321 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis tingkat kebutuhan siswa terhadap media e-book pembuatan Minyak Mandar, (2) mengetahui gambaran desain media e-book pembuatan Minyak Mandar, (3) mengetahui tingkat validitas dan kepraktisan media e-book pembuatan Minyak Mandar. Penelitian ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan model 4D (define, design, development, disseminate). Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Negeri 5 Majene. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah validator yang terdiri dari ahli media dan ahli materi/isi, siswa kelas XI yang mempelajari kewirausahaan dan guru mata pelajaran kewirausahaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa identifikasi tingkat kebutuhan siswa berada pada kualifikasi sangat dibutuhkan. Selanjutnya hasil validasi ahli media berada  pada kualifikasi sangat baik, hasil validasi ahli materi/isi berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik. Pada tahap uji coba kelompok kecil mendapatkan hasil kualifikasi sangat baik. Kemudian pada tahap uji coba kelompok besar mendapatkan kualifikasi sangat baik dan hasil tanggapan guru mata pelajaran kewirausahaan berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini tingkat analisis kebutuhan produk media e-bokk berada pada kualifikasi dibutuhkan serta produk media e-book ini sudah valid dan praktis

    Tackling Corruption in Indonesia: Lessons Learned and Future Directions

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    Corruption has been a longstanding issue in Indonesia, with negative consequences for economic growth, social welfare, and democratic governance. This paper aims to provide an overview of the current state of corruption in Indonesia, as well as lessons learned from previous anti-corruption efforts and future directions for tackling corruption. Through a review of the literature, the paper finds that corruption remains a pervasive problem in Indonesia, with the country ranking 102 out of 180 countries on the Corruption Perceptions Index 2020. The paper also highlights that previous anti-corruption efforts have been insufficient in addressing the root causes of corruption, which include weak governance institutions, lack of transparency and accountability, and inadequate enforcement of anti-corruption laws. In terms of future directions, the paper suggests a multi-pronged approach that includes strengthening anti-corruption institutions, addressing underlying drivers of corruption, engaging civil society, and promoting ethical leadership. The paper also emphasizes the importance of sustained political will and leadership for the success of anti-corruption efforts. Overall, this paper provides insights into the challenges and opportunities for tackling corruption in Indonesia, which is critical for promoting economic development, social welfare, and democratic governance

    Peningkatan Kegiatan Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Model Cooperative Learning Type Group Investigation Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kelas IV SDN 62 Palisi

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    The research aims to determine the increase in student learning activities using the cooperative learning type group investigation model in class IV mathematics at SDN 62 Palisi, Tellumponcoe Village, Marusu District, Maros Regency. The type of research applied is classroom action research (Classroom Action Research) where the procedure uses several cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. Data collection methods in this research are observation, written tests, and documentation. The research data was reviewed using qualitative data analysis. The research results illustrate an increase in student learning activities, as evidenced by the average achievement of students in the first cycle of 60.75 with a KKM achievement of (30%). After implementing the cooperative learning type Group Investigation model in cycle I, the average student learning outcomes changed to 63.5 with KKM achievement, namely 9 students (45%) still not reaching the success criteria, namely ≥ 85%. So improvements were made from cycle I to cycle II with the application of the same type of model, the average student learning assessment score increased to 73.5 with the number of KKM achievements being 18 students (90%). The results of the research carried out concluded that learning activities in mathematics subjects had increased using cooperative learning type group investigation in terms of students' mathematics learning achievements


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    The substance of this research is about the values of da'wah contained in kalindaqaq as local wisdom of the Mandar ethnicity, with the subproblemof how to implement the development of da'wah through kalindaqdaqin Kayuangin Majene from the aspect of marriage and Khataman Quran. Thistype of research is a qualitative research with a management approach. The data sources used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. Whilethe data collection methods used are interviews, observation anddocumentation. The data collection and data analysis technique itself uses various stages, data reduction, data presentation, analysis techniques and the last is drawing conclusions.The results of this study indicate that the form of the Kalindaqdaq Kayuangin Majene tradition performance includes: 1) Kalindaqaq Mandar is always at the beginning of the event which is delivered by the bride 2) Kalindaqaq Mandar in the mappatammaq or khataman al-Qu'ran event, opened with the recitation of the holy verses of al-Qu At the same time, itcompletes and certifies that the child of the host has really finished the Koran.Substansi penelitian ini mengenai nilai-nilai dakwah yang terkandung dalam kalindaqaq sebagai kearifan Lokal etnis Mandar, dengan sub masalahyaitu bagaimana bentuk pelaksanaan pengembangan dakwah melalui kalindaqdaq di Kayuangin Majene dari aspek cara pernikahan dan KhatamanQuran. Jenis penelitian ini penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan manajemen. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sumberdata sekunder. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dananalisis datanya sendiri menggunakan berbagai tahapan, reduksi data, penyajian data, teknik analisis dan terakhir adalah penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk pertunjukan tradisi kalindaqdaq Kayuangin Majene meliputi: 1) Kalindaqaq Mandar selalu beradapada awal acara yang dihantarkan oleh pihak pengantin 2) Kalindaqaq Mandar dalam acara mappatammaq atau khataman al-Qu’ran, dibuka dengan pembacaanayat suci al-Qu’ran sekaligus menuntaskan dan mengesahkan bahwa anak dari tuan rumah telah benar-benar khatam mengaji


