94 research outputs found

    Effect of Marine Environment to the Concrete Beams Strengthened Using GFRP Sheet

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    Structures built aggresive enviroment such ason the sea/marine environment is to be carefully designed, due to possibility of chloride ion penetration into the the concrete. One way to reduce the strength degradation in such environment is to use FRP, which is attached to the surface of R/C using epoxy. The study presented is focused on determining the effect of the sea water to the capacity of GFRP as flexural reinforcementelements. Beam of 10x10x40 cm dimension were designed without reinforcing bars. The samples were tested using variation to the distance to the sea and duration of the contact to sea.\ud The result showed that the use GFRP increased the flexural strength 84,21%, compared to the normal beam, without GFRP. It can also be seen that the closer the distance to the sea, the higher the strength degradation of the beam. The sample rinsed in the water has strength 2.53 kN. The result of this study also showed that for areas closer to the sea has a greater effect in terms decreasing flexural capacity of the bea

    Evaluasi Dan Penanganan Kerusakan Jalan Menggunakan Metode Surface Distress Index Pada Ruas Jalan Ahmad Malawat Kota Tidore Kepulauan

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    Abstrak Jalan merupakan prasarana transportasi darat yang banyak digunakan di suatu wilayah, kondisi jalan mempengaruhi aktivitas setempat. Penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi sifat dan tingkat kerusakan di Jalan Ahmad Malawat dan cara mengatasinya. Panjang jalan yang disurvei adalah 2650 m dan metode yang digunakan adalah Surface Distress Index (SDI). Data yang dibutuhkan untuk penyelidikan ini adalah dimensi kerusakan panjang, lebar dan kedalaman kerusakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis dan tingkat kerusakan jalan adalah bekas roda kendaraan sebesar 50,57%, retak sebesar 28,64%, lubang sebesar 16,30%, dan amblas sebesar 4,49%. Penanganan kerusakan berdasarkan jenis kerusakan pada permukaan jalan adalah:STA.0+800 – STA.2+000 dan STA.2+600 – STA.2+650 dalam kondisi baik, maka penanganannya dengan pemeliharaan rutin. Kondisi jalan ditangani dengan pemeliharaan berkala Pada STA.0+000 – STA.0+200 dan STA.2+400 – STA.2+600. Perawatan harus dilakukan dengan rehabilitasi untuk STA.0+200 – STA.0+600 dan STA.2+000 – STA.2+400 serta STA.0+600 – STA.0+800 dengan rekonstruksi. Kata Kunci:  Surface Distress Indeks, Kerusakan Jalan, Jenis Penanganan   Abstract The Road is a means of land transportation widely used in an area, and road conditions affect local activities. This research is to identify the nature and level of damage on Ahmad Malawat Street and how to overcome it. The length of the surveyed road is 2650 m, and the method used is the Surface Distress Index (SDI).  The data needed for this investigation are the dimensions of the damage length, width, and depth of damage. The results showed that the type and level of road damage were vehicle ruts by 50.57%, potholes by 16.30%, cracks by 28.64%, and sinking by 4.49%. The handling of damage based on the type of damage to the road surface is STA.0+800 – STA 2+000 and STA.2+600 – STA.2+650 in good condition, so handling it with regular maintenance. Road conditions are handled with periodeic maintenance At STA.0+000 – STA.0+200 and STA.2+400 – STA 2+600. The treatment must be carried out with rehabilitation for STA.0+200 – STA.0+600 and STA.2+000 – STA.2+400, STA.0+600 – STA.0+800 with reconstruction. Keywords: Surface Distress Indeks, Road Damage, Handling Typ


