77 research outputs found

    Species distribution models as a useful tool in conservation programs: the case of the Northern Bald Ibis

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    The Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) is one of the most endangered species on the planet. Over the last century, the species had suffered an extreme decline in its population size, and is now considered to be critically endangered. Nowadays, the original distribution range of the species is restricted to the Agadir region in Morocco. In Europe the species is only present in Spain and Austria, and this is due to two different conservation projects with introduced animals born and raised in captivity. The aim of this project is to characterize those past and present areas used by the Northern Bald Ibis in their natural distribution in Morocco, identifying the most favorable areas for the assessment of the species in Morocco and also for making it possible to reintroduce this species to Europe. We used species distribution models with a presence/absence database obtained from bibliography and a set of environmental variables. Spatial variables were combined obtaining a trend surface variable, which is a purely spatial descriptor of the cohesion trend in the distribution of the species regarding its history and population dynamics. Another model was built using only environmental variables to identify those areas which are favorable for the species in relation to the environment, without the effects of the population's cohesion trend. Obtained models classified the areas into 'favorable', 'unfavorable' or 'uncertain'. In the case of Andalusia, introduced individuals have moved to favorable places in the North of Morocco, where the species was not present in the past. Moreover, for the first time there have been new records of this species on the occidental coast of Morocco, where the models also predict a maximum in the favorability. This methodology could be used to detect the best places to introduce new individuals or to create protected areas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rediseño de los procedimientos, criterios y controles del proceso de compras de la Universidad del Norte bajo un enfoque de sostenibilidad basado en la Norma ISO 20400: 2017

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    El propósito del presente trabajo es realizar un rediseño a los procedimientos, criterios y controles del proceso de compras de la Universidad del Norte con el fin de adoptar un enfoque de sostenibilidad desde sus tres dimensiones: económica, social y ambiental, basados en la implementación de la norma ISO 20400:2017 de Compras Sostenibles. Este documento inicia con la presentación general del proyecto que contiene una contextualización de la empresa de estudio, que en este caso es la Universidad del Norte, el planteamiento del problema y sus antecedentes, la justificación de la realización del proyecto, sus objetivos, sus etapas metodológicas y el cronograma en el que se realizó. El documento continúa con la presentación del marco de referencia en donde se presenta el marco conceptual, el marco teórico como la fundamentación de lo desarrollado, el marco legal, el análisis de la bibliografía consultada y las conclusiones con respecto a nuestros referentes. Seguido de esto, se presenta el desarrollo del proyecto el cual se llevó a cabo bajo una metodología de cuatro fases. La primera fase consiste en la realización del diagnóstico del proceso actual de compras en relación con los numerales aplicables de la norma ISO20400:2017, el cual se realizó mediante la metodología de análisis GAP para el establecimiento de brechas entre una situación actual y una deseada, y la metodología de los 5 porqués para el establecimiento de análisis de causalidad. Con base en este diagnóstico, se desarrolló la segunda fase en la que se definieron qué acciones eran necesarias para dar cumplimiento a los requisitos aplicables de la norma junto con propuestas para su posible cumplimiento. En la tercera fase de realizó la propuesta de caracterización del proceso actual con las modificaciones necesarias para adoptar las acciones propuestas

    Tecnología tradicional y software dinámico en el proceso de la visualización

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    La visualización es un proceso cognitivo fundamental en el proceso del aprendizaje de las matemáticas y es clave en la resolución de problemas y en el razonamiento de una persona. Por ello, se considera importante la descripción y el análisis de los procesos cognitivos que intervienen cuando se resuelve una actividad matemática y específicamente geométrica mediante el uso de la tecnología tradicional (lápiz y papel) y comparar la solución con el software dinámico. Este estudio se ajusta a los principales referentes teóricos de la psicología cognitiva; tales como los trabajos de Piaget que identifica las estructuras mentales del individuo en sus aspectos cognitivos, y al modelo teórico propuesto por Raymond Duval (1998). El trabajo tomó en cuenta un enfoque de investigación cualitativa a dos estudiantes de primer semestre de Ingeniería de la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Cartagena - Colombia)