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    This study is about the Strategy of the Office of Religious Affairs in improving the quality of Islamic Religious Counselors in premarital guidance in Mattiro Sompe District, Pinrang Regency. The primary data sources in this study were the Head of the Office of Religious Affairs (Key Informants) and additional informants were Islamic religious instructors, employees of the Office of Religious Affairs and prospective brides and grooms. While the secondary data sources are books, internet, reports, and documentation. Furthermore, the data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data processing techniques and data analysis were carried out through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the method of the Office of Religious Affairs in Improving the quality of Islamic religious instructors in pre-marital guidance in Mattiro Sompe Sub-district, Pinrang Regency, namely improving the welfare of the instructor, attending seminars, education and training (Diklat). The inhibiting factors for improving the quality of Islamic religiousinstructors in premarital guidance in Mattiro sompe District, Pinrang Regency, namely Covid-19, and low self-confidence. The implication of this research is that the Office of Religious Affairs should increase the number of employees from the Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling in order to improve the quality of employee performance. And it should be for prospective brides who have busy schedules to continue to follow premarital guidance even though they have to leave work and must prioritize religious values because only with religion can happiness in life in this world and in the hereafter be achieved.Penelitian ini tentang Strategi Kantor Urusan Agama dalam meningkatkan mutu Penyuluh Agama Islam dalam bimbingan pranikah di Kecamatan Mattiro Sompe Kabupaten Pinrang” Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan psikologi dan Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Mattiro Sompe KabupatenPinrang. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Kantor Urusan Agama (Informan Kunci) dan informan tambahan adalah Penyuluh agama Islam, pegawai Kantor Urusan Agama dan calon pengantin. Sedangkan sumber data sekunder adalah buku, internet, laporan, dan dokumentasi. Selanjutnya metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalahobservasi, wawancara, dan dokomuntasi. Teknik pengolahan data dan analisis data dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Metode Kantor Urusan Agama dalam Peningkatkan mutu Penyuluh agama Islam dalam bimbingan pranikah di Kecamatan Mattiro Sompe Kabupaten Pinrang yaitu meningkatkan kesejahteraan Penyuluh, Mengikuti seminar, Pendidikan dan pelatihan (Diklat). Faktor penghambat peningkatan mutu penyuluh agama Islam dalam bimbingan pranikah di Kecamatan Mattiro sompe Kabupaten Pinrang yaitu Covid-19, dan tingkat kepercayaan diri yang rendah. Implikasi penelitian ini hendaknya pihak Kantor Urusan Agama menambah jumlah pegawai yang berasal dari Jurusan Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam agar meningkatkan kualitas kinerja pegawai. Dan hendaknya bagi calon pengantin yang memiliki kesibukan agar tetap mengikuti bimbingan pranikah walaupun harus meninggalkan pekerjaan dan harus mengutamakan nilai keagamaan karenahanya dengan agamalah kebahagiaan dalam kehidupan di dunia dan di akhirat dapat dicapai


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    Research on Islamic guidance and counseling services in mentalhealth recovery for child victims of violence in an integrated service center forwomen's and children's empowerment aims to determine mental health(psychosocial) recovery efforts for child victims of violence carried out at theService Center. This type of research is qualitative research with guidance andpsychology approaches. The sources of primary data and secondary data arelibrary materials, studies from previous research, articles. Furthermore, the datacollection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data processing techniques and data analysis were carried out through three stages,namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.The results showed that the efforts made by P2TP2A officers inrestoring mental health for child victims of violence were conducting individualcounseling and guidance, family counseling guidance and post-trauma counselingguidance


