1,265 research outputs found

    GNS3 for Security Practitioners

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    This guide is only a small part of the security content that can be learned during the "Master's Degree in Computer Engineering" - Cybersecurity Degree. The guide is used by the students as reinforcement during practical classes, but there is much more content that is not found in the guide. Indeed, the student has access to the virtual machine resulting from the steps in the guide (including all the scripts and networks configured for GNS3), so these steps are only used if the student wants to set up their own environment at home. Moreover, vulnerability analyses are very dependent on the living system. The student learns how to use Metasploit and other pentesting tools during the course, although this is not included in deep in the guide. This guide is only a first step towards cybersecurity training.The objective of this guide is to provide useful information for the deployment of a virtual laboratory using GNS3 with the aim of testing security features. In this guide GNS3 is used together with other tools for training in network security. It is possible to install all these tools in a single virtual machine. In addition, the virtual machine must have nested virtualisation enabled in order to run inside other virtual machines (e.g. Kali Linux)

    Nivel de independencia funcional en pacientes con Lesión Medular Aplicando la Escala de Barthel en el Hospital Rehabilitación Aldo Chavarría Enero 2020 Enero 2021

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    En este trabajo evaluamos el nivel de independencia funcional en pacientes con lesión medular Aplicando La Escala De Barthel en el Hospital Rehabilitación Aldo Chavarría Enero 2020 Enero 2021. La lesión medular todo proceso patológico, de cualquier etiología, que afecta a la medula espinal y puede originar alteraciones de la función neurológica por debajo de la lesión. Estas alteraciones pueden ser motoras, sensitivas y autonómicas, Los accidentes de tránsito presentan una incidencia global importante entre un 12% y el 63%. Otras causas de la aparición en la LM son: caídas de alturas, accidentes deportivos, laborales, inmersiones en agua poco profundas. De acuerdo con el método de investigación el presente estudio es observacional según el nivel inicial de profundidad del conocimiento es descriptivo (Piura, 2006). De acuerdo a la clasificación de Hernández, Fernández y Baptista 2014, el tipo de estudio es correlacional. De acuerdo, al tiempo de ocurrencia de los hechos y registro de la información, el estudio es retrospectivo, por el período y secuencia del estudio es longitudinal y según el análisis y alcance de los resultados el estudio es descriptivo (Canales, Alvarado y Pineda, 1996). con 30 pacientes que tienen diagnóstico de lesión medular, que son atendidas(os) en el área de hospitalizado del Hospital Nacional de Rehabilitación Aldo Chavarría. se realizó la revisión documental del expediente clínico de pacientes con diagnóstico de lesión medular, En relación a la edad de los pacientes participantes del estudio se encontró que la población estudiada tenía una edad comprendida entre los 17 y los 50 años a más (edad media de 34). Según la distribución por grupos etarios con mayor frecuencia entre 31-49 años (14) con un porcentaje de 46.7% seguido en igual frecuencia los grupos etarios entre 17-30 (8) y 50 a más (8) con porcentaje de 26.7%. Respecto al sexo con frecuencia predominante en el sexo masculino con 63.3% (19) seguido del sexo femenino 11 con un porcentaje de 36.7% .de ocupación ama de casa agricultor y conductor (6) 20% respectivamente para cada uno ,escolaridad primaria y secundaria (12) con igual porcentaje 40 % ,procedencia de área urbana con frecuencia de (24) con un porcentaje de 80% , y rural con frecuencia de (6) que corresponde a un 20% , estado civil soltero con una frecuencia de (15) 50%; con un 30% casado (9) con un 16.67% unión estable (5), con un 3.3% divorciado (1). En correspondencia al nivel funcional de independencia al evaluar al ingreso predomino el severo con (19) seguido del moderado (11) en diferente frecuencia al egreso que predomino el severo, pero con un total de (17) seguido del moderado con (13). Se debe realizar normas que establezcan el uso de la escala de Barthel para el diagnóstico de pacientes con lesión medular en hospital de rehabilitació

    Edge-partitioning regular graphs for ring traffic grooming with a priori placement od the ADMs

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    We study the following graph partitioning problem: Given two positive integers C and Δ, find the least integer M(C,Δ) such that the edges of any graph with maximum degree at most Δ can be partitioned into subgraphs with at most C edges and each vertex appears in at most M(C,Δ) subgraphs. This problem is naturally motivated by traffic grooming, which is a major issue in optical networks. Namely, we introduce a new pseudodynamic model of traffic grooming in unidirectional rings, in which the aim is to design a network able to support any request graph with a given bounded degree. We show that optimizing the equipment cost under this model is essentially equivalent to determining the parameter M(C, Δ). We establish the value of M(C, Δ) for almost all values of C and Δ, leaving open only the case where Δ ≥ 5 is odd, Δ (mod 2C) is between 3 and C − 1, C ≥ 4, and the request graph does not contain a perfect matching. For these open cases, we provide upper bounds that differ from the optimal value by at most one.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Real-Time Crowd Counting based on wearable Ephemeral IDs

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    Crowd Counting is a very interesting problem aiming at counting people typically based on density averages and/or aerial images. This is very useful to prevent crowd crushes, especially on urban environments with high crowd density, or to count people in public demonstrations. In addition, in the last years, it has become of paramount importance for pandemic management. For those reasons, giving users automatic mechanisms to anticipate high risk situations is essential. In this work, we analyze ID-based Crowd Counting, and propose a real-time Crowd Counting system based on the Ephemeral ID broadcast by contact tracing applications on wearable devices. We also performed some simulations that show the accuracy of our system in different situations

