77 research outputs found

    Relating Voluntary Turnover with Job Characteristics, Satisfaction and Work Exhaustion - An Initial Study with Brazilian Developers

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    High rates of turnover among software developers remain, involving additional costs of hiring and training. Voluntary turnover may be due to workplace issues or personal career decisions, but it might as well relate to Job Characteristics, or even Job Satisfaction and Work Exhaustion. This paper reports on an initial study which quantitatively measured those constructs among 78 software developers working in Brazil who left their jobs voluntarily. For this, we adapted well-known survey instruments, namely the JDS from Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristics Model, and Maslach et al.'s Burnout Measurement. In average, developers demonstrated low to moderate autonomy (3.75, on a 1-7 scale) and satisfaction (4.08), in addition to moderate exhaustion (4.2) before leaving their jobs, while experiencing high task significance (5.15). Also, testers reported significantly lower job satisfaction than programmers. These results allow us to raise interesting hypotheses to be addressed by future studies.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, 3 tables. Final version for ICSE CHASE 201

    Remote sensing applications for mapping large wildfires based on machine learning and time series in Northwestern Portugal

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    Mapping large wildfires (LW) is essential for environmental applications and enhances the understanding of the dynamics of affected areas. Remote sensing techniques supported by machine learning and time series have been increasingly used in studies addressing this issue and have shown potential for this type of analysis. The main aim of this article is to develop a methodology for mapping LW in northwestern Portugal using a machine learning algorithm and time series from Landsat images. For the burnt area classification, we initially used the Fourier harmonic model to define outliers in the time series that represented pixels of possible burnt areas and, then, we applied the random forest classifier for the LW classification. The results indicate that the harmonic analysis provided estimates with the actual observed values of the NBR index; thus, the pixels classified by random forest were only those that were masked, collaborated in the processing, and reduced possible spectral confusion between targets with similar behaviour. The burnt area maps revealed that ~23.5% of the territory was burnt at least once from 2001 to 2020. The temporal variability of the burnt area indicated that, on average, 6.504 hectares were affected by LW within the 20 years. The annual burnt area varied over the years, with the minimum annual area detected in 2014 (679.5 hectares) and the maximum mapped area detected in 2005 (73,025.1 hectares). We concluded that the process of defining the mask with the outliers considerably reduced the universe of pixels to be classified within each image, which leaves the training of the classifier focused on separating the set of pixels into two groups with very similar spectral characteristics, thus contributing so that the separation of groups with similar spectral behaviour was performed automatically and without great sampling effort. The method showed satisfactory accuracy results with little omission for burnt areas.This research was funded by Portuguese funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within the scope of the research project “EcoFire—O valor económico dos incêndios florestais como suporte ao comportamento preventivo”, reference PCIF/AGT/0153/2018


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611707679In this work we performed a diagnostic environmental bakeries in the city of Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte. The study consisted of a survey applied as objective knowledge lead to extension of technologies and practices of environmental management in the bakery segment companies. From the point of view of the objectives, it is a descriptive exploratory study, which aims to describe the problem under discussion, seeking to characterize the object of study. Following the methodology of the research was carried out a descriptive analysis of the variables of interest in the study. The data were collected through a survey on the spot, with the completion of a specific questionnaire. The results showed an improvement in the licensing procedures of the municipality, since most of the enterprises surveyed were in the process of rectification. However, best practices proactive management of water resources, solid waste, and noise and air emissions require significant improvements.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611707679 Neste trabalho é realizado um diagnostico ambiental em panificadoras da cidade de Mossoró, estado do Rio Grande do Norte. O estudo constituiu de uma pesquisa aplicada, pois objetiva levar conhecimentos para extensão das tecnologias e práticas de gerenciamento ambiental em empresas do segmento da panificação. Do ponto de vista dos objetivos, trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo, o qual visa descrever a problemática em discussão, buscando caracterizar o objeto de estudo. Seguindo a metodologia da pesquisa, realizou-se a análise descritiva das variáveis de interesse no estudo. Os dados foram levantados por meio de pesquisa in loco, com o preenchimento de um questionário específico. Os resultados demonstraram um avanço nos procedimentos de licenciamento do município, visto que a maioria dos empreendimentos pesquisados estavam em fase de regularização. Entretanto, as práticas proativas de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos, resíduos sólidos, ruído e emissões atmosféricas requerem melhorias significativas.

