21 research outputs found

    National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey of the Portuguese general population

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    The National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey of the Portuguese general population aimed to collect nationwide and regional data on dietary intake and physical activity, and their relation with health determinants, namely socioeconomic factors. Results from this project were obtained from a representative sample of the Portuguese population, aged between three months to 84 years of age, selected from the National Heath Registry, by multistage sampling (a sample size of 5068 individuals was estimated and 5811 participants with two dietary assessments were achieved). To accomplish the EFSA requirements, a minimum, of 260 individuals in each age group (130 by sex) was planned. Two face-to-face interviews were conducted at a health care centre or participant’s home. Dietary intake was obtained by two non-consecutive days of food diaries for children (<10 years old) and two non-consecutive 24-hours recalls for the older age groups, with a time interval between 8 and 15 days, complemented with a Food Propensity Questionnaire. An electronic platform based on a client-server architecture was used to manage the field work and to assist the data collection. The Electronic Assessment Tool for 24-hours recall (eAT24) allowed the collection of dietary data by an Automated Multiple-Pass Method for 24-hours. This interview-based dietary assessment instrument allowed obtaining a very detailed description and quantification of foods, recipes, and food supplements consumed in the course of the preceding day, and it had several adaptations, described in detail in this report. The survey outcomes support solid evidence-based information covering all age groups of the population, using harmonized methodologies at the European level, and will contribute to develop a national infrastructure for monitoring progress of specific targets supporting national and European policies and future interventions on diet, physical activity and food safety.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Importância prognóstica dos níveis transcricionais do gene TNRC6A em pacientes com Câncer de Mama / Prognostic relevance of transcriptional levels of TNRC6A gene in patients with Breast Cancer

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    O câncer de mama (CAM) é o câncer mais comumente diagnosticado entre as mulheres no mundo ocidental, com um número crescente de óbitos. A busca de marcadores tumorais na avaliação do prognóstico dessa doença tem se tornado crucial para a escolha terapêutica, o que impacta diretamente a sobrevida das pacientes. A proteína TNRC6A tem sido descrita associada às vias de miRNA, regulando toda a maquinaria celular de células normais e tumorais. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a expressão dos transcritos do gene TNRC6A e sua correlação com a ocorrência e progressão do CAM. Foram coletadas 43 amostras de sangue periférico de pacientes com CAM e 44 com Doença Benigna da Mama (DBM). Em cada amostra foi realizada a transcrição reversa seguida de ensaios de qPCR. Com a análise dos níveis de mRNA verificou-se que não houve uma diferença significativa entre o grupo CAM e DBM. Além disso, os dados de idade, receptores hormonais e proliferação celular também não mostraram associação com o marcador. Contudo, menores níveis foram identificados em pacientes com comprometimento dos gânglios linfáticos axilares, evidenciando a importância do gene TNRC6A na progressão de tumores mamários.

    National Food, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Survey of the Portuguese General Population (2015-2016): Protocol for Design and Development

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    Carla Lopes, Duarte Torres, Andreia Oliveira, Milton Severo, Sofia Guiomar, Violeta Alarcão, Elisabete Ramos, Sara Rodrigues, Sofia Vilela, Luísa Oliveira, Jorge Mota, Pedro J Teixeira, Paulo J Nicola, Simão Soares, Lene Frost Andersen, The IAN-AF Consortium. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (http://www.researchprotocols.org), 15.02.2018.Free PMC Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5832902/BACKGROUND: The assessment of food consumption data using harmonized methodologies at the European level is fundamental to support the development of public policies. Portugal is one of the countries with the most outdated information on individual foodconsumption. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to describe the design and methodology of the National Food, Nutrition and Physical ActivitySurvey, 2015-2016, developed to collect national and regional data on dietary habits, physical activity (PA), and nutritional status, in a representative sample of the Portuguese general population (3 months-84 years). METHODS: Participants were selected by multistage sampling, using the National Heath Registry as the sampling frame. Data collection, during 12 months, was harmonized according to European guidelines (EU-MENU, European Food Safety Authority [EFSA]). Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) was performed on a specific electronic platform synchronized with nutritional composition data and considering the FoodEx2 classification system. Dietary assessment was performed using 24-hour recalls (two nonconsecutive, 8-15 days apart) or food diaries in the case of children aged <10 years, complemented with a food propensity questionnaire; PA data (International Physical Activity Questionnaire [IPAQ], the Activity Choice Index [ACI], and 4-days PA diaries); sociodemographic data, and other health-related data were also collected. RESULTS: A sample of 6553 individuals completed the first interview, and 5811 participants completed two dietary assessments. The participation rate among eligible individuals was 33.38% (6553/19,635), considering the first interview, and 29.60% (5811/19,635) for the participants with two completed interviews (about 40% in children and adolescents and 20% in elderly individuals). Results of the survey will be disseminated in national and international scientific journals during 2018-2019. CONCLUSIONS: The survey will assist policy planning and management of national and European health programs on the improvement of nutritional status and risk assessment related to food hazards, and the enhancement of PA. The infrastructures and data driven from this Survey are a solid basis to the development of a future national surveillance system on diet, PA, and other health behaviors reproducible over time.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inquérito Alimentar Nacional e de Atividade Física, IAN-AF 2015-2016: relatório metodológico

