88 research outputs found

    Support for smallholder farmers through Islamic instruments: The case of Bangladesh and lessons for Nigeria

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    Purpose: In societies with strong presence of Islam, Islamic instruments with more scope for fairness and equity can be innovatively harnessed to play an increasing role in the development process and poverty alleviation schemes. Poor smallholder farmers dominate agricultural production in many developing countries and contribute a significant portion of global food production. This paper aims to develop a scheme to improve poor smallholder farmers vulnerable financial situation through the application of Zakah and Salam contract, using Bangladesh as a case study. Secondary goals are to show the effect of the scheme on food security and relevance to Nigeria. Design/methodology/approach: The authors explore the existing traditional modes of financing available to poor smallholders, identify their challenges and propose an appropriate Islamic financing scheme. Findings: With the Zakah-based Salam forward contract, the proposed scheme would procure food through Institutional Demand to offer interest free financing, fair price and access to new marketing channels and reduce income uncertainty for the rural smallholders. The discussions indicate that the local food security will be enhanced through incentivized farming activities and disbursement of food from the food bank to the Zakah-eligible food insecure local people. Research limitations/implications: This proposal brings forth a potentially powerful idea that needs further empirical validation. Originality/value: The religion-based Institutional Demand initiative to promote smallholder agricultural development and social protection is a novel one. The attempt to apply the framework to Nigeria context shows the potential of the framework to generalize for other Muslim developing countries with similar characteristics, especially the poorer agriculture-based countries.Scopu

    Effect of locally sourced Nigerian gypsum on the strength and microstructure of Portland cement mortar

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the suitability of Nigerian, sourced Gypsum for the manufacture of Portland cement. Gypsum samples were obtained from eighteen deposits across Nigeria. These were classified into five purity groups based on their calcium sulphate content.Foreign Gypsum, imported from Morocco, was used as control. Six cement samples where produced for each of the five Gypsum purity groups by grounding and blending cement clinker with 3%, 4%, 5%, 6% and 7% Gypsum content. The group 1 cement mix (having not more than 65% calcium sulphate content) has displayed flash set and could not be moulded and therefore not used for further analysis. Cement mortar prisms were produced for the groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 cement mixes, and subjected to flexural and compressive strength tests at 7, 14, 21 and 28 day curing periods. The cement mortar prisms were also subjected microstructure analysis at 7 and 28 days curing period. The spongy, gel and whitish colouration observed from the  microstructure of the specimens indicated silicates enriched regions which have proven the strength increase from 7 to 28 day curing period. The optimum gypsum content of 5.5% was recommended. The results show that all but the class one gypsum with less than 65% purity content are suitable for cement manufacture. Keywords: Gypsum, clinker, mortar, microstructure, compressive strength, flexural strengt

    K Modeled Turbulence and Nonlinear Clipping for QAM OFDM with FSO and Fiber Serial Linked

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    The free space optical (FSO) and more specifically the radio on free space optical (RoFSO) communication systems are becoming very popular because they can achieve high bit rate transmission with low operational and installation cost. The main disadvantage of such systems is their dependence on the atmospheric conditions and more specifically the randomly time varying characteristics of the propagation path through the atmosphere which is, mainly, caused by the turbulence effect and affects significantly the system's availability and performance. On the other hand, the use of optical fiber systems, offer higher bit-rates and security level but their cost is larger. In this work, the performance of a hybrid dual hop optical communication system is investigated. This system consists of a RoFSO communication link which is connected with an optical fiber link part using a regenerator between them. In both links, the modulation technique that is used is the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with either a 4 or 16 QAM format. The main phenomena that are taken into account are the atmospheric turbulence, which is modelled with K distribution, the nonlinearities of the laser diode which could be modelled by Volterra series and the biasing with the nonlinear clipping at the optical fiber segment. For this system, closed form mathematical expression for the estimation of its BER is derived and numerical results are presented for realistic parameter values

    Estimation and variation of saturation mixing ratio and mixing ratio over Potiskum, Nigeria

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    In this study, the monthly average mean temperature, relative humidity and surface pressure data obtained from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for a period of thirty-eight (1979 – 2016) years was employed to estimate the saturation mixing ratio and mixing ratio for Potiskum located in the Sahelian climatic zone of Nigeria. The monthly variation of saturation mixing ratio and mixing ratio with the meteorological parameters during the period under focused was investigated. The results revealed that the maximum and minimum values of saturation mixing ratio were found in the months of May and December with 31.7067 g kg-1 and 17.5980 g kg-1, respectively. The maximum and minimum values of saturation mixing ratio were found in the months of September and February with 20.6797 g kg-1 and 4.1153 g kg-1, respectively. The results showed that high values of mixing ratio were observed during the rainy season and low values during the dry season. The monthly variation of saturation mixing ratio with mean temperature and the monthly variation of mixing ratio with relative humidity depicts direct relationship. The monthly variation of saturation mixing ratio with atmospheric pressure and relative humidity and the monthly variation of mixing ratio with mean temperature and atmospheric pressure varies differently

