739 research outputs found


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    This research to describe the process of creating, feasibility and practicality of Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck based presentation media on sequence and series SMA material. This research uses the 4-D development research method. The results of media validation by experts obtained an average of 93.3% with "good" criteria. The results of validation of the response questionnaire by experts were 90% with "good" criteria. Before the trial, the media was revised again according to comments and suggestions from the Validator. The test results obtained were an average of 80.178% with "good" criteria. Apart from that, this research also contains the flow of using presentation media based on the Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck. The research results show that using the Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck media is practical and feasible to use. The research results show that the Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck media really helps students and teachers in learning both online and face-to-face. So, it can be concluded that "the Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck media is very good and suitable for learning in the current digital era.

    The Effects of Hope and Self-Efficacy on Employee Burnout

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    The emergence of burnout can be caused by continuous work stress experienced by individuals. The occurrence of burnout can be influenced by the level of hope possessed by employees, whether employees will be able or not to perceive their goals, use goals as motivation, and prepare alternative strategies to overcome problems at work. Individuals who have good self-efficacy will see a difficult job as a challenge and prevent burnout from occurring. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hope and self-efficacy on burnout that occurs in employees. The sampling technique used was quota sampling. The respondents were civil servants, male and female, aged between 23 – 57 years old, who work at the Ngudi Waluyo Hospital agency, Blitar Regency as many as 150 people, including 59 administrative employees and 91 nurses. This study used SHS (State Hope Scale), the Bandura self-efficacy scale; the burnout instrument used a scale compiled by a previous researcher (Sasmita, 2016) by measuring three aspects of burnout, namely fatigue, cynicism, and inefficiency. Multiple linear regressions were used to analyze the data. The results showed that hope and self-efficacy simultaneously had an effect on burnout (17, 1%), and partially hope had a significant negative effect on burnout. However, interestingly self-efficacy had no effect on burnout

    Design improvement of toner cartridge using design for assembly method

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    DFMA or known as Design for Manufacture and Assembly, consists of two main components which are Design for Manufacturing and Design for Assembly. To review the design for product evaluation, DFMA is an important methodolgy to be used. Reducing the number of parts to be assembled in a product is very significant. This can contribute to reducing the cost of assembly and assembly time for manufacturer. DFMA methodology is therefore applied to reduce the cost of the product by selecting a consumer product which is a toner cartridge as a case study of the product. The DFA Worksheet table is used for product evaluation and the original product design is reviewed, improved and re-evaluated. The significant result shows the new toner cartridge design is achievable with fewer parts from 32 to 27 parts. This method is also eligible for application to manufacturing industries to improve the effectiveness of their design

    Perjanjian Bagi Hasil Tanah Pertanian Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 1960 Di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali (Studi Kasus Di Desa Bau)

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    Di kehidupan manusia peranan tanah sangat penting, selain sebagai tempat tinggal tanah juga sebagai objek dalam perjanjian. pelaksanaan perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian banyak dilakukan pada masyarakat pedesaan karena mayoritas penduduk bekerja sebagai petani, begitu juga dengan pelaksanaan perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali. Sampai saat ini perjanjian bagi hasil tanah pertanian masih digunakan oleh masyarakat di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali tepatnya di Desa Bau. Desa Bau merupakan salah satu Desa yang ada di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali yang berpotensial di bidang pertanian itu semua karena didukung dengan persediaan lahan pertanian yang cukup luas begitu pula dengan irigasinya sehingga dapat berpotensial sebagai lahan pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa sistem perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian yang berlaku di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali, yakni Desa Bau baik bentuk, jangka waktu dan pembagiannya. Dari hasil penelitian yang saya peroleh bahwa pelaksanaan perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali khususnya masyarakat di Desa Bau tidak menggunakan perjanjian Bagi Hasil menurut Undang-Undang No 2 tahun 1960 tentang perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian tapi mereka melakukan perjanjian Bagi Hasil yang mendasarkan pada kebiasaan yang sudah turun temurun dilakukan yakni perjanjian berdasarkan pada persetujuan dan kesepakatan antara pihak pemilik tanah dan calon penggarap yang dilakukan secara Lisan dengan dasar kepercayaan. Mengenai Hak dan Kewajiban serta Imbangan pembagian hasil juga berdasarkan kesepakatan kedua pihak saja,Kemudian hapusnya atau putusnya hubungan kerja kedua belah pihak terjadi pada saat jangka waktu yang telah disepakati bersama sudah berakhir pada saat musim panen berakhir. Selain perjanjian bagi hasil di atas ada pula kebiasaan masyarakat di Desa Bau yang sering dilakukan sampai sekarang yaitu sistem Ijon