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    Consórcio: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (Carla Lopes, Milton Severo, Andreia Oliveira) Instituto de Saúde Publica da Universidade do Porto (Elisabete Ramos, Sofia Vilela) Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto (Duarte Torres, Sara Rodrigues); Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (Sofia Guiomar, Luísa Oliveira); AIDFM - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa (Paulo Nicola, Violeta Alarcão); Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto (Jorge Mota); Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa (Pedro J. Teixeira); SilicoLife (Simão Soares); Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Oslo, Noruega (Lene Andersen)O Inquérito Alimentar Nacional e de Atividade Física (IAN-AF) 2015-2016 teve como objetivo primário recolher informação de representatividade nacional e regional (dos 3 meses aos 84 anos de idade) sobre o consumo alimentar (incluindo a ingestão e suplementação nutricionais, a segurança dos alimentos e a insegurança alimentar) e sobre a atividade física (incluindo os comportamentos sedentários, as atividades desportivas/de lazer e as escolhas ativas na rotina diária) e a sua relação com determinantes em saúde, nomeadamente os socioeconómicos. O projeto foi desenvolvido por um Consórcio, envolvendo investigadores da Universidade do Porto (Promotor), da Universidade de Lisboa, do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA), da Universidade de Oslo e da empresa SilicoLife. Os participantes foram selecionados aleatoriamente por um processo de amostragem bietápica, a partir do Registo Nacional de Utentes do Serviço Nacional de Saúde: i) seleção aleatória de Unidades Funcionais de Saúde em cada Unidade Territorial para Fins Estatísticos (NUTS II), ponderada para o número de inscritos; ii) seleção aleatória de indivíduos registados em cada Unidade Funcional de Saúde, com um número fixo de elementos por sexo e grupo etário. Avaliaram-se 6553 participantes através de uma entrevista presencial e destes, 5811 completaram as duas entrevistas previstas, intervaladas no tempo entre 8 a 15 dias e distribuídas ao longo de 12 meses (outubro de 2015 a setembro de 2016), incluindo as quatro estações do ano e todos os dias da semana, de forma a ajustar para a variabilidade intra-individual e para a sazonalidade dos comportamentos alimentares e de atividade física. A metodologia utilizada incluiu ferramentas e protocolos harmonizados no contexto Europeu, de acordo com o definido no inquérito pan-Europeu EU-MENU, promovido pela Autoridade Europeia para a Segurança dos Alimentos (EFSA), integrados numa plataforma eletrónica assistida por computador, especificamente desenvolvida (Plataforma “You eAT&Move”). O Módulo “You” permite a recolha de informação sociodemográfica, de saúde geral, de antropometria, de propensão alimentar e de insegurança alimentar. Os parâmetros antropométricos (peso, estatura, perímetros do braço, cintura e anca) foram objetivamente medidos de acordo com procedimentos padronizados. A insegurança alimentar foi avaliada através de uma adaptação do questionário desenvolvido por Cornell/Radimer (1990), que fornece estimativas a nível nacional de insegurança alimentar, para as famílias, com e sem menores de 18 anos, recolhendo informação sobre quatro dimensões subjacentes à experiência de insegurança alimentar: disponibilidade, acesso, utilização e estabilidade/resiliência. O módulo “eAT24” permite a recolha de informação alimentar através de dois questionários às 24 horas anteriores (ou diários alimentares de dois dias nas crianças com idade <10 anos), sincronizada com dados de composição nutricional dos alimentos e receitas da Tabela da Composição de Alimentos Portuguesa (INSA), adaptada. A quantificação de porções alimentares incluiu um manual fotográfico especificamente desenvolvido para o efeito (1006 fotos de alimentos e receitas e 11 fotos de medidas caseiras). A classificação e descrição dos alimentos foram realizadas com base no sistema FoodEx2. Esta informação permite caracterizar as dimensões de consumo alimentar e nutricional e de segurança dos alimentos. O módulo “Move” permite a recolha de informação de atividade física e inclui os sub-módulos International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Activity Choice Index (ACI) (≥ 15 anos) e diários de atividade física de 4 dias (2 dias consecutivos e 2 dias de fim de semana) em crianças e adolescentes (6-14 anos), sincronizados com os dados de equivalentes metabólicos associados aos diferentes tipos de atividades. Esta informação permite caracterizar as dimensões de comportamentos sedentários, atividades desportivas e escolhas ativas na rotina diária. A criação de evidência nacional, desagregada por áreas geográficas, para diferentes grupos populacionais (crianças, adolescentes, adultos, idosos), constitui uma base descritiva essencial para o planeamento em saúde. O conhecimento produzido pelo IAN-AF 2015- 2016 permite dar resposta a prioridades estratégicas em saúde, nacionais e internacionais, e constitui uma base sólida para o desenvolvimento de políticas de educação alimentar e de atividade física, bem como de políticas de segurança alimentar, em Portugal e na União Europeia.The National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey, 2015-2016 (Portuguese acronym: IAN-AF) aimed to collect representative nationwide and regional data (from 3 months up to 84 years of age) on dietary intake (including the food, nutritional and supplements intake, food safety and food insecurity dimensions) and physical activity (including sedentary behaviours, sports/leisure-time physical activities and active choices in daily living), and evaluate their relation with health determinants, namely socioeconomic factors. It was established by a Consortium, involving researchers from the University of Porto (Promoter), the University of Lisbon, the National Institute of Health (INSA), the University of Oslo, Norway and the enterprise SilicoLife (Computational Biology Solutions for the Life Sciences). Participants were randomly selected from the National Heath Registry, by multistage sampling: i) random selection of Health Units in each of the seven geographical regions (NUTSII), weighed for the registered individuals; ii) random selection of individuals in each Health Unit, with a fixed number by sex and age groups. Participants were evaluated by one face-to-face interview (n=6553), and 5811 completed two interviews. The time between interviews was set at 8 to 15 days. Data was collected during 12 months (October 2015 to September 2016), distributed over the four seasons and including all days of the week, in order to incorporate seasonal effects and day-to-day variation in food intake and physical activity. Most of the procedures of data collection were adapted from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Guidance in view of the EU Menu methodology, aiming to harmonize the collection of dietary data in Europe. An electronic platform (‘You eAT&Move’ e-platform) was developed to manage the field work and to assist data collection by using Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI). This e-platform includes the ‘You’ module, which allows the collection of sociodemographic, general health, anthropometrics, food propensity and food insecurity data. Anthropometrics (weight, length/height, arm, waist and hip circumferences) were measured according to standardized procedures. Food insecurity was assessed by a questionnaire developed by Cornell/Radimer (1990), adapted to the Portuguese population, which gives estimates of food insecurity for families, with and without individuals under 18 years. The ‘eAT24’ module (Electronic Assessment Tool for 24-hours recall), allows the collection and description of food consumption data according to the FoodEx2 system, by two 24-hours recalls (or food diaries in children under 10 years), synchronized with nutritional composition data of foods and recipes. Portion sizes estimation included a digital colour food picture book, which was developed including 1006 food photos and 11 photos of household measures. This information allows characterizing the dimensions of food and nutritional consumption and food safety. The ‘MOVE’ module allows data collection on physical activity and included the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), the Activity Choice Index (ACI) (≥15 years) and four-day physical activity diaries (two consecutive days and two weekend days), synchronized with metabolic equivalents data associated with each type of physical activity. This information allows characterizing the dimensions of sedentary behaviours, sports and active choices in daily living. The development of nationwide evidence, disaggregated by geographical areas and for different population groups (children, adolescents, adults and the elderly), gives support to a descriptive basis, essential for policy planning and management of national health programs. Knowledge produced by the IAN-AF 2015-2016 allow respond to strategic priorities in health, at the national and international levels, and can be used as a solid basis to the development of food, physical activity and food safety policies, in Portugal and Europe.O IAN-AF foi financiado pelo Programa Iniciativas em Saúde Pública, EEA-Grants. Este programa resulta do Memorando de Entendimento celebrado entre o Estado português e os países doadores (Islândia, Liechtenstein e Noruega) do Mecanismo Financeiro do Espaço Europeu.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inquérito Alimentar Nacional e de Atividade Física, IAN-AF 2015-2016: relatório de resultados

