109 research outputs found

    An Analysis Of Work-Related Learning Literature Focusing On Race And Ethnicity

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    Qualitative analysis of the literature in three domains of work-related learning points to a small but growing number of studies and conceptual articles focusing explicitly on race/ethnicity. Findings varied across the three domains of continuing professional education, human research development, and workforce development

    Amiloidosis en alcaravanes (Burhinus oedicnemus) en Mallorca

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    ¿Hay diferencias en las calificaciones de Fisiología utilizando metodología presencial versus híbrida como consecuencia de la pandemia?

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    [EN] As consequence of the restrictions on attendance in classrooms due to the pandemic, teaching has been adapted to avoid the limitations imposed by the capacity. In the 20/21 academic year, we have implemented the Hyflex methodology in the class-room combining the faceto-face teaching and remote teaching. To measure the impact of this new methodology in the subject of Physiology II of the Medicine degree, we have analyzed the student´s scores obtained in the theoretical exam comparing both courses, 20/21 hybrid course and 18/19 face-to-face course. The results show that these new teaching technologies make it easier to have an inmersive experience while the students are connected online, as demonstrated by the maintenance of the average grade. However, we consider that the students with technical or personal troubles require a greater effort to study at distance, therefore the attendance in the classroom is a substantial improvement to have succeed.[ES] Como consecuencia de las restricciones de presencialidad en las aulas debido a la pandemia, ha sido necesario adaptar la impartición de la docencia para superar las limitaciones impuestas por la suspensión de la presencialidad y el mantenimiento de los aforos . Nuestra universidad implantó la metodología Hyflex en el curso 20/21, de manera que los alumnos han compaginado la docencia presencial y remota. Para valorar el impacto en los alumnos de esta nueva metodología en la asignatura de Fisiología II del grado de Medicina, hemos analizado las notas obtenidas en el examen teórico de la convocatoria ordinaria comparando el curso 20/21 hibrido con el curso 18/19 totalmente presencial. Los resultados evidencian que implementar las aulas con la tecnología necesaria para habilitar el sistema Hyflex, favorece que los alumnos que no pueden acudir al aula tengan una experiencia en línea inmersiva, facilitándoles la sensación de inclusión y participación a tiempo real, como lo demuestra el mantenimiento de las medias de las notas. Sin embargo, consideramos que para aquellos alumnos que les supone un mayor esfuerzo el estudio a distancia por razones técnicas propias o por razones personales, la presencialidad supone una acción de mejora sustancial para aprobar la asignatura.Escudero, E.; Muñoz, U.; Sádaba, M.; Lavandera, J.; Sánchez-Vera, I. (2022). ¿Hay diferencias en las calificaciones de Fisiología utilizando metodología presencial versus híbrida como consecuencia de la pandemia?. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 184-194. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1584018419

    Upper Limb Portable Motion Analysis System Based on Inertial Technology for Neurorehabilitation Purpose

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    Here an inertial sensor-based monitoring system for measuring and analyzing upper limb movements is presented. The final goal is the integration of this motion-tracking device within a portable rehabilitation system for brain injury patients. A set of four inertial sensors mounted on a special garment worn by the patient provides the quaternions representing the patient upper limb’s orientation in space. A kinematic model is built to estimate 3D upper limb motion for accurate therapeutic evaluation. The human upper limb is represented as a kinematic chain of rigid bodies with three joints and six degrees of freedom. Validation of the system has been performed by co-registration of movements with a commercial optoelectronic tracking system. Successful results are shown that exhibit a high correlation among signals provided by both devices and obtained at the Institut Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital

    ERK 1/2 activation does not contribute to increased survival mediated by bone marrow cells after 90% partial hepatectomy in wistar rats

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    We investigated the influence of bone marrow cells upon activation of ERK ½ in an animal model of 90% PH. Phosphorylated ERK 1/2 was evaluated by western blot. No differences were found between the groups. Thus, increased survival does not appear to be mediated by ERK 1/2 activation

    Aplicación de Trabajo en Equipo y Logro Individual (TELI) en alumnos del Grado de Medicina