    Keberkesanan pemeliharaan Sycanus dichotomous (hemiptera: reduviidae) secara berkelompok di dalam makmal menggunakan larva Tenebrio molitor sebagai sumber makanan alternatif

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    Sycanus dichotomous (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) merupakan antara pemangsa semulajadi bagi kebanyakan jenis serangga perosak tanaman. Kajian makmal yang dijalankan ini bertujuan menilai kesesuaian pemeliharaan S. dichotomous secara berkelompok melalui pemerhatian ke atas aspek kitar hidup dan tahap kesuburan pemangsa. Kajian dijalankan di makmal rumah haiwan, UKM selama enam bulan dengan memelihara pemangsa S. dichotomous dalam bekas plastik pada kelompok yang berbeza (5, 10, 15, 20 individu) menggunakan larva Tenebrio molitor sebagai sumber makanan alternatif. Hasil kajian mendapati tempoh perkembangan hidup pemangsa S. dichotomous bermula peringkat nimfa pertama sehingga dewasa tidak menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan (P>0.05) yang direkodkan antara kelompok pemeliharaan yang berbeza. Selain itu, hasil kajian juga mendapati jumlah bilangan Sycanus jantan dan betina dewasa yang terbentuk tidak menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan (P>0.05) antara kelompok yang berlainan. Manakala hasil kajian kesuburan S. dichotomous pula menunjukkan min peratusan telur yang menetas dan bilangan nimfa yang terhasil tidak menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan (P>0.05) antara kumpulan nisbah Sycanus jantan dan betina yang berbeza. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan (P<0.05) bagi min jumlah bilangan telur yang dihasilkan dan min bilangan larva T. molitor yang dimakan antara kumpulan nisbah Sycanus jantan dan betina yang berbeza. Melalui dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan pemangsa S. dichotomous sesuai dipelihara secara besar-besaran yang mana keupayaan peratusan hidup pemangsa sehingga dewasa adalah tinggi iaitu melebihi 69%

    Reverse Semi-Combustion Driven by Titanium Dioxide-Ionic Liquid Hybrid Photocatalyst

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    EP/L015633/1 EP/K005138/1 CAPES (158804/2017/01-and 001 FAPERGS -16/2552-0000 18/2551-0000561-4 88887.195052/2018-00 CNPq :406260/2018-4 169462/2017-0 406750/2016-5 465454/2014-3 grant agreement No 810310Unprecedented metal-free photocatalytic CO2 conversion to CO (up to 228±48 μmol g−1 h−1) was displayed by TiO2@IL hybrid photocatalysts prepared by simple impregnation of commercially available P25-titanium dioxide with imidazolium-based ionic liquids (ILs). The high activity of TiO2@IL hybrid photocatalysts was mainly associated to (i) TiO2@IL red shift compared to the pure TiO2 absorption, and thus a modification of the TiO2 surface electronic structure; (ii) TiO2 with IL bearing imidazolate anions lowered the CO2 activation energy barrier. The reaction mechanism was postulated to occur via CO2 photoreduction to formate species by the imidazole/imidazole radical redox pair, yielding CO and water.publishersversionpublishe

    Process Parameter Optimization of a Polymer Derived CeramicCoatings for Producing Ultra-High Gas Barrier

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    YesSilica is one of the most efficient gas barrier materials, and hence is widely used as anencapsulating material for electronic devices. In general, the processing of silica is carried out at hightemperatures, i.e., around 1000◦C. Recently, processing of silica has been carried out from a polymercalled Perhydropolysilazane (PHPS). The PHPS reacts with environmental moisture or oxygen andyields pure silica. This material has attracted many researchers and has been widely used in manyapplications such as encapsulation of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) displays, semiconductorindustries, and organic solar cells. In this paper, we have demonstrated the process optimization ofthe conversion of the PHPS into silica in terms of curing methods as well as curing the environment.Various curing methods including exposure to dry heat, damp heat, deep UV, and their combinationunder different environments were used to cure PHPS. FTIR analysis suggested that the quickestconversion method is the irradiation of PHPS with deep UV and simultaneous heating at 100◦C.Curing with this method yields a water permeation rate of 10−3g/(m2·day) and oxygen permeationrate of less than 10−1cm3/(m2·day·bar). Rapid curing at low-temperature processing along withbarrier properties makes PHPS an ideal encapsulating material for organic solar cell devices and avariety of similar applications.King Saud Universit

    Penerapan Metode Design for Change dalam Kontribusi Sosial pada Kelas Modul Nusantara Kelompok 4 PMM Unsoed di MTS Pakis, Desa Gununglurah, Cilongok, Banyumas