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    Consórcio: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (Carla Lopes, Milton Severo, Andreia Oliveira); Instituto de Saúde Publica da Universidade do Porto (Elisabete Ramos, Sofia Vilela); Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto (Duarte Torres, Sara Rodrigues); Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (Sofia Guiomar, Luísa Oliveira);: AIDFM - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa (Paulo Nicola, Violeta Alarcão); Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto (Jorge Mota) Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa (Pedro J. Teixeira); SilicoLife (Simão Soares); Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Oslo, Noruega (Lene Andersen)Este relatório foi realizado com informação recolhida no âmbito do Inquérito Alimentar Nacional e de Atividade Física (IAN-AF 2015-2016), desenvolvido por um Consórcio que tem como Promotor a Universidade do Porto. O IAN-AF recebeu financiamento do Espaço Económico Europeu concedido pela Islândia, Liechtenstein e Noruega através do Programa EEA Grants - Iniciativas de Saúde Pública, área dos Sistemas de Informação em Saúde (PT06 - 000088SI3). O IAN-AF teve o apoio institucional da Direção-Geral da Saúde, da Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde, das Administrações Regionais de Saúde, das Secretarias Regionais de Saúde dos Açores e da Madeira e da Autoridade Europeia para a Segurança dos Alimentos.O IAN-AF foi financiado pelo Programa Iniciativas em Saúde Pública, EEA-Grants. Este programa resulta do Memorando de Entendimento celebrado entre o Estado português e os países doadores (Islândia, Liechtenstein e Noruega) do Mecanismo Financeiro do Espaço Europeu.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ATLANTIC EPIPHYTES: a data set of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte plants and lichens from the Atlantic Forest

