47 research outputs found

    De las TICs a las TACs : la importancia de crear contenidos educativos digitales

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    El progreso tecnol贸gico y el desarrollo de sistemas inform谩ticos de las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, unido a su impacto en nuestra vida cotidiana, ha provocado un replanteamiento de las metodolog铆as de ense帽anza-aprendizaje en las aulas, permitiendo la incorporaci贸n en las aulas de las TICs y las TACs y as铆, favoreciendo el modelo TPACK, que implica el uso de contenidos educativos digitales en las aulas, por lo que se hace indispensable el desarrollo de la competencia digital de los docentes, que a su vez fomentar谩 el desarrollo de la competencia digital de los alumnos, garantizando una educaci贸n y un proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje adaptado a la sociedad del siglo XXI.Technological progress and the development of computer systems in recent decades, along with its impact on our daily lives has led to the emergence of the teaching-learning methodologies in the classroom, allowing the incorporation of ICT management and LTK in the classrooms, and thus favoring the TPACK model, which involves the use of digital educational content in the classrooms, so it is essential to the development of digital competence of teachers, which in turn promote the development of digital competence of students, thereby ensuring an education and teaching-learning process adapted to the XXI century

    From ICTs to the Learning Technologies Knowledge (LTK) : the importance of digital educational content

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    El progreso tecnol贸gico y el desarrollo de sistemas inform谩ticos de las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, unido a su impacto en nuestra vida cotidiana, ha provocado un replanteamiento de las metodolog铆as de ense帽anza-aprendizaje en las aulas, permitiendo la incorporaci贸n en las aulas de las TICs y las TACs y as铆, favoreciendo el modelo TPACK, que implica el uso de contenidos educativos digitales en las aulas, por lo que se hace indispensable el desarrollo de la competencia digital de los docentes, que a su vez fomentar谩 el desarrollo de la competencia digital de los alumnos, garantizando una educaci贸n y un proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje adaptado a la sociedad del siglo XXI.Technological progress and the development of computer systems in recent decades, along with its impact on our daily lives has led to the emergence of the teaching-learning methodologies in the classroom, allowing the incorporation of ICT management and LTK in the classrooms, and thus favoring the TPACK model, which involves the use of digital educational content in the classrooms, so it is essential to the development of digital competence of teachers, which in turn promote the development of digital competence of students, thereby ensuring an education and teaching-learning process adapted to the XXI century

    An谩lisis metodol贸gico para el desempe帽o ambiental en estructuras de saneamiento a fin de mitigar efectos de los contaminantes emergentes

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    El presente estudio se enfoca en realizar un aporte metodol贸gico en relaci贸n al desempe帽o ambiental en la construcci贸n de redes de alcantarillado combinado, aplicando normas ISO 14040, 14044 mediante An谩lisis de Ciclo de vida, como una alternativa en la gesti贸n ambiental implementando mejoras en el desempe帽o ambiental de los聽 dise帽os de sistemas de alcantarillado a fin de mitigar contaminaci贸n h铆drica debido a contaminantes emergentes no tratados, por tanto los resultados de la investigaci贸n brinda la informaci贸n necesaria reducci贸n de impactos ambientales en la construcci贸n de redes de alcantarillado, siendo gu铆a innovadora ambiental basado en experiencias t茅cnicas y bibliogr谩ficas

    Methodological Analysis for Environmental Performance in sanitation structures in order to mitigate the effects of emerging pollutants

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    El presente estudio se enfoca en realizar un aporte metodol贸gico en relaci贸n al desempe帽o ambiental en la construcci贸n de redes de alcantarillado combinado, aplicando normas ISO 14040, 14044 mediante An谩lisis de Ciclo de vida, como una alternativa en la gesti贸n ambiental implementando mejoras en el desempe帽o ambiental de los  dise帽os de sistemas de alcantarillado a fin de mitigar contaminaci贸n h铆drica debido a contaminantes emergentes no tratados, por tanto los resultados de la investigaci贸n brinda la informaci贸n necesaria reducci贸n de impactos ambientales en la construcci贸n de redes de alcantarillado, siendo gu铆a innovadora ambiental basado en experiencias t茅cnicas y bibliogr谩ficas.The present study focuses on making a methodological contribution in relation to environmental performance in the construction of combined sewerage networks, applying ISO 14040, 14044 standards through Life Cycle Analysis, as an alternative in environmental management implementing improvements in environmental performance of the designs of sewerage systems in order to mitigate water pollution due to emerging untreated pollutants, therefore the results of the research provide the necessary information to decrease  environmental impacts in the construction of sewerage networks, being an innovative environmental guide based on technical experiences and bibliographic sources

    Improvement of Bearing Capacity in Recycled Aggregates Suitable for Use as Unbound Road Sub-Base

