247 research outputs found

    Sphyrna tudes, Smalleye Hammerhead

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    The Smalleye Hammerhead (Sphyrna tudes) is a medium-sized (to 150 cm total length) shark that occurs in the Western Central and Southwest Atlantic from Colombia to the Rio de La Plata, Argentina. It inhabits inshore waters over the continental shelf at depths of 5–80 m. It is captured in intense and largely unmanaged commercial and artisanal beach seines, gillnets, longlines, and trawls throughout its geographic range. This shark is targeted or retained as bycatch for its meat, which is consumed or sold locally. There are few data on population reduction but these intensive unmanaged fisheries are suspected to have caused reductions and possibly local extinctions throughout this species' range. For example, in Brazil, this hammerhead has not been recorded in 35 years from Ceará state and it is considered by local fishers to be depleted in Bahia state. This shark is supposed to be strictly protected in Brazil, but it is clear that it is still landed and traded in various states. Overall, due to intense and largely unmanaged fisheries across its range, lack of refuge at depth, suspected declines in many areas and local extinctions suspected from an absence of records (despite continued sampling and observation), and its relatively unproductive life history, it is suspected that the Smalleye Hammerhead has undergone a population reduction of >80% over the past three generations (37 years), and it is assessed as Critically Endangered A2bd.Fil: Pollom, R.. University Fraser Simon; CanadáFil: Barreto, R.. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservacao Da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Charvet, P.. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Chiaramonte, Gustavo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". Estación Hidrobiológica de Puerto Quequén (sede Quequén); ArgentinaFil: Cuevas, J. M.. Wildlife Conservation Society; Estados UnidosFil: Faria, V.. Universidade Federal Do Ceara; BrasilFil: Herman, K.. Georgia Aquarium; Estados UnidosFil: Lasso Alcala, O.. Fundación la Salle de Ciencias Naturales; VenezuelaFil: Marcante, F.. Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande.; BrasilFil: Mejía Falla, P.A.. Wildlife Conservation Society; Estados UnidosFil: Montealegre Quijano, S.. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Motta, F.. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Navia, A. F.. Fundación Squalus; ColombiaFil: Nunes, J.. Universidade Federal Do Maranhao.; BrasilFil: Paesch, L.. Dirección Nacional de Recursos Acuáticos; UruguayFil: Rincon, G.. Universidade Federal Do Maranhao.; Brasi

    MeerKAT discovery of radio emission from the Vela X-1 bow shock

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    Vela X-1 is a runaway X-ray binary system hosting a massive donor star, whose strong stellar wind creates a bow shock as it interacts with the interstellar medium (ISM). This bow shock has previously been detected in H α and infrared, but, similar to all but one bow shock from a massive runaway star (BD+43o3654), has escaped detection in other wavebands. We report on the discovery of 1.3 GHz radio emission from the Vela X-1 bow shock with the MeerKAT telescope. The MeerKAT observations reveal how the radio emission closely traces the H α line emission, both in the bow shock and in the larger scale diffuse structures known from existing H α surveys. The Vela X-1 bow shock is the first stellar-wind-driven radio bow shock detected around an X-ray binary. In the absence of a radio spectral index measurement, we explore other avenues to constrain the radio emission mechanism. We find that thermal/free-free emission can account for the radio and H α properties, for a combination of electron temperature and density consistent with earlier estimates of ISM density and the shock enhancement. In this explanation, the presence of a local ISM overdensity is essential for the detection of radio emission. Alternatively, we consider a non-thermal/synchrotron scenario, evaluating the magnetic field and broad-band spectrum of the shock. However, we find that exceptionally high fractions (13 per cent) of the kinetic wind power would need to be injected into the relativistic electron population to explain the radio emission. Assuming lower fractions implies a hybrid scenario, dominated by free-free radio emission. Finally, we speculate about the detectability of radio bow shocks and whether it requires exceptional ISM or stellar wind properties

