calculated by using different techniques. This study was aimed to determine the basal endostatin concentration in plasma of healthy volunteers, to fully understand its physiological role. Methods: Fifty healthy adult volunteers were recruited to the study. Participants were advised not to participate in any physical activity on the day before the blood sampling. The volunteers’ physical activity, height, weight, heart rate and blood pressure were recorded. The samples were analysed for plasma endostatin concentration, using ELISA. The participants were divided by gender and ethnic groups to calculate any difference. Results: Endostatin and other variables were normally distributed. Most of the participants had a moderate level of physical activity with no gender related difference (p=0.370). The mean value for plasma endostatin in all samples was 105±12 ng/ml with range of 81–132 ng/ml. For males, it was 107±13 ng/ml, while for females; 102±12 ng/ml. There were no significant gender or ethnicity related differences in endostatin concentration. Moreover, endostatin was not significantly related with any anthropometric and physical variable. Conclusion: This study gives endostatin levels in normal healthy people and show no gender and ethnicity related differences in endostatin levels. Endostatin was not related with any anthropometric and physical variable


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja algoritma load balance. Algoritma ini digunakan untuk membagi kerja server load balance ke beberapa server web yang menggunakan Apache2 dan Nginx. Database server yang digunakan adalah Postgresql. Sistem operasi yang digunakan adalah Ubuntu 12.4 LTS. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan data throughput, response time, request, dan reply pada masing-masing skenario dengan 10 kali perulangan untuk setiap algoritma. Ada 6 algoritma yang dibandingkan, yaitu Round Robin, Least Connection, Shortest Expected Delay, Never Queue, Weighted Round Robin, dan Weighted Least Connection. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan dua skenario. Pada masing-masing skenario digunakan server web Apache dan Nginx. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Httperf dan dibantu dengan script tambahan. Terdapat sembilan komputer yang digunakan untuk percobaan algoritma load balance, dengan rincinan: tiga komputer untuk server web, tiga komputer untuk server database, komputer tester, load balancer web dan server replikasi database. Khusus untuk tiga server yang berfungsi sebagai server web dikondisikan mempunyai spesifikasi fisik yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keluaran yang dihasilkan oleh algoritma-algoritma load balance yang diimpelementasikan untuk server web Nginx hampir sama pada semua aspek. Sedangkan saat diimplementasikan untuk server web Apache, algoritma-algoritma load balance ini menghasilkan keluaran yang bervariasi. Rata-rata throughput tertinggi dihasilkan oleh algoritma SED, WRR, dan WLC serta throughput terkecil dihasilkan oleh algoritma RR. Response time yang terkecil dihasilkan oleh algoritma NQ dan yang terbesar dihasilkan oleh algoritma RR. Request dan reply tertinggi dihasilkan oleh algoritma WLC dan WRR. Kata kunci: load balance, algoritma, server web

    Oxo and peroxo ligand transfer reactions involving methylrhenium trioxide

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    Methylrhenium dioxide (MDO), prepared in aqueous solution from the reaction of methylrhenium trioxide (MTO) and hypophosphorous acid, reacts with oxo donor compounds by oxygen-atom abstraction at record-high rates. These include inorganic oxoanions (e.g. ClO4-), organic oxo substrates (e.g. sulfoxides), and few metal oxides (e.g. VO2+). The mechanism of oxygen-atom transfer from oxygen donors (X=O) to MDO involves nucleophilic attack of the substrate at the oxophilic rhenium forming an adduct prior to oxo transfer. The kinetic data have been related to some extent to the element-oxygen force constants;MTO reacts with hydrogen peroxide to form the catalytically active species CH3ReO2([eta]2- O2), A, and CH3ReO([eta]2- O2)2(H2O), B. The catalytic reactions of these rhenium peroxides with a large family of phosphines have been investigated. Systematic changes in the substituents on phosphorous were made to vary the nucleophilicity and cone angle of the phosphine. The kinetic data support a mechanism that allows nucleophilic attack of the substrate at the rhenium peroxides. MTO also catalyzes the oxidation of [beta]-diketones by H2O2 to give cleavage products, carboxylic acids. The kinetics of the initial oxidation which features epoxidation of the enol form, the majority species, have been investigated for a group of cyclic [beta]-diketones. Its rate responds to substituents in the normal manner: electron-donating groups accelerate the reaction. In contrast, the subsequent oxidation steps controlled by O-insertion into a C-C bond involve A and B as nucleophiles rather than their normal electrophilic behavior;In the absence of a substrate, the MTO- H2O2 catalyst undergoes decomposition to afford methanol and perrhenate. The deactivation kinetics feature complex dependences on hydrogen peroxide and pH. The catalyst is most stable at high acid and peroxide concentrations. Methanol and perrhenate are formed from the action of HO2- on MTO; the mechanism of deactivation involves methyl migration to a peroxo bound oxygen. The diperoxo complex, B, on the other hand, is stable towards decomposition to methanol and perrhenate; instead it evolves molecular oxygen and regenerates the starting MTO

    Understanding level of General Takaful and Family Takaful among 3rd semester of ACIS students in UiTM Shah Alam / Muhammad Hamizan Fahmi Omar

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    Takaful is a system of islamic insurance that based on the principle of ta’awun (mutual cooperation) and tabarru’ (donation), where the risk is shared collectively and voluntarily by members of a group. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of understanding among ACIS students in UiTM Shah Alam about the takaful concept which is general takaful and family takaful. The total number of student involved is 71 people (population) and the method that has been used are quantitative that is a questionnaire through the google form. As the result, it showed that the student of ACIS had a moderate level of understanding of takaful concept on the objectives of the study. In conclusion, there is still a lot of effort and knowledge in other to understand about the concept of takaful especially to the whole society

    Comparative study of soil physico-chemical properties under Acacia senegal in three different plantations in Maifari, Jigawa state, Nigeria

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    Acacia senegal is a multipurpose drought-tolerant tree or shrub legume, and is commonly used in agroforestry systems in sub-Saharan Africa for gum arabic production and soil fertility improvement. Despite its relatively wide distribution in Nigeria, there has not been exhaustive evaluation on the effects of the tree/shrub on soil physicochemical properties under its canopy forsustainable utilization of the tree. Accordingly, three sitesin the semi-arid regionof Nigeria representing three plantation ages of 7, 27and 37 years old were selected for assessment. Soil samples were collected under tree canopies and were compared with the soils from the open canopies. Results indicated that there were significant differences in soil physicochemical properties among the three ages (P<0.05 and P< 0.01). Generally, soil nutrients under the canopies were higher than in the open canopies irrespective of the age mainly due to effects of litter accumulation. The tree/shrubhas beneficial effects on soil nutrient status in their natural ecosystems and would most likely improve crop productivity in agroforestry systems such as alley cropping. The resultant improvement in soil nutrients status can increase herbage production in agricultural rangelands thus enhancing animal production in the study area. The tree/shrub growing under different soil types may have an effect on their gum Arabic production and quality.Keywords: Acacia senegal,plantation ages, soil nutrients accumulation, sustainable utilization