27 research outputs found

    Extraction of biological hydroxyapatite from tuna fish bone for biomedical applications

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    Natural hydroxyapatite (HAp) is known for its common use in biomedical applications including in orthopaedic and implantation. HAp can be extracted from natural resources such as eggshells, fish bones and coral. Annually, it is found that huge amount of tuna fish bones was thrown away and being wasted as results from great consumption of tuna fish. In this study, tuna fish bones were extracted and characterised to be used in biomedical applications. Specifically, tuna fish bones were cleaned, and calcined at high temperature of 700 °C, 900 °C and 1100 °C. Powders calcined at 700 °C showed pure HAp compared to powders calcined at 900 °C and 1100 °C which showed the presence of β-TCP. As temperature rising, the morphology of the powders also changes from spherical-shaped to irregular-shaped indicated the substitution of phosphate and calcium from the β-TCP which also influenced the ratio of Ca/P obtained. In this study, powders calcined at 700 °C obtained optimum Ca/P ratio of 1.60. Moreover, EDS analysis showed the presence of tracer elements such as Ca, Mg, Sr Na, K and Zn in all calcined samples. These elements can help improve the biocompatibility of the HAp and beneficial for biomedical applications

    Physicochemical and antimicrobial properties of Trichosanthes anguina and Swietenia mahagoni seeds

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    The core objective of this research was to determine the characteristics of oils, nutritional composition and antimicrobial activities of T. anguina and S. mahagoni seeds. Physicochemical characteristics of oils implied higher degree of unsaturation in T. anguina whereas, S. mahagoni oil contained appreciable level of unsaturation. Tri-acyl-glycerols and neutral lipids were found to be most abounded components recorded to 86.2 and 91.3% for T. anguina and 87.0 and 89.4% for S. mahagoni, respectively. GLC analysis showed the presence of fatty acids from series C16:0 to C18:3 for T. anguina and C16:0 to C20:0 for S. mahagoni in which principal fatty acids accounted as punicic (45.1%) in T. anguina and linoleic (30.1%) in S. mahagoni seed oils. Of the major energy producing nutrients, the seed samples contained large amounts of lipid (36.1% in T. anguina and 57.9% in S. mahagoni) and protein (20.9% in T. anguina and 13.0% in S. mahagoni) and potentially useful amounts of other nutrients. The knowledge from the nutritional analysis could be important to its appropriate industrial use and for improvement in the nutritional value. Assessment of the anti-microbial studies reported herein revealed the crude extracts of T. anguina and S. mahagoni seeds were not significantly inhibition against most of the tested bacteria and fungi. This study may lead to further ethno-pharmacognostic investigations to identify new compounds with therapeutic promise.KEY WORDS: Seed oil, Fatty acids, Nutritional composition, Antimicrobial activities Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2011, 25(3), 427-436

    Extraction of biological hydroxyapatite from bovine bone for biomedical applications

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    Current biomedical field demands intensive research on cost-effective and high availability materials to fulfil its various applications. Owing to its similar characteristic to human bone, biological hydroxyapatite (HAp) has been used as an alternative in bone replacement and implantation. In this study, biological HAp was extracted from bovine bones via calcination. Powders calcined at 700 °C and 900 °C showed the presence of HAp. The field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) analysis shows that the irregular morphology emerged and the size was increasing as the calcination temperature increased. By increasing the temperature of 1100 °C, β-TCP (beta-tricalcium phosphate) started to develop and influenced the ratio of Ca/P. At 900 °C, the Ca/P ratio obtained was 1.70, and closest to the theoretical ratio of Ca/P. The presence of trace elements like Ca, Mg, Sr Na, K and Zn in all samples are proved via energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis, and these elements help to enhance the bioactivity hence make it a good alternative in biomedical applications

    Prarancangan Pabrik Butinediol Dari Asetilen Dan Formaldehid Kapasitas 55.000 Ton Per Tahun

