906 research outputs found

    Dispositivo no invasivo para la detección de metabolitos en el sudor

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    Dispositivo no invasivo para la detección de metabolitos en el sudor. Dispositivo (1) no invasivo para la medida de metabolitos en el sudor, que comprende un sustrato (2) adecuado para su fijación sobre la piel de un paciente, en cuya cara interna se disponen al menos los siguientes elementos: un medio de generación de sudor (3a, 3b) adecuado para provocar sudoración en una superficie de estimulación de la piel del paciente; y un chip de medida (5), conectado a la superficie de estimulación por medio de unos microcanales (4) capaces de dirigir el sudor generado desde la superficie de estimulación hasta el chip de medida (5). El chip de medida (5) comprende un microelectrodo de trabajo (5a), un microelectrodo de referencia (5b) y un microelectrodo auxiliar (5c), siendo su superficie adecuada para inmovilizar unas enzimas que generan una corriente cuando entran en contacto con el metabolito cuya concentración se desea medir.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patentes con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Action research as a resource for innovation and educational improvement in music conservatories: an experience in elementary music teaching in Spain

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    A menudo, las enseñanzas musicales en los conservatorios de música se basan en metodologías arraigadas a la tradición. Aunque en el currículo de dichas enseñanzas existan asignaturas que tienen como finalidad desarrollar en el alumnado conocimientos y habilidades pedagógicas, estas materias representan una carga lectiva poco significativa en el conjunto del currículo. Como consecuencia, el docente formado en conservatorios no siempre desarrolla en profundidad los conocimientos y habilidades psicopedagógicas adecuadas para la práctica educativa. Con el fin de dar respuesta a esta realidad, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo introducir al profesorado de conservatorio en la metodología de investigación-acción como recurso para la innovación y mejora de la propia práctica educativa. Para cumplir con este objetivo, en primer lugar se realiza una aproximación al concepto de investigación-acción para después presentar un ejemplo de investigaciónacción propia llevada a cabo en el aula de música en conservatorios. Dicha propuesta explora la relación entre las competencias emocionales, las estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado, la competencia percibida y su influencia en la interpretación musical. Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones para la formación permanente del profesorado y se formulan una serie de propuestas para ser aplicadas en este contexto de formación.Teaching in music conservatories is often based on methodologies rooted in traditional teaching methods. Although the music education curriculum sometimes includes modules aimed at developing knowledge and pedagogical skills in the students, these seldom have a significant presence within the curriculum. As a result, the teacher trained in conservatories does not often deeply develop the knowledge and psychopedagogical skills required for educational practice. To address this issue, this paper aims to introduce conservatoire teachers to action research as a resource for improving their own educational practice. In fulfilling this objective, first, the authors define the concept and highlight the importance of action research, and second, introduce an example of action research project carried out in the music classroom in conservatories. This example explores the relationship between emotional skills, self-regulated learning strategies, perceived competence and its influence on musical performance. Finally, the implications for the continuous training of teachers are discussed and a set of proposals are formulated to be applied in this training context

    The role of emotional skills in music education

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    Developing emotional skills is one of the challenges that concern teachers and researchers in education, since these skills promote well-being and enhance cognitive performance. Music is an excellent tool with which to express emotions and for this reason music education should play a role in individuals’ emotional development. This paper reviews the results of previous studies that explore the connections between active engagement with music and the development of emotional skills, specifically in the field of music education. A sample of 21 investigations was analysed. The results from the selected studies show that music has multiple benefits for the development of certain aspects of emotional skills and positive implications for education. Suggestions for music educators gathered from the previous research are presented and potential areas of interest for further exploration in the field are identified

    Exhumation of the Sierra de Cameros (Iberian Range, Spain): constraints from low-temperature thermochronology

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    We present new fission-track and (U–Th)/He data from apatite and zircon in order to reconstruct the exhumation of the Sierra de Cameros, in the northwestern part of Iberian Range, Spain. Zircon fission-track ages from samples from the depocentre of the basin were reset during the metamorphic peak at approximately 100 Ma. Detrital apatites from the uppermost sediments retain fission-track age information that is older than the sediment deposition age, indicating that these rocks have not exceeded 110 8C. Apatites from deeper in the stratigraphic sequence of the central part of the basin have fission-track ages of around 40 Ma, significantly younger than the stratigraphic age, recording the time of cooling after peak metamorphic conditions. Apatite (U–Th)/He ages in samples from these sediments are 31–40 Ma and record the last period of cooling during Alpine compression. The modelled thermal history derived from the uppermost sediments indicates that the thermal pulse associated with peak metamorphism was rapid, and that the region has cooled continuously to the present. The estimated palaeogeothermal gradient is around 86 8C km21 and supports a tectonic model with a thick sedimentary fill (c. 8 km) and explains the origin of the low-grade metamorphism observed in the oldest sediments