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    Modul Nusantara merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib bagi peserta Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM). Salah satu kegiatan di kelas Modul Nusantara yaitu kontribusi sosial. Dalam kelas Modul Nusantara, selain belajar mengenai keberagaman budaya, adat,tokoh dan toleransi antarumat beragama. Dalam berkegiatan, para mahasiswa ini menemukan masalah-masalah sosial yang memerlukan kepekaan sosial untuk mengurangi sifat egosentrisme dan mengembangkan rasa empati terhadap orang lain. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, mahasiswa memiliki pengetahuan, kreativitas dan keterampilan yang sangat memadai untuk mereka berkontribusi lebih bagi lingkungannya. Namun, mahasiswa membutuhkan trigger untuk berkontribusi dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan sosial yang ada. Kontribusi sosial kemudian menjadi salah satu kegiatan dalam Modul Nusantara yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kepekaan sosial di masyarakat. Sasaran kegiatan kontribusi sosial yang dilaksanakan oleh kelompok 4 yaitu sekolah komunitas MTS Pakis di Desa Gunung Lurah, Kecamatan Cilongok, Kabupaten Banyumas. Sistem pendidikan di MTS Pakis berbasis agroforestry yaitu dengan penerapan kurikulum berbasis alam. Sistem pendidikan ini akan mempengaruhi tingkat kecakapan hidup para siswanya. Kegiatan kontribusi sosial yang dilaksanakan selama 3 hari dengan tajuk Menginspirasi – Mengedukasi – Menjelajah ini berfokus pada kegiatan literasi dan peningkatan motivasi siswa untuk menggapai cita-cita. Dalam kegiatan kontribusi sosial ini menggunakan penerapan metode design for change. Metode ini menekankan pada pemahaman mendalam dan berpikir kritis. Kegiatan Kontribusi Sosial ini mengajarkan para mahasiswa untuk peduli secara sosial dan proaktif menjadi agen perubahan di permasalahan sosial

    Solution processed PVB/mica flake coatings for the encapsulation of organic solar cells

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    YesOrganic photovoltaics (OPVs) die due to their interactions with environmental gases, i.e., moisture and oxygen, the latter being the most dangerous, especially under illumination, due to the fact that most of the active layers used in OPVs are extremely sensitive to oxygen. In this work we demonstrate solution-based effective barrier coatings based on composite of poly(vinyl butyral) (PVB)and mica flakes for the protection of poly (3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)-based organic solar cells (OSCs)against photobleaching under illumination conditions. In the first step we developed a protective layer with cost effective and environmentally friendly methods and optimized its properties in terms of transparency, barrier improvement factor, and bendability. The developed protective layer maintained a high transparency in the visible region and improved oxygen and moisture barrier quality by the factor of ~7. The resultant protective layers showed ultra-flexibility, as no significant degradation in protective characteristics were observed after 10 K bending cycles. In the second step, a PVB/mica composite layer was applied on top of the P3HT film and subjected to photo-degradation. The P3HT films coated with PVB/mica composite showed improved stability under constant light irradiation and exhibited a loss of <20% of the initial optical density over the period of 150 h. Finally, optimized barrier layers were used as encapsulation for organic solar cell (OSC) devices. The lifetime results confirmed that the stability of the OSCs was extended from few hours to over 240 h in a sun test (65◦C, ambient RH%) which corresponds to an enhanced lifetime by a factor of 9 compared to devices encapsulated with pristine PVB.Higher Education Commission of Pakistan through NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan and “The APC was funded by Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University for funding through Vice Deanship of Scientific Research Chairs”

    Determinants of Stunting Children (0-59 Months) in Some Countries in Southeast Asia

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    Background: Stunting is one of the main nutritional problems caused by malnutrition in children under 5 years old. Risk factors of stunting influenced by socio-economic, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), child ilnesses, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). These factors vary considerably accros the nation in southeast asia. Defines determinant is needed to identified the right intervention. Methodology: This systematic review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidenlines. Articles were searched by using pubMed database. The literature search outline in the methods indentified 14.790 articles discuss stunting. We identified 60 articles potentially met all criteria using PubMed advanced search strategy. A total of 60 articles were retrieved from one database (PubMed), 11 articles met the inclusion criteria for stunting in Southeast Asia countries. Result: In our review socio-economic status was reported as one of consistent factors associated with stunting in Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia. Low household income and lack education of mother influenced unappropriated IYCF practice, poor hygiene and sanitation and care of child illnesses. Conclusions: Improving socio-economic like income and maternal exposure to nutrition and health information especially for the topics of growth and development, appropriated IYCF, hygiene, sanitation, and child illnesses are requires continuous improvement in a specific strategy that involves many factors