1,012 research outputs found

    Characterisation of communal rangeland degradation and evaluation of vegetation restoration techniques in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    This study assessed the social factors influencing poor communal rangeland management, which are assumed to result in rangeland degradation. This was followed by, examination of biophysical characteristics of rangeland degradation in communal areas. To relate social factors featuring in communal rangeland management with rangeland degradation, biophysical factors influencing livestock grazing distribution patterns were studied. To establish the solution to communal rangeland degradation, rangeland restoration techniques were evaluated. The study was conducted at Amakhuze Tribal Authority (ATA) (S32o 38´, E26o56, 763 - 1500 m.a.s.l) composed of six villages and Phandulwazi Agricultural High School (S32o 39´ and E26o 55´, 747 m.a.s.l). Focus group discussions were conducted in six villages and questionnaire surveys in four randomly selected villages to assess social factors influencing communal rangeland degradation. Communal rangeland degradation biophysical characteristics were assessed. Biophysical factors affecting livestock grazing distribution pattern were examined through direct field observations for 12 months. Restoration techniques were evaluated on 26 plots. The social factors influencing communal rangeland management include lack of skills on rangeland management for farmers, lack of individual/community obligation on grazing management, lack of effective policies and/or poor enforcement accompanied by lack of effective institutions governing rangeland utilisation and management. Communal rangelands were more (χ 2 = 2612.07, df = 26, p < 0.01) degraded compared with controlled grazing areas. Within the communal rangelands, land degradation was higher at the low-lying areas, compared to foothills, midslopes, and mountaintop (crest). Rangeland degradation in communal areas was characterised by poor forage productivity and poor vegetation cover , higher soil unconfined compressive strength (UCS) (4.5 kg/cm2) with low hydraulic conductivity (5.21 x 10-3) and physical soil loss characteristics such presence of terracettes, pedestals, rills and gullies. Grazing distribution was higher at valley bottom (r2 = 0.404, p < 0.001), low altitude (r2 = -0.007, p < 0.001), closer to water points (r2 = -0.001, p < 0.001), and on grassland vegetation (r2 = 0.620, p < 0.001). Introduction of seedlings with microcatchment combined with brushpack promoted (p < 0.05) higher number of tillers (13), leaves (42) and reduced seedling mortality (10.4percent). T. triandra produced higher (p < 0.05) number of tillers (12) and leaves (39) but low number of inflorescence (0.7) with higher mortality rates (25.3percent) compared to P. dilatatum. Where plant propagules were introduced as seeds, use of microcatchment promoted higher seed germination (F = 38.84, p < 0.05) and maintained higher plant density (F = 37.43, p < 0.05). E. curvula seeds attained higher germination rate and maintained higher plant density compared to D. eriantha and P. Maximum. Use of microcatchment, brushpack, and water spreading system promoted soil water retention. It is important that any interventions aimed at improving communal rangeland management, controlling rangeland degradation in the communal areas, or restoring degraded rangelands to consider the social factors driving rangeland management and biophysical factors influencing grazing distribution pattern. Rangeland restoration techniques for communal areas should be centred on their ability to collect and retain water to promote restoration performance of introduced plant propagules.Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 201

    Explicit measurement of multi-tracer arterial input function for PET imaging using blood sampling spectroscopy