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    Epiphytes are hyper-diverse and one of the frequently undervalued life forms in plant surveys and biodiversity inventories. Epiphytes of the Atlantic Forest, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world, have high endemism and radiated recently in the Pliocene. We aimed to (1) compile an extensive Atlantic Forest data set on vascular, non-vascular plants (including hemiepiphytes), and lichen epiphyte species occurrence and abundance; (2) describe the epiphyte distribution in the Atlantic Forest, in order to indicate future sampling efforts. Our work presents the first epiphyte data set with information on abundance and occurrence of epiphyte phorophyte species. All data compiled here come from three main sources provided by the authors: published sources (comprising peer-reviewed articles, books, and theses), unpublished data, and herbarium data. We compiled a data set composed of 2,095 species, from 89,270 holo/hemiepiphyte records, in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, recorded from 1824 to early 2018. Most of the records were from qualitative data (occurrence only, 88%), well distributed throughout the Atlantic Forest. For quantitative records, the most common sampling method was individual trees (71%), followed by plot sampling (19%), and transect sampling (10%). Angiosperms (81%) were the most frequently registered group, and Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae were the families with the greatest number of records (27,272 and 21,945, respectively). Ferns and Lycophytes presented fewer records than Angiosperms, and Polypodiaceae were the most recorded family, and more concentrated in the Southern and Southeastern regions. Data on non-vascular plants and lichens were scarce, with a few disjunct records concentrated in the Northeastern region of the Atlantic Forest. For all non-vascular plant records, Lejeuneaceae, a family of liverworts, was the most recorded family. We hope that our effort to organize scattered epiphyte data help advance the knowledge of epiphyte ecology, as well as our understanding of macroecological and biogeographical patterns in the Atlantic Forest. No copyright restrictions are associated with the data set. Please cite this Ecology Data Paper if the data are used in publication and teaching events. © 2019 The Authors. Ecology © 2019 The Ecological Society of Americ

    Annexin A1 signaling: role of EGFR and IL-6 pathways in prostate and breast cancers

