630 research outputs found

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Nurses and Auxiliary Nursing Care Technicians—A Voluntary Online Survey

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    Pandemics impose an immense psychological burden on healthcare workers due to a combination of workplace stressors and personal fears. Nurses and auxiliary nursing care technicians (ANCTs) are on the front line of this pandemic and form the largest group in healthcare practice. The aim of this study is to determine the symptoms of depression and/or anxiety among nurses and ANCTs during the periods known as the first wave (March–June) and second wave (September– November) of theCOVID-19 pandemic in Spain. An observational cross-sectional study was carried out using an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire among nurses and ANCTs practising in Spain. During the first period, 68.3% and 49.6% of the subjects presented anxiety and depression, respectively, decreasing in the second period (49.5% for anxiety and 35.1% for depression). There were statistically significant differences between the different categories and periods (p < 0.001). The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively influenced mental health in nurses and ANCTs. Mental health should be monitored and coping strategies promoted to improve the health, productivity and efficiency of these professionals

    Estudio de la frecuentación del Servicio de Urgencias del Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Palencia

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    Introducción: La fluctuación de pacientes en los Servicios de Urgencias Hospitalarias, ha aumentado exponencialmente durante la última década en nuestro país. Este fenómeno provoca una saturación en el servicio que dificulta la atención adecuada, favorece el error profesional, aumenta los tiempos de espera y reduce la satisfacción global del paciente. Objetivos: Conocer los tiempos de espera de los pacientes, en el Servicio de Urgencias Hospitalarias de Palencia; observar si los pacientes que demandan atención urgente acuden por orden facultativa o por iniciativa propia y determinar las características sociodemográficas de los pacientes que acuden al Servicio. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, llevado a cabo en el Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Río Carrión de Palencia durante la semana del 16 al 22 de marzo de 2015. Las variables a estudio, fueron recogidas del libro informático de registro de dicho Servicio. Resultados: La muestra total corresponde a 889 casos, la edad media fue de 51 años y el 51,3% fueron mujeres. Los pacientes entre 81 y 90 años asistieron con más asiduidad al Servicio. La frecuencia resultó mayor en el turno matutino, existiendo una hora de máxima atención a las 12 de la mañana y siendo el lunes el día de mayor afluencia. 366 paciente fueron triados con un nivel III de urgencia (41,2%) y 512 casos (57,6%) acudieron al Servicio por orden facultativa. 231 casos requirieron hospitalización (26%). El tiempo medio de espera desde la filiación administrativa hasta el triage, fue de 8 minutos. El tiempo de espera desde la clasificación a la atención médica, fue superior al protocolizado en cada nivel de urgencia. Conclusiones: El porcentaje de pacientes que acude por orden facultativa es elevado, a pesar de ello, un alto porcentaje podría haber sido tratado en niveles asistenciales primarios para evitar el colapso en este Servicio.Grado en Enfermerí

    Uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación para la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas a Alumnos con Minusvalía Visual

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    En este artículo se pretende llevar a cabo una presentación de las herramientas tecnológicas que podemos utilizar en nuestra labor docente cotidiana como elemento integrador de aquellos alumnos que poseen minusvalía visual, de modo que como profesionales podamos atender la necesidad educativa de éstos, a la vez que garantizamos un apropiado aprendizaje de los contenidosmatemáticos establecidos por el currículo. Se presentará de manera explícita el abordaje de aquellos contenidos que involucran representaciones gráficas, tales como los relacionados con la estadística, geometría, funciones o trigonometría. Se expone información sobre el uso del software Quick Tac 4.0 versión beta combinado con Quick Tac 3.1, Math Trax, Vozme, y la impresión de documento en braille mediante las máquinas de impresión Juliet Pro 60, o Book Maker entre otras

    Analysis of students’ lack of understanding in the English class in the eighth grade, at Monseñor Rafael Ángel Reyes Public School, Diriomo-Granada, in the first semester of 2015.