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    [EN] In the first semester of the academic year 2018 2019, the professors of Physiology at the Medicine School CEU San Pablo University, have used the collaborative learning modality TELI to teach Physiology of the Blood. To develop the TELI technique, the students were divided into two groups, one of them received the traditional Master Class and the other group received the TELI teaching. The students worked in the classroom forming groups of 4 people. At the beginning of each of the three blood topics, the teacher raised different questions and the students had 15 minutes to hold a brainstorming session and share their initial knowledge. After that, the students had to make a diary of notes following the ideas of brainstorming and consulting different sources such as the material of the Blackboard platform. Finally, the evaluation of the knowledge of each student was carried out with a written individual test. When comparing the successes in the answers of the questionnaire, the groups that did the collaborative work obtained better scores than those that did not. Nevertheless, the perception from the students about this methology was not very positive.[ES] Durante el primer semestre del actual curso académico 2018 2019 los profesores de Fisiología I del Grado de Medicina, han utilizado el aprendizaje colaborativo TELI en el bloque Fisiología de la Sangre. Para ello, los alumnos se distribuyeron en un grupo con el que se trabajó con TELI y otro, en el que se impartió la docencia con Clase Magistral. Para el desarrollo con TELI los alumnos trabajaron en el aula en equipos de 4 personas. Al inicio de cada uno de los tres temas de los que consta el bloque de Fisiología de la Sangre, el profesor planteó cuestiones y durante 15 minutos los alumnos, utilizando un Folio Caótico, realizaron una Lluvia de Ideas poniendo en común sus conocimientos previos sobre el tema a tratar. Después, se les proporcionó material didáctico elaborado por los profesores a través de la plataforma Blackboard. Posteriormente cada equipo, siguiendo la guía de sus Folios Caóticos, elaboró un Cuadernillo de Apuntes que fue evaluado en forma conjunta. Finalmente se evaluaron de forma individual los conocimientos utilizando un cuestionario escrito de tipo test. Comparando los aciertos en las respuestas, los grupos que hicieron el trabajo colaborativo obtuvieron mejor puntuación que los que no, pero la acogida de la metodología no ha sido muy positiva por parte de los alumnos.Escudero Lirola, E.; Sánchez-Vera, I.; Muñoz, U.; Barhoum, R.; Sadaba, MC.; Jayo, A. (2019). Aplicación de Trabajo en Equipo y Logro Individual (TELI) en alumnos del Grado de Medicina. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 617-627. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10433OCS61762


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    As a result of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, there is greater interest in a line of study that demonstrates how the measurement of student satisfaction in virtual education has positive impacts on the university education. In this sense, this research has two main purposes: (a) to describe the conceptualization and typology of satisfaction in virtual education; and (b) to identify the benefits and conditions of these in the training of students. The method has used the PRISMA confession of literature reviews and the inquiries were collected from data sources such as SCOPUS, ERIC and EBSCO Discovery Service. In accordance with the results, a total of 50 international studies have been selected which content contributes to the scientific literature on the systematization of conceptual criteria to categorize types of satisfaction and also the limiting and predominant factors such as the roles of the student and the teacher, the virtual course, connectivity, technology and institutional management. In addition, the benefits obtained in the personal, professional and social aspects of students, which are observed, identified, recognized and incorporated. Finally, it showed the need to develop indicators that delve into each of the conditions to achieve satisfaction.A raíz de la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2, se viene prestando mayor interés a una línea de estudio que demuestra cómo la medición de la satisfacción en la educación virtual tiene impactos positivos en la formación universitaria. En ese sentido, esta investigación presenta dos propósitos: (a) describir la conceptualización y tipología de la satisfacción en la educación virtual; y (b) identificar los beneficios y condiciones de estas en la instrucción. El método llevado a cabo, ha utilizado la declaración PRISMA de revisión sistemática y las pesquisas se recopilaron de fuentes de datos como Scopus, ERIC y EBSCO Discovery Service. En concordancia con los resultados, se ha seleccionado un total de 50 estudios internacionales, cuyo contenido aporta a la literatura científica en la sistematización de criterios conceptuales para categorizar tipos de satisfacción y también los factores condicionantes, limitantes y predominantes para la misma, como son los roles del estudiante y del profesor, el curso virtual, la conectividad, la tecnología y la gestión institucional. Además, se observan, identifican, reconocen e incorporan los beneficios obtenidos en los aspectos personales, profesionales y sociales del estudiantado. Finalmente, se expone la necesidad de desarrollar pesquisas que ahonden en cada una de las condiciones para alcanzar la satisfacción


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    El liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional son esenciales para el correcto desempeño de los docentes escolares. Intrínsecamente, este análisis busca identificar la influencia del liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional en los docentes mediante una revisión sistemática. Para ello, se realizó una selección de publicaciones internacionales y nacionales sobre el tema estudiado y se recopilaron 25 artículos que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Se infiere que la construcción de un clima adecuado es un fragmento trascendental de la ocupación de liderazgo de los dirigentes educativos, y una gran cantidad de estudios contemporáneos se centralizan en mostrar cómo influye los estilos de liderazgo transformacional en los docentes. Se deduce que el liderazgo de la autoridad de la escuela tiene una influencia positiva en el progreso del clima organizacional observado por los pedagogos; conjuntamente, la motivación emergió como el vehículo mediante el cual se influye en el clima escolar. Además, los saberes examinados concuerdan en que el líder escolar idóneo debe instaurar una distribución que genere fervor y suscite la colaboración de todos los integrantes de la institución.Managerial leadership and organizational climate are essential to the success of every principal, student, and school, yet data based on these themes need to be more consistent and convincing. Intrinsic to this domain, this review seeks to test how leadership and organizational climate influence pedagogues through a systematic review. To this end, a systematic selection of international and national publications on the topic under study was made, and 25 articles were selected that met the inclusion criteria. It is deduced that the construction of an adequate climate is a transcendental fragment of the leading occupation of educational leaders, and many contemporary studies focus on showing how it influences transformational leadership styles. It follows that school authority leadership positively influences the progress of organizational climate observed by educationalists; conjointly, motivation emerged as the vehicle by which school climate is influenced. In addition, the knowledge examined agrees that the ideal school leader must establish a distribution that generates fervor and arouses the collaboration of all the institution's members

    Income inequality and its relationship with loneliness prevalence: A cross-sectional study among older adults in the US and 16 European countries

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    BACKGROUNDS: The prevalence of loneliness increases among older adults, varies across countries, and is related to within-country socioeconomic, psychosocial, and health factors. The 2000-2019 pooled prevalence of loneliness among adults 60 years and older went from 5.2% in Northern Europe to 24% in Eastern Europe, while in the US was 56% in 2012. The relationship between country-level factors and loneliness, however, has been underexplored. Because income inequality shapes material conditions and relative social deprivation and has been related to loneliness in 11 European countries, we expected a relationship between income inequality and loneliness in the US and 16 European countries. METHODS: We used secondary cross-sectional data for 75,891 adults age 50+ from HRS (US 2014), ELSA (England, 2014), and SHARE (15 European countries, 2013). Loneliness was measured using the R-UCLA three-item scale. We employed hierarchical logistic regressions to analyse whether income inequality (GINI coefficient) was associated with loneliness prevalence. RESULTS: The prevalence of loneliness was 25.32% in the US (HRS), 17.55% in England (ELSA) and ranged from 5.12% to 20.15% in European countries (SHARE). Older adults living in countries with higher income inequality were more likely to report loneliness, even after adjusting for the sociodemographic composition of the countries and their Gross Domestic Products per capita (OR: 1.52; 95% CI: 1.17-1.97). DISCUSSION: Greater country-level income inequality was associated with higher prevalence of loneliness over and above individual-level sociodemographics. The present study is the first attempt to explore income inequality as a predictor of loneliness prevalence among older adults in the US and 16 European countries. Addressing income distribution and the underlying experience of relative deprivation might be an opportunity to improve older adults' life expectancy and wellbeing by reducing loneliness prevalence

    Hyperspectral reflectance measurements from UAS under intermittent clouds: Correcting irradiance measurements for sensor tilt

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    One great advantage of optical hyperspectral remote sensing from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) compared to satellite missions is the possibility to fly and collect data below clouds. The most typical scenario is flying below intermittent clouds and under turbulent conditions, which causes tilting of the platform. This study aims to advance hyperspectral imaging from UAS in most weather conditions by addressing two challenges: (i) the radiometric and spectral calibrations of miniaturized hyperspectral sensors; and (ii) tilting effects on measured downwelling irradiance. We developed a novel method to correct the downwelling irradiance data for tilting effects. It uses a hybrid approach of minimizing measured irradiance variations for constant irradiance periods and spectral unmixing, to calculate the spectral diffuse irradiance fraction for all irradiance measurements within a flight. It only requires the platform's attitude data and a standard incoming light sensor. We demonstrated the method at the Palo Verde National Park wetlands in Costa Rica, a highly biodiverse area. Our results showed that the downwelling irradiance correction method reduced systematic shifts caused by a change in flight direction of the UAS, by 87% and achieving a deviation of 2.78% relative to a on ground reference in terms of broadband irradiance. High frequency (< 3 s) irradiance variations caused by high-frequency tilting movements of the UAS were reduced by up to 71%. Our complete spectral and radiometric calibration and irradiance correction can significantly remove typical striped illumination artifacts in the surface reflectance-factor map product. The possibility of collecting precise hyperspectral reflectance-factor data from UAS under varying cloud cover makes it more operational for environmental monitoring or precision agriculture applications, being an important step in advancing hyperspectral imaging from UAS.Innovation Fund Denmark/[7048-00001B]/IFD/DinamarcaAgricultural Water Innovations in the Tropics/[]/AgWIT/CanadáUniversidad de Costa Rica/[805-C0-603]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Físic