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    Anexin A1 (anxa1) is a 37 kDa protein that binds to calcium-dependent membrane phospholipids, being responsible for regulating inflammation, the organization of cell membranes and vesicular trafficking. Anxa1 is expressly expressed in cytoplasm, where it presents an anti-inflammatory activity. In the nucleus is involved in regulating transcription and therefore gene functioning. Anxa1 can also be cleaved proteelically generating a 33-kDa fragment and releasing its N-terminal cleaved peptide, which is biologically active. Both the peptide and the total length protein can be secreted to the extracellular medium, where they are able to activate formylated peptide receptors (FPRS), thus triggering an autocrine signaling. The autocrine signaling axis anxa1 / fpr1 is involved in pro-invasive and pro-tumor properties, mainly from tumors in more advanced stages, such as negative triple breast cancer (CMTN) and castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Anxa1 plays relevant roles in malignant transformation, activating oncogenes and inactivating tumor suppressor genes, inducing cellular proliferation and invasion and formation of metastases. Therefore, investigate the signaling of ANXA1, as well as interaction with other molecules in the various types of tumors, is essential to elucidate the particularities of this protein and thus develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for different malignant neoplasms. In tumors, ANXA1 performs pro-inflammatory activity, inducing a favorable tumor microenvironment (TME) with the promotion of growth and circulation of malignant cells. Therefore, in Chapter I, we reviewed the role of ANXA1 at the establishment of the tumor microenvironment, focusing on immunosuppressive and immunomodulating activities. First, we describe how cancer cells suppress the activities of the immune system, favoring the malignancy and the spread of cancer. Next, we present the main characteristics of the TME and that the presence of some immunological cells in its composition creates a highly immunosuppressive environment, which favors the growth and progression of the tumor. We portray the structure and characteristics of ANXA1 as well as their roles in malignant transformation. Finally, we evidenced as ANXA1 promotes tumor suppression by interaction with the receptor of the epidermal growth factor (EGFR), triggering an immune exhaust mechanism by cancer cells. In the second chapter, we show that ANXA1 activates autocrine signaling in CRPC cells through FPR1. In addition, in the CRPC, we observed that the autocrine signaling of ANXA1 promotes nuclear location in EGFR. It has already been previously described that, once in the nucleus, EGFR is associated with progression of prostate cancer for castration resistant phenotype. When inhibited the FPR1 using Cyclsoporin H, the nuclear location of the EGFR and its downstream signage in the CRPC strains were blocked. We suggest, then, that inhibition of the autocrine signaling of ANXA1 and, consequently, of the nuclear location of EGFR can be a relevant strategy for the treatment of CRPC In the last chapter, we demonstrate an interaction between the signage routes of ANXA1 / FPR1 and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Stat3 (transcription factor activated by tyrosine kinases 3) in the CMTN. Our results showed that in CMTN, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-157 lineages, IL-6 signaling cascade modulates the autocrine axis activation anxa1 / fpr1. When treating sexic female mice transplanted with MDA-MB-231 cells with Tocilizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody that operates by blocking IL-6 receptors, we observed the reduction of tumor growth and inhibition of metastases formation. Finally, we show that IL-6 / STAT3 and ANXA1 / FPR1 pathways influence TME, altering the motility of fibroblasts. We suggest that the inhibition of IL-6 can be used as a possible therapeutic intervention and / or a new adjuvant therapy to improve the clinical outcome of patients with CMTN by blocking the autocrine signaling of ANXA1, slowing tumor progression.Finally, we demonstrate that AnxA1 stimulates a favorable tumor microenvironment which leads to immune escape by cancer cells. And in more aggressive prostate tumors such as CRPC, the autocrine signaling pathway of AnxA1 and FPR1 promotes the nuclear localization of EGFR, and that this localization plays an important role in cell survival and aggressiveness of CRPC cells. In triple negative breast tumors, the IL-6 pathway was shown to be a compensatory mechanism for signaling the AnxA1 and FPR1 axis, and these pathways, in addition to playing an important role in the aggressiveness of the CMTN, also influence the TME, reducing the motility of fibroblasts. Therefore, this work effectively contributed to the scientific community demonstrating that Annexin A1 plays different roles in tumor progression and that further studies on this molecule, and especially on the AnxA1/FPR1 autocrine signaling pathway, are relevant for a greater understanding of the most aggressive tumors, as well as possible therapeutic strategies.Tese (Doutorado)A Anexina A1 (AnxA1) é