52 research outputs found

    The Probable Effect of Irrigation Solution and Time on Bond Strength to Coronal Dentin: An In Vitro Evaluation

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of root canal irrigants on the microtensile bond strength of 2-step self-etch adhesive to dentin. Methods and Materials: In this study 36 sound extracted human third molars were used. After grinding 3 mm of occlusal surface, teeth were randomly divided into 6 groups based on irrigation material naming normal saline, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) and also irrigation time (5 or 30 min). Next, teeth were restored with Clearfil SE bond adhesive resin system and Z250 composite. The teeth were then thermo cycled by thermo cycling machine, for 500 cycles between 5º and 55ºC with 60 sec dwell time and 12 sec transfer time. All samples were sectioned into bucco-lingual slabs. The sections were submitted to the micro tensile testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fracture. Data was analyzed using the one-way ANOVA test with the level of significance set at 0.05. Results: Irrigation with normal saline, 5.25% NaOCl and 2% CHX for 5 or 30 min did not significantly change the microtensile bond strength of adhesive to dentin (P=0.729 for time and P=0.153 for material). However the maximum and minimum microtensile bond strength was attributed to normal saline (44.13 N) and NaOCl (31.29 N) groups, respectively. Conclusion: Iirrigation solution and time have no influence on microtensile bond strength of two-step self-etch adhesive to coronal dentin.Keywords: Bond Strength, Dentin, Irrigation Solution

    An Upgrade Pinning Block: A Mechanical Practical Aid for Fast Labelling of the Insect Specimens

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    A new mechanical innovation is described to deal with standard labelling of dried specimens on triangular cards and/or pinned specimens in personal and public collections. It works quickly, precisely, and easily and is very useful for maintaining label uniformity in collections. The tools accurately sets the position of labels in the shortest possible time. This tools has advantages including rapid processing, cost effectiveness, light weight, and high accuracy, compared to conventional methods. It is fully customisable, compact, and does not require specialist equipment to assemble. Conventional methods generally require locating holes on the pinning block surface when labelling with a resulting risk to damage of the specimens. Insects of different orders can be labelled by this simple and effective tool

    N,N,N-Trimethyl chitosan as a permeation enhancer for inhalation drug delivery: interaction with a model pulmonary surfactant

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    N,N,N-Trimethyl chitosan (TMC), a biocompatible and biodegradable derivative of chitosan, is currently used as a permeation enhancer to increase the translocation of drugs to the bloodstream in the lungs. This article discusses the effect of TMC on a mimetic pulmonary surfactant, Curosurf, a low-viscosity lipid formulation administered to preterm infants with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Curosurf exhibits a strong interaction with TMC, resulting in the formation of aggregates at electrostatic charge stoichiometry. At nanoscale, Curosurf undergoes a profound reorganization of its lipid vesicles in terms of size and lamellarity. The initial micron-sized vesicles (average size 4.8 microns) give way to a froth-like network of unilamellar vesicles about 300 nm in size. Under such conditions, neutralization of the cationic charges by pulmonary surfactant may inhibit TMC permeation enhancer capacity, especially as electrostatic charge complexation is found at low TMC content. The permeation properties of pulmonary surfactant-neutralized TMC should then be evaluated for its applicability as a permeation enhancer for inhalation in the alveolar region.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    An Archaeomineralogy of the Late Chalcolithic, Early Bronze, and Middle Bronze Pottery from Tapeh Kelar

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    Pottery is of particular importance in archaeology as an indicator of chronology, art, technology, and subsistence system of ancient populations. Pottery discloses contacts and exchanges between different regions. Kelar Hill (henceforth: Tapeh Kelar) of the Kelardasht region is a major prehistoric site in western Mazandaran. The site contains cultural evidences spanning the Late Chalcolithic (fourth millennium BCE) through the Islamic period. Amost significant component of the site’s sequence is a Kura-Araxes deposit. As the Kura-Araxes culture originated far from Tapeh Kelar (in South Caucasia), the primary concern of the present study revolves around the structureof the pottery from the site dating to the transition from the Late Chalcolithic to the Kura-Araxes period to spot the existing variations or discrepancies. The study also tries to answer the question whether or not the Kura-Araxes material represented exotic products at Tapeh Kelar. Some 25 sherds dating to the Late Chalcolithic, and Early‒Middle Bronze Age were picked up for petrographic analysis to compare the mineralogical texture of the LateChalcolithic and Middle Bronze Age ceramics with those of the Kura-Araxes material. The analyses suggest that the Kura-Araxes pieces from Tapeh Kelar were local products despite some disparities in their texture, which stemmed from the difference in raw material sources. Therefore, the presumption that the Kura-Araxes-type pottery first entered the site through exchange or trade before the related forms were copied by local potters is refuted

    Prevalence of anti-HCV antibody and related risk factors among bleeding disorder patients in Yazd province of Iran

