67 research outputs found

    Uso de antibióticos en pacientes cesareadas y su relación con la estancia hospitalaria, en el hospital II-E Mariscal Cáceres – Juanjui año 2014

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar de qué manera el uso de antibióticos influye en la estancia hospitalaria de las pacientes cesareadas de forma electiva (cesáreas programadas) y no electivas (cesáreas de emergencia) que se presentaron en el hospital 11-E Distrito de Juanjui, Mariscal Cáceres en el año 2014. Se realizó el estudio de Investigación no experimental transversal, con diseño de investigación descriptivo comparativo. Se examinó los efectos de las variables, asumiendo que la variable 1 Uso de antibióticos ha ocurrido generando cambios sobre la variable 2 Estancia Hospitalaria. Cabe indicar que la administración de los antibióticos vía endovenosa fueron aplicados de forma simple y también asociados. la Muestra, objeto de estudio, está constituido por 160 Historias Clínicas de mujeres cesareadas, con el diagnóstico de cesárea programada y de emergencia durante el año 2014 constituyéndose en la muestra poblacional de la presente investigación. Distribuidas de la siguiente manera: - 64 gestantes fueron intervenidas quirúrgicamente como cesárea programada y 96 gestantes como cesárea de emergencia. - las gestantes cesareadas anteriormente, forman parte regular de una cesárea programada. Las mujeres adolescentes, añosas, con embarazos de alto riesgo obstétrico (ARO) y otras emergencias obstétricas concluyeron en cesárea de emergencias. - Para determinar de qué manera el uso de los antibióticos influyen en la estancia hospitalaria en las pacientes cesa rea das programadas y de emergencia se aplicó la técnica de recolección de datos, mediante la Guía de Observación de las Historias Clínicas, para el análisis de los datos se utilizó métodos y técnicas estadísticas, mediante el software estadístico SPSSv22. Y el estadístico F del Análisis de Varianza. Los resultados obtenidos del Grupo Relacionado por el Diagnostico: gestantes cesareadas en forma programadas y gestantes cesareadas de emergencia, el promedio en días de estancia hospitalaria fueron los siguientes: para cesáreas programadas 4.66 días, mientras que el promedio de estancia para paciente cesareada de emergencia es de 3.90 días. Es decir, según aumenta las complicaciones postoperatorias de las gestantes cesareada, aumenta la asociación de antibióticos y aumenta el número de días de hospitalización. El uso de antibióticos influye directamente en la prevención de las infecciones tras una intervención quirúrgica y en la recuperación postoperatoria de las pacientes cesareadas. Los presupuestos hospitalarios limitados y la creciente resistencia bacteriana implica el uso de antibióticos. La dosis de antibióticos mejora la evolución del paciente y por ende disminuye la Estancia Hospitalaria

    A rapid screening method to evaluate the impact of nanoparticles on macrophages

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    Nanotechnology is an emerging and highly promising field to develop new approaches for biomedical applications. There is however at present an unmet need for a rapid and universal method to screen nanoparticles (NP) for immunocompatibility at early stages of their development. Indeed, although many types of highly diverse NP are currently under investigation, their interaction with immune cells remains fairly unpredictable. Macrophages which are professional phagocytic cells are believed to be among the first cell types that take up NP, mediating inflammation and thus immunological responses. The present work describes a highly reproducible screening method to study the NP interaction with macrophages. Three essential questions are answered in parallel, in a single multiwell plate: Are the NP taken up by macrophages? Do the NP cause macrophage cell death? Do the NP induce inflammatory reactions? This assay is proposed as a standardized screening protocol to obtain a rapid overview of the impact of different types of NP on macrophages. Due to high reproducibility, this method also allows quality control assessment for such aspects as immune-activating contaminants and batch-to-batch variability

    A comparison of the nutritional qualities of supermarket's own and regular brands of bread in Sweden