uma proteína de 37 KDa que se liga a fosfolipídios de membrana de maneira cálcio-dependente, sendo responsável por regular a inflamação, a organização de membranas celulares e o tráfico vesicular. AnxA1 é expressa principalmente no citoplasma, onde apresenta uma atividade anti-inflamatória. Já no núcleo está envolvida em regular a transcrição e, portanto, o funcionamento gênico. AnxA1 também pode ser clivada proteolicamente gerando um fragmento de 33-KDa e liberando seu peptídeo clivado N-terminal, que é biologicamente ativo. Tanto o peptídeo quanto a proteína de comprimento total podem ser secretados para o meio extracelular, onde são capazes de ativar Receptores de Peptídeos Formilados (FPRs), desencadeando, assim uma sinalização autócrina. O eixo de sinalização autócrina AnxA1/FPR1 está envolvida nas propriedades pró-invasivas e pró-tumorais, principalmente de tumores em estágios mais avançados, como o câncer de mama triplo negativo (CMTN) e o câncer de próstata resistente à castração (CRPC). AnxA1 desempenha papéis relevantes na transformação maligna, ativando oncogenes e inativando genes supressores de tumor, induzindo a proliferação e invasão celulares e a formação de metástases. Por isso, investigar a via sinalização da AnxA1, bem com a interação com outras moléculas nos diversos tipos de tumores, se mostra imprescindível para elucidar as particularidades dessa proteína e, assim, desenvolver novas estratégias de diagnóstico e terapêuticas para as diferentes neoplasias malignas. Em tumores, a Anxa1 desempenha atividade pró-inflamatória, induzindo um microambiente tumoral (TME) favorável com a promoção do crescimento e circulação de células malignas. Portanto, no Capítulo I, revisamos o papel da AnxA1 no estabelecimento do microambiente tumoral, com foco nas atividades imunossupressora e imunomoduladora. Primeiramente, descrevemos como células cancerosas suprimem as atividades do sistema imunológico, favorecendo a malignidade e a disseminação do câncer. Em seguida, apresentamos as principais características do TME e que a presença de algumas células imunológicas em sua composição cria um ambiente altamente imunossupressor, o que favorece o crescimento e a progressão do tumor. Retratamos a estrutura e características da Anxa1, bem como os seus papeis na transformação maligna. Por fim, evidenciamos como a AnxA1 promove a supressão tumoral pela interação com o receptor do fator de crescimento epidérmico (EGFR), desencadeando um mecanismo de escape imunológico pelas células do câncer. No segundo capítulo, mostramos que a AnxA1 ativa uma sinalização autócrina em células CRPC por meio do FPR1. Além disso, no CRPC, observamos que a sinalização autócrina de AnxA1 promove a localização nuclear no EGFR. Já foi descrito previamente que, uma vez no núcleo, EGFR é associado à progressão do câncer de próstata para o fenótipo resistente à castração. Quando inibimos o FPR1 utilizando Ciclsoporina H, a localização nuclear do EGFR e sua sinalização a jusante nas linhagens CRPC foram bloqueadas. Sugerimos, então, que a inibição da sinalização autócrina de AnxA1 e, consequentemente, da localização nuclear de EGFR pode ser uma estratégia relevante para o tratamento de CRPC No último Capítulo, demonstramos uma interação entre as vias de sinalização de AnxA1/FPR1 e da Interleucina-6 (IL-6) e STAT3 (Fator de transcrição ativado por tirosinas quinases 3) no CMTN. Os nossos resultados mostraram que nas linhagens de CMTN, MDA-MB-231 e MDA-MB-157, a cascata de sinalização de IL-6 modula a ativação do eixo autócrino AnxA1/FPR1. Ao tratar camundongos fêmeas atímicas transplantadas com células MDA-MB-231 com Tocilizumabe, um anticorpo monoclonal humanizado que atua bloqueando os receptores de IL-6, observamos a redução do crescimento do tumor e a inibição da formação de metástases. Por último, mostramos que as vias IL-6 /STAT3 e AnxA1/FPR1 influenciam o TME, alterando a motilidade de fibroblastos. Sugerimos que a inibição de IL-6 pode ser usada como uma possível intervenção terapêutica e/ou uma nova terapia adjuvante para melhorar o resultado clínico de pacientes com CMTN ao bloquear a sinalização autócrina de AnxA1, retardando a progressão tumoral. Por fim, demostramos que a AnxA1 estimula um microambiente tumoral favorável o que leva o escape imunológico pelas células do câncer. E em tumores de próstata mais agressivos, como CRPC, a via de sinalização autócrina da AnxA1 e FPR1 promove a localização nuclear de EGFR, e que esta localização desempenha um papel importante na sobrevivência celular e agressividade das células CRPC. Já em tumores de mama triplo negativos a via de IL-6 mostrou-se um mecanismo compensatório da sinalização de do eixo AnxA1 e FPR1 e essas vias além de apresentarem um papel importante na agressividade do CMTN, também influenciam a TME, reduzindo a motilidade de fibroblastos. Portanto, este trabalho contribuiu de forma eficaz para a comunidade científica demostrando que o Anexina A1 desempenha diferentes papeis na progressão tumoral e que estudos mais aprofundados sobre essa molécula, e, em especial na via de sinalização autócrina AnxA1/FPR1, mostram se relevantes para uma maior compreensão dos tumores mais agressivos, bem como, possíveis estratégias terapêuticas.2023-11-0