    Fiber-Optic Aqueous Dipping Sensor Based on Coaxial-Michelson Modal Interferometers

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    Fiber-optic modal interferometers with a coaxial-Michelson configuration can be used to monitor aqueous solutions by simple dipping of few centimeters of a fiber tip. The fabrication of these sensors to work around 850 nm enables the use of compact, robust, and low-cost optical spectrum analyzers. The use of this type of portable sensor system to monitor sewage treatment plants is shown

    Caracterización y posibilidades de reutilización en obras de infraestructura de los RCD's procedentes de la demolición de la prisión provincial de Córdoba

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    Comunicación presentada al III Congreso de Ingeniería Civil, Territorio y Medio Ambiente, Zaragoza, 2006El presente trabajo ha permitido la caracterización de los residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD’s) procedentes del derribo de la cimentación de la antigua Prisión Provincial de Córdoba. Tras una trituración primaria y secundaria, los materiales son sometidos a una trituración con molino de impactos que reduce el material a granulometrías inferiores a 50 mm, posteriormente el material es transportado hasta una criba vibrante de dos tamices que permite obtener tres fracciones de árido reciclado: 0-10 mm, 10-40 mm y mayor de 40 mm. Para la identificación de cada una de las fracciones se han realizado ensayos en laboratorio de granulometría, plasticidad, contenido en materia orgánica, contenido en sales y yesos, hinchamiento y colapso. Para caracterizar su comportamiento se han realizado principalmente ensayos Proctor e índice C.B.R. Los resultados obtenidos han puesto de manifiesto su excelente comportamiento mecánico y su elevada capacidad de soporte, sin embargo de acuerdo con el contenido en sales solubles y yesos el material se clasifica como suelo tolerable según el Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Generales para Obras de Carreteras y Puentes (PG-3). El árido reciclado 10-40 mm no cumple las condiciones granulométricas para su utilización en rellenos tipo terraplén según el PG-3, y se propone continuar la investigación realizando mezclas a distintos porcentajes de las fracciones 0-10 mm y 10-40 mm

    Non‐branched β‐1,3‐glucan oligosaccharides trigger immune responses in Arabidopsis

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    [EN] Fungal cell walls, which are essential for environmental adaptation and host colonization by the fungus, have been evolutionarily selected by plants and animals as a source of microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) that, upon recognition by host pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), trigger immune responses conferring disease resistance. Chito-oligosaccharides [b-1,4-N-acetylglucosamine oligomers, (GlcNAc)n] are the only glycosidic structures from fungal walls that have been well-demonstrated to function as MAMPs in plants. Perception of (GlcNAc)4–8 by Arabidopsis involves CERK1, LYK4 and LYK5, three of the eight members of the LysM PRR family. We found that a glucan-enriched wall fraction from the pathogenic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina which was devoid of GlcNAc activated immune responses in Arabidopsis wild-type plants but not in the cerk1 mutant. Using this differential response, we identified the non-branched 1,3-b-D-(Glc) hexasaccharide as a major fungal MAMP. Recognition of 1,3-b-D-(Glc)6 was impaired in cerk1 but not in mutants defective in either each of the LysM PRR family members or in the PRR-co-receptor BAK1. Transcriptomic analyses of Arabidopsis plants treated with 1,3-b-D-(Glc)6 further demonstrated that this fungal MAMP triggers the expression of immunity-associated genes. In silico docking analyses with molecular mechanics and solvation energy calculations corroborated that CERK1 can bind 1,3-b-D-(Glc)6 at effective concentrations similar to those of (GlcNAc)4. These data support that plants, like animals, have selected as MAMPs the linear 1,3-b-D-glucans present in the walls of fungi and oomycetes. Our data also suggest that CERK1 functions as an immune co-receptor for linear 1,3-b-D-glucans in a similar way to its proposed function in the recognition of fungal chito-oligosaccharides and bacterial peptidoglycan MAMPs.S