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    BACKGROUND: Conventional PET imaging has usually been limited to a single tracer per scan. We propose a new technique for multi-tracer PET imaging that uses dynamic imaging and multi-tracer compartment modeling including an explicitly derived arterial input function (AIF) for each tracer using blood sampling spectroscopy. For that purpose, at least one of the co-injected tracers must be based on a non-pure positron emitter. METHODS: The proposed technique was validated in vivo by performing cardiac PET/CT studies on three healthy pigs injected with 18FDG (viability) and 68Ga-DOTA (myocardial blood flow and extracellular volume fraction) during the same acquisition. Blood samples were collected during the PET scan, and separated AIF for each tracer was obtained by spectroscopic analysis. A multi-tracer compartment model was applied to the myocardium in order to obtain the distribution of each tracer at the end of the PET scan. Relative activities of both tracers and tracer uptake were obtained and compared with the values obtained by ex vivo analysis of excised myocardial tissue segments. RESULTS: A high correlation was obtained between multi-tracer PET results, and those obtained from ex vivo analysis (18FDG relative activity: r = 0.95, p < 0.0001; SUV: r = 0.98, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The proposed technique allows performing PET scans with two tracers during the same acquisition obtaining separate information for each tracer.This work was supported by grants from the Carlos III Institute of Health of Spain and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, “Una manera de hacer Europa”) (FIS-FEDER PI14-01427) and from the Comunidad de Madrid (2016-T1/TIC-1099). CV holds a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU014/01794). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCNU), and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505).S

    Development of a blood sample detector for multi-tracer positron emission tomography using gamma spectroscopy

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    BACKGROUND: Multi-tracer positron emission tomography (PET) imaging can be accomplished by applying multi-tracer compartment modeling. Recently, a method has been proposed in which the arterial input functions (AIFs) of the multi-tracer PET scan are explicitly derived. For that purpose, a gamma spectroscopic analysis is performed on blood samples manually withdrawn from the patient when at least one of the co-injected tracers is based on a non-pure positron emitter. Alternatively, these blood samples required for the spectroscopic analysis may be obtained and analyzed on site by an automated detection device, thus minimizing analysis time and radiation exposure of the operating personnel. In this work, a new automated blood sample detector based on silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for single- and multi-tracer PET imaging is presented, characterized, and tested in vitro and in vivo. RESULTS: The detector presented in this work stores and analyzes on-the-fly single and coincidence detected events. A sensitivity of 22.6 cps/(kBq/mL) and 1.7 cps/(kBq/mL) was obtained for single and coincidence events respectively. An energy resolution of 35% full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) at 511 keV and a minimum detectable activity of 0.30 ± 0.08 kBq/mL in single mode were obtained. The in vivo AIFs obtained with the detector show an excellent Pearson's correlation (r = 0.996, p < 0.0001) with the ones obtained from well counter analysis of discrete blood samples. Moreover, in vitro experiments demonstrate the capability of the detector to apply the gamma spectroscopic analysis on a mixture of 68Ga and 18F and separate the individual signal emitted from each one. CONCLUSIONS: Characterization and in vivo evaluation under realistic experimental conditions showed that the detector proposed in this work offers excellent sensibility and stability. The device also showed to successfully separate individual signals emitted from a mixture of radioisotopes. Therefore, the blood sample detector presented in this study allows fully automatic AIFs measurements during single- and multi-tracer PET studies.This work was supported by grants from the Carlos III Institute of Health of Spain and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, “Una manera de hacer Europa”) (FIS-FEDER PI14-01427), and from the Comunidad de Madrid (2016-T1/TIC-1099). CV holds a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU014/01794). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCNU), and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505)

    Diálogo das fontes: estatuto da advocacia e o código de defesa do consumidor

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo da aplicação das normas do Código de Defesa do Consumidor conjuntamente com regramento jurídico da profissão de advogado nas relações estabelecidas entre este profissional e seus clientes. Neste fito, procede-se à análise e conceituação dos elementos componentes da situação de consumo, bem como da profissão advocatícia, destacando-se a possibilidade de convergência normativa destas relações. Ao fim, conclui-se que relação jurídica estabelecida por contrato advocatício muitas vezes pode ser tipifica como relação de consumo, sendo, portanto, passível de regulação por um diálogo entre o Código de Defesa do Consumidor e o Estatuto da Advocacia