    Differential expression of PBRM1 gene and its clinical qualification in prostate tumors

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the sixth most common and most dominant cancer in the male population and the second largest cause of death after lung cancer. Defined as heterogeneous tumor, several mechanisms are involved with its onset and progression, especially those that alter the expression of different genes. Polybromo-1 (PBRM1/BAF180) protein is one of the subunits that gives specificity to the SWI / SNF chromatin remodeling complex and mutations within the PBRM1 domains are described in several types of cancers. However, its role in PCa has not been described yet. Using qPCR we evaluated the transcriptional levels of PBRM1 domains in the peripheral blood and tissue of patients with PCa and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and also in four cell lines, including a non-neoplastic (RWPE), a hormone responsive (LNCaP) and two hormones refractory (PC3 and DU145). Subsequently immunohistochemistry experiments were performed to evaluate the behavior of PBRM1 protein in patients with PCa. Western blotting and immunofluorescence assays confirmed and validated the protein expression profile in the cell compartments. PBRM1 domains were differentially expressed in PCa and BPH and in prostatic lines. BRD1 was able to distinguish cancer patients from those with benign disease, besides correlating with TNM. The protein was found in the nucleus, cytoplasm and membrane of patients with PCa. Higher expression in the nucleus was significantly when the PSA was ≥ 10ng / mL and in patients with a higher degree of Gleason as well. In the cell lines, PBRM1 was also found in different compartments and sizes. In RWPE the protein was full-length and in the nucleus, in LNCaP also full-lenght, but in the cytoplasm. In PC3 and DU145, it was located in the two compartments in a truncated form. PBRM1 may be involved in the development and progression of prostatic tumors, regulating different events associated with tumor biology. Given its role in modulating chromatin, defining mechanisms involved in its behavior may lead to new strategies for the treatment of PCa. Therefore, our results provide a basis for biologically significant and clinically relevant molecular genetic study. It is worth highlighting this is not only a study that aims the identification of biomarkers, but, mainly, it shows key events in the molecular understanding of PCa. Keywords: Prostate Cancer, PBRM1, differential expression, AR, remodeling complexCNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoDissertação (Mestrado)O Câncer de Próstata (CaP) é o sexto tipo de câncer mais comum e mais dominante na população masculina e a segunda maior causa de morte, após o câncer de pulmão. Diversos mecanismos encontram-se envolvidos no surgimento e progressão do CaP, sobretudo aqueles que regulam a expressão de diferentes genes. A proteína Polibromo-1 (PBMR1/BAF180) é a uma das subunidades que dão especificidade ao complexo de remodelagem da cromatina SWI/SNFB (PBAF) e mutações dentro dos domínios de PBRM1 são descritas em diversos tipos de cânceres. Porém, seu papel no CaP ainda não foi descrito. Por meio de qPCR avaliamos os níveis transcricionais dos domínios do gene PBRM1 no tecido e sangue periférico de pacientes com CaP e hiperplasia prostática benigna (HBP) e em quatro linhagens celulares, incluindo uma não neoplásica (RWPE), uma hormônio responsiva (LNCaP) e duas hormônio refratárias (PC3 e DU145). Em seguida experimentos de imunohistoquímica foram realizados para avaliar o comportamento da proteína PBRM1 em pacientes com CaP. Ensaios de Western Blotting e imunoflorescência confirmaram o perfil da proteína nos compartimentos celulares. Os domínios do gene PBRM1 se apresentaram diferencialmente expressos no CaP e HPB e nas linhagens prostáticas. O BRD1 (Bromodomínio 1) foi capaz distinguir pacientes com câncer daqueles com a doença benigna, além de correlacionar com TNM. A proteína foi encontrada no núcleo, citoplasma e membrana de pacientes com CaP. Sua expressão mais elevada no núcleo foi significativamente maior quando o PSA foi ≥ 10ng/mL e em pacientes com maior grau de Gleason. Nas linhagens celulares, PBRM1 também foi encontrada em diferentes compartimentos e tamanhos, sendo que na RWPE a proteína apresentou-se completa e no núcleo, em LNCaP também completa, mas no citoplasma. Já nas PC3 e DU145, foi localizada nos dois compartimentos de forma truncada. PBRM1 pode estar envolvido no desenvolvimento e progressão de tumores prostáticos, regulando diferentes eventos associados à biologia tumoral. Dado seu papel na modificação da cromatina, a definição dos mecanismos envolvidos em seu comportamento pode levar a novas estratégias de tratamento do CaP. Sendo assim, nossos resultados fornecem uma base para um estudo genético molecular biologicamente significativo e clinicamente relevante. Vale ressaltar que não se trata apenas de um estudo visando à identificação de biomarcadores, mas, sobretudo, evidencia eventos chaves na compreensão molecular do CaP. Palavras-chave: Câncer de próstata, PBRM1, expressão diferencial, AR, remodelagem da cromatina

