1,144 research outputs found


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    The Slovenian philosopher, Slavoj Zizek, who believes that there are 3 groups of ways to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. First, he feels that it's normal, for example, not wearing masks, but schools will continue to be carried out and activities will continue as usual. The second group has schools that handle it on a strict scale, for example outsiders are not allowed to enter and insiders are limited if they go out because they are equipped with hand sanitizers, complete health protocols, keep a distance, the teaching process is limited and so on. As for the third group, who responded half-heartedly, school residents were allowed to go in and out of school, but the health protocols continued. This study uses a qualitative method with the type of case study research and data collection techniques of observation and in-depth interview. Education Solutions at the Ihya Ulumuddin Nur Syufiiyyah Islamic Boarding School during the covid-19 pandemic to reopen the cottage with education as usual. With the results of the solution actions that have been conditioned by the IUNS Islamic Boarding School, such as the first conditional restrictions other than the residents of the cottage are prohibited from entering the cottage and the residents of the cottage are limited to a few people, the second visiting students are given a distance of about 2 meters apart, the third Pondok residents must have information that they have been vaccinated, and so on. As for another solution, the IUNS COVID Task Force team in collaboration with PSC HSU conducts cross checks every day and checks temperature, blood and symptoms for 10 days until it is possible to see whether the change in symptoms persists or not. In addition, the health of students and female students is also considered

    Tafsir dari Segi Metode: Metode Tafsir Tahlili

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    Metode penafsiran Al-Qur’an merupakan salah satu bentuk perkembangan tafsir sejak awal hingga masa kini. Salah satu metode yang sering digunakan mufasir klasik adalah metode tahlili. Metode ini lahir seiring dengan meluasnya perkembangan agama Islam ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Sehingga Al-Qur’an perlu dijelaskan secara mendetail melalui penafsiran yang komprehensif dengan metode tahlili. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji metode tahlili dari segi sejarah hingga kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui kajian pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tafsir tahlili merupakan salah satu metode untuk menafsirkan Al-Qur’an secara utuh sesuai dengan urutan mushaf dengan meninjau kepada beberapa aspek. Tafsir tahlili muncul untuk menjawab kebutuhan umat akan penjelasan terhadap Al-Qur’an yang mendetail. Melalui tafsir tahlili umat dapat memahami konteks suatu ayat berdasarkan kepada asbab an-nuzul, munasabah ayat, kajian kebahasaan, hingga pendapat para ulama terhadap suatu ayat. Salah satu contoh kitab tafsir tahlili adalah Tafsir Ath-Thabari yang masih digunakan hingga saat ini dan merupakan tafsir pertama yang menggunakan metode tahlili


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    Abstrak Informasi menjadi sebuah kebutuhan sangat primer bagi masyarakat. Saat ini dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas media dan jaringan internet, masyarakat dapat menerima dan menyebarkan informasi melalui media digital. Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi memiliki konsekuensi yang berdampak pada perubahan pola produksi dan konsumsi informasi yang dilakukan oleh khalayak umum. Sehingga peneliti tertarik dalam melakukan ini guna untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan dalam melakukan transaksi dan privasi data sehingga dapat mengurangi Tindakan kriminal yang berkaitan dengan data atau cybercrime. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam era digital ini, fungsi perpustakaan sebagai penyedia layanan informasi dan pengetahuan pun berubah. Perpustakaan harus berubah paradigma menjadi berbasis teknologi dan lebih mengembangkan diri, agar sebagai sumber pembelajaran perpustakaan tetap menjadi tulang punggung bangsa dalam memperoleh pengetahuan dan memperdalam keilmuan, Dinamika tindak pidana yang terus berkembang dengan cepat adalah alasannya, dan Big Data juga menjadi salah satu tools mereka menjalankan aksinya. Kata Kunci: Alat bukti elektronik; Jejak digital; cybercrime.   Abstract Information has become a very primary need for the community. Currently, by utilizing media facilities and internet networks, people can receive and disseminate information through digital media. The rapid development of technology and communication has consequences that have an impact on changing patterns of production and consumption of information by the general public. So that researchers are interested in doing this in order to increase awareness in conducting transactions and data privacy so as to reduce criminal acts related to data or cybercrime. The results showed that in this digital era, the function of the library as a provider of information and knowledge services has changed. Libraries must change their paradigm to become technology-based and develop themselves more, so that as a source of learning the library remains the backbone of the nation in gaining knowledge and deepening knowledge, the dynamics of criminal acts that continue to grow rapidly are the reason, and Big Data is also one of the tools they carry out their actions. Keywords: Electronic evidence; Digital footprint; cybercrime

    Tradition, Social Values, and Fiqh of Civilization: Examining the Nyadran Ritual in Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia

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    This research focuses on examining the Nyadran ritual in Sono Ageng Village, Nganjuk Regency, approached through the relationship between tradition, social norms, and fiqh of civilization. The study used a qualitative approach with phenomenology as a method, utilizing John F. Haught's theory on the relationship between religion and culture, and both primary and secondary data. This study has three findings: First, Nyadran is an annual tradition containing the meaning of slametan, prayers, means to strengthen social relations, and respect for ancestors or forefathers who have greatly contributed to establishing the Sono Ageng Village. Second, although Nyadran was initially known to the public as a local tradition, subsequent developments reveal that Nyadran underwent a process of acculturation with the values and teachings of the Islamic religion. The relationship between religion and culture in the Nyadran tradition is formed through a process of contact and confirmation. Third, from a Fiqh of Civilization perspective, the values contained in Nyadran includes gratitude for Allah's blessings, prayers for ancestors, a place for friendship, and a true transformation of social values in line with the visions of Fiqh of civilization. The implication of this study is the maintaining traditions and social harmony within the paradigm of Fiqh of Civilization to create an attitude of tolerance and moderation in the life of a pluralistic society


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    Laporanakhirrancangbangunengine cranedenganpenambahan system otomatisinibertujuansebagaialatbantupadasaat proses mengangkatdanmemindahkanmesin. Engine cranememilikibeberapakomponenantara lain winch, rangka ,rodadanbeberapakomponenlainnya. Denganditambahkannyainovasipadaalatinimakadariitukomponen yang terdapatpadaalatini juga bertambah.Tujuandilakukannyapenambahaninovasipadaengine crane manual inimenjadiotomatispada system mekanispengangkutnyayaituuntukmeminimalisirtenagamanusia yang dibutuhkanuntukmengoperasikanalatini

    Association of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1C) level with working memory on type-2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetic patients

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    Background: Deleterious effects of diabetic glucose levels on brain structure, have been reported in many studies. Moreover, prediabetic and type-2 diabetes mellitus are associated with lower cognitive function. Author aimed to discover the association of blood glucose and working memory on type 2 diabetic and prediabetic patients.Methods: In this cross-sectional study there are two groups (diabetic and prediabetic) consist of 30 patients each (men 31, women 29). Mean age 40.233±7.862. Blood glucose was measured with HbA1c. All patients were tested with MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination), forward digit span, and backward digit span.Results: There was no difference between diabetic and prediabetic group in MMSE (p 1.000). In diabetic group, mean LDSF (Longest Digit Span Forward) was 5.700±0.877 and there was relation between HbA1c and LDSF (r -0.604). In prediabetic group, mean LDSF was 6.233±0.858 and there was relation between HbA1c and LDSF (r -0.565). There was significant difference between those groups in LDSF (p 0.041). In diabetic group mean LDSB (Longest Digit Span Backward) was 3.767±0.817 and there was relation between HbA1c and LDSB (r -0.545). In prediabetic group, mean LDSB was 4.300±0.750 and there was relation between HbA1c and LDSB (r -0.575). There was significant difference between those groups in LDSB (p 0.024).Conclusions: Results indicated that there was significant difference between diabetic and prediabetic patient in working memory test although there was no difference in general cognitive function

    Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Konsep Usaha Tani Perkotaan

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    This study was structured to examine the model of community empowerment through the concept of urban farming in the Orchid Women Farmer Group (KWT) in Bara-Barayya Village, Makassar District, Makassar City. This study aims to determine how effective community empowerment is in urban farming. This study was compiled using qualitative analysis and then described by descriptive writing method. Purposive sampling is a sampling method in this study. Informants in the study included the Orchid Women Farmer Group (KWT), agricultural extension workers and the Makassar City Food Security Service. The researcher describes the empowerment model in the community using the CIPOO model approach (content, input, process, output, and outcome). The results of the study show the community empowerment model if in that approach, there is an approach that has not been fulfilled. However, the results of empowerment in urban farming at the Orchid KWT, run effectively and are carried out as they should, so that people who participate in these activities will be more concerned in utilizing the surrounding resources and increasing community harmony in one area.This study was structured to examine the model of community empowerment through the concept of urban farming in the Orchid Women Farmer Group (KWT) in Bara-Barayya Village, Makassar District, Makassar City. This study aims to determine how effective community empowerment is in urban farming. This study was compiled using qualitative analysis and then described by descriptive writing method. Purposive sampling is a sampling method in this study. Informants in the study included the Orchid Women Farmer Group (KWT), agricultural extension workers and the Makassar City Food Security Service. The researcher describes the empowerment model in the community using the CIPOO model approach (content, input, process, output, and outcome). The results of the study show the community empowerment model if in that approach, there is an approach that has not been fulfilled. However, the results of empowerment in urban farming at the Orchid KWT, run effectively and are carried out as they should, so that people who participate in these activities will be more concerned in utilizing the surrounding resources and increasing community harmony in one area

    Sacrificing catfish as marriage tradition in Indonesia in 'Urf perspective

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tradisi perkawinan masyarakat Indonesia di Yogyakarta yang disebut Mbeleh Lele (kurban lele) yang sudah berlangsung beberapa generasi. Tradisi perkawinan ini mengharuskan pasangan yang akan menikah untuk menyembelih sepasang ikan lele sebelum akad nikah. Penelitian hukum empiris ini menggunakan pendekatan sosio-hukum dengan wawancara sebagai data primer dan literature-literatur terkait sebagai data sekunder. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan 'urf (teori tradisi Islam) sebagai alat analisisnya. Terakhir, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pandangan masyarakat Yogyakarta terhadap Tradisi Mbeleh Lele terbagi menjadi dua jenis: pemimpin terkemuka dan masyarakat umum. Para pemimpin adat sangat yakin bahwa akan ada efek negatif jika tradisi tidak dilaksanakan. Sementara itu, masyarakat umum mengatakan bahwa mereka menuruti budaya ketika mengalami dampak buruk. Dalam perspektif 'urf, tradisi Mbeleh Lele dapat dikategorikan sebagai 'urf sahih (tradisi yang benar) karena memenuhi syarat yang dipersyaratkan

    Comparison of open vs Plastibell techniques of circumcision for surgical outcomes and cosmetic satisfaction;A randomized control trial

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    Objective of the study: To compare the results of circumcision by open technique and the Plastibell technique in male babies. Methods: In this randomized controlled interventional study, 1440 babies whose circumcision was done as religious rite were divided into two groups. Group A underwent circumcision by open technique whereas group B underwent circumcision by Plastibell method. Results: Majority 720 (50%) were in age group 6-8 weeks. Compared with open method, significantly less number of patients in plastibel method experienced moderate pain (47.91% versus 35% p value .00001 and severe pain 31.94% versus 9.02% p value .00001.Rate of wound infection was significantly less in plastibell method 2.77% versus 4.86% p value .020. However more patients in plastibell technique needed re-do circumcision 4.02% versus 1.94% p value .0202. Overall greater parent’s satisfaction was attained with plastibel method. Conclusion: Plastibell technique has many advantages over open method in terms less post op pain, wound infection, and greater cosmetic  satisfaction however more patients will need re-do circumcision in this technique compared with conventional method. Keywords: Circumcision, open technique, Plastibell, post-op complication
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