87 research outputs found

    وصايا هامة للمجاهدين، والرد على المخذلين لأبي مصعب الزرقاوي: دراسة أدبية بنيوية توليدية

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    مستخلص البحث كانت حكومة الأمريكا تعطي اللقب لفرقة جهاد الإسلام إرهابيا ولكن أمريكا تتحقق وجهين عن قضية الإرهاية. وفي وجه، إتهمت الأمريكا أن المجاهدين يقومون بعملية الإرهابية، ففي وجه آخر، تقوم أمريكا بعملية الإرهابية عند الحقيقة، كهجومها على العراق، وأفغانستان، وغير ذلك بدون حجة الحق. من تلك الوقائع، مهم لنا أن نعرف بيانا واضحا من خلال هذا البحث بأن غير صحيح إن سمت الأمريكا المجاهدين في العراق بإرهابي، وإنما هم مجاهدون الذين يدافعون عن نفوسهم وأموالهم وبلدهم من هجوم وإحتلال جنود أمريكا وشريكتها فركز الباث لبحث رسالة من أبي مصعب الزرقاوي عن وصايا هامة للمجاهدين، والرد على المخذلين . ولحصول على النتيجة الدقيقة، فاستخدم الباحث منهج تحليل البنيوية التوليدية للوسيان جولمان لأن هذا المنهج يمكن الباحث أن يحلل من حيث أوسع الجوانب إما من جانب الداخلية و جانب الخارجية وجانب أحوال الإجتماعية، وغير ذلك. فالنتيجة من هذا البحث هي معرفة عن أبي مصعب الزرقاوي. ثم دعوة ونقده لسكان العراق وبعض العلماء الرافضين على الجهاد كي يهتموا ويحققوه حق تحقيق. وتشجيع للمجاهدين أن لا يخافوا على أعدائهم في كل حال من تلك الفرق، القائدة خاصة في العراق، وحماس في فلسطين، وغير ذلك في بلاد المسلمين الآخرين. لذلك، مهم لنا أن نعرف بيانا وشرحا من خلال هذا البحث بأن غير ولذلك أيضا، مهم لنا أن نعرف ما وصايا هامة من إمام المجاهدين في العراق وهو أبو مصعب الزرقاوي كي نستطيع أن نفهم تشجيعهم لأداء عملية الجهاد وإذن، بعدما قرأ وحلل رسالة لأبي مصعب الزرقاوي، فحصل الباحث نتائجها منها: أن الأمريكا وشريكتها تهجم وتصارع العراق مع أنها بلاد المسلمين بغير الحق حتى يجب على كل مسلمين في العراق خاصة وفي العا لم عامة لأداء الجهاد لمساعدة ومعاونة سكان العراق كماكتبه في الرسالة. والأحوال فيها دؤدي المجاهدين إلى قتال الأعداء. إذن، الوصايا في الرسالة والأحوال في العراق تفضل المجاهدين على أداء الجهاد فيها. والباقي من هذه النتيجة يفضل الباحث أن يقرأها في باب الثالث والرابع (الخلاصة). عسى أن ينفعنا هذا البحث ويرتقي علومنا لاستخدامها في مستقبلنا بإذن الله عز وجل


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    The purpose of this study is to get the ideas of the values that contained in the kitab Bahr Al-Adab and its learning process. The method used is a descriptive analytic with qualitative approach, while the data collection techniques used in this research is the analysis of the contents of the kitab, observation, interviews and documentary study. The study found that: The Kitab Bahr Al-Adab contains very positive character values. The process of learning is performed by the method of lecture, discussion, sociodramatic and inquiry methods. The outcome of learning is, the students were able to honest inside and outside the school. The factors that support in fostering students’ honesty are the vision, mission and objectives of schools, exemplary of pesantren’s staff, curriculum structure, the activities carried out in schools, as well as involvement in activities in the community. While the factors that hinder, internal factors such as school rules that are not too strict, and there are still students who have difficulty in understanding mufrodat/vocabulary in the kitab Bahr Al-Adab. External factors such as the influence of social, technological, and moral values that began to fade in the community