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    Processed food is associated with unhealthy qualities such as higher content of harmful fats, sugars and salt. The aim of our study was to compare the nutritional qualities of supermarket's own brands and regular brands of bread sold in Sweden. Additionally, we compared the nutritional qualities of gluten-free and gluten-containing bread. We collected information from the labels of 332 bread products available in the largest grocery store chains. The Australian Health Star Rating (HSR) system was used to quantify the nutritional quality of each bread product. We compared all supermarket's own brand products to regular brand products, and gluten-free to gluten-containing bread. The mean HSR for the supermarket's own brands was lower than the regular brands (3.6 vs. 3.7; p = 0.046). For the regular brand products, the fibre, sugar and total fat content were greater (p < 0.001, p = 0.002 and p = 0.021, respectively), while less protein (p = 0.009) compared to regular bread products. Gluten-free bread had a lower HSR than gluten-containing bread (mean 3.5 vs. 3.8, respectively; p < 0.001). The regular brand products were slightly healthier than the supermarket's own brands, primarily as a result of a higher fibre content. Gluten-free bread products were slightly unhealthier due to a lower protein content

    Local Real-Space View of the Achiral 1T-TiSe2 2 x 2 x 2 Charge Density Wave

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    The transition metal dichalcogenide 1T-TiSe2-two-dimensional layered material undergoing a commensurate 2 × 2 × 2 charge density wave (CDW) transition with a weak periodic lattice distortion (PLD) below ≈200 K. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) combined with intentionally introduced interstitial Ti atoms allows us to go beyond the usual spatial resolution of STM and to intimately probe the threedimensional character of the PLD. Furthermore, the inversion-symmetric achiral nature of the CDW in the z direction is revealed, contradicting the claimed existence of helical CDW stacking and associated chiral order. This study paves the way to a simultaneous real-space probing of both charge and structural reconstructions in CDW compounds

    Local real-space view of the achiral 1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2} 2×2×22\times2\times2 charge density wave

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    The transition metal dichalcogenide 1T−TiSe2-two-dimensional layered material undergoing a commensurate 2×2×2 charge density wave (CDW) transition with a weak periodic lattice distortion (PLD) below ≈200 K. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) combined with intentionally introduced interstitial Ti atoms allows us to go beyond the usual spatial resolution of STM and to intimately probe the three- dimensional character of the PLD. Furthermore, the inversion-symmetric achiral nature of the CDW in the z direction is revealed, contradicting the claimed existence of helical CDW stacking and associated chiral order. This study paves the way to a simultaneous real-space probing of both charge and structural reconstructions in CDW compounds

    Progressive signaling changes in the olfactory nerve of patients with Alzheimer’s disease

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    Olfaction declines with aging and appears to be a prodromal sign of cognitive decline in progressive neurodegenerative diseases. Nevertheless, very little is known about the pathophysiological changes underlying smell loss that may reflect early network dysfunction. A cross-sectional histoanatomical study was conducted on postmortem olfactory nerves of patients with increasing severity of dementia from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to moderate and severe Alzheimer's disease. The olfactory bulbs and tracts show a prominent and progressive tauopathy in contrast to a weaker amyloid pathology localized to the glomerular region. Topological analysis of Notch signaling components reveals a transient increase in Jagged1 expression in mitral cells of the olfactory bulb of patients with MCI and a gradual decline onwards. Analysis of the olfactory tract reveals an abundance of corpora amylacea, which declines starting from the MCI stage. With the increasing severity of dementia, corpora amylacea are characterized by a gradual shift in cytoskeletal proteins, tau, MAP2 and glial fibrillary acid protein, as well as by a decrease in their Reelin and Jagged1 content. Our research indicates that the olfactory nerve undergoes early and sequential morphological and signaling alterations that correlate with the development of dementia suggesting that this structure may capture and propagate neuronal network imbalances to connected higher brain centers of the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus

    Antimicrobial silver-filled silica nanorattles with low immunotoxicity in dendritic cells

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    The progression in the use of orthopedic implants has led to an increase in the absolute number of implant infections, triggering a search for more effective antibacterial coatings. Nanorattles have recently gained interest in biomedical applications such as drug delivery, as encapsulation of the cargo inside the hollow structure provides a physical protection from the surrounding environment. Here, silver-containing silica nanorattles (Ag@SiO2) were evaluated for their antimicrobial potential and for their impact on cells of the immune system. We show that Ag@SiO2 nanorattles exhibited a clear antibacterial effect against Escherichia coli as well as Staphylococcus aureus found in post-operative infections. Immunotoxicological analyses showed that the particles were taken up through an active phagocytic process by dendritic cells of the immune system and did not affect their viability nor induce unwanted immunological effects. Silver-containing silica nanorattles thus fulfill several prerequisites for an antibacterial coating on surgical implants
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