    Carbon-paste nanocomposites as unconventional gate electrodes for electrolyte-gated organic field-effect transistors: electrical modulation and bio-sensing

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    Nanocomposite carbon-paste electrodes (NC-CPEs) have been investigated for the first time in electrolytegated organic field-e¿ect transistors (EGOFETs) as a replacement of conventional metal gate electrodes, using carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as a model carbon filler. Interestingly, the electrical properties of the resulting devices have been modulated by changing the loading percentage of CNTs within the insulating polymeric matrix. The potential of using such non-conventional gate electrodes for sensing purposes has also been evaluated by investigating, as a proof of concept, the formation of a supramolecular complex between a functionalized CNT-based NC-CPE containing ß-cyclodextrin (ß-CD) as a bio-recognition element and tryptophan (TRP). This approach, in synergism with the amplification function of an EGOFET, a¿ords a shift in the threshold voltage (VTH) of the transistor, giving promising analytical results with detection limits at picomolar levels (1.0 ± 0.1 pM) as well as a linear response from 10-12 to 10-9 M. Accordingly, NC-CPEs have been demonstrated to be a potential alternative to metal gate electrodes for the development of a new generation of highly sensitive carbon-based EGOFET bio-sensorsPostprint (published version

    Multivariate approaches in species distribution modelling: Application to native fish species in Mediterranean Rivers

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    Tesis por compendioThis dissertation focused in the comprehensive analysis of the capabilities of some non-tested types of Artificial Neural Networks, specifically: the Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNN) and the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Ensembles. The analysis of the capabilities of these techniques was performed using the native brown trout (Salmo trutta; Linnaeus, 1758), the bermejuela (Achondrostoma arcasii; Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio, 2006) and the redfin barbel (Barbus haasi; Mertens, 1925) as target species. The analyses focused in the predictive capabilities, the interpretability of the models and the effect of the excess of zeros in the training datasets, which for presence-absence models is directly related to the concept of data prevalence (i.e. proportion of presence instances in the training dataset). Finally, the effect of the spatial scale (i.e. micro-scale or microhabitat scale and meso-scale) in the habitat suitability models and consequently in the e-flow assessment was studied in the last chapter.Esta tesis se centra en el análisis comprensivo de las capacidades de algunos tipos de Red Neuronal Artificial aún no testados: las Redes Neuronales Probabilísticas (PNN) y los Conjuntos de Perceptrones Multicapa (MLP Ensembles). Los análisis sobre las capacidades de estas técnicas se desarrollaron utilizando la trucha común (Salmo trutta; Linnaeus, 1758), la bermejuela (Achondrostoma arcasii; Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio, 2006) y el barbo colirrojo (Barbus haasi; Mertens, 1925) como especies nativas objetivo. Los análisis se centraron en la capacidad de predicción, la interpretabilidad de los modelos y el efecto del exceso de ceros en las bases de datos de entrenamiento, la así llamada prevalencia de los datos (i.e. la proporción de casos de presencia sobre el conjunto total). Finalmente, el efecto de la escala (micro-escala o escala de microhábitat y meso-escala) en los modelos de idoneidad del hábitat y consecuentemente en la evaluación de caudales ambientales se estudió en el último capítulo.Aquesta tesis se centra en l'anàlisi comprensiu de les capacitats d'alguns tipus de Xarxa Neuronal Artificial que encara no han estat testats: les Xarxes Neuronal Probabilístiques (PNN) i els Conjunts de Perceptrons Multicapa (MLP Ensembles). Les anàlisis sobre les capacitats d'aquestes tècniques es varen desenvolupar emprant la truita comuna (Salmo trutta; Linnaeus, 1758), la madrilla roja (Achondrostoma arcasii; Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio, 2006) i el barb cua-roig (Barbus haasi; Mertens, 1925) com a especies objecte d'estudi. Les anàlisi se centraren en la capacitat predictiva, interpretabilitat dels models i en l'efecte de l'excés de zeros a la base de dades d'entrenament, l'anomenada prevalença de les dades (i.e. la proporció de casos de presència sobre el conjunt total). Finalment, l'efecte de la escala (micro-escala o microhàbitat i meso-escala) en els models d'idoneïtat de l'hàbitat i conseqüentment en l'avaluació de cabals ambientals es va estudiar a l'últim capítol.Muñoz Mas, R. (2016). Multivariate approaches in species distribution modelling: Application to native fish species in Mediterranean Rivers [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/76168TESISCompendi

    Impedimetric antimicrobial peptide-based sensor for the early detection of periodontopathogenic bacteria

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    Peri-implantitis, an inflammation caused by biofilm formation, constitutes a major cause of implant failure in dentistry. Thus, the detection of bacteria at the early steps of biofilm growth represents a powerful strategy to prevent implant-related infections. In this regard, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) can be used as effective biological recognition elements to selectively detect the presence of bacteria. Thus, the aim of the present study was to combine the use of miniaturized and integrated impedimetric transducers and AMPs to obtain biosensors with high sensitivity to monitor bacterial colonization. Streptococcus sanguinis, which is one of the most prevalent strains in the onset of periodontal diseases, was used as a model of oral bacteria. To this end, a potent AMP derived from human lactoferrin was synthesized and covalently immobilized on interdigitated electrode arrays (IDEA). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were employed to optimize and characterize the method of immobilization. Noteworthy, the interaction of Streptococcus sanguinis with AMP-coated sensors provoked significant changes in the impedance spectra, which were univocally associated with the presence of bacteria, proving the feasibility of our method. In this regard, the developed biosensor permits to detect the presence of bacteria at concentrations starting from 101 colony forming units (CFU) mL-1 in KCl and from 102 CFU mL-1 in artificial saliva. Moreover, the system was devoid of cytotoxicity for human fibroblasts. These results indicate that the proposed approach can be effective in the detection of initial stages of biofilm formation, and may be useful in the early prevention and treatment of peri-implantitisPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Comparison of approaches for the development of microhabitat suitability models based on fuzzy logic

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    [ES] La trucha comun (Salmo trutta L.) ha sido utilizada como indicador del estado ecológico. Los modelos de hábitat evaluan la idoneidad del hábitat en base a las condiciones físicas como por ejemplo la velocidad del flujo o el calado. Existen diversas metodologías para analizar la idoneidad y desarrollar modelos de idoneidad del hábitat no obstante el desarrollo de Curvas univariantes de Idoneidad del Hábitat (en terminología inglesa, HSCs) ha sido, de lejos, la metodología más habitual. Existen dos metodologías principales en el desarrollo de las HSCs. El primero considera solamente las condiciones observadas en los lugares donde aparecieron los peces (HSCs de Categoría II ½) mientras que la segunda también considera las condiciones observadas en el área circundante (HSCs de Categoría III). Diversos autores han sugerido que considerar las variables hidráulicas de forma independiente puede ser cuestionable. Por lo tanto el uso de metodologías multivariantes entre los investigadores se ha ido incrementado. Entre estas la lógica difusa es una de las que más veces ha sido aplicada exitosamente. La lógica difusa imita la forma de pensamiento humana, así usa una secuencia SI-ENTONCES. Si ciertas condiciones se dan entonces la idoneidad del hábitat es esta. Principalmente existen dos metodologías en el desarrollo de modelos de lógica difusa El basado en conocimiento de expertos (en terminología inglesa, Expert-knowledge) y el basado en datos (en terminología inglesa, Data-driven). El Expert-knowledge se basa en referencias bibliográficas y el consenso entre científicos mientras que el segundo es basa en la optimización de los elementos que componen el modelo en base a datos de campo. Este trabajo presenta una metodología para el desarrollo de modelos de lógica difusa Expert-knowledge basados en HSCs comparando los resultados con aquellos obtenidos mediente la metodología Data-driven. Específicamente tres modelos fueron desarrollados para las tres clases de talla consideradas, trucha común adulta-grande (> 20 cm), juvenil-median (20 - 10 cm) y alevín-pequeña (< 10 cm). Dos de los modelas se basaron en la metodología de Expert-knowledge pero diferían en las HSCs de base, un se basó en HSCs de Categoría II ½ y el otro en las de Categoria III, el modelo restante utilizó lametodología de Data-driven. Los 9 modelos desarrollados fueron validados de forma espacialmente explícita en un tramo de rio independiente y su desempeño fue comparado por medio del estadístico Kappa difuso (en terminología inglesa, fuzzy Kappa) La metodología de Expert-knowledge presentada en este trabajo ha devenido satisfactoria. Mostró un buen desempeño y no difirió substancialmente en comparación con la Data-driven a pesar del hecho que los modelos de Expert-knowledge basados en las HSCs de Categoría II ½ subestimaron la idoneidad en las zonas profundas para adultos y juveniles. Los modelos basados en las HSCs de Categoría III presentaron mejor desempeño que sus contrapartidas basadas en las HSCs de Categoría II ½ en el caso de los adultos y los alevines por lo que se recomendaron per a ulteriores análisis. No obstante los modelos de Expert-knowledge presentaron menor especificidad en comparación con los Data-driven. Por esta razón en el caso de los juveniles el modelo Data-driven fue el recomendado para futuros análisis. La comparativa entre modelos basada en el estadístico fuzzy Kappa no mostró similitudes entre modelos y la validación espacial se demostró fundamental en la selección del modelo más adecuado entre los modelos desarrollados.[EN] Brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) have been used as an indicator of ecological status. Habitat models assess habitat suitability based on physical conditions such flow velocity or water depth are. There are several methodologies to analyse the suitability and to develop habitat suitability models but, at the microscale, the development of continuous univariate Habitat Suitability Curves (HSCs) is by far the most common approach. Two main methodologies exist in the development of HSCs. The first one considers only the conditions observed at the fish locations (Category II ½ HSCs) whereas the second one considers also the conditions observed in the surrounding area (Category III HSCs) Several authors have suggested that considering each hydraulic variable independently may be questionable. Therefore the use of multivariate approaches among researches have increased. The Fuzzy logic is one of those who has most successfully been applied. The fuzzy logic approach mimics the human reasoning thus are presented in an IF-THEN sequence. If certain conditions are resent then the habitat suitability is that. There are two main approaches in the development of Fuzzy logic models; the Expert-knowledge and the Data-driven. The Expert-knowledge approach is based on the literature and the consensus of scientists whereas the Data-driven approach is based on the optimization of the elements of the model based on field data. This study presented a methodology to develop Expert-knowledge fuzzy models based on HSCs and compared the results with those derived from the Data-driven approach. Specifically Three habitat suitability models were develop for the three considered size classes; brown trout adult-large (> 20 cm), juvenile-medium (20 - 10 cm) and fry-small (< 10 cm). Two models based on the Expert-knowledge approach but differing on the HSCs, Category II ½ HSCs or Category III HSCs and another model was based on the Data-driven approach. The 9 developed models were spatially explicitly validated in an independent river reach and their performance was compared by means of the fuzzy Kappa statistic. The Expert-knowledge approach herein presented have demonstrated satisfactory. It showed generally a good performance and did not differed substantially in comparison with the Data-driven approach despite the Expert-knowledge models based on Category II ½ HSCs underrated the deep areas in the adult and juvenile. The Category III based models presented better performances that the Category II ½ counterparts and the models for adult and fry were recommended for further analysis. However the Expert-knowledge models presented lower specificity in comparison with the Data-driven approach. Then, in the juvenile case the Data-driven fuzzy model was de recommended for further analysis. The comparison between models based on the fuzzy Kappa did not showed any similarity and the spatially explicit validation have been demonstrated fundamental in the proper selection between the developed models.Muñoz Mas, R. (2013). Comparison of approaches for the development of microhabitat suitability models based on fuzzy logic. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/37128Archivo delegad

    Bottom-up effects of streambed drying on consumer performance through changes in resource quality

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    Stream flow intermittency and subsequent streambed drying, which already occurs in most biomes worldwide, is expected to increase in many regions due to both climate change and increased water demand. We studied the effects of streambed drying on leaves and epilithic biofilm and their effects on potential consumers. In the field, resources were conditioned according to the following treatments: (i) continuously submerged (PERM), (ii) submerged, exposed to the dry streambed and then submerged again (INT), or (iii) conditioned in the dry streambed and only allowed instream conditioning for 1 week (DRY, only for leaves). The results showed that drying affects resource quality, and the effects on biofilm were more severe than those on leaves. Both DRY leaves and INT biofilm showed lower microbial colonization and nitrogen accrual, whereas INT leaves had similar characteristics to PERM leaves. Drying resulted in decreased shredder and herbivore consumption rates and detritivore growth. Our results suggest that bottom-up effects of drying through changes in resource quality can constrain detritivore growth in temporary streams, potentially affecting stream secondary production and invertebrate-mediated organic matter cycling under a drier climate scenario

    Intrapersonal skills and music performance in elementary piano students in spanish conservatories: Three case studies

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    This study is based on the premise that emotional skills—comprised of an intrapersonal dimension and an interpersonal dimension—help to achieve personal balance, which in turn can enhance performance. Following from this premise, the improvement of music students’ emotional skills might have a positive effect on their musical performance. The recognized relationship between music and emotion therefore suggests that music education is a suitable context for developing emotional skills. The article examines the relationship between intrapersonal skills and the musical performance of elementary students studying the piano in a Spanish conservatory. The research was developed as an action research process and involved the study of three 10-year-old students. A set of activities were designed specifically for students attending the third course of piano studies; these activities were intended to develop students’ intrapersonal skills throughout the school year and were implemented in the subjects of piano and ensemble playing in parallel with the musical tasks. The relationship between intrapersonal skills and musical performance is investigated and discussed for each of the three cases