    Holistic pedagogy for nurturing faithful, resilient and empathetic students - in UNTAG Semarang architectural education

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    Nowadays education is often seen as a way to improve the "quality" of human life. Education is often considered as a benchmark for future material success and strength. Some study programs are perceived as the enabler of that hopes and become the dreams of many people. On the other hand, some study programs are considered "boring" and less desirable. This study aims to provide a different perspective that the educational process is fundamentally a continuous process and not a linear progression towards a utopian goal that many people expect. Human being possesses various physical, mental and intellectual potentials that can be nurtured through various innovative pedagogical methods. The research was conducted on some architecture students of UNTAG Semarang using qualitative methods of deductive case studies with comprehensive interview techniques. The analysis was carried out using the "Butterfly" method that scrutinized two seemingly opposing sides and found a balance between the opposites. The study results are the identification and formulations of several dominant elements that equally playing important roles in the architectural educational process, specifically focusing on the human’s spiritual, intellectual, and physical sides.  Those elements, supported by the environmental context, can produce various combinations of new values, knowledge, and skills, that are deeply rooted in the field of knowledge and in their daily lives

    Lost in Transition: Pre-antiretroviral Care and Delayed Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda

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    Background: Comprehensive HIV care aims at providing care and support, from HIV counselling and testing, through pre-antiretroviral (pre-ARV) care to antiretroviral therapy (ART). However, many people living with HIV (PLHIV) do not start treatment or are lost to follow-up during pre-ARV care, and subsequently initiate ART very late, with a high risk of HIV/AIDS-related mortality. Determinants of uptake/retention of PLHIV under pre-ARV care and delayed ART initiation in Uganda, where HIV and ART awareness are presumably high, are not sufficiently understood. Main aim: To investigate uptake and loss to follow-up of PLHIV under pre-ARV care and delayed ART initiation in order to inform policy and strategic planning for improved comprehensive HIV/AIDS care. Methods: Four studies (I-IV) were conducted in Iganga district, eastern Uganda. Study I used key informant interviews (KIIs) with five health workers and 10 in-depth interviews (IDIs) with PLHIV, as well as six focus group discussions (FGDs) with caretakers of the PLHIV to explore reasons for loss to follow-up under pre-ARV care. Study II was a randomised controlled trial involving 400 participants, to evaluate the effect of extended counselling on uptake of pre-ARV care. Study III used 20 IDIs with clients on ART and 10 FGDs with caretakers of ART clients to understand reasons for delayed ART initiation. Study IV was a case-control study involving 152 cases (clients who initiated ART at CD4 < 50 cells/μl) and 202 controls (clients who initiated ART at CD4 50-200 cells/μl) to assess risk factors for very late initiation of ART. Content analysis was used for qualitative data, and univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis for quantitative data. Results: Reasons for dropping out of pre-ARV care included inadequate post-test counselling to PLHIV and competition from traditional/spiritual healers. Other reasons included transportation costs, long waiting time, lack of incentives to seek pre-ARV care by PLHIV who perceived themselves to be healthy, and gender inequality (I). PLHIV who underwent counselling by staff trained in basic counselling skills, combined with home visits by community network support agents, were 1.8 times more likely to take up pre-ARV care compared to PLHIV who received the standard care (RR 1.8; 95% CI 1.4-2.1) (II). ARV stock-outs, inadequate pre-ARV care and perceived lack of staff confidentiality were system barriers to timely ART initiation. Weak family/social support and misconceptions about ARVs were cited as individual/community barriers to timely ART initiation (III). Seeking care from traditional/spiritual healers before attending formal care (AOR 7.8; 95% CI 3.7-16.4), lack of pre-ARV care (AOR 4.6; 95% CI 2.3-9.3), subsistence farming (AOR 6.3; 95% CI 3.1-13.0) and lack of family/social support (AOR 3.3; 95% CI 1.6-6.6) were crucial risk factors for very late ART initiation (IV). Higher age (AOR 0.9; 95% CI 0.8-0.9) and being female (AOR 0.4; 95% CI 0.2-0.8) were protective factors against very late initiation of ART (IV). Discussion: Adequate post-test counselling for newly diagnosed PLHIV, combined with follow-up care by network support agents, could help retain PLHIV under pre-ARV care and allow timely initiation of ART. Trained and supervised traditional/spiritual healers could complement government efforts in offering some components of pre-ARV care. ART services should be made more affordable, accessible and user-friendly to enhance timely ART initiation. Other system deficiencies, such as stock-outs of cotrimoxazole and ARVs and lack of adequate staff also need to be addressed. There is a need for social mobilisation to address gender inequality, stigma and misconceptions about ARVs and to boost social support for PLHIV


