74 research outputs found

    Oblique angle deposition of Au/Ti porous getter films

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    What drives the Acceptability of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA)? Modeling acceptability of ISA

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    6370 individuals responded in Belgium (Flanders region) and 1158 persons in The Netherlands on a web-survey about ISA. A model has been estimated, by using SEM, to find out which predefined indicators would be relevant to define the acceptability of ISA. Background factors, contextual issues, and ISA-device related factors were used as indicators to predict the level of acceptability. The factors that were used in the model were based on the methods used in past ISA trials, acceptance and accep-tability theories and models. The effectiveness of ISA (1), equity (2), effectiveness of ITS (3) and personal and social aims (4), were the four variables that had the largest total effect on the acceptability of ISA. Effectiveness was found a relevant predictor for acceptance in many trials (Morsink et al, 2006). The model showed that the willingness of drivers to adopt ISA increases if they experience the system in practice: if people are convinced that ISA will assist to maintain the legal speed in different speed zones, the acceptance will be higher (Van der Pas et al., 2008). Hence, trials seem a good way to demonstrate the effectiveness of ISA. However, trials typically do not allow many people to try out ISA. Therefore, communi-cation strategies that focus on the ISA-effectiveness would be helpful to convince people about the benefits of using such a system. Often when new driver support technologies are intro-duced – especially when it could restrict certain freedom in driving – a majority of the population is reluctant when it comes to ‘buy or use’ the system. In some studies (see Morsink et al., 2006; Marchau et al., 2010) the willingness to pay was reported to be a good predictor for acceptability. However, in the present study the effect of willing-ness to pay was very low or even absent; hence it may be as-sumed that better indicators are put in the model than the willing-ness to pay. With respect to context indicators, ‘personal and social aims’ seemed to be the variable with the highest influence on accep-tability. Drivers, who rate social aims above personal aims with respect to speed and speeding, will accept ISA more. Personal and social aims had also a high influence on most of the device spe-cific indicators. Furthermore, drivers who speed for their personal benefit were found to rather speed more often. Drivers who speed in high-speed zones would also be less inclined to accept ISA. This is in line with previous findings (e.g. Jamson et al., 2006), frequent speeders would support ISA less; those drivers who would benefit most of ISA would be less likely to use it. This is an important finding when considering the strategies for implementing ISA. Some studies (e.g. Morsink et al., 2006) indicated that to increase the acceptability, implementation strategies and campaigns could focus on other benefits of ISA (like reducing speeding tickets, emissions etc.). According to our study these secondary effects have rather small effects to increase acceptability. Drivers who like to speed would even care less for these secondary benefits of ISA. The youngest group of drivers (<25 years old) would influence responsibility awareness negatively. These younger drivers are also less convinced that certain behaviour or circumstances could cause accidents. Many studies indicated that young drivers over-estimate their own driving skills, drive faster and are less aware of accident causes (Shinar et al., 2001). For the implementation of ISA – although there is no direct relationship between younger age and acceptability – a different strategy is needed to convince this group of drivers. Awareness campaigns and communication should be deployed during their education, however, road safety education and training stops during secondary school or higher education (OECD, 2006). Drivers between 25 and 45 years old would also be less inclined to accept ISA, mainly considered out of indirect effects in the esti-mated model. This group of drivers may be labelled as one of the most active groups of drivers. Another aspect is that both of the "significant found age groups were influenced by social norms. This may be very important in implementation strate-gies. For instance, role models could be used in ISA driving. This strategy was also used in the Belgian trial to gain more publicity and attention. The positive image and the improved information communication of ISA as a possible measure in road-safety have led to several voted resolutions in the Belgian federal parliament and senate (Vlassenroot et al. 2007)

    Ultrasoft Finemet thin films for magneto-impedance microsensors

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    International audienceFeCuNbSiB thin films have been deposited using RF sputtering. Characterizations have shown that oxygen contamination and residual stress are mainly responsible for magnetic hardening. The sputtering and annealing conditions have been optimized and films with coercive field as low as 10 A m-1 (0.125 Oe) have been achieved. In addition, the influence of film thickness on the magnetic properties has been studied. Thus, magnetic field microsensors based on the magneto-impedance effect have been fabricated by stacking up Finemet/copper/Finemet films. The highest sensitivity (4000 V/T/A) is reached for 750 nm thick films. It is in the same range as cm-sized macroscopic devices realized using 20 μm thick ribbons

    Films minces ultradoux pour la réalisation de microcapteurs GMI

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    National audienceLe procédé de dépôt de films minces de Finemet par pulvérisation RF a été étudié de manière à minimiser la coercivité des films. Ce matériau devient particulièrement intéressant pour la réalisation de microcapteurs à magnétoimpédance géante puisque la sensibilité et l'hystérésis de ces capteurs sont directement liés aux propriétés de la couche ferromagnétique qui les constitue. La coercivité du Finemet est particulièrement sensible à la contamination en oxygène. La vitesse de dépôt nécessairement rapide induit alors des contraintes importantes. La température de recuit a été optimisée de manière à relaxer les contraintes et amorcer la cristallisation. Les études ont montré que les conditions de recuit optimales correspondent à la température de cristallisation Tx. Après optimisation des conditions de dépôt et de recuit, la coercivité a été réduite à 10 A m-1 pour un film de 500 nm. L'intégration du Finemet dans des microcapteurs GMI a permis d'obtenir des sensibilités importantes, du même ordre de grandeur que celle de capteurs macroscopiques (autour de 4100 V/T/A pour un capteur de 4 mm x 200 µm x 2 µm)

    Micro-strip ferromagnetic resonance study of strain-induced anisotropy in amorphous FeCuNbSiB film on flexible substrate

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    The magnetic anisotropy of a FeCuNbSiB (Finemet) film deposited on Kapton has been studied by micro-strip ferromagnetic resonance technique. We have shown that the flexibility of the substrate allows a good transmission of elastic strains generated by a piezoelectric actuator. Following the resonance field angular dependence, we also demonstrate the possibility of controlling the magnetic anisotropy of the film by applying relatively small voltages to the actuator. Moreover, a suitable model taking into account the effective elastic strains measured by digital image correlation and the effective elastic coefficients measured by Brillouin light scattering, allowed to deduce the magnetostrictive coefficient. This latter was found to be positive (λ=16×10−6(\lambda=16\times10^{-6}) and consistent with the usually reported values for bulk amorphous FeCuNbSiB.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Micromoulage de films épais de Sm-Co

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    Cette étude a été motivée par les nombreux avantages du procédé de micromoulage, qui couple la croissance électrolytique et la localisation du film avec un moule en résine épaisse. Ce procédé permet en effet la réalisation de micro-objets, dont les dimensions sont uniquement dépendantes de la résolution des techniques de lithographie employées pour définir les moules en résine. Le micromoulage permet donc de réaliser des microstructures métalliques et est compatible avec la technologie MEMS. Nous avons mis en évidence l influence de différents paramètres expérimentaux dans le cadre de l étude de la croissance électrolytique du samarium-cobalt en solution aqueuse dans une cellule de Hull. Cette étude nous a permis de déterminer plusieurs points de fonctionnement conduisant à des teneurs en samarium et des épaisseurs élevées : jusqu'à 50 % de samarium et plusieurs microns d épaisseur. En outre, un certain nombre d hypothèse ont été émises, qui lient le procédé d élaboration et le mécanisme de croissance. Nous avons aussi réussi a montré qu il est possible de réaliser des micromotifs de plusieurs microns d épaisseur contenant un rapport Sm/(Sm+Co) relativement élevé (10 %) et une faible contamination en oxygène (8 %).This study was motivated by the advantags of micromolding process, which couples the electrolytic growth and location of the film with a thick resin mold. This method makes it possible the achievement of micro-objects, the dimensions of which are only dependent on the resolution of the lithographic techniques used to define the resin molds. The micromolding can therefore produce metal microstructures and is compatible with MEMS technology. We have highlighted the influence of various experimental parameters in the context of the study of the electrolytic growth of samarium-cobalt in aqueous solution in a Hull cell. this study allowed us to identified several operating points resulting in samarium contents and high thicknesses up to 50% of samarium and several microns thick. In addition, a number of hypotheses have been put forward, which link the process of development and growth mechanism. We also successfully showed that it is possible to create micropatterns of several microns thick report containing Sm / (Sm + Co) relatively high (10%) and low oxygen contamination (8%).PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Characterization of the activation of yttrium-based getter films by electrical measurements and ion-beam analyses

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    International audienceGettering properties of thin films of pure yttrium and yttrium-based alloys have been studied for application to MEMS vacuum packaging at the wafer level. Thin films of Y, Zr-Y, Ti-Y and V-Y were co-evaporated under ultra-high vacuum. It is demonstrated that the sheet resistance measured by 4-probes technique before and after activation at 250°C gives a good estimation of the oxygen sorption ability determined by NRA. Pure yttrium has been found to be highly reactive after deposition (sheet resistance increases by 40% after 1 month in air) but poorly efficient in oxygen trapping after activation. Conversely, the sorption ability of Y-V, Y-Zr and Y-Ti alloys is extremely high and increases with the yttrium content in the film. The bests results for sorption are obtained with Y-V (2.7 10 22 atom/cm 3 for Y44V56)

    Magnetic domain-wall motion study under an electric field in a Finemet thin film on flexible substrate

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    Influence of applied in-plane elastic strains on the static magnetic configuration of a 530 nm magnetostrictive FeCuNbSiB thin film. The in-plane strains are induced via the application of a voltage to a piezoelectric actuator on which the film/substrate system was glued. A quantitative characterization of the voltage dependence of the induced-strain at the surface of the film was performed using a digital image correlation technique. MFM images at remanence (H=0 Oe and U=0 V) clearly reveal the presence of weak stripe domains. The effect of the voltage-induced strain shows the existence of a threshold value above, which the break of the stripe configuration set in. For a maximum strain of exx~0.5*10-3 we succeed in destabilizing the stripes configuration helping the setting up of a complete homogeneous magnetic pattern.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in J. Mag. Mag. Ma

    A História da Alimentação: balizas historiográficas

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    Os M. pretenderam traçar um quadro da História da Alimentação, não como um novo ramo epistemológico da disciplina, mas como um campo em desenvolvimento de práticas e atividades especializadas, incluindo pesquisa, formação, publicações, associações, encontros acadêmicos, etc. Um breve relato das condições em que tal campo se assentou faz-se preceder de um panorama dos estudos de alimentação e temas correia tos, em geral, segundo cinco abardagens Ia biológica, a econômica, a social, a cultural e a filosófica!, assim como da identificação das contribuições mais relevantes da Antropologia, Arqueologia, Sociologia e Geografia. A fim de comentar a multiforme e volumosa bibliografia histórica, foi ela organizada segundo critérios morfológicos. A seguir, alguns tópicos importantes mereceram tratamento à parte: a fome, o alimento e o domínio religioso, as descobertas européias e a difusão mundial de alimentos, gosto e gastronomia. O artigo se encerra com um rápido balanço crítico da historiografia brasileira sobre o tema
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