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    ABSTRAKSI PERANAN ETIKA BISNIS DALAM PROSES PEMASARAN PRODUK JASA PENDUKUNG EKSPOR PADA CV. ARJUNA SECURITAS ABADI DI SURAKARTA MUHAMMAD ALIF ADITYA F3111043 Tujuan penulisan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai peran etika bisnis dalam proses pemasaran produk jasa pendukung ekspor berupa jasa kemasan kayu dan marking ISPM#15. Selain terdapat peraturan internasional yang mengatur transaksi luar negeri, etika bisnis yang baik juga diharuskan ada didalamnya untuk membentuk persaingan yang sehat tanpa harus melanggar peraturan yang ada. Etika bisnis digunakan bukan hanya oleh eksportir ataupun importir, tetapi perusahaan jasa pendukung ekspor juga harus menerapkan etika bisnis yang benar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif analisis, yaitu mengambil satu obyek tertentu untuk dianalisa secara mendalam dan memfokuskan pada satu masalah. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan wawancara langsung pada bagian marketing perusahaan sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari buku maupun sumber bacaan lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelititan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peranan etika bisnis dalam proses pemasaran produk jasa pendukung pada CV. Arjuna Securitas Abadi sangatlah penting, terutama dalam proses promosi, follow up calon pelanggan hingga mendapatkan keputusan dari calon pelanggan. Kendala yang dihadapi terkait peranan etika bisnis dalam proses pemasaran produk jasa pendukung ekspor bersifat dari dalam dan luar perusahaan. Kata kunci : Etika Bisnis dan Pemasaran Jasa


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    Museum Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia merupakan bangunan yang dibangun pada tahun 2012 dan diresmikan pada tahun 2015. Bangunan seluas ±5000 m2 ini memiliki fungsi sebagai lembaga yang menghadirkan karakter dan citra yang berguna untuk kepentingan pendidikan, kebudayaan, dan rekreasi. Museum ini memiliki daya terpasang sebesar 197 kVA dengan tegangan 380 Volt 3 fasa yang disuplai langsung oleh PLN melalui gardu distribusi FPBS UPI. Beban-beban di museum ini beranekaragam diantaranya, penerangan, alat elektronik, lift dan lain-lain. Dengan terpasangnya beban-beban tersebut berdampak terhadap kualitas daya pada sistem kelistrikan di museum. Permasalahan kualitas daya yang terjadi diantaranya, adanya susut tegangan, harmonisa dan rendahnya nilai cos φ. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai susut tegangan, THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) arus maupun tegangan, mengetahui nilai cos φ, membuat perencanaan pemasangan kapasitor bank dan mengetahui kualitas daya di museum. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah perhitungan sederhana untuk mendapatkan nilai kapasitansi daya reaktif yang tepat agar nilai cos φ sebesar 0.99. Hasil dari penelitian ini untuk menaikan cos φ dari 0.8 menjadi 0.99 dibutuhkan kompensasi daya reaktif sebesar 104 kVar dengan menggunakan konfigurasi 18 step kapasitor, sehingga menghasilkan perubahan kualitas daya menjadi lebih baik. Nilai arus sebelum dipasang kapasitor sebesar 285 A, namun setelah dilakukan perancangan kapasitor bank nilai arus menjadi turun sebesar 230.7 A. Turunnya arus memperlihatkan bahwa terjadi perbaikan kualitas daya pada sistem kelistrikan museum. ; Indonesia Museum of National Education (Museum Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia) is a building which was built in 2012 and officiated in 2015. The building with an area of approximately 5000m2 has a function as an institution that presents the characters and imagery that is useful for educational purposes, culture and recreation. The museum has power installed of 197 kVA with 380 Volt 3 Fase which is supplied by the State Electricity Company (PLN) through distribution substation in the Faculty of Language and Literature Education (FPBS) of Indonesia University of Education.The power loads which are installed in the museum are lighting, electronic tools, elevator, etc. The loads installation affects the quality of electrical power system in the Museum. Power quality problems that occurred are drop voltage, harmonic distortion, and the low value of cos φ. The aims of this research are 1) to find out the the low voltage value; 2) to find out the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the current as well as the voltage; 3) to find out the value of cos φ; 4) to create capasitor bank installation planning, and 5) to find out the power quality of the museum. This research employed simple calculation method to get the accurate value of compensation reactive power to get cos φ of 0.99. The result of the research shows that 104 kVar of compensation reactive power by using 18 capacitor steps is needed to increase the value of cos φ from 0.8 to 0.99 so it can produce better quality power change. The current value before installation was 285 A. However it drops to 230 A after capacitor bank installation. The current drops show that there is an improvement on the power qualiy in the electrical system of the musem