    Interleukin-6 Signaling in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells Elicits the Annexin A1/Formyl Peptide Receptor 1 Axis and Affects the Tumor Microenvironment

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    Annexin A1 (AnxA1) is a pleiotropic protein that exerts essential roles in breast cancer (BC) growth and aggressiveness. In our previous work, we described the autocrine signaling of AnxA1 through formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) in the triple-negative (TN) BC cell line, MDA-MB-231. Here, we aimed to describe the interaction between the AnxA1/FPR1 and the Interleukin-6 (IL-6) signaling pathways and their role in the tumor microenvironment (TME). First, we demonstrated that AnxA1 and IL-6 expression levels are correlated in BC tissue samples. In three TNBC cell lines, overexpression of both AnxA1 and IL-6 was also identified. Next, we inhibited FPR1, the IL-6 receptor and STAT3 in both MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-157 cells. The FPR1 inhibition led to increased levels of IL-6 and secreted AnxA1 in both cell lines. On the other side, inhibition of the IL-6 receptor or STAT3 led to the impairment of AnxA1 secretion, suggesting the essential role of the IL-6 signaling cascade in the activation of the AnxA1/FPR1 autocrine axis. Finally, we described the interaction between IL-6 and the AnxA1/FPR1 pathways and their role on the TME by analyzing the effect of supernatants derived from MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-157 cells under the inhibition of FPR1 or IL-6 signaling on fibroblast cell motility

    Eating frequency and weight status in Portuguese children aged 3–9 years : results from the cross-sectional National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey 2015–2016

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    © The Authors 2019Objective: To evaluate daily eating frequency (main meals and snacks) in relation to weight status in children aged 3–9 years, representative of the Portuguese population. Design: Cross-sectional study. Dietary intake was estimated as the mean of two non-consecutive days of food diaries, followed by face-to-face interviews. Weight and height were measured by trained observers. Eating occasions (EO) were defined by the children’s caregiver; an EO was considered separate if the time of consumption was different from other EO and it provided at least 209 kJ (50 kcal). Main meals defined as ‘breakfast’, ‘lunch’ and ‘dinner’ could be selected only once per day. The remaining EO were considered snacks. The association between eating frequency and overweight/obesity was evaluated through logistic regressions weighted for the population distribution. Setting: National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey of the Portuguese population, 2015–2016. Participants: Portuguese children aged 3–9 years with complete dietary data and anthropometric measurements (n 517). Results: Overall, the number of daily EO ranged from 3·5 to 11, and on average children had 5·7 daily EO. After adjustment for child’s sex, age and total energy intake, and considering only plausible energy intake reporters, having < 3 snacks/d was positively associated with being overweight/obese (OR = 1·98; 95 % CI 1·00, 3·90), compared with having ≥ 3 snacks/d. Conclusions: Lower daily frequency of EO was associated with increased odds of being overweight or obese in children. A higher eating frequency, maintaining the same energy intake, seems to contribute to a healthy body weight in children.This study had institutional support from the General Directorate of Health (DGS), the Regional Health Administration Departments, the Central Administration of the Health System (ACSS) and the European Food Safety Authority (CFT/EFSA/DCM/2012/01-C03). The researchers acknowledge all these institutions and persons involved in all phases of the IAN-AF 2015–2016, as well as the participants. Financial support: The IAN-AF 2015–2016 received funding from the EEA Grants Program, Public Health Initiatives (grant number PT06-000088SI3). The EEA Grant Program had no role in the design, analysis or writing of this article.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio