977 research outputs found

    Aplicaciones Shiny como herramienta para la Estadística en Enseñanzas Medias

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    La Estadística posee un papel primordial en el desarrollo de la sociedad actual. Por ello, la enseñanza de la Estadística ha venido adquiriendo un mayor relieve en los currículos de Matemáticas del que se presentaba tradicionalmente en las Enseñanzas Medias. Utilizar una herramienta informática como apoyo para el estudio de esta parte de las materias de Matemáticas ayuda a mejorar el aprendizaje, motivar a los alumnos, aumentar su interés e incitarlos a que se sientan atraídos por esta ciencia. En el presente trabajo se ofrecen una serie de aplicaciones web interactivas, desarrolladas con el paquete estadístico R y específicamente Shiny. Estas aplicaciones recogen los contenidos de Estadística incluidos en las materias de Matemáticas en las Enseñanzas Medias. Además, se describe su uso de manera detallada para facilitar el manejo de estas aplicaciones a toda la comunidad educativa.Grado en Estadístic

    Propuesta de diseño arquitectónico Clínica del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos Belen - Flores - Santa Bárbara

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    Proyecto de graduación (Licenciatura en Arquitectura y Urbanismo) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2015.La Asociación Pro Clínica del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos Belén-Flores-Santa Bárbara ha crecido en pacientes de manera exponencial. La cantidad va desde 21 personas, en sus orígenes, hasta 1428 pacientes en el periodo comprendido desde enero a julio del 2012, según los datos estadísticos tomados por la Asociación. Actualmente se trabaja en una sección de las instalaciones de la Clínica Jorge Volio donde se han creado consultorios livianos que no reúnen las condiciones para la atención de pacientes ni para el manejo de equipos médicos. Por lo tanto se plantea el diseño de una infraestructura adecuada que dé una solución integral a las necesidades de los pacientes de la clínica antes mencionada

    A novel integrated platform enabling simultaneous microextraction and chemical analysis on-chip

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThe nature and size of biological, pharmaceutical or environmental analytes complicates their extraction and detection outside of laboratories and near the site of interest by the current chromatographic methods because they require the combination of bulky extraction and detection methods. In order to solve this inefficient centralized control, a ground-breaking and miniaturized proof of concept platform is developed in this work. The platform integrates for the very first time an electro-membrane extraction process and an accurate analyte quantification method in the same device, by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as analytical technique. The microfluidic flow cell, including the microfluidic components, is fabricated in polymeric materials by rapid prototyping techniques. It comprises a four-electrode platinum thin-film chip that enables the control of the microextraction and the full characterization of the process, i.e., extraction efficiency determination, at the same time. The microfluidic system has been simulated by using computational tools, enabling an accurate prediction of the effect of the different experimental conditions in the microextraction efficiency. The platform has been validated in the microextraction of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ketoprofen in a range from 0.5 ppm to 6 ppm. The predicted microextraction efficiency values obtained by EIS were compared with those calculated from the high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a diode array detector (HPLC-DAD), showing an excellent agreement. This validates the high potential of this integrated and miniaturized platform for the simultaneous extraction by electro-membrane and also the analysis within the platform, solving one of the of most important limitations of current systems

    A rapid and versatile microfluidic method for the simultaneous extraction of polar and non-polar basic pharmaceuticals from human urine

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    In sample preparation, simultaneous extraction of analytes of very different polarity from biological matrixes represents a challenge. In this work, verapamil hydrochloride (VRP), amitriptyline (AMP), tyramine (TYR), atenolol (ATN), metopropol (MTP) and nortriptyline (NRP) were used as basic model analytes and simultaneously extracted from urine samples by liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) in a microfluidic device. The model analytes (target compounds) were pharmaceuticals with 0.4 < log P < 5. Different organic solvents and mixtures of them were investigated as supported liquid membrane (SLM), and a mixture of 2:1 (v/v) tributyl phosphate (TBP) and dihexyl ether (DHE) was found to be highly efficient for the simultaneous extraction of the non-polar and polar model analytes. TBP reduced the intrinsic hydrophobicity of the SLM and facilitated extraction of polar analytes, while DHE served to minimize trapping of non-polar analytes. Sample and acceptor phase composition were adjusted to pH 12 and pH 1.5, respectively. Urine samples were pumped into the microfluidic system at 1 μL min-1 and the extraction was completed in 7 min. Recoveries exceeded 78% for the target analytes, and the relative standard deviation (n = 4) was below 7% in all cases. Using five microliters of SLM, the microfluidic extraction system showed good long-term stability, and the same SLM was used for more than 18 consecutive extractions.Agencia de Gestió d'Ajusts Universitaris i the Recerca 2017-SGR-329Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PGC2018-096608-B-C2

    Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the DOS questionnaire for the detection of orthorexic nervosa behavior

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    Introduction Orthorexia nervosa, a term used to describe an obsession with healthy eating, has been shown to have major health implications for those affected. The aim of this study was to validate a Spanish version of the Du¨ sseldorfer Ortorexie Skala (DOS), a questionnaire for the detection of orthorexic behavior. Methods A cross-sectional study comprising a total sample of 492 Spanish participants recruited from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, and randomly divided into two groups. The following tools were applied: the DOS and the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2). The factorial structures were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis. Results The internal consistency of the DOS-ES was α = .841. The exploratory factor analysis has revealed the existence of a single factor with factor loadings ranging from .508 to .802. A confirmatory factor analysis was applied to the second half of the random sample in order to confirm the factor solution. Conclusion The Spanish adaptation of the DOS-ES is proven to be a reliable and valid questionnaire for evaluating the obsessive tendency towards healthy eating among university students

    Artesanía, una producción local para mercados globales. El caso de Amatenango del Valle, Chiapas México

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    En este trabajo se examina el caso de la alfarería artesanal de Amatenango del Valle, Chiapas con el objetivo de plantear posibilidades para alentar la producción de artesanía, entendida como oficio comunitario y local, hacia mercados globales

    Toward sustainable and Cost-Effective CO2 conversion processes to Propylene Carbonate based on ionic liquids

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    The use of ionic liquids (ILs) for CO2 capture and utilization into a valuable product is attracting interest even though literature evaluating their sustainability is scarce. A liquid–liquid extraction (LLE)-based separation is recently proposed as an alternative to the high energy-consuming distillation-based reference approach to produce propylene carbonate (PC). In this work, the environmental impacts associated to the distillation-based reference and two proposed LLE-based approaches to produce PC are evaluated by means of process modeling and life cycle impact assessment tools. Simulations prove that tuning operating variables in terms of environmental benefits also improves the cost-effectiveness of the process. In addition, sustainability of the processes is nearly not altered by the IL selection when an effective recovery is designed. The emissions associated to the proposed approaches vary between 0.12 and 0.22 kg CO2 equiv. per kgPC, while the operational costs range from 3 to 8 $ per tPC. The water-mediated LLE-based approach imposes the best environmental, capital expenditures, and operating expenses performanceThe authors are very grateful to Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (project PID2020-118259RB-I00) and Comunidad de Madrid (P2018/EMT4348) for financial support. The authors also thank Centro de Computación Científica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for computational facilities. E.H. thanks Spanish Ministerio de Universidades for awarding an FPU grant (FPU20/03198

    Diseño e instalación de un sistema de riego por microaspersión para el cultivo de plátano, Musa asp, variedad cuerno enano en la finca la Porfía, municipio de Malpaisillo, departamento de León

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    Presenta el diseño e instalación de un sistema de riego por microaspersión para el cultivo de plátano, Musa asp, variedad cuerno enano en la finca la Porfía, municipio de Malpaisillo, departamento de León en el cual se presentan las propiedades microfísicas del suelo y las condiciones edafoclimaticas de la zona, así como el diseño agronómico e hidráulico del sistema