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    Abstrak Artikel ini menyajikan tentang balok beton bertulang yang tulangannya telah korosi kemudian diberi perkuatan ekternal berupa serat glass tipe lembaran atau Glass Fiber reinforced Polymer-Sheet (GFRP-S). Pada studi ini variabel berdasarkan variasi tingkat korosi pada tulangan. Lima macam benda uji yang digunakan berbentuk balok dengan dimensi 15x20 cm panjang 160 cm. Tulangan utama yang digunakan besi f12 dan tulangan sengkang f8-100. Mutu beton digunakan 25 MPa. Balok beton bertulangan normal tanpa perkuatan sebagai balok kontrol (BN), balok beton bertulangan normal dengan perkuatan GFRP-S (BP), balok beton bertulangan korosi dengan perkuatan GFRP-S (BPK), variasi waktu pengkorosian tulangan selama 2 minggu (BPK2), 4 minggu (BPK4) dan 6 minggu (BPK6) dengan metode perendaman pada larutan asam sulfat 2,0%. Balok diperkuat GFRP-S pada daerah Tarik di bagian bawah balok. Pengujian lentur dengan twopoint load. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa balok beton bertulang yang diperkuat dengan GFRP-S mempunyai kapasitas lebih besar dibandingkan dengan balok normal sebesar 12,07%. Balok beton bertulang dengan tulangan tingkat korosi lebih besar (pengkorosian 6 minggu) cenderung menurunkan kapasitas balok namun kapasitasnya masih lebih besar dari balok normal sebesar 1,38%. Kata kunci: balok beton, tulangan korosi, asam sulfat, GFRP-S  Abstract This article presents about reinforced concrete beams whose reinforcement has been corroded and then externally reinforced in the form of sheet type glass fiber or Glass Fiber Reinfroced Polymer-Sheet (GFRP-S). In this study, the variables are based on variations in the level of corrosion on the reinforcement. Five kinds of test objects used in the form of blocks with dimensions of 15x20 cm and length of 160 cm. The main reinforcement used is f12 and f8-100 stirrup reinforcement. The quality of the concrete used is 25 MPa. Normal reinforced concrete beams without reinforcement as control beams (BN), normal reinforced concrete beams with GFRP-S reinforcement (BP), corrosion reinforced concrete beams with GFRP-S reinforcement (BPK), variations in reinforcement corrosion time for 2 weeks (BPK2), 4 weeks (BPK4)and 6 weeks (BPK6) by immersion method in 2.0% sulfuric acid solution. The beam is reinforced with GFRP-S in the Tensile region at the bottom of the beam. Flexural test with two point load. The results showed that reinforced concrete beams reinforced with GFRP-S had a larger capacity than normal beams by 12.70%. Reinforced concrete beams with reinforcement with a higher corrosion rate (6 weeks corrosion) tend to reduce the capacity of the beam but its capacity is still larger than normal beams by 1.38%. Keywords: concrete beam, corrosion reinforcement, sulfuric acid, GFRP-S


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    Agregat yang tersedia di alam umumnya mempunyai pori yang berbeda setiap satu lokasi, hal ini dapat dilihat dengan perbedaan nilai resapan air oleh agregat. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi adalah bagaimana pengaruh porositas terhadap nilai kuat tekan beton, dengan perbedaan nilai faktor air semen (FAS).Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan dan pengaruh porositas beton dengan kuat tekan beton rata-rata. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian kuat tekan dan porositas beton. Penelitian ini menggunakan agregat kasar dari 3 lokasi yaitu Tubo, Bula, dan Togafo. Pembuatan benda uji dengan nilai FAS berbeda.Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa semakin besar porositas maka kuat tekan beton semakin kecil. Dari hasil analisa regresi diperoleh nilai koefesien korelasi yaitu negatif, maka kedua variabel mempunyai hubungan tidak searah. Hubungan antara porositas agregat terhadap kuat tekan beton sangat kuat, hal ini dilihat dari hasil analisis data yang menunjukkan nilai korelasi atau hubungan antara dua variabel sangat erat

    Effects of Using Pumice Sand as A Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Lightweight Concrete Mixtures

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    Purpose: The advantage of lightweight concrete is to reduce the weight, which is considered the dead load on the structure. This study aims to determine the effect of replacing sand with pumice sand as fine aggregate in lightweight concrete. The substitution affects the compressive strength, split tensile strength, and weight.    Design/methodology/approach: The research method is through testing in the laboratory, where the test specimens are cylindrical following SNI with a height of 30 cm and a diameter of 15 cm totaling 50 pieces. The composition ratio between regular and pumice sand is 75%:25%, 50%:50%, 25%:75%, and 0%:100%, respectively. Control of the test object using 100% regular sand. Findings: This research shows that adding pumice sand into the mixture decreases the volume weight. The weight of the volume of concrete produced is < 1,900 kg/m3, which is classified as a lightweight one. Research limitations/implications: The resulting compressive strength of 56.63 kg/cm2 decreased against the control test object by 81.10%. At the same time, the split tensile strength is 1.13 kg/cm2, or a decline of 52.05% from the control test object. Originality/value: This paper is an original work. Paper type: Research pape