    Development of hybrid compounds to tackle Alzheimer’s disease

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/128014Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the main neurodegenerative disorder worldwide. Its pathogenesis involves a network where various mechanisms are interconnected. This complex pathological network makes it extremely challenging to find an efficacious treatment. Herein, we give an overview on the design of the so-called multi-target-directed ligands, i.e. compounds that concurrently hit several key pathogenic factors within the network, as a realistic option to tackle AD, with a particular emphasis on some structural classes of multitarget hybrids recently developed in our group

    Online graph coloring against a randomized adversary

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    Electronic version of an article published as Online graph coloring against a randomized adversary. "International journal of foundations of computer science", 1 Juny 2018, vol. 29, núm. 4, p. 551-569. DOI:10.1142/S0129054118410058 © 2018 copyright World Scientific Publishing Company. https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0129054118410058We consider an online model where an adversary constructs a set of 2s instances S instead of one single instance. The algorithm knows S and the adversary will choose one instance from S at random to present to the algorithm. We further focus on adversaries that construct sets of k-chromatic instances. In this setting, we provide upper and lower bounds on the competitive ratio for the online graph coloring problem as a function of the parameters in this model. Both bounds are linear in s and matching upper and lower bound are given for a specific set of algorithms that we call “minimalistic online algorithms”.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Distance-layer structure of the De Bruijn and Kautz digraphs: analysis and application to deflection routing

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Fàbrega, J.; Martí, J.; Muñoz, X. Distance-layer structure of the De Bruijn and Kautz digraphs: analysis and application to deflection routing. "Networks", 29 Juliol 2023, which has been published in final form at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/net.22177. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.In this article, we present a detailed study of the reach distance-layer structure of the De Bruijn and Kautz digraphs, and we apply our analysis to the performance evaluation of deflection routing in De Bruijn and Kautz networks. Concerning the distance-layer structure, we provide explicit polynomial expressions, in terms of the degree of the digraph, for the cardinalities of some relevant sets of this structure. Regarding the application to defection routing, and as a consequence of our polynomial description of the distance-layer structure, we formulate explicit expressions, in terms of the degree of the digraph, for some probabilities of interest in the analysis of this type of routing. De Bruijn and Kautz digraphs are fundamental examples of digraphs on alphabet and iterated line digraphs. If the topology of the network under consideration corresponds to a digraph of this type, we can perform, in principle, a similar vertex layer description.Partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain, and the European Regional Development Fund under project PGC2018-095471-B-I00; and by AGAUR from the Catalan Government under project 2017SGR-1087.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Le Horla, by Maupassant: the fear of insanity or the insanity of fear

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    [ES] Guy de Maupassant nos presenta en “Le Horla” a un narrador que nos ofrece su diario para deleite del lector y desesperación de ambos. Los detalles aparentemente insignificantes con la intención de sorprender al lector, el entorno familiar que se convierte en ominoso, el dramatismo que aumenta con la lectura… todo ello conduce al lector y al protagonista a un sentimiento de angustia en grado extremo, como pocos autores han sabido manejar magistralmente. Frente al inicio casi bucólico, la historia nos lleva rápidamente al mundo de los fenómenos irracionales que desatan el miedo, la angustia y la desesperación del protagonista; y el nuestro. Una presencia invisible le roba la energía, se sienta sobre su pecho, le atormenta. ¿Es una criatura desconocida? ¿Se se trata de la locura? ¿Es un vampiro psíquico? Maupassant escribió esta breve pero intensa y magistral narración, ofreciéndonos una entidad amenazante, una presencia que trasciende lo extraño.[FR] Guy de Maupassant présente dans «Le Horla» un narrateur qui nous offre son journal pour le plus grand plaisir des lecteurs et le désespoir des deux. Les détails apparemment insignifiants avec l’intention de surprendre le lecteur, l’environnement familial qui devient inquiétant, le drame qui augmente avec la lecture ... tout cela conduit le lecteur et le protagoniste à un sentiment d’extrême anxiété, comme peu d’auteurs l’ont su gérer si magistralement. Face au début presque bucolique, l’histoire nous emmène rapidement dans le monde des phénomènes irrationnels qui déchaînent la peur, l’angoisse et le désespoir du protagoniste; et les nôtres. Une présence invisible vole son énergie, s’assied sur la poitrine, le tourmente. Est-ce une créature inconnue? Est-ce la folie? Est-il un vampire psychique? Maupassant a écrit cette narration brève mais intense et magistrale, nous offrant une entité menaçante, une présence qui transcende l’étrange

    Decrease Retinal Thickness in Patients with Chronic Migraine Evaluated by Optical Coherence Tomography

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the possible alterations that may occur in the thickness of the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL), ganglion cell layer (GCL), and macular thickness in patients with chronic migraines compared with healthy controls. Hence, we examined some of the possibilities that are offered by optical coherence tomography (OCT) in order to study different neurological diseases and to study its application, in this case, how it may be applied to patients with chronic migraines. This was an observational cross-sectional study in adults aged 18-65 years. The study group consisted of 90 patients (90 eyes) with chronic migraines who met the inclusion criteria, and 90 healthy controls (90 eyes) matched for age and sex. Retinal thickness was measured by spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT). The thickness of the superior quadrant of the peripapillary RNFL, as well as the mean thickness in the macula, RNFL macular, and GCL was significantly thinner in chronic migraine patients than in healthy controls (p ≤ 0.05). Chronic migraines are associated with a decrease in retinal thickness which is detectable by an OCT diagnostic technique. The quantification of the axonal damage could be used as a biomarker to help in the diagnosis and monitoring of this pathology. Further studies will be needed to confirm these findings.Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEUniversidad Camilo José Cela (España)Centro Óptico Riga (Jaén, España)pu