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik pembelajaran dan self determination terhadap keterampilan gerak dasar beladiri karate (kihon). Teknik pembelajaran yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah learning centers dan intratask variation. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimental dengan Factorial Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK Peternakan Negeri Lembang. Sampling dilakukan dengan Cluster Random Sampling. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua instrumen, yaitu lembar observasi keterampilan kihon UKT FORKI (Federasi Olahraga Karate Do Indonesia) dan Self Determination Scale yang diadopsi dari American Institutes for Research (AIR). Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengunakan SPSS 20 dengan cara ANOVA. Hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1) Hasil belajar keterampilan gerak dasar beladiri karate (kihon) melalui teknik learning centers lebih baik dari teknik intratask variation secara keseluruhan, 2) Terdapat interaksi antara teknik pembelajaran dan self determination terhadap keterampilan gerak dasar beladiri karate (kihon), 3) Bagi siswa dengan self determination tinggi, tidak terdapat perbedaan keterampilan kihon pada kelompok learning center dan kelompok intratask variation, 4) Bagi siswa dengan self determination rendah keterampilan kihon pada kelompok learning center lebih baik daripada kelompok intratask variation.; The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of learning techniques and self-determination of the basic movement skills in karate (kihon). Learning techniques were selected in this study is the learning centers and intratask variation. The method used in this study was Quasi Experimental with Factorial Design. The population in this study were students of class X SMK Negeri Peternakan Lembang. Sampling is done by cluster random sampling. Instruments in this study used two instruments, namely the observation sheet kihon skills UKT Forki (Federation of Karate Do Indonesia) and Self-Determination Scale adopted from the American Institutes for Research (AIR). Data analysis was performed using SPSS 20 by way of ANOVA. The results of data analysis can be concluded that: 1) the results of learning motor skills base in karate (kihon) through technical learning centers are better than engineering intratask variation overall, 2) There is interaction between the learning techniques and self-determination of the movement skills base in karate (kihon ), 3) For students with high self determination, there is no difference kihon skills in group learning centers and group intratask variation, 4) For students with low self determination skills learning center kihon group better than a group intratask variation


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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji pengaruh business relationship function, terhadap relationship quality dan buyer performance di CV. Cahaya Abadi di Surabaya. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan software SPSS AMOS 13. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah probability sampling. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 125 responden yang memenuhi karakteristik populasi yag telah ditentukan dan diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner secara offline. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya pengaruh positif business relationship function terhadap buyer performance, pengaruh positif business relationship function terhadap relationship quality, pengaruh positif relationship quality terhadap buyer performance serta availability of alternative supplier memudahkan hubungan antara business relationship function dan relationship quality. Kata kunci: Business Relationship Function, Relationship Quality, Buyer's Performance, Availability of Alternative Supplier. Abstract - The purpose of this research is to understand and analyze the influence of business relationship function toward relationship quality and buyer perforrmance in CV. Cahaya Abadi in Surabaya. Data processing was conducted using software SPSS Amos 13. The sampling technique that used is probability sampling. 125 respondents who qualify the specified characteristics of the population were the total of sample used in this research which distributed by offline quetionaire. The result of the research shows the positive relationship of business relationship function to buyer performance, positive relationship of business relationship to relationship quality, positive relationship relationship to buyer performance and availability of alternative supplier such as relationship between business relation function and relationship quality. Keywords: Business Relationship Function, Relationship Quality, Buyer's Performance, Availability of Alternative Supplie


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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji pengaruh business relationship function, terhadap relationship quality dan buyer performance di CV. Cahaya Abadi di Surabaya. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan software SPSS AMOS 13. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah probability sampling. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 125 responden yang memenuhi karakteristik populasi yag telah ditentukan dan diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner secara offline. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya pengaruh positif business relationship function terhadap buyer performance, pengaruh positif business relationship function terhadap relationship quality, pengaruh positif relationship quality terhadap buyer performance serta availability of alternative supplier memudahkan hubungan antara business relationship function dan relationship quality. Kata kunci: Business Relationship Function, Relationship Quality, Buyer's Performance, Availability of Alternative Supplier. Abstract - The purpose of this research is to understand and analyze the influence of business relationship function toward relationship quality and buyer perforrmance in CV. Cahaya Abadi in Surabaya. Data processing was conducted using software SPSS Amos 13. The sampling technique that used is probability sampling. 125 respondents who qualify the specified characteristics of the population were the total of sample used in this research which distributed by offline quetionaire. The result of the research shows the positive relationship of business relationship function to buyer performance, positive relationship of business relationship to relationship quality, positive relationship relationship to buyer performance and availability of alternative supplier such as relationship between business relation function and relationship quality. Keywords: Business Relationship Function, Relationship Quality, Buyer's Performance, Availability of Alternative Supplie

    Regional Integration, Choosing Plutocracy

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