    Flexural Capacity of Concrete Beams Strengthened Using GFRP Sheet after Seawater Immersion

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    AbstractStructures built in the marine environment need to be carefully designed, due to the possibility of chloride ion penetration into the concrete. Among these attempts, FRP was evaluated as one of the best methods to deal with the problem because FRP does not corrode even in marine environment. This study presents the results of the application of GFRP sheet for strengthening of the concrete beams. A series of specimen of reinforced concrete beams with dimension 15×20×330cm were cast. The samples were tested under different duration of the immersion of sea water. Beams were immersed in sea water for 1 month (BF1), 3 months (BF3) and 6 months (BF6). Three specimens were prepared control beam without immersion to sea water (BF0). The results indicated that the flexural capacity of BF1, BF3, and BF6 when compared to that of BF0 decreased by 2.65%, 2.73% and 3.78% respectively. The decreasing was caused by the weakening of the bonding capacity GFRP due to the influence of sea water immersion


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin meningkat dari zaman ke zaman, kriteria beton mutu tinggi juga meningkat sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Berbagai penelitian dibidang beton dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas beton, teknologi bahan dan metode pelaksanaan yang mana hasil dari penelitian tersebut dimaksudkan untuk menjawab tuntutan yang semakin tinggi terhadap kebutuhan pemakian beton. Salah satu cara agar dalam membuat beton mutu tinggi adalah dengan menambahkan bahan tambah berupa admixtures dan additives.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek penggunaan bahan tambah Additon.H.E. terhadap kuat tekan beton mutu tinggi. Benda uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 12 buah berbentuk kubus dengan ukuran (150x150x150) mm, dengan masing - masing variasi sebanyak 3 sampel. Variasi Additon H.E yang digunakan sebesar 0 cc, 50 cc 150 cc, 250 cc dan 300 cc. Pengujian kuat tekan dilakukan pada umur 28 hari. Dari hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kuat beton dengan variasi Additon H.E 0 cc diperoleh kuat tekan sebesar 443,99 Kg/cm² dengan nilai slump 2 cm, setelah ditambahkan Additon H.E 50 cc, 150 cc, 250 cc dan 300 cc mengalami variasi kuat tekan 450,03 Kg/cm² diperoleh nilai slump 2,5 cm. Pada penambahan variasi Additon H.E 150 cc dengan nilai slump 5 cm terjadi peningkatan kuat tekan beton sebesar 456,07 Kg/cm², peningkatan kuat tekan beton yang cukup signifikan terjadi pada penambahan Additon H.E 250 cc diperoleh kuat tekan sebesar 483,26 Kg/cm² dan nilai slump yang diperoleh 7,5 cm. Semakin besar penambahan Additon H.E yang digunakan semakin besar pula nilai slump yang diperoleh, namum tidak mengurangi kuat tekan beton melainkan meningkatkan workabilty beton. Ini memperlihatkan bahwa Additon H.E dapat memperbaiki kinerjia beton namun hanya sampai konsentrasi tertentu yaitu 250 cc, setelah melewati 250 cc kinerjia beton akan menurun

    Effect of Marine Environment to the Concrete Beams Strengthened Using GFRP Sheet

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    Structures built in aggressive environment such as in the sea/marine environments such as in the sea/marine environment need to be carefully designed, due to possibility of chloride ion penetration into the concrete. One way to reduce the strength degradation in such environment is to use FRP, which is attached to the surface of R/C using epoxy. The study presented is focused on determining the effect of the sea water to the capacity of GFRP as flexural reinforcement elements. Beams of 10x10x40 cm dimension were designed without reinforcing bars. The samples were tested using variation to the distance to the sea and duration of the contact to the sea.\ud The result showed that the use GFRP increased the flexural strength 84,21%, compared to the normal beam, without GFRP. It can also be seen that the closer the distance to the sea, the higher the strength degradation of the beam. The sample rinsed in the water has strength 2.13 kN after 9 months, while sample put a distance 1 km from the seam has strength 2.53 kN. The result of this study also showed that for areas closer to the sea has a greater effect in terms decreasing flexural capacity of the bea
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