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    Recycled concrete aggregates and mixed recycled aggregates are specified as types of aggregates with lower densities, higher water absorption capacities, and lower mechanical strength than natural aggregates. In this paper, the mechanical behaviour and microstructural properties of natural aggregates, recycled concrete aggregates and mixed recycled aggregates were compared. Different specimens of unbound recycled mixtures demonstrated increased resistance properties. The formation of new cement hydrated particles was observed, and pozzolanic reactions were discovered by electronon microscopy in these novel materials. The properties of recycled concrete aggregates and mixed recycled aggregates suggest that these recycled materials can be used in unbound road layers to improve their mechanical behaviour in the long ter

    驴Qu茅 pasa si me pica una ara帽a radioactiva? Actividad sobre transformaciones con los verbos de cambio

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    The objective of this practical exercise is to provide an amusing way to learn how to use verbs of change. First, students must describe in detail an image of a character (provided on cards with pictures of people or monsters on them). They then receive another card which describes a situation that causes their character to transform. Now the students must give another description of their character, paying particular attention to the transformations it has undergone

    Evoluci贸n de los modelos de la gesti贸n de innovaci贸n (Evolution of innovation administration models)

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    Abstract. In this study the tools are analyzed to cause that the PyMEs looks for to be more competitive in the market. The different proposals will appear on the Models of the Innovation Process from already existing and they will focus in the variables that conform these models compatible to analyze each one of the proposals made by the different authors and to integrate a new proposal of variables as a hypothesis that integrates a Model that allows the Pymes of Nuevo Leon to be innovating. Resumen. En este estudio se analizan las herramientas para hacer que las PyMEs busquen ser m谩s competitivas en el mercado. Se presentar谩n las diferentes propuestas sobre los Modelos de Gesti贸n de la Innovaci贸n ya existentes y se enfocar谩n en las variables que conforman estos modelos af铆n de analizar cada una de las propuestas realizadas por los distintos autores e integrar una nueva propuesta de variables como hip贸tesis que integre un Modelo que permita a las Pymes de Nuevo Le贸n ser innovadoras

    Creatividad organizacional como un factor clave en el proceso de gesti贸n de la innovaci贸n para el desarrollo de nuevos productos, sector de estudio las PyMEs (Organizational creativity as a key element in the process of innovation management for new product development, SME sector study)

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study is to analyze organizational creativity as a key element in the process of product innovation. Analyzing some manage models for organizational creativity presented by various authors who have studied this phenomenon. Also, this element of Organizational Creativity stems from a doctoral study in which this variable is considered as the contribution to a new management model for the innovation process in developing new products for the SME sector. The analysis of results and conclusions are derived from a study of 34 samples to the industry of information technology in Nuevo Le贸n, M茅xico. Resumen. El prop贸sito del estudio es analizar a la creatividad organizacional como un elemento clave en el proceso de innovaci贸n de producto. Se analizan los modelos existentes para gestionar a la creatividad organizacional, presentando las diferentes propuestas por distintos autores que han estudiado este fen贸meno. As铆 mismo, este elemento de Creatividad Organizacional se deriva de un estudio doctoral en el que esta variable es considerada como el aporte a un nuevo modelo de gesti贸n para el proceso de innovaci贸n en el desarrollo de nuevos productos para el sector de las PyMEs. El an谩lisis de resultados y las conclusiones se presentan a partir de un estudio de 34 muestras a la industria de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n en Nuevo Le贸n, M茅xico

    Generalidades del comercio exterior, (mercantilismo, librecambismo, bilaterismo, multilaterismo) y la incidencia en la estructura global

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    CD-T 382 A31;36 p.Esta monograf铆a aborda las generalidades del comercio exterior, fundamentada en la investigaci贸n sobre los modelos econ贸micos a nivel mundial, adem谩s de su importancia y el desarrollo que ha venido teniendo, con el fin de realizar un an谩lisis de lo que conllevan las relaciones internacionales, y la globalizaci贸n, actualmente.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Ranking the impact of human health disorders on gut metabolism: Systemic lupus erythematosus and obesity as study cases

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    Multiple factors have been shown to alter intestinal microbial diversity. It remains to be seen, however, how multiple collective pressures impact the activity in the gut environment and which, if any, is positioned as a dominant driving factor determining the final metabolic outcomes. Here, we describe the results of a metabolome-wide scan of gut microbiota in 18 subjects with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 17 healthy control subjects and demonstrate a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the two groups. Healthy controls could be categorized (p < 0.05) based on their body mass index (BMI), whereas individuals with SLE could not. We discuss the prevalence of SLE compared with BMI as the dominant factor that regulates gastrointestinal microbial metabolism and provide plausible explanatory causes. Our results uncover novel perspectives with clinical relevance for human biology. In particular, we rank the importance of various pathophysiologies for gut homeostasis.The present investigation was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the ERA NET PathoGenoMics2 program, grant number 0315441A. This work was further funded by grants BFU2008-04501-E, BFU2008-04398-E, SAF2009-13032-C02-01, SAF2012-31187 and CSD2007-00005, BIO2011-25012, AGL2010-14952 and AGL2006-11697/ALI from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and Prometeo/2009/092 from Generalitat Valenciana (Spain). The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)