    Assessment of vegetation regrowth and spatial patterns and severity factors of wildfires in wildland-urban interface - the case of the large wildfire in Baião (2019)

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    Portugal is one of the countries most affected by forest fires in southern Europe, with recurrent events and frequent impacts. The demographic and social changes that have occurred in rural areas have driven land neglect in recent years, which, in turn, influences forest management and wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas that are related to fires. Therefore, it is the aim of this study to develop a case study in the municipality of Baião, based on the large wildfire (LWF) of 2019, defining and mapping the WUI areas, as well as evaluate, the recurrence, the GIF severity and in a period of 2 years, the regeneration of vegetation, in areas with different land uses and affected by different severities. The study was organized into 4 stages, being that in the first proceeded to the mapping of fire occurrences, the second of the wildland-urban interfaces, the third the characterization of the recurrence of large fires, the fourth corresponded to the evaluation of the severity of the large wildfire of 2019 and the evaluation of the vegetation regeneration, as a function of land use. The WUI represent 26.7% of the territory of the municipality of Baião, during the years 2001 to 2021 the municipality registered 3 770 fire occurrences. The LWF of Baião burned an area corresponding to 853 ha, the burned area in 2019 presented a maximum number of 12 fires between the years of 1975 to 2019, resulting in a maximum degree of 11 recurrences for the same area. We can verify that 2 years after the LWF, the area occupied by forest and scrub classes, which were hit by high severity, already showed significant levels of vegetation regeneration. With this, the main conclusions consider studies in this line contribute to the understanding of the patterns created by the wildfire in different landscapes, being information valuable for forest managers to understand the consequences (beneficial or not) and plan actions of prevention, restoration, and environmental education

    Modulação autonômica da pressão arterial e variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca em ratos hipertensos e diabéticos

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the autonomic modulation of the cardiovascular system in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), evaluating baroreflex sensitivity and arterial pressure and heart rate variability. METHODS: Male SHR were divided in control (SHR) and diabetic (SHR+DM, 5 days after STZ) groups. Arterial pressure (AP) and baroreflex sensitivity (evaluated by tachycardic and bradycardic responses to changes in AP) were monitored. Autoregressive spectral estimation was performed for systolic AP (SAP) and pulse interval (PI) with oscillatory components quantified as low (LF:0.2-0.6Hz) and high (HF:0.6-3.0Hz) frequency ranges. RESULTS: Mean AP and heart rate in SHR+DM (131±3 mmHg and 276±6 bpm) were lower than in SHR (160±7 mmHg and 330±8 bpm). Baroreflex bradycardia was lower in SHR+DM as compared to SHR (0.55±0.1 vs. 0.97±0.1 bpm/mmHg). Overall SAP variability in the time domain (standard deviation of beat-by-beat time series of SAP) was lower in SHR+DM (3.1±0.2 mmHg) than in SHR (5.7±0.6 mmHg). The standard deviation of the PI was similar between groups. Diabetes reduced the LF of SAP (3.3±0.8 vs. 28.7±7.6 mmHg2 in SHR), while HF of SAP were unchanged. The power of oscillatory components of PI did not differ between groups. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that the association of hypertension and diabetes causes an impairment of the peripheral cardiovascular sympathetic modulation that could be, at least in part, responsible for the reduction in AP levels. Moreover, this study demonstrates that diabetes might actually impair the reduced buffer function of the baroreceptors while reducing blood pressure.OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a modulação autonômica do sistema cardiovascular em ratos espontâneamente hipertensos (SHR) e diabéticos por estreptozotocina (STZ), avaliando a sensibilidade do reflexo barorreceptor e a variabilidade da pressão arterial e da freqüência cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Ratos SHR machos foram divididos em grupos controle (SHR) e diabéticos (SHR+DM, 5 dias após STZ). A pressão arterial (PA) e a sensibilidade dos barorreceptores (avaliada pelas respostas taquicárdicas e bradicárdicas a alterações da PA) foram monitoradas. Os sinais de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e o intervalo de pulso (IP) foram analisados no domínio do tempo e da freqüência pelo método autoregressivo sendo quantificados os componentes oscilatórios de baixa (BF: 0,2-0,6Hz) e alta (AF:0,6-3,0Hz) freqüência. RESULTADOS: A PA média e a freqüência cardíaca estavam reduzidas no grupo SHR+DM (131±3 mmHg e 276±6 bpm) em relação ao grupo SHR (160±7 mmHg e 330±8 bpm). A bradicardia reflexa a aumentos de PA estava atenuada no grupo SHR+DM quando comparada ao grupo SHR (0,55±0,1 vs 0,97±0,1 bpm/mmHg). A variabilidade da PAS no domínio do tempo (desvio padrão batimento-a-batimento da série temporal da PAS) foi menor no grupo SHR+DM (3,1±0,2 mmHg) quando comparada ao grupo SHR (5,7±0,6 mmHg). O desvio padrão do IP foi semelhante entre os grupos. O diabetes reduziu o componente BF da PAS (3,3±0,8 vs 28,7±7,6 mmHg² no SHR), mas não alterou o componente AF da PAS. Em relação aos componentes oscilatórios do IP não houve diferença entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Estes resultados sugerem que a associação de hipertensão e diabetes causa uma importante diminuição da modulação simpática cardiovascular periférica que poderia, pelo menos em parte, ser responsável pela redução da PA. Além disso, este estudo demonstra que o diabetes pode, de fato, piorar a já reduzida função de tamponamento dos barorreceptores ao mesmo tempo em que reduz a pressão arterial

    Secretory IgA mediates retrotranscytosis of intact gliadin peptides via the transferrin receptor in celiac disease

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    Celiac disease (CD) is an enteropathy resulting from an abnormal immune response to gluten-derived peptides in genetically susceptible individuals. This immune response is initiated by intestinal transport of intact peptide 31-49 (p31-49) and 33-mer gliadin peptides through an unknown mechanism. We show that the transferrin receptor CD71 is responsible for apical to basal retrotranscytosis of gliadin peptides, a process during which p31-49 and 33-mer peptides are protected from degradation. In patients with active CD, CD71 is overexpressed in the intestinal epithelium and colocalizes with immunoglobulin (Ig) A. Intestinal transport of intact p31-49 and 33-mer peptides was blocked by polymeric and secretory IgA (SIgA) and by soluble CD71 receptors, pointing to a role of SIgA–gliadin complexes in this abnormal intestinal transport. This retrotranscytosis of SIgA–gliadin complexes may promote the entry of harmful gliadin peptides into the intestinal mucosa, thereby triggering an immune response and perpetuating intestinal inflammation. Our findings strongly implicate CD71 in the pathogenesis of CD

    Um toque de exercício: prevenindo a trombose venosa profunda

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    Deep vein-thrombosis (DVT) is a disease characterized by clots of blood formation in the deep veins of the calf or pelvis. A number of acquired etiologic risk factors are associated with a tendency to develop DVT. These include immobilization that can constitute a significant increase in the risk for bus and truck conductors. The objective of the project was to promote education and knowledge of this disease including signs, symptoms, prevention and healthy quality. The project started in March and finished in October 2004. It was developed in gas stations, bus stop and bus stations located in Coronel Fabriciano, Ipatinga and Timóteo. The group organized educational pamphlets and talks on a variety of topics about the disease. The results showed that these professionals have already heard something about the disease however they had no information about the its prevention and possible complications. Therefore, the planning and implementation of actions to prevent DVT for this professional class is essential.La trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por la formación de coágulos sanguíneos en una vena, esta puede estar relacionada con una prolongada inmovilidad, por lo tanto constituye un factor de riesgo para conductores de transporte colectivo y de cargas. El objetivo de este proyecto de extensión consistió en desarrollar acciones educativas en el medio de los conductores sobre la TVP agregando las señales y los síntomas, las medidas preventivas y la calidad de vida. Este proyecto fue desarrollado entre marzo y octubre de 2004 por medio de entrevistas, de panfletos, y blitz educativas en puestos de combustibles, terminales y paradas de autobuses, todo esto en los municipios de Coronel Fabriciano, Ipatinga y Timóteo, contó con la participación de 150 profesionales. Los resultados mostraron que los profesionales ya habían oído sobre la TVP, sin embargo pocos conocían la prevención y las posibles complicaciones de esa enfermedad. Por lo tanto, es fundamental la planificación y la implementación de acciones referentes a la prevención de la TVP para esos profesionales.A trombose venosa profunda (TVP) é doença caracterizada pela formação de coágulos sangüíneos em uma veia, que pode estar relacionada à imobilidade prolongada e, conseqüentemente, constituir em fator de risco para motoristas de transportes coletivos e de cargas. O objetivo deste projeto de extensão consistiu em desenvolver ações educativas junto aos motoristas sobre a TVP incluindo sinais e sintomas, medidas de prevenção e qualidade de vida. Este projeto foi desenvolvido no período de março a outubro do ano de 2004 pelo emprego de entrevistas, panfletagem e blitz educativas em postos de gasolinas, rodoviárias e pontos de parada, localizados nos municípios de Coronel Fabriciano, Ipatinga e Timóteo, e contou com a participação de 150 profissionais. Os resultados mostraram que os profissionais já ouviram falar sobre a TVP, entretanto poucos possuíam conhecimentos referentes à prevenção e às possíveis complicações dessa doença. Portanto, torna-se fundamental o planejamento e a implementação de ações referentes à prevenção da TVP para essa classe profissional

    Um toque de exercício: prevenindo a trombose venosa profunda

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    Deep vein-thrombosis (DVT) is a disease characterized by clots of blood formation in the deep veins of the calf or pelvis. A number of acquired etiologic risk factors are associated with a tendency to develop DVT. These include immobilization that can constitute a significant increase in the risk for bus and truck conductors. The objective of the project was to promote education and knowledge of this disease including signs, symptoms, prevention and healthy quality. The project started in March and finished in October 2004. It was developed in gas stations, bus stop and bus stations located in Coronel Fabriciano, Ipatinga and Timóteo. The group organized educational pamphlets and talks on a variety of topics about the disease. The results showed that these professionals have already heard something about the disease however they had no information about the its prevention and possible complications. Therefore, the planning and implementation of actions to prevent DVT for this professional class is essential.La trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por la formación de coágulos sanguíneos en una vena, esta puede estar relacionada con una prolongada inmovilidad, por lo tanto constituye un factor de riesgo para conductores de transporte colectivo y de cargas. El objetivo de este proyecto de extensión consistió en desarrollar acciones educativas en el medio de los conductores sobre la TVP agregando las señales y los síntomas, las medidas preventivas y la calidad de vida. Este proyecto fue desarrollado entre marzo y octubre de 2004 por medio de entrevistas, de panfletos, y blitz educativas en puestos de combustibles, terminales y paradas de autobuses, todo esto en los municipios de Coronel Fabriciano, Ipatinga y Timóteo, contó con la participación de 150 profesionales. Los resultados mostraron que los profesionales ya habían oído sobre la TVP, sin embargo pocos conocían la prevención y las posibles complicaciones de esa enfermedad. Por lo tanto, es fundamental la planificación y la implementación de acciones referentes a la prevención de la TVP para esos profesionales.A trombose venosa profunda (TVP) é doença caracterizada pela formação de coágulos sangüíneos em uma veia, que pode estar relacionada à imobilidade prolongada e, conseqüentemente, constituir em fator de risco para motoristas de transportes coletivos e de cargas. O objetivo deste projeto de extensão consistiu em desenvolver ações educativas junto aos motoristas sobre a TVP incluindo sinais e sintomas, medidas de prevenção e qualidade de vida. Este projeto foi desenvolvido no período de março a outubro do ano de 2004 pelo emprego de entrevistas, panfletagem e blitz educativas em postos de gasolinas, rodoviárias e pontos de parada, localizados nos municípios de Coronel Fabriciano, Ipatinga e Timóteo, e contou com a participação de 150 profissionais. Os resultados mostraram que os profissionais já ouviram falar sobre a TVP, entretanto poucos possuíam conhecimentos referentes à prevenção e às possíveis complicações dessa doença. Portanto, torna-se fundamental o planejamento e a implementação de ações referentes à prevenção da TVP para essa classe profissional

    Políticas públicas de esporte x educação física:uma lógica de mercadorização e espetacularização do fenômeno esportivo / Public sport policies x physical education: a logic for marketing and spectacularization of the sports phenomenon

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    O presente artigo traz uma reflexão sobre as Políticas Públicas de Esporte e a Educação Física apresentando como o fenômeno esporte aparece de maneira mercadorizada e espetacularizada no chão da escola na atual conjuntura devido aos megaeventos esportivos. O Programa de Formação Esportiva Atleta na Escola aparece no contexto escolar enquanto possibilidade de selecionar atletas para representar o país nas Olímpiadas em 2016. É possível constatar que as Políticas do Esporte Educacional historicamente vem sendo inseridas numa lógica de mercadorização e espetacularização esportiva sem nenhuma articulação com a prática de esporte nas escolas brasileiras nos possibilitando refletir sobre o ensino deste conteúdo a partir de princípios que garantam o acesso ao mesmo