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    Banyak kasus yang membuktikan bahwa perusahaan yang terhubung ke internet sering kali mendapatkan gangguan, baik itu gangguan data maupun gangguan peralatan yang dimilikinya. Kerugian yang diakibatkan oleh hal tersebut tidaklah kecil. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini umumnya perusahaan menempatkan administrator untuk mengontrol penggunaan jaringan, tetapi administrator tentunya memiliki keterbatasan waktu. Pada saat jam kerja misalnya, kadang kala karena terlalu banyaknya aliran data tentunya administrator akan kesulitan menganalisa data-data yang lewat tersebut. Sedangkan suatu serangan bisa terjadi kapan saja. Baik pada saat administrator sedang bekerja ataupun tengah malam di mana administrator sedang istirahat dalam memantau data-data yang lewat dalam jaringannya. Salah satu serangan yang biasa terjadi adalah flooding data, akibat dari serangan flooding ini kinerja sistem akan terhambat dan jaringan tidak berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana merancang dan membangun sistem yang mampu mendeteksi data flood sekaligus melakukan blocking pada data yang terbukti flood. Perkembangan teknologi jaringan internet di era sekarang ini semakin pesat, Kemudahan dan kepraktisan merupakan alasan dipilihnya internet sebagai salah satu sarana untuk membantu aktifitas suatu perusahaan, keuntungan yang diberikan juga sangat banyak, tetapi disamping keuntungan tersebut, internet juga banyak menyimpan kekurangan yang sangat mengkhawatirkan bagi para penggunanya. Salah satunya adalah bidang keamanan. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan untuk mengetahui mana data yang dianggap flood atau tidak dengan cara membandingkan berapa banyak paket yang terkirim dalam satuan waktu dengan standar maksimum paket yang telah ditentukan sebagai parameter data flood. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian studi literatur pada buku-buku dan sumber-sumber lain yang tercantum pada daftar pustaka. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen, dan juga penelitian kuantitatif. Key Words : Jaringan, Flood,Sistem , Dat

    Role of FDI and Foreign Remittances in Boosting and Economic Growth: Evidence from Brazil

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    The paper has two main objectives; (i) Firstly, to investigate the relationship between economic growth and economic indicators of Brazil economy, (ii) Secondly, to examine the impact of FDI on Gross domestic product of Brazil economy. The study employed time series data from 1986 to 2014 of the remittance, FDI, capital formation and domestic savings to know the impact on Gross domestic product of Brazil. The paper analyzed the growth and economy nexus by applying econometric models such as; Granger causality test, OLS methods and unit root test (both ADF and PP). According to empirical estimations, foreign remittances and capital formation has significant and positive contribution towards economic growth for Brazil. However, foreign direct investment and savings show insignificant response towards gross domestic product of Brazil economy. The Brazil economy needs massive reforms to properly utilize the foreign and domestic investments on industrial, agriculture, and technology sector. In addition, the capital formation is playing an important role in the economic development due to positive impact on economic growth. The study proposed some fruitful policy implication for Brazil to boost the economic growth and living standard of people