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      Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan Implementasi Hafalan Al-Qur’an terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Huda Kota Gorontalo bahwasanya mengikuti program tahfiz peserta didik senantiasa terlatih untuk mempermantap bacaan Al-Qur’an mengetahui penerapan ilmu tajwid yang baik dan benar. Strategi implementasi hafalan Al-Qur’an bagi peserta didik ialah untuk menuntun siswa agar mudah dalam mengahafal Al-Qur’an, peserta didik yang ikut serta dalam program tahfiz rata-rata memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam membaca Al-Qur’an yang baik dan benar berdasarkan kaidah tajwid, serta memiliki hafalan ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an yang nantinya menjadi bekal dasar untuk memperdalam ilmu pengetahuan agama. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah guru tahfiz di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Huda Kota Gorontalo terus meningkatkan sumber daya dalam strategi hafalan Al-Qur’an untuk menunjang proses kegiatan pembelajaran khususnya mata pelajaran yang membidangi Al-Qur’an seperti Al-Qur’an Hadist, Ilmu Al-Qur’an Tajwid dan Tahfiz. Kepada semua komponen yang ada di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Huda Kota Gorontalo yakni pihak yayasan, komite, orang tua dan kepala sekolah, diharapkan dapat bekerjasama untuk kelancaran program pendidikan terutama pada program tahfiz Al-Qur’an. Kata Kunci: Strategi, Hafalan Al-Qur’an, dan Hasil Belajar


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    As a business actor in the food sector, Kinamang MSMEs have the potential to develop around college campuses. Various snack products are produced with neat packaging and meet the requirements for self-service display cases. Among the snack products are corn sticks (bindhe) with original flavor variants, skipjack fish flavor, nike fish flavor and sagela fish flavor. In the community service session, an organoleptic test was carried out to provide scientific information regarding useful product variations in the production process. Is there an influence of these three variants on the level of consumer preference represented by the panelists? Organoleptic tests on the original corn stick snack and its three variants showed that adding the fish flavor variant had no real effect on the taste of the corn stick (bindhe). The organoleptic test with a completely random pattern at a 95% confidence level obtained an F-count F-table value so that the flavor variants did not affect consumer preferences

    Theory Dating and Isnad Cum Matn Harald Motzki in Revealing The Authenticity of The Prophet Hadith

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    According to Kamaruddin Amin, the discourse on the authenticity, validity, and reliability of the hadith authentication methodology is the most basic thing in the study of hadith. The doubts of some Muslim scholars over the role of hadith as the second source of authority after the Qur'an, are not entirely related to their rejection of the accuracy of the methodology used in determining the originality of the hadith. If the authentication methodology used is problematic, then all the results achieved from the method are not sterile from the possibility of re-verification, historical criticism and even results can collapse. Doubts also come from the orientalists regarding the authenticity of the hadith. The epistemology of the orientalists with characteristics of skepticism or doubt in terms of testimony and tries to re-question what the hadith really is, is it true that the hadith is the oral speech of the prophet, the prophet's behavior or the perception of the Islamic community about the prophet, is the book of hadith that we inherit from the third century such as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, is a reflection of the sunnah of the Prophet? This school of skepticism is represented by Joseph Schacht (Austria) and Ignaz Goldziher (Hungary) and Harald Motzki.Abstrak Menurut Kamaruddin Amin, wacana tentang otentisitas, validitas, dan reliabilitas metodologi autentikasi hadis merupakan hal yang paling mendasar dalam kajian hadis. Keraguan sebagian cendekiawan Muslim atas peran hadis sebagai sumber otoritas kedua setelah al-Qur'an, tidak sepenuhnya terkait dengan penolakan mereka terhadap keakuratan metodologi yang digunakan dalam menentukan orisinalitas hadis. Jika metodologi otentikasi yang digunakan bermasalah, maka semua hasil yang dicapai dari metode tersebut tidak steril dari kemungkinan verifikasi ulang, kritik sejarah bahkan hasil bisa runtuh. Keraguan juga datang dari para orientalis mengenai otentisitas hadis. Epistemologi orientalis dengan ciri skeptis atau ragu-ragu dalam hal kesaksian dan mencoba untuk mempertanyakan kembali apa hadis itu sebenarnya, apakah benar hadis itu adalah ucapan lisan nabi, perilaku nabi atau persepsi keislaman. masyarakat tentang nabi, apakah kitab hadits yang kita warisi dari abad ketiga seperti Sahih Bukhari dan Sahih Muslim, merupakan cerminan dari sunnah Nabi? Aliran skeptisisme ini diwakili oleh Joseph Schacht (Austria) dan Ignaz Goldziher (Hongaria) dan Harald Motzki
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