    Assessment of regional pulmonary blood flow using Ga-68-DOTA PET

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    Background: In vivo determination of regional pulmonary blood flow (PBF) is a valuable tool for the evaluation of many lung diseases. In this study, the use of Ga-68-DOTA PET for the in vivo quantitative determination of regional PBF is proposed. This methodology was implemented and tested in healthy pigs and validated using fluorescent microspheres. The study was performed on young large white pigs (n = 4). To assess the reproducibility and consistency of the method, three PET scans were obtained for each animal. Each radiotracer injection was performed simultaneously to the injection of fluorescent microspheres. PBF images were generated applying a two-compartment exchange model over the dynamic PET images. PET and microspheres values were compared by regression analysis and Bland-Altman plot. Results: The capability of the proposed technique to produce 3D regional PBF images was demonstrated. The correlation evaluation between Ga-68-DOTA PET and microspheres showed a good and significant correlation (r = 0.74, P < 0.001). Conclusions: Assessment of PBF with the proposed technique allows combining the high quantitative accuracy of PET imaging with the use of Ga-68/Ge-68 generators. Thus, Ga-68-DOTA PET emerges as a potential inexpensive method for measuring PBF in clinical settings with an extended use.This work was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (SAF2014-58920-R) and a grant from the Carlos III Institute of Health (FIS-FEDER PI14-01427). C. Velasco is a recipient of a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU014/01794). S. Espana and A. Santos are recipients of M+Vision Advanced fellowships from the community of Madrid. The CNIC is supported by the MINECO and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MINECO award SEV-2015-0505).S

    Análisis de la adhesión al tratamiento con antirretrovirales en pacientes con VIH/SIDA

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    Objetivo: Analisar a adesão de pacientes com HIV/AIDS à terapia antirretroviral. Método: 99 voluntários portadores do vírus HIV sob tratamento foram submetidos à entrevista social e demográfica semiestruturada e ao questionário para avaliação da adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral. Resultados: Na amostra analisada, 52,5% dos voluntários apresentaram boa/adequada adesão ao tratamento, enquanto 33,3% apresentaram baixa/insuficiente. Não houve diferença significativa entre homens e mulheres na pontuação do questionário, nem entre os diferentes graus de instrução. Conclusão: Os principais itens do questionário que contribuíram para aderência boa/adequada foram o impacto positivo do tratamento na saúde e na qualidade de vida, os poucos efeitos colaterais com o início da terapia e a autoavaliação positiva dos participantes quanto à própria adesão à terapia antirretroviral. As principais barreiras detectadas para a baixa/insuficiente adesão à terapia antirretroviral foram o desconhecimento sobre as medicações em uso e o relato de escassez de informação sobre os medicamentos da terapia antirretroviral.Objective: To analyze the compliance to antiretroviral therapy among HIV/AIDS patients. Method: 99 HIV-positive volunteers undergoing treatment responded to a semi-structured sociodemographic interview and to a questionnaire that assessed compliance to antiretroviral treatment. Results: In the sample analyzed, 52.5% of the volunteers presented good/adequate treatment compliance, while 33.3% presented low/insufficient compliance. There was no significant difference between men and women in the questionnaire score, nor between groups with different levels of education. Conclusion: The main items of the questionnaire that contributed to good/adequate compliance were: positive impact of treatment on health and quality of life, few side effects after initiation of therapy, and positive self-evaluation of participants regarding their compliance to antiretroviral therapy. The main barriers detected for compliance to antiretroviral therapy were the lack of knowledge about current medications and the lack of information on antiretroviral therapy drugs.Objetivo: analizar la adhesión de pacientes con VIH/SIDA a la terapia antirretroviral. Método: 99 voluntarios portadores del virus VIH en tratamiento se sometieron a entrevista social y demográfica semiestructurada y al cuestionario de evaluación de la adhesión al tratamiento antirretroviral. Resultados: en la muestra analizada, el 52,5% de los voluntarios presentaba buena/adecuada adhesión al tratamiento, mientras que el 33,3%, baja/insuficiente. No había diferencia significativa entre hombres y mujeres en la puntuación del cuestionario, ni entre los diferentes grados de instrucción. Conclusión: Los puntos principales del cuestionario que contribuyeron a la adherencia buena/adecuada fueron: impacto positivo del tratamiento de la salud y la calidad de vida, pocos efectos colaterales al principio de la terapia y una autoevaluación positiva de los participantes relativa a la propia adhesión a la terapia antirretroviral. Las principales barreras detectadas para la baja/insuficiente adhesión a la terapia antirretroviral fueron el desconocimiento sobre los remedios en uso y la escasez de información sobre los medicamentos de la terapia antirretroviral

    The Management of Innovation Networks: Possibilities of Collaboration in Light of Game Theory

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    The purpose of the present article is to demonstrate how understanding the rationality of the agents of innovation networks can be useful to strategically formulate their management, in light of the prisoner’s dilemma. This research was undertaken using a theoretical test that addresses the topics of network governance and management, collaboration and game theory. The results may contribute to the literature on network governance and management, more specifically to the field of innovation networks, by proposing scenarios upon which network managers can build in order to develop governance strategies. Moreover, management mechanisms are also proposed, adjusted to the innovation networks, in order to encourage collaboration among the participants of these innovative environments

    A dinâmica da relação entre inovação e internacionalização em empresas de TIC

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    The article aims to evaluate the existence of a coevolution between internationalization strategies and innovative performance within information and communication technology (ICT) companies located in the northeast of Brazil. In order to achieve this objective, a conceptual model was derived from the literature review contemplating the vision that internationalization and innovation within companies happen in an evolutionary and dynamic way. Methodologically, the study is characterized by being qualitative, using the technique of multiple cases. The studied companies (IVIA, IFACTORY, CPQI and GREENMILE) presented changes in both internal and external competences. Thus, a main conclusion has been that the studied companies presented a process of coevolution between innovation and internationalization strategies. In terms of business strategies, it can be verified that the presence of these two processes, guarantees the development and growth of companies in the global market.O artigo avalia a existência de coevolução entre as estratégias de internacionalização e o desempenho inovativo em empresas de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) localizadas no nordeste brasileiro. Para tanto, derivou-se da revisão de literatura um modelo conceitual contemplando a visão de que a internacionalização e inovação nas empresas acontecem de forma evolucionista e dinâmica. Metodologicamente, o estudo caracteriza-se por ser qualitativo, utilizando a técnica de múltiplos casos. As empresas estudadas (IVIA, IFACTORY, CPQI e GREENMILE) apresentaram evolução das competências tanto internas, como externas, com diferenças em cada caso analisado. Como principal conclusão, tem-se que as empresas estudadas apresentaram um processo de coevolução entre inovação e internacionalização. Em termos de estratégias empresariais, verifica-se que a presença destes dois expedientes garante a permanência sustentável das empresas no mercado.