    YODA Kinase Controls a Novel Immune Pathway of Tomato Conferring Enhanced Disease Resistance to the Bacterium Pseudomonas syringae

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    © 2020 Téllez, Muñoz-Barrios, Sopeña-Torres, Martín-Forero, Ortega, Pérez, Sanz, Borja, de Marcos, Nicolas, Jahrmann, Mena, Jordá and Molina.Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) play pivotal roles in transducing developmental cues and environmental signals into cellular responses through pathways initiated by MAPK kinase kinases (MAP3K). AtYODA is a MAP3K of Arabidopsis thaliana that controls stomatal development and non-canonical immune responses. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing a constitutively active YODA protein (AtCA-YDA) show broad-spectrum disease resistance and constitutive expression of defensive genes. We tested YDA function in crops immunity by heterologously overexpressing AtCA-YDA in Solanum lycopersicum. We found that these tomato AtCA-YDA plants do not show developmental phenotypes and fitness alterations, except a reduction in stomatal index, as reported in Arabidopsis AtCA-YDA plants. Notably, AtCA-YDA tomato plants show enhanced resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 and constitutive upregulation of defense-associated genes, corroborating the functionality of YDA in tomato immunity. This function was further supported by generating CRISPR/Cas9-edited tomato mutants impaired in the closest orthologs of AtYDA [Solyc08g081210 (SlYDA1) and Solyc03g025360 (SlYDA2)]. Slyda1 and Slyda2 mutants are highly susceptible to P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in comparison to wild-type plants but only Slyda2 shows altered stomatal index. These results indicate that tomato orthologs have specialized functions and support that YDA also regulates immune responses in tomato and may be a trait for breeding disease resistance.This work was supported by grants BIO2015-64077-R of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), RTI2018-096975-B-I00 of Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and grant P190050072 of Plant Response Biotech SL to AMo. Research in the Montaña Mena’s laboratory is supported by the MINECO (PPII10-0194-4164) and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (SBPLY/17/180501/000394), complemented with EU FEDER funds. JT was financially supported by a PhD fellow of the FPI program from MINECO (BES-2016-076708). AM-F and AO were recipients of research and PhD fellowships from JCCM

    Alteration of cell wall xylan acetylation triggers defense responses that counterbalance the immune deficiencies of plants impaired in the β‐subunit of the heterotrimeric G‐protein