    Role of FDI and Foreign Remittances in Boosting and Economic Growth: Evidence from Brazil

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    The paper has two main objectives; (i) Firstly, to investigate the relationship between economic growth and economic indicators of Brazil economy, (ii) Secondly, to examine the impact of FDI on Gross domestic product of Brazil economy. The study employed time series data from 1986 to 2014 of the remittance, FDI, capital formation and domestic savings to know the impact on Gross domestic product of Brazil. The paper analyzed the growth and economy nexus by applying econometric models such as; Granger causality test, OLS methods and unit root test (both ADF and PP). According to empirical estimations, foreign remittances and capital formation has significant and positive contribution towards economic growth for Brazil. However, foreign direct investment and savings show insignificant response towards gross domestic product of Brazil economy. The Brazil economy needs massive reforms to properly utilize the foreign and domestic investments on industrial, agriculture, and technology sector. In addition, the capital formation is playing an important role in the economic development due to positive impact on economic growth. The study proposed some fruitful policy implication for Brazil to boost the economic growth and living standard of people

    Metode Ceramah Plus Diskusi dan Tugas Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa

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    This study aims to determine the learning activities of students before and after using the lecture method plus discussion and assignment. The method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) through II cycles and each cycle consist of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection, with the number of student 40 people in class IV MI Nurul Huda Sukasari Bandung Regency. Student learning activities before using the lecture method plus discussion and assignment obtained 45,06% (not god), after using the lecture method plus discussion and assignment to get and increase in each cycle, in the first cycle it reached 61,40% (good enough) then the student learning activities increased in the cycle II became 92,21% (very good). Thrus there is a significant increase after using the lecture method plus discussion and assignmenton the moral principles of the noble subject

    Perceived medical benefit, peer/partner influence and safety and cost to access the service: client motivators for voluntary seeking of medical male circumcision in Iganga District Eastern Uganda, a qualitative study

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    Introduction: Although voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in Iganga district was launched in 2010 as part of the Uganda national strategy to prevent new HIV infections with a target of having 129,896 eligible males circumcised by 2012, only 35,000 (27%) of the anticipated target had been circumcised by mid 2012. There was paucity of information on why uptake of VMMC was low in this setting where HIV awareness is presumably high. This study sought to understand motivators for uptake of VMMC from the perspective of the clients themselves in order to advocate for feasible approaches to expanding uptake of VMMC in Iganga district and similar settings. Methods: In Iganga district, we conducted seven key informant interviews with staff who work in the VMMC clinics and twenty in-depth interviews with clients who had accepted and undergone VMMC. Ten focus-group discussions including a total of 112 participants were also conducted with clients who had undergone VMMC.Results: Motivators for uptake of VMMC in the perspective of the circumcised clients and the health care staff included: perceived medical benefit to those circumcised such as protection against acquiring HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, peer/partner influence, sexual satisfaction and safety and cost to access the service. Conclusion: Since perceived medical benefit was a motivator for seeking VMMC, it can be used to strengthen campaigns for increasing uptake of VMMC. Peer influence could also be used in advocacy campaigns for VMMC expansion, especially using peers who have already undergone VMMC.. There is need to ensure that safety and cost to access the service is affordable especially to rural poor as it was mentioned as a motivator for seeking VMMC.Key words: Motivators, safe male circumcisio


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    The purpose of this study is to reveal the results of character building process in caring forothers through volunteer extracurricular activities. The method which is used is descriptive analyticalwith a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentationstudies. Findings of this study: The process of strengthening character is carried out with routinetraining every week, monthly scheduled is cleaning river, mosques and the surrounding environment,and incidental activities to provide assistance to areas affected by natural and humanitarian disasters.The result is students show a stronger caring character. Supporting factors in strengthening thecharacter are the vision and mission and also goals of the madrasa, exemplary teachers and staff,activities carried out in schools, and involvement in community activities. While the obstruct factorsare the lack of funds to carry out activities, and the factor of parental permission in dissaster area