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    Este artigo abordou a temática leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC), uma doença parasita e endêmica, que pode ser fatal para alguns animais e para pessoas. Ela é gerada pelo Leishmania Chagasi, que transmitido através do repasto sanguíneo de um inseto chamado flebotomíneo (Lutzomvia longipalpis), popularmente conhecido como mosquito palha. A doença vem tomando enormes proporções no Brasil, sendo considerada uma doença de saúde pública. Além da revisão de literatura, realizou-se pesquisa de campo de abordagem quantitativa. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar o índice de leishmaniose no município de Carlos Chagas - MG, apresentando como o município tem lidado com esta endemia, destacando dados quantitativos sobre os casos de leishmaniose com o foco no município supracitado. A pesquisa foi realizada Setor do Controle de Endemias do município. Os resultados apontam que houve um crescimento ao decorrer dos anos citados na pesquisa, além de outras observações presentes no estudo. Observou-se que em 2021, os amimais reagentes ao teste DPP® foram de 32,42%, em 2022, foram 39,74%. Contudo, em 2023 houve um declínio, apresentando um percentual de 27,95%, os testes feitos como contraprova apresentam o mesmo declínio dos testes reagentes em 2023. Por esse motivo, compreende-se que em todos os dados estatísticos apresentados no estudo, as porcentagens são mínimas em comparação aos outros anos. Nota-se a importância da prevenção, tendo como pleno envolvimento da saúde pública, ressaltando a participação direta do médico veterinário, que se faz indispensável em todos os processos que envolvem a doença, desde o diagnostico até a prevenção.This article addressed the topic of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL), a parasitic and endemic disease that can be fatal for some animals and people. It is generated by Leishmania Chagasi, transmitted through the blood meal of an insect called sand flies (Lutzomvia longipalpis), popularly known as straw mosquitoes. The disease has taken on enormous proportions in Brazil, being considered a public health disease. In addition to the literature review, field research with a quantitative approach was carried out. The study aimed to analyze the leishmaniasis rate in Carlos Chagas - MG, presenting how the municipality has dealt with this endemic, highlighting quantitative data on leishmaniasis cases with a focus on the aforementioned municipality. The research was carried out by the Endemic Disease Control Sector. The results indicate that there was growth over the years mentioned in the research, in addition to other observations present in the study. It was observed that in 2021, the animals reacting to the DPP® test were 32.42%, in 2022, they were 39.74%. However, in 2023 there was a decline, presenting a percentage of 27.95%, the tests carried out as controls show the same decline as the reagent tests in 2023. For this reason, it is understood that in all the statistical data presented in the study, the percentages are minimal compared to other years. The importance of prevention is noted, with the full involvement of public health, highlighting the direct participation of the veterinarian, essential in all processes involving the disease, from diagnosis to prevention.Este artículo abordó el tema de la leishmaniasis visceral canina (LVC), una enfermedad parasitaria y endémica que puede ser mortal para algunos animales y personas. Es generado por Leishmania Chagasi, que se transmite a través de la ingestión de sangre de un insecto llamado flebótomo (Lutzomvia longipalpis), conocido popularmente como mosquito de la paja. La enfermedad ha adquirido enormes proporciones en Brasil, siendo considerada una enfermedad de salud pública. Además de la revisión de la literatura, se realizó una investigación de campo con enfoque cuantitativo. El e otras observaciones presentes en el estudio. Se observó que en=023. Por ello, se entiende que en todos los datos estadísticos presentados en el estudio , los porcentajes son mínimos respecto a otros años. Se señala la importancia de la prevención, con la total implicación de la salud pública, destacando la participación directa del veterinario, quien es fundamental en todos los procesos que involucran la enfermedad, desde el diagnóstico hasta la prevención.Este artigo abordou a temática leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC), uma doença parasita e endêmica, que pode ser fatal para alguns animais e para pessoas. Ela é gerada pelo Leishmania Chagasi, que transmitido através do repasto sanguíneo de um inseto chamado flebotomíneo (Lutzomvia longipalpis), popularmente conhecido como mosquito palha. A doença vem tomando enormes proporções no Brasil, sendo considerada uma doença de saúde pública. Além da revisão de literatura, realizou-se pesquisa de campo de abordagem quantitativa. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar o índice de leishmaniose no município de Carlos Chagas - MG, apresentando como o município tem lidado com esta endemia, destacando dados quantitativos sobre os casos de leishmaniose com o foco no município supracitado. A pesquisa foi realizada Setor do Controle de Endemias do município. Os resultados apontam que houve um crescimento ao decorrer dos anos citados na pesquisa, além de outras observações presentes no estudo. Observou-se que em 2021, os amimais reagentes ao teste DPP® foram de 32,42%, em 2022, foram 39,74%. Contudo, em 2023 houve um declínio, apresentando um percentual de 27,95%, os testes feitos como contraprova apresentam o mesmo declínio dos testes reagentes em 2023. Por esse motivo, compreende-se que em todos os dados estatísticos apresentados no estudo, as porcentagens são mínimas em comparação aos outros anos. Nota-se a importância da prevenção, tendo como pleno envolvimento da saúde pública, ressaltando a participação direta do médico veterinário, que se faz indispensável em todos os processos que envolvem a doença, desde o diagnostico até a prevenção