45 research outputs found


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    Pulmonary AVM: diagnosis via spiral CT scan: a case report

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    Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) are abnormal communications between pulmonary arteries and pulmonary veins. It is a rare clinical problem.This case illustrates the use of spiral CT scan in diagnosing this condition

    Pemodelan dan Analisa Kendali PI Static dan PI Adaptive DC-DC Boost Converter

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    Riset ini merupakan riset lanjutan dari riset sebelumnya. Pada riset sebelumnya telah mengusulkan pengujian pada 6 rangkaian dc-dc boost converter dengan konfigurasi berbeda sehingga dihasilkan 3 rangkaian dc-dc boost converter dengan hasil terbaik. Pengendalian lebar pulsa PWM digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal rangkaian dalam menghasilkan penguatan tegangan.  Kendali PI Static dan PI Adaptive juga ikut diuji untuk mengetahui kemapuan rangkaian saat terjadi peralihan tegangan masukan. Pengujian berbasis simulasi menggunakan pemrograman SPICE. Pengujian tegangan linear dan nonlinear dilakukan untuk mengetahui hasil kendali PI terbaik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari ketiga jenis rangkaian mampu menghasilkan penguatan keluaran diatas 200V. Hasil akhir pengujian diperolah rangkaian BCI dengan pengendalian PI Adaptive mampu menghasilkan tegangan keluaran sebesar 249.069 V dengan beban 300Ω, sedangkan untuk beban 500Ω, menghasilkan tegangan keluaran sebesar 249.679 V dan 250.244 V untuk beban 1KΩ. Diakhir Pengujian tegangan nonlinear dilakukan diakhir pengujian untuk mengetahui kemampuan dari pengendalian PI Adaptive yang diusulkan. Pengendalian PI Adaptive mampu mempertahankan nilai tegangan keluaran saat terjadi peralihan tegangan masukan.This research is a continuation of previous research. Previous research has proposed testing 6 dc-dc boost converter circuits with different configurations so that 3 dc-dc boost converter circuits are produced with the best results. PWM pulse width control is used to determine the initial ability of the circuit to generate voltage gain. Static PI and Adaptive PI controls were also tested to determine the ability of the circuit when there is a change in input voltage. Simulation-based testing using SPICE programming. Linear and nonlinear stress tests were carried out to determine the best PI control results. The results obtained from the three types of circuits can produce output gain above 200V. The final result of the test is that the BCI circuit with Adaptive PI control is able to produce an output voltage of 249,069 V with a load of 300Ω, while for a 500Ω load, it produces an output voltage of 249,679 V and 250,244 V for a 1KΩ load. At the end of the test nonlinear stress is carried out at the end of the test to determine the ability of the proposed Adaptive PI control. Adaptive PI control can maintain the value of the output voltage when there is a change in the input voltage

    Phrases in Arabic and Indonesian Language

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    This research is about differences and similarities of phrase construction in Arabic and Indonesian. The approach in this paper was a descriptive qualitative analysis approach. The findings of this study revealed that some construction of the phrase structure is the same. Subordinative noun phrases are equivalent to idhafah in Arabic, Indonesian adjective phrases are similar to na'at in Arabic, Indonesian coordinative phrases are similar with athaf in Arabic and Indonesian prepositional phrases are similar to syibhul-jumlah in Arabic. However, there are differences between both languages which can be found in Idhafah in Arabic, some vocabulary cannot be called phrases in Arabic, and vice versa. Differences can also be found in the use of athaf letters in the equivalent of coordinative phrases. The differences are also found in the numeral phrases and murakkab adadi. Even taukid and tarkib majazi do not have the equivalent in Indonesian. The differences are not only due to structural aspects, but also by differences in cultural concepts and expressions. This study implies that errors can be predicted in the construction of Indonesian student phrases and the production of translations of Arabic phrases that are different from the construction of Indonesian phrases. The differences were found not only in the structure but also in differences in cultural concepts. This study shows that mistakes can be predicted from the formation of phrases and the translation of Arabic sentences that are different from the structure of Indonesian language

    Factors influencing the choice of anaesthesia as a field of specialty in University of Ghana School of Medicine and Dentistry, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

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    Background: Specialisation is perceived as essential for success, and affects the availability and distribution of medical personnel and the quality of service the health system is able to deliver. In Ghana, some areas of medical specialties have a relatively good number of practitioners and are constantly attracting prospective doctors into these fields. Anaesthesia, which is an essential and integral part of the health care system, is one field with an inadequate workforce and has been attracting few doctors into the specialty.Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 183 undergraduate final-year students of the University of Ghana School of Medicine and Dentistry. A total of 183 self-reporting questionnaires were distributed among the students during tutorials for their final exams. Of these, 146 questionnaires were completed and returned.Results: General surgery was the most desirable specialty 26 (17.8%), paediatrics was the second most desirable specialty 24 (16.4%), whilst anaesthesia 2 (1.4%) ranked seventh.Conclusions: The results of this survey suggest that duration of exposure during clinical clerkship influences career decision among undergraduate medical students. Most of the students prioritise their choice of specialty based on interest and exposure during rotation through the specialty.Keywords: anaesthesia, medical students, specialtie

