129 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fenomena flypaper effect di Provinsi Aceh setelah berlakunya otonomi daerah. Data yang digunakan adalah data panel 23 kabupaten/kota di Aceh tahun 2011-2013. Model yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Pooled Least Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Bagi Hasil, Dana Alokasi Khusus, Dana Alokasi Umum, dan Dana Otonomi Khusus dan Penyesuaian secara statistik memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap Belanja Daerah. Terbukti bahwa terdapat flypaper effect di Aceh karena koefisien pendapatan asli daerah lebih kecil daripada koefisien dana bagi hasil yang menunjukkan Aceh belum mandiri. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, provinsi yang memiliki kontribusi sektor tersier yang dominan terhadap PDRB menunjukkan semakin mandiri. Untuk mencapai kemandirian daerah, flypaper effect dapat diatasi dengan menggeser struktur perekonomian dari sektor primer dan sekunder menjadi sektor tersier. Dengan demikian, kontribusi PAD terhadap belanja daerah melebihi kontribusi dana transfer yang diterima dari pemerintah pusat.Kata Kunci :flypaper effect, pooled least square, data pane

    Yaw Angle Tracking Control Design of Underactuated AUV By Using State Dependent Riccati Equations (SDRE)-LQT

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    In realizing yaw angle control tracking on AUV, the use of the State Dependent Riccati Equations method based on Linear Quadratic Tracking (SDRE-LQT) is realized. This algorithm calculates changes in yaw angle tracking problems through calculation of parameter changes from online AUV with Algebraic Riccati Equations.So that the control signal given to the plant can follow the changing conditions of the plant itself.

    Syllabus Design for PKN-STAN Entrance Test: A Need Analysis

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    The aim of this study is to scrutinize the needs of the prospective students of Politeknik Keuangan Negara – Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (PKN-STAN) as well as to design syllabus for preparation program of PKN-STAN entrance test. This research was a descriptive research in which questionnaires were distributed to prospective students and on-going students of PKN- STAN while interviews were administered to graduates of PKN-STAN, English teachers of senior high school and English lecture. To obtain more accurate information on prospective students’ needs. The data were analysed in quantitative and qualitative method. The findings of this study revealed the needs for setting up the syllabus for preparation program of PKN-STAN entrance test. The proposed syllabus provided a set of topics/ materials on structure and written expressions and reading comprehension. The syllabus was implemented to prototype course materials completed with exercises. The syllabus was an integration of aims, objectives, and activities to bridge the gap on the prospective students’ present knowledge and the required knowledge for PKN-STAN entrance test.

    Analysis Effect of Loading on the DGA Results of the UAT 2A Transformer PLTU Paiton 1&2 for Optimizing Self-Use

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    In this study, the analysis of the effect of loading on the DGA results of the Paiton UAT 2A transformer units 1 and 2 was carried out using the DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) test tool with the X-DGA kelman tool to determine the gas content contained in oil or oil. The UAT 2A transformer is a type of oil-cooled distribution transformer that uses the Nytro Libra oil type. The oil in the UAT 2A transformer is useful for insulating and cooling media so that the UAT 2A transformer does not get hot. In the oil content there is a gas content that causes transformer failure. Gas failure is called gas fault which results in thermal and electrical failure. The results of the DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) test analysis show that loading greatly influences the DGA test results because there are contents that are indicated to experience Low Energy Electrical Discharge, Hight Energy Electrical Discharge and Thermal Fault, namely H2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C2H2, CO, CO2, and H2O continue to increase due to Thermal FaultIn this study, the analysis of the effect of loading on the DGA results of the Paiton UAT 2A transformer units 1 and 2 was carried out using the DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) test tool with the X-DGA kelman tool to determine the gas content contained in oil or oil. The UAT 2A transformer is a type of oil-cooled distribution transformer that uses the Nytro Libra oil type. The oil in the UAT 2A transformer is useful for insulating and cooling media so that the UAT 2A transformer does not get hot. In the oil content there is a gas content that causes transformer failure. Gas failure is called gas fault which results in thermal and electrical failure. The results of the DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) test analysis show that loading greatly influences the DGA test results because there are contents that are indicated to experience Low Energy Electrical Discharge, Hight Energy Electrical Discharge and Thermal Fault, namely H2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C2H2, CO, CO2, and H2O continue to increase due to Thermal Faul