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    [EN] Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein complex modulates pathogen-associated molecular pattern-triggeredimmunity (PTI) and disease resistance responses to different types of pathogens. It also plays a role in plantcell wall integrity as mutants impaired in the Gb-(agb1-2)orGc-subunits have an altered wall compositioncompared with wild-type plants. Here we performed a mutant screen to identify suppressors ofagb1-2(sgb) that restore susceptibility to pathogens to wild-type levels. Out of the foursgbmutants (sgb10–sgb13)identified,sgb11is a new mutant allele ofESKIMO1(ESK1), which encodes a plant-specific polysaccharideO-acetyltransferase involved in xylan acetylation. Null alleles (sgb11/esk1-7)ofESK1restore to wild-typelevels the enhanced susceptibility ofagb1-2to the necrotrophic fungusPlectosphaerella cucumerina BMM(PcBMM), but not to the bacteriumPseudomonas syringaepv.tomatoDC3000 or to the oomyceteHyaloper-onospora arabidopsidis. The enhanced resistance toPcBMMof theagb1-2 esk1-7double mutant was notthe result of the re-activation of deficient PTI responses inagb1-2. Alteration of cell wall xylan acetylationcaused byESK1impairment was accompanied by an enhanced accumulation of abscisic acid, the constitu-tive expression of genes encoding antibiotic peptides and enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of trypto-phan-derived metabolites, and the accumulation of disease resistance-related secondary metabolites anddifferent osmolites. Theseesk1-mediated responses counterbalance the defective PTI andPcBMMsuscepti-bility ofagb1-2plants, and explain the enhanced drought resistance ofesk1plants. These results suggestthat a deficient PTI-mediated resistance is partially compensated by the activation of specific cell-wall-trig-gered immune responses.SISpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) grants BIO2012-32910 to A.M.The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls and matching funding from KTH (grants to V.B) and NIGMS (R01GM065989) and NSF (MCB-1713880) to A.M.J. The Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the US Department of Energy through the grant DE-FG02-05er15671 to A.M.J. funded technical support in this study. H.M. was supported by an IEF grant (SignWALLINg-624721) from the European Union, E.M. by a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow from MINECO, S.S. by the BRAVE Erasmus Mundi Program (European Union), and A.M.-B. was the recipient of a PIF fellow from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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    En el presente trabajo se aplican 5 métodos estructurados que evalúan la eficiencia del servidor Zentyal, en los cuales se destacan: la implementación y configuración del acceso de una estación de trabajo GNU/Linux a través de un usuario y contraseña, el establecimiento de un proxy no transparente que filtra el acceso de internet de una estación cliente de Linux, la Implementación y configuración para la restricción de la apertura de sitios o portales Web de entretenimiento y redes sociales, la implementación y configuración del acceso de una estación GNU/Linux a través del controlador de dominio LDAP a los servicios de carpetas compartidas e impresoras (File Server y Print Server) y por último Implementación y configuración detallada de la creación de una VPN.In this work, 5 structured methods are applied that evaluate the efficiency of the Zentyal server, in which the following stand out: the implementation and configuration of access to a GNU / Linux workstation through a username and password, the establishment of a proxy non-transparent that filters the internet access of a Linux client station, the Implementation and configuration to restrict the opening of sites or web portals for entertainment and social networks, the implementation and configuration of the access of a GNU / Linux station through from the LDAP domain controller to the shared folders and printers services (File Server and Print Server) and finally Implementation and detailed configuration of the creation of a VPN

    Public healthcare costs associated with long-term exposure to mixtures of persistent organic pollutants in two areas of Southern Spain: A longitudinal analysis

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    Background: Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides are persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that had been banned or restricted in many countries, including Spain. However, their ubiquity still poses environmental and human health threats. Objective: To longitudinally explore public healthcare costs associated with long-term exposure to a mixture of 8 POPs in a cohort of residents of two areas of Granada Province, Southern Spain. Methods: Longitudinal study in a subsample (n = 385) of GraMo adult cohort. Exposure assessment was performed by analyzing adipose tissue POP concentrations at recruitment. Average primary care (APC) and average hospital care (AHC) expenditures of each participant over 14 years were estimated using the data from their medical records. Data analyses were performed by robust MM regression, weighted quantile sum regression (WQS) and G-computation analysis. Results: In the adjusted robust MM models for APC, most POPs showed positive beta coefficients, being Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) significantly associated (beta 1.87; 95% Confidence interval (95%CI): 0.17, 3.57). The magnitude of this association increased (beta: 3.72; 95%CI: 0.80, 6.64) when the analyses were restricted to semirural residents, where p-HCH was also marginally-significantly associated to APC (beta: 3.40; 95%CI: -0.10, 6.90). WQS revealed a positive but non-significant mixture association with APC (beta: 0.14; 95%CI: -0.06, 0.34), mainly accounted for by p-HCH (54%) and HCB (43%), that was borderline-significant in the semi-rural residents (beta: 0.23; 95%CI: -0.01, 0.48). No significant results were observed in G-Computation analyses. Conclusion: Long-term exposure to POP mixtures might represent a modifiable factor increasing healthcare costs, thus affecting the efficiency of the healthcare systems. However, and owing the complexity of the potential causal pathways and the limitations of the present study, further research is warranted to fully elucidate ascertain whether interventions to reduce human exposure should be considered in healthcare policies.CIBER de Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain PI16/01858 PI18/01573 PI20/01568European CommissionRamon y Cajal Program (Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Spain) RYC-2016-20,155PFIS (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain) FI17/00310Universidad de Granada/CBU