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    The main objective of this research is to analyze the Students’ lack of understanding in the English class, in the eighth grade at Monseñor Rafael Ángel Reyes public school, Diriomo city-Granada department in the first semester of 2015. In order to carry out this research, it was used a wide variety of instruments that facilitated the compilation of useful data for the achievement of the objectives. Among the instruments, it is mentioned interviews with the English teachers from the school in question, survey and class observation. In order to gather necessary data, it was prudent to give a survey to the 34 students of eighth grade and, it was administered two interviews to the English teachers. To enhance the relevance of the research and provide better understanding of students’ behavior, how they embrace the English class, classroom observations were made. This also allowed for observations of the teachers’ proficiency, her methodology, and the appropriateness of the subjects to the students’ level. All of this research was gathered to discover the main reasons why students have low understanding in their English classes as well as how these reasons affect their performance. In conclusion, the low understanding of the English class is due to: short class sessions, lack of supporting material, low motivation, and low contact with the target language

    Evaluación del recubrimiento fosfatante: Wash primer expuesto a cámara de niebla salina

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    En ingeniería, la corrosión es un problema frecuente y su peligrosidad está en que ataca a los materiales metálicos debilitando todas y cada una de sus propiedadaes. Este fenómeno consiste en la degradación de materiales como el acero, deteriorando máquinas, equipo industrial y obras civiles. Lo que acarrea pérdidas económicas e impacto ambiental. En esta investigación se evalúan las láminas de acero Cold Rolled, protegidas con recubrimiento fosfatante Wash Primer, sometidas a corrosión acelerada en cámara de niebla salina, bajo en la norma ASTM B117 así mismo, se evalúa el comportamiento y la capacidad como inhibidor de la corrosión del recubrimiento fosfatante Wash Primer de la empresa colombiana CARALZ SAS

    Factors which influence the lean mass loss in cancer patients

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    Introducción: el cáncer es una enfermedad de gran importancia sanitaria debido a las consecuencias físicas y funcionales que conlleva. Entre estas consecuencias está la desnutrición, que puede provocar una pérdida de masa magra y con ello una disminución de la calidad de vida, aumento de las estancias hospitalarias, costes sanitarios, etc. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer qué factores influyen en la pérdida de masa magra. Material y métodos: se trata de un estudio transversal en una muestra de 72 pacientes que reciben tratamiento radioterápico con finalidad curativa en un período comprendido entre el 7 de febrero y el 14 de mayo de 2014. Resultados: del total de pacientes se estudiaron 64, de los cuales el 43,7% presentan pérdida de masa magra, siendo el porcentaje de 21,8% los pacientes que pierden 5%, el 17,2% de los pacientes. De entre los factores estudiados que pueden influir en la pérdida de masa magra, solo la presencia de síntomas digestivos poseen significación estadísitca (OR = 3,3 o 6,6, según tomemos como referencia el porcentaje de pérdida). Conclusiones: el objetivo del personal sanitario que trabaja con estos pacientes de evitar las consecuencias que acompañan a la pérdida de masa magra. Por todo esto, es importante actuar antes de la aparición de síntomas digestivos, mediante la prevención de los mismos, o la aplicación precoz de una intervención nutricional individualizada.Introduction: cancer is an important illness in the sanitary field due to phisic and functional consequences involved in it. Among these consequences there is the malnutrition which can cause a loss of lean mass and with it a decrease in the Quality of Life, an increase in hospital stays, social and health costs and so on.The aim of this research is to know which factors can influence in the loss of the lean mass. Material and methods: it is a cross-sectional study in a sample of 72 patients who receive a radiotherapy with curative intent during a period from February 07th and May 14th, 2014. Results: from this pattern Of the total 64 patients were studied, of which 43.7% of the patients presented loss of lean mass, with 21.8% the percentage of patients losing 5%, 17.2% of patients. Among the factors studied that can influence the loss of lean mass, only the presence of digestive symptoms have statistical significance (OR = 3.3 or 6.6, as we take as a reference the percentage loss). Conclusions: the aim of the health staff who are working with these patients is to avoid the consequences that accompanies the loss of lean mass. For all this, it is very important to act before the digestive symptoms, by anticipating to them, or early implementation of an individualized nutritional intervention

    Procesado de imágenes para plataformas móviles

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    W2B es una aplicación móvil, desarrollada para ser ejecutada bajo el sistema operativo de código abierto Android, que ofrece al usuario de una manera muy intuitiva la posibilidad de acceder a tiendas online donde comprar prendas de vestir extraídas de una imagen dada. Dicha imagen podrá ser tomada en el acto a través de la cámara o estar almacenada en el dispositivo (Galería). Es decir, a partir de una imagen de entrada que será segmentada y una breve descripción del producto, el usuario obtendrá las tres prendas de ropa que el sistema considere que menos difieren de la original y el enlace a su correspondientes tiendas online donde podrá efectuar la compra, entre las candidatas obtenidas desde Google o de la búsqueda directa en la tienda online de ropa. El usuario podrá seleccionar entre tres niveles de precisión; alto, medio y bajo, con estos niveles el usuario definirá indirectamente el tiempo de procesamiento, dependiendo de los resultados que quiera obtener. También podrá decidir buscar las imágenes candidatas mediante la API de Google o directamente en la tienda online Zalando. [ABSTRACT] W2B is a mobile application, developed under an open source code and to be executed with the Android OS. The W2B application offers the user, the possibility to access online stores websites in a very intuitive manner to buy clothes extracted from any given image. The image is taken on the go by the camera or could already be stored in memory (Gallery). The user will click (select) one image, that will be segmented, as well as a brief description of the product and the system will provide three alternatives based on the lower grade of differing from the original image and link to its corresponding online website stores among the candidates obtained from Google or from the direct search of the clothes online store website itself. The user will be able to select between three accuracy levels; low, medium and high, with these levels the user will define indirectly the processing time, depending on the results he/she wants to obtain. The user will also be able to decide between searching the images obtain from Google or directly on the online store website, such as Zalando