    Assessing the Feasibility of RF Fingerprinting for Security in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    The wireless network of consumer drones is particularly vulnerable to remote attacks due to the weak encryption scheme involving the exchange of a Global Unique Identifier (GUID) between transceiver pairs using the binding process, thus exposing the technology to a host of attack vectors such as data spoofing and malicious authentication, among others, leading to security breaches that threaten the prospects of the consumer drone. This study assesses the feasibility of RF fingerprinting as a complementary layer of security devoid of cryptography in the wireless network of unmanned aerial vehicles for enhanced resilience. We evaluate the feature performance of the toy-grade and the universal-grade drone RC transmitters to discern the prospects for device identification in inexpensive, low-end device and the high-end device. Instantaneous amplitude and phase features extracted from the transient phase of time-domain signals acquired off-the-air in the near-field show a high recognition rate in a support vector machine and k-Nearest Neighbour, suggestive of device classification in unmanned aerial vehicle RF hardware, irrespective of built quality

    Anomaly detection in ICS datasets with machine learning algorithms

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    An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) provides a front-line defense mechanism for the Industrial Control System (ICS) dedicated to keeping the process operations running continuously for 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. A well-known ICS is the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. It supervises the physical process from sensor data and performs remote monitoring control and diagnostic functions in critical infrastructures. The ICS cyber threats are growing at an alarming rate on industrial automation applications. Detection techniques with machine learning algorithms on public datasets, suitable for intrusion detection of cyber-attacks in SCADA systems, as the first line of defense, have been detailed. The machine learning algorithms have been performed with labeled output for prediction classification. The activity traffic between ICS components is analyzed and packet inspection of the dataset is performed for the ICS network. The features of flow-based network traffic are extracted for behavior analysis with port-wise profiling based on the data baseline, and anomaly detection classification and prediction using machine learning algorithms are performed

    Surface Roughness and Surface Topography of Inconel 718 in Powder Mixed Dielectric Electrical Discharge Machining (PMEDM)

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    In high speed EDM, maximum material removal rate (MRR) is a desirable to increase productivity rate and reducing production cost to the need of industry. However, the surface finish of the machined surface also cannot be neglected since it related to product quality and safety factor especially when to cut difficult to machine material such Inconel 718, which is widely used in aerospace industry. Surface roughness as one of the surface integrity criteria was choose as a response in this research. High discharge current from 20A to 40A, longer pulse on-time (pulse duration) from 200µs to 400µs and the different concentration of the nano Alumina powder were selected as the main parameters, respectively. The effect of powder mixed dielectric in EDM performance in terms of surface roughness was evaluated. The dielectric circulating system known as High Performance Electrical Discharge Machine (HPEDM) was attached to the conventional EDM machine to run the experiments involving powder mixed dielectric. The experiment results shows that, the highest peak current deteriorated the surface roughness. The surface roughness, Ra was increased with the increasing of the peak current. The result also shows that an increasing of the pulse duration the surface roughness was slightly improved. It is observed that, the value of Ra was closely related to the surface topography characteristic of the machined surfaces and directly depends on the applied discharge energy. There is no improvement in surface roughness when powder additive was mixed in a dielectric fluid


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    Background: Although the high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and syphilis infections among longdistance truck drivers has been well documented globally, such data are sparse from Africa, and there has been no such data from Ghana. This study carried out between the months of January and June 2013 sought to determine the sero-prevalence and risk factors of HIV, HBV and syphilis infections among long distance truck drivers at the Tema sea port, Ghana. Materials and Methods: Of a total of 800 eligible drivers, 106 (13.25%) drivers consented to take part in the study. Subjects voluntarily completed a risk factor questionnaire and provided blood specimen for testing for HIV, syphilis and the surface antigen of HBV (HBsAg). Results: The mean age of the drivers was 40.56 ± 11.56 years. The sero-prevalence of HIV was 0.94%, 14.2% had HBsAg and reactive syphilis serology was 3.8%. On multivariate analysis, the main determinants of HBV infection were; multiple sexual partnership (OR, 6.36; 95% CI: 1.35– 29.79), patronage of commercial sex workers (OR, 6.85; 95% CI: 0.88 – 52.89), cross-border travelers (OR: 6.89-fold, 95% CI: 0.86 - 55.55) and prolonged duration of trips for more than two weeks (OR: 4.76; 95% CI: 0.59 – 38.02). The main determinant of syphilis infection on multivariate analysis was being a Muslim (OR, 2.19; 95% CI: 0.22 – 21.74). Conclusion: The data indicate a lower sero-prevalence of HIV but a higher sero-prevalence of syphilis. However, the sero-prevalence of HBV infection is comparable to that of the general population