    Flares, wind and nebulae: the 2015 December mini-outburst of V404 Cygni

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    After more than 26 years in quiescence, the black hole transient V404 Cyg went into a luminous outburst in June 2015, and additional activity was detected in late December of the same year. Here, we present an optical spectroscopic follow-up of the December mini-outburst, together with X-ray, optical and radio monitoring that spanned more than a month. Strong flares with gradually increasing intensity are detected in the three spectral ranges during the ∼ 10 days following the Swift trigger. Our optical spectra reveal the presence of a fast outflowing wind, as implied by the detection of a P-Cyg profile (He i–5876 ˚A) with a terminal velocity of ∼ 2500 kms−1 . Nebularlike spectra – with an H α equivalent width of ∼ 500 ˚A – are also observed. All these features are similar to those seen during the main June 2015 outburst. Thus, the fast optical wind simultaneous with the radio jet is most likely present in every V404 Cyg outburst. Finally, we report on the detection of a strong radio flare in late January 2016, when X-ray and optical monitoring had stopped due to Sun constraints

    Radio afterglows of very high-energy gamma-ray bursts 190829A and 180720B

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    We present high-cadence multifrequency radio observations of the long gamma-ray burst (GRB) 190829A, which was detected at photon energies above 100 GeV by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.). Observations with the Meer Karoo Array Telescope (MeerKAT, 1.3 GHz) and ArcminuteMicrokelvin Imager-Large Array (AMI-LA, 15.5 GHz) began one day post-burst and lasted nearly 200 d. We used complementary data from Swift X-Ray Telescope (XRT), which ran to 100 d post-burst. We detected a likely forward shock component with bothMeerKAT and XRT up to over 100 d post-burst. Conversely, the AMI-LA light curve appears to be dominated by reverse shock emission until around 70 d post-burst when the afterglow flux drops below the level of the host galaxy. We also present previously unpublished observations of the other H.E.S.S.-detected GRB, GRB 180720B from AMILA, which shows likely forward shock emission that fades in less than 10 d. We present a comparison between the radio emission from the three GRBs with detected very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission and a sensitivity-limited radio afterglow sample. GRB 190829A has the lowest isotropic radio luminosity of any GRB in our sample, but the distribution of luminosities is otherwise consistent, as expected, with the VHE GRBs being drawn from the same parent distribution as the other radio-detected long GRBs

    The need for communication between clinicians and pathologists in the context of oral and maxillofacial diseases

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    Good communication between clinicians and pathologists is a vital element in the diagnostic process, and poor communication can adversely affect patient care. There is a lack of research about communication in diagnostic oral and maxillofacial pathology. This narrative review explores different aspects of the quality of communication between clinicians and oral pathologists, with a focus on the diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial diseases. An electronic search was carried out in MEDLINE through the PubMed, Scopus, and Embase databases up to April 2021. No studies reporting communication, its adequacy or the required skills between clinicians and pathologists in oral diagnosis were found. According to studies published in medicine, strategies for improving communication skills include clinician-pathologist collaboration; a well-formatted, clear and thorough report; training in communication skills; and patient-centered care. Further studies evaluating the current practices and quality in oral and maxillofacial pathology are required to identify barriers and encourage optimal communication to facilitate diagnosis, as well as patient safety

    Measurement of the p-pbar -> Wgamma + X cross section at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV and WWgamma anomalous coupling limits

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    The WWgamma triple gauge boson coupling parameters are studied using p-pbar -> l nu gamma + X (l = e,mu) events at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV. The data were collected with the DO detector from an integrated luminosity of 162 pb^{-1} delivered by the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The cross section times branching fraction for p-pbar -> W(gamma) + X -> l nu gamma + X with E_T^{gamma} > 8 GeV and Delta R_{l gamma} > 0.7 is 14.8 +/- 1.6 (stat) +/- 1.0 (syst) +/- 1.0 (lum) pb. The one-dimensional 95% confidence level limits on anomalous couplings are -0.88 < Delta kappa_{gamma} < 0.96 and -0.20 < lambda_{gamma} < 0.20.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. D Rapid Communication