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    Butynediol merupakan bahan yang cukup penting dalam sintesis bahan-bahan organik, seperti butanediol, tetrahydrofuran, dan pyrolidone. Pabrik ini dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri dan tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk diekspor karena selama ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan butynediol didalam negeri, pemerintah mengimpor dari luar negeri. Pabrik butynediol diharapkan akan memacu tumbuhnya industri hilir yang memanfaatkan butynediol sebagai bahan baku, sehingga dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja yang baru, dan dapat menambah pendapatan daerah setempat. Pabrik butynediol dari acetylene dan formaldehyde dirancang dengan kapasitas 55.000 ton/tahun. Pabrik beroperasi kontinyu selama 330 hari per tahun. Proses pembuatan butynediol dijalankan dalam reaktor fixed bed single tube, irreversible, dengan kondisi operasi berlangsung pada range suhu 100-130oC dan pada tekanan 2 atm. Sifat reaksi eksotermis, non adiabatis sehingga dibutuhkan pendingin untuk menjaga agar suhu di dalam reaktor tetap pada range suhu yang diinginkan. Kemudian hasil dari reaktor dipisahkan dalam separator. Hasil atas separator berupa gas bereaksi dengan udara menjadi flare dan hasil bawah separator yang berupa cairan diumpankan ke menara distilasi. Dari hasil bawah menara distilasi diperoleh produk butynediol dengan kemurnian yang diinginkan di pasaran (45%). Hasil atas menara distilasi dipisahkan kembali untuk memperoleh produk samping berupa methanol dengan kemurnian sebesar 99%. Kemudian pada unit utilitas total air pendingin yang digunakan 22.607,5728 kg/jam, sedangkan air kebutuhan steam 3.960,0807 kg/jam, air untuk sanitasi 2.175,5000 kg/jam. Sehingga jumlah total kebutuhan air 61.635,9554 kg/jam. Kebutuhan listrik dalam pabrik butynediol adalah 860,936 KW. Untuk kebutuhan udara tekan diperkirakan 500 kg/jam dengan udara masuk tekanan 1 atm dan udara keluar tekanan 4 atm. Sedangkan pada unit bahan bakar total kebutuhan bahan baku 342,6634 m3.Pabrik ini digolongkan beresiko rendah karena beroperasi pada kondisi suhu dan tekanan yang tidak terlalu tinggi serta sifat bahan baku dan produk yang tidak terlalu berbahaya. Pabrik direncanakan didirikan di Kawasan Industri Gresik (KIG), Jawa Timur dengan luas tanah 1,2 Ha. Pabrik direncanakan berbentuk Perseroan Terbatas ( PT ) dan dengan jumlah karyawan sebanyak 150 orang. Dari analisis ekonomi, pabrik butynediol ini membutuhkan modal terdiri dari modal tetap dan modal kerja sebesar Rp 104.401.542.770,20. Keuntungan sebelum pajak sebesar Rp 41.389.710.474,34 /th. Keuntungan sesudah pajak sebesar Rp 16.555.884.189,74 /th. Analisis kelayakan ini memberikan hasil bahwa Percent Return On Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak sebesar 39,6447% dan setelah pajak sebesar 15,8679%. Pay Out Time (POT) sebelum pajak sebesar 2,0143 tahun sedangkan setelah pajak sebesar 3,8697 tahun. Break Even Point (BEP) sebesar 44,0718% kapasitas, dan Shut Down Point (SDP) sebesar 26,1336% kapasitas. Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return (DCFRR) sebesar 36,5813%. Berdasarkan data–data di atas maka pabrik butynediol dari acetylene dan formaldehyde cukup layak untuk didirikan

    Moisture Absorption Analysis of Linear-Low-Density-Polyethyelene Natural-Rubber Nanocomposite for HV Insulation

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    Insulation for high voltage (HV) application such as cable subjected to several types of degradation. These degradation can lead to premature breakdown and when its happen cost to replace or repair equipment will be higher. Many research was done to improve the insulation properties and currently nanocomposite material get serious attention due to their abilities to enhance electrical performance by addition of nanofiller into the based material. In this paper, water absorption of Linear-Low-Density-Polyethyelene (LLDPE) with different amount of nanofiller composition is studied. This study is necessary to be conducted since polymer based material is the most common insulation material used in HV cable. The HV cable normally will be continuously exposed in uncontrolled environment. Because of this, the cable will exposed to watery condition and it is crucially needed for the insulation to remain dry to the cable performance. Three types of nanofillers at different weight percentage (%wt) added into LLDPE, was used in this study are: Silicon dioxide (SiO2), Titanium dioxide (TiO2) and Monmorillonite (MMT). Percentage absorption of water was measured according to BS 6470 until the samples reaches saturation level. Experimental result demonstrate that SiO2 absorb less water than other filler while, the MMT has hydrophilic properties which it absorb more water compare to another sample. By used appropriate composition and type of nanofiller, a good insulator that are resistant to environmental influence can be produce

    Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Kualitas Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Umkm Kacang Sangan Putra Mun Dan Sikap Konsumen Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    The study aims to determine the effect of perceived quality on consumer attitudes of Kacang Sangan Putra Mun MSME products. To determine the effect of perceived quality on the buying interest of Kacang Sangan Putra Mun's MSME products. To determine the effect of consumer attitudes on buying interest in Kacang Sangan Putra Mun Mun MSME products. The population of this research is all consumers who buy Sangan Putra Mun beans while the sample is 172 respondents. Based on the results of this study it is known that the variable quality perception significantly influences attitude. Quality perception variable significantly influences buying interest. Attitude variable significantly influences buying interest