    Systematic Review of Therapeutic Physical Exercise in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis over Time

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    Background: the main objective of this study was to analyze the potential short-, medium- and long-term effects of a therapeutic physical exercise (TFE) programme on the functionality of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients, measured with the Revised Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Scale (ALSFRS-R) scale. Methods: a systematic review of the PubMed, SCOPUS, Cochrane, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDline) databases was carried out. The information was filtered using the following Medical Subjects Heading (MeSH) terms: "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis", "Physical Therapy", and "Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine". The internal validity of the selected documents was evaluated using the PEDro scale. The study included clinical trials published in the last 5 years in which one of the interventions was therapeutic physical exercise in patients with ALS, using the ALSFRS-R as the main outcome variable and functional variables as secondary variables. Results: 10 clinical trials were analyzed, with an internal validity of 5-7 points. The TFE groups showed significant short-, medium- and long-term differences, obtaining a mean difference of 5.8 points compared to the 7.6 points obtained by the control groups, at six months, measured with ALSFRS-R. In addition, the participants showed significant improvements in functional abilities in the short, medium and long terms. Conclusions: Therapeutic physical exercise could contribute to slowing down the deterioration of the musculature of patients with ALS, thus facilitating their performance in activities of daily living, based on the significant differences shown by these individuals in the short, medium and long term both in subjective perception, measured with ALSFRS-R, and functional capacities

    Enteral Nutrition by Nasogastric Tube in Adult Patients under Palliative Care: A Systematic Review

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    Nutritional management of patients under palliative care can lead to ethical issues, especially when Enteral Nutrition (EN) is prescribed by nasogastric tube (NGT). The aim of this review is to know the current status in the management of EN by NG tube in patients under palliative care, and its effect in their wellbeing and quality of life. The following databases were used: PubMed, Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, Scielo, Embase and Medline. After inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, as well as different qualities screening, a total of three entries were used, published between 2015 and 2020. In total, 403 articles were identified initially, from which three were selected for this review. The use of NGT caused fewer diarrhea episodes and more restrictions than the group that did not use NG tubes. Furthermore, the use of tubes increased attendances to the emergency department, although there was no contrast between NGT and PEG devices. No statistical difference was found between use of tubes (NGT and PEG) or no use, with respect to the treatment of symptoms, level of comfort, and satisfaction at the end of life. Nevertheless, it improved hospital survival compared with other procedures, and differences were found in hospital stays in relation to the use of other probes or devices. Finally, there are not enough quality studies to provide evidence on improving the health status and quality of life of the use of EN through NGT in patients receiving palliative care. For this reason, decision making in this field must be carried out individually, weighing the benefits and damages that they can cause in the quality of life of the patients

    Perfil lipídico, antropométrico y condición física de estudiantes deportistas universitarios

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    Introduction: Recognizing aspects such as lipid profile, body composition and physical composition of athletes can avoid recurrent errors in sports training. Objective: To establish the lipid, anthropometric and physical condition profile of students belonging to the sports teams of the University of Quindío. Materials and methods: Members of 14 sports teams were valued in their anthropometric measurements according to the guidelines of the International Society for the Advancement in Kinanthropometric (ISAK). For this, different tests were applied to determine strength, speed, resistance and flexibility and commercial kits were used to establish the lipid profile. Results: The population has normal ranges of lipid profile. Regarding the anthropometric profile, averages of fat percentage were found above those that are considered normal for athletes, although they correspond to the normality of the population in general. On a conditional level, flexibility was the capacity with lower averages from those considered as acceptable ranks. Conclusions: It is necessary to look for strategies to improve aspects such as: levels of fatty percentage and flexibility, which in some participants are not in line with the established ranges for performance athletes