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    This article aims to determine the components of arm muscle power and eye-hand coordination on lob shots in badminton. The method used in analyzing it is in the form of library research. Collecting data on this article through an article indexing engine, namely Google Scholar with the keywords arm muscle power, hand eye coordination, lob strokes in badminton with publication limits from 2016 to 2020. The results obtained from 30 journals reviewed showed that the component of the lob stroke badminton is, speed, accuracy, agility and power. The contribution of each component varies greatly to produce a good technique for a badminton athlete. Conclusions from 30 that have been reviewed show that the needs for the lob component of badminton players are speed, accuracy, agility and maximum power. Each component must function optimally to support an athlete in official and unofficial competitions

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pemahaman Tentang Akad Kafalah Berdasarkan Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (KHES) di Desa Pandau Jaya Kecamatan Siak Hulu

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    The results of community service in the form of legal counseling in Pandau Jaya Village, Siak Hulu District are as follows:  Has increased participants' understanding of the Kafalah contract in the Sharia Economic Law Compilation (KHES). The material presented includes the pillars of the kafalah contract, the terms for the object of the kafalah contract, the types of the kafalah contract, the implementation of the kafalah contract, and the parties who die in the kafalah contract. After delivering the material, participants were asked a number of questions related to the material presented. The distribution of participants' answers after legal counseling can be stated that participants understand the material presented. In general, participants can understand the kafalah contract in KHES. There were 6 (six) questions given, question number 3 about the type of kafalah contract and number 5 about the guarantor who passed away received the highest answers with 84% and 85%. Problems that arise in the form of participant questions are questions about the difference between the kafalah contract and the rahn contract as a guarantee contract and questions about the pillars of the kafalah contract. Kafalah is the equivalent of dhamman, which means guarantee, but in its development, Kafalah is identical to kafalah al-wajhi (personal guarantee, self-guarantee), while dhamman is identical to collateral in the form of goods / assets. This concept is different from akad rahn which means collateral, but collateral from the person in debt. In addition, questions about the pillars of the kafalah contract, the answer refers to Article 22 KHES 335 which states that the pillars of the kafalah contract are the guarantor (Kafil), the guaranteed party (Makful 'Anhu), the indebted party (Makful Lahu), the object (Makful Bihi), and Akad. The kafalah contract in sharia banking activities is used as a form of bank service to guarantee activities or businesses proposed by customers. Guarantee in the form of kafalah can be carried out with the model of asset guarantee (kafalah bi al-mal) and person / institution guarantee (kafalah bi al-nafs). Financially or institutionally, the bank guarantees the party applying for guarantee services


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    Masalah pokok dalam tulisan ini adalah: Bagaimana modernisasi sistem pendidikan di pondok pesantren Mambaus Sholihin Suci Manyar Gresik? dan Bagaimana dukungan dan hambatan dalam modernisasi sistem pendidikan di pondok pesantren Mambaus Sholihin Suci Manyar Gresik? Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif, di mana data yang telah dihasilkan baik secara teoritis maupun empiris disajikan dalam bentuk kata-kata atau kalimat secara benar dan jelas sesuai dengan proses yang terjadi di lapangan. Adapun yang menjadi subyek penelitian skripsi ini adalah: para asatid dan santri di pondok pesantren Mambaus Sholihin Suci. Penelitian metode kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus ini menggunakan tiga teknik pengumpulan data yaitu: 1) Wawancara, 2) Observasi, 3) Dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Sistem Pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren Mambaus Sholihin pada awalnya menganut sistem pendidikan pesantren salaf pada umumnya. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, pengasuhnya mulai memasukkan sistem pendidikan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Modernisasi sistem pendidikan pesantren dipondok pesantren Mambaus Sholihin tampak dalam upaya peningkatan pendidikan agama Islam dalam masyarakat. Adapun beberapa langkah yang diterapkan di pondok pesantren Mambaus Sholihin dalam peningkatan pendidikan agama Islam dalam era modernisasi pada masyarakat yaitu melalui: (a). Merevitalisasi Paradigma pendidikan pesantren, (b). Menyelaraskan antara iptek dan imtaq, (c). Upaya menghilangkan dualisme pendidikan., (d). Mereformasi sistem sorogan dan bandongan menjadi sistem klasikal dan penjenjangan, dan (e). Membuat kurikulum yang lebih jelas.Kata Kunci : modernisasi, sistem pendidikan, pondok pesantre

    Implementation of Shallot Pest Trap Model Based on Color Spectrum Using Photovoltaic Energy

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    East Java is the second center for shallot production in Indonesia, mainly in Probolinggo Regency. Where farmers always complain about shallot crop pests such as leafminer flies, moths, and urethral pests, which will threaten the decrease in shallot production. This study aims to implement a pest-trapping model and determine the effect of the color spectrum on light intensity levels. LED lights on the interest of flying pests of shallot plants, and knowing the effective time of turning on light traps in the shallot rice fields using photovoltaic. The results of this implementation research are pest traps designed with simple and affordable tools for farmers. The color spectrum of LED lights that catch a lot of pests is the LED with the ultraviolet spectrum with the brightest light intensity, then the most effective time to turn on the light trap for onion plant pest traps is 18.00-20.00, where the electrical energy in the pest trap uses photovoltaic.East Java is the second center for shallot production in Indonesia, mainly in Probolinggo Regency. Where farmers always complain about shallot crop pests such as leafminer flies, moths, and urethral pests, which will threaten the decrease in shallot production. This study aims to implement a pest-trapping model and determine the effect of the color spectrum on light intensity levels. LED lights on the interest of flying pests of shallot plants, and knowing the effective time of turning on light traps in the shallot rice fields using photovoltaic. The results of this implementation research are pest traps designed with simple and affordable tools for farmers. The color spectrum of LED lights that catch a lot of pests is the LED with the ultraviolet spectrum with the brightest light intensity, then the most effective time to turn on the light trap for onion plant pest traps is 18.00-20.00, where the electrical energy in the pest trap uses photovoltaic

    Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Role of the Indonesian Government of the City of Lhokseumawe in Managing Slum Area from Spatial Law Perspective

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    The symptom observed in this study was the role of the Lhokseumawe City government in the implementation of the City Without Slums Program (KOTAKU). The phenomenon of legal events that occurs is based on the Qanun of Lhokseumawe City Number 11 of 2018 concerning Prevention and Quality Improvement of Slum Housing and Slums explaining that Article 1 paragraph (17) that prevention is an action taken to avoid the growth and development of slum housing and new slums. Meanwhile, quality improvement is stated in article 1 paragraph (18) that efforts to improve the quality of buildings and public infrastructure, facilities, and utilities. The purpose of the study is aimed at knowing and explaining the role of the Lhokseumawe City government in the implementation of the City Without Slums Program. The method used is an empirical juridical method with qualitative analysis. Data obtained through literature research activities and field research. The effectiveness of the role of the Lhokseumawe City Government in the implementation of the City Without Slums Program is as the main person in charge in the implementation of the KOTAKU Program. This is a collaborative program that involves many parties. The Environment Agency has a role in providing landfills, the Community Empowerment Office and Gampong have as bridging parties in the implementation of this program in Gampong, the Health Office has a role as community empowerment in the field of socialization of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior. The implementation of the program to date in Lhokseumawe City is considered to be still considered effective. The real conditions that occur related to this program are considered interesting to be deepened by subsequent researchers who can relate to more specific aspects of people's lives. Keywords: Effectiveness, Lhokseumawe City Government, Slums, Law DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/124-07 Publication date:September 30th 202
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