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Model Booklet Materi Sumber Daya Hutan Kelas Vii

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    This research aims to know the criteria learning materials and learning materials in the model to know the theme of the potential resources of the forest are conducted at MTs N 2. This research has two goals are (1) find out the desired criteria of learning materials teachers and students on the material potential of forest resources; (2) developing learning materials potential of forest resources of Class VII ; (3) the effectiveness of learning materials. Research, Research and Development (R & D) using the model of the Dick and Carrey. The research was conducted at MTs N 2 Surakarta to retrieve data needs, product trials, and experimental learning materials. Engineering data collection via the question form and test. The results of the research is to produce learning materials Booklet-shaped form of the potential and management of forest resources in accordance with the needs of the students and teachers after being validated by experts and tested. The results of the experiment materials and management potential of forest resources indicates that the results of student learning by using learning materials have an average value of pre test is performed after learning 63.63 using developer book shows the results of the average value of the post test results mean 82.27 pre test experimental group increased 19% from the previous result

    The Morale of Supervision: The Impact of Technical Supervision Skills of Teaching and Learning on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy

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    The Minister of Education Malaysia specifically issues Circular 3/1987, which notes that it is the responsibility of the principal or director to practice his position as a supervisor in the management of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This is show that the importance of supervisory processes. However, oversight can be assigned to senior assistants in the case of any obstacle to its execution. The consistency of monitoring is frequently contested because of several issues and vulnerabilities. Recognizing the importance of supervisory processes to enhance teacher professionalism, this study was conducted to examine the influence of teaching and learning supervision and teacher self-efficacy. This research was conducted among 211 teachers who engaged in the teaching and learning supervision process in 13 primary schools chosen by the Jeli District Education Office, Kelantan. The questionnaire was used to gather data and information. The study also indicates that the dimension of professional supervision skills has the greatest effect on the instructor's self-efficiency. In brief, the evaluation of teaching and learning cannot be overlooked, because the findings of the study suggest that these factors have to do with the self-efficacy of the teacher, and cannot be discounted as a factor in the performance of the school


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    Pendahuluan: Kekuatan merupakan komponen yang paling penting guna meningkatkan kondisi fisik secara keseluruhan. Hal ini disebabkan karena, kekuatan merupakan daya penggerak setiap aktivitas fisik, kekuatan memegang peranan penting dalam melindungi atlet dari kemungkinan cedera, dengan kekuatan pula dapat membantu lebih kuat stabilitas sendi-sendi. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh latihan single leg speed hop dan half squat jump terhadap peningkatan kekuatan otot tungkai pada pemain bulutangkis pasca sprain ankle. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian pre test and post test two group design, 24 orang pemain bulutangkis pasca sprain ankle menjadi sampel dengan teknik Total sampling. Sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok 1 mendapatkan latihan single leg speed hop dan kelompok 2 mendapatkan latihan half squat jump dilakukan 3 kali seminggu selama 4 minggu. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur vertical jump test untuk mengukur kekuatan otot tungkai. Hasil Penelitian: Hasil paired sampel t-tes kelompok I p=0,000 (p<0,05) dan kelompok II p=0,000 (p<0,05) yang menunjukkan bahwa kedua latihan berpengaruh dalam peningkatan kekuatan otot tungkai. Hasil Independent t-Test didapatkan nilai p=0,552. Kesimpulan: tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh latihan single leg speed hop dan latihan half squat jump terhadap peningkatan kekuatan otot tungkai pada pemain bulutangkis pasca sprain ankle. Saran: Masa pandemi global covid-19 seperti sekarang harus memberlakukan protokol kesehatan pada saat jalannya penelitian. Selain itu peneliti berikutnya juga perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan sampel yang lebih banyak

    The morale of supervision: the impact of technical supervision skills of teaching and learning on teachers' self-efficacy

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    The Minister of Education Malaysia specifically issues Circular 3/1987, which notes that it is the responsibility of the principal or director to practice his position as a supervisor in the management of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This is show that the importance of supervisory processes. However, oversight can be assigned to senior assistants in the case of any obstacle to its execution. The consistency of monitoring is frequently contested because of several issues and vulnerabilities. Recognizing the importance of supervisory processes to enhance teacher professionalism, this study was conducted to examine the influence of teaching and learning supervision and teacher self-efficacy. This research was conducted among 211 teachers who engaged in the teaching and learning supervision process in 13 primary schools chosen by the Jeli District Education Office, Kelantan. The questionnaire was used to gather data and information. The study also indicates that the dimension of professional supervision skills has the greatest effect on the instructor's self-efficiency. In brief, the evaluation of teaching and learning cannot be overlooked, because the findings of the study suggest that these factors have to do with the self-efficacy of the teacher, and cannot be discounted as a factor in the performance of the schoo