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    زمینه و هدف: مصرف جایگزین درمانی خون و فرآورده های خونی غربال نشده یا فاکتورهای انعقادی تغلیظ شده ویروس زدایی نشده در بیماران اختلال انعقادی خطر ابتلا به هپاتیت C را در آنها ایجاد می کند. مطالعه حاضر به منظور بررسی فراوانی آنتی بادی بر علیه ویروس هپاتیت C (anti-HCV Ab) و فاکتورهای خطر مربوطه در بیماران اختلال انعقادی استان یزد انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی که به روش سرشماری در تابستان 1385 انجام شد، پس از جمع آوری اطلاعات پرسشنامه ای، از 77 بیمار نمونه خون گرفته شد. نمونه های پلاسما با کیت الیزا از نظر آنتی بادی بر علیه ویروس هپاتیت C و سپس نمونه های مثبت با روش تست RIBA (Recombinant Immonoblot Assay) تایید شدند. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری کای دو و آنالیز رگرسیون لجستیک مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. یافته ها: فراوانی آنتی بادی بر علیه ویروس هپاتیت ‍‍C معادل 4/49 (38 بیمار) بدست آمد. بین داشتن فرم شدید بیماری (از نظر نیاز به فرآورده های خونی) (01/0

    IoT in medical diagnosis: detecting excretory functional disorders for Older adults via bathroom activity change using unobtrusive IoT technology

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are promising technologies that can help make the health system more efficient, which concurrently can be particularly useful to help maintain a high quality of life for older adults, especially in light of healthcare staff shortage. Many health issues are challenging to manage both by healthcare staff and policymakers. They have a negative impact on older adults and their families and are an economic burden to societies around the world. This situation is particularly critical for older adults, a population highly vulnerable to diseases that needs more consideration and care. It is, therefore, crucial to improve diagnostic and management as well as proposed prevention strategies to enhance the health and quality of life of older adults. In this study, we focus on detecting symptoms in early stages of diseases to prevent the deterioration of older adults' health and avoid complications. We focus on digestive and urinary system disorders [mainly the Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)] that are known to affect older adult populations and that are detrimental to their health and quality of life. Our proposed approach relies on unobtrusive IoT and change point detections algorithms to help follow older adults' health status daily. The approach monitors long-term behavior changes and detects possible changes in older adults' behavior suggesting early onsets or symptoms of IBS and UTI. We validated our approach with medical staff reports and IoT data collected in the residence of 16 different older adults during periods ranging from several months to a few years. Results are showing that our proposed approach can detect changes associated to symptoms of UTI and IBS, which were confirmed with observations and testimonies from the medical staff

    Global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Funding: F Carvalho and E Fernandes acknowledge support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy i4HB; FCT/MCTES through the project UIDB/50006/2020. J Conde acknowledges the European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC-StG-2019-848325). V M Costa acknowledges the grant SFRH/BHD/110001/2015, received by Portuguese national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), IP, under the Norma Transitória DL57/2016/CP1334/CT0006.proofepub_ahead_of_prin

    Processus décisionnel de fin de vie en réanimation néonatale : arbitrer entre le certain et l'incertain

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    The end-of-life (EOL) decision-making process remains a particular event that confronts health care teams with their doubts and uncertainties. Indeed, for such a decision to made, there must be some doubt and uncertainty, otherwise, instead of being a conscious “decision”, it becomes a simple application of prior knowledge. EOL decisions are not simply a case of the decision-maker overcoming his or her indecisiveness. In this work, I examine the role of the doctor as an arbitrator in the conflict between the certain and the uncertain in EOL situations in the neonatal period. I have based my work on the analysis of the trajectories of six clinical observations drawn from my own experience, which illustrate, better than a long speech, the notion of the certain and the uncertain, and give these abstract concepts a concrete and practical meaning.To explore the notion of the uncertain during the decision-making process in EOL situations, is to accept to go against the dominant medical culture that values certainty, because uncertainty is negatively perceived amongst caregivers. However, doubt can have a beneficial effect on the decision-making process itself, and on the consequences of the decision taken, since it encourages discussion between caregivers and allows time for decision-making. Thus, he or she who doubts is not ignorant, but cautious in the Aristotelian sense, when trying to deliberate a choice by subjecting it to the criticism of others as part of a procedure of collegial reflection.In this work, I also show that doubt and uncertainty compel the decision-maker to confront his or her personal convictions, which constitutes ethical ethics, with his or her responsibility, which is teleological ethics. It is only in the tension between these two ethics that the caregiver can decide with peace of mind.Le processus décisionnel est un évènement particulier qui confronte les soignants à leurs doutes et à leurs incertitudes. Chaque décision comporte inéluctablement une part de doute et d’incertitude, sinon elle ne mérite pas d’être appelée « décision », car elle ne serait que le résultat de l’application d’un savoir acquis à l’avance, à une situation connue. C’est cette part d’incertitude qui est le lieu de la réflexion et qui offre à chacun la possibilité de se questionner, c’est-à-dire de se mettre dans la situation où il faut vaincre l’indécidable pour pouvoir décider. Au cours de ce travail, j’aborde le rôle du médecin en tant qu’arbitre entre le certain et l’incertain en situation de fin de vie chez le nouveau-né. Afin de cerner cette problématique, je rapporte six observations cliniques, toutes tirées de ma propre expérience et qui illustrent mieux qu’un long discours les notions du certain et de l’incertain, et permettent de donner à chacune de ces notions son véritable sens pratique de manière concrète.Vouloir aborder la notion de l’incertain au cours du processus décisionnel en situation de fin de vie, consiste à accepter d’aller à l’encontre de la culture médicale dominante, qui valorise la certitude, car l’incertitude véhicule une image négative dans l’imaginaire des soignants. Pourtant, le doute peut avoir un effet salvateur sur le processus décisionnel, car il incite les soignants à se concerter avant de décider. Ainsi, celui qui doute n’est pas un ignorant, mais quelqu’un de prudent au sens aristotélicien, c’est-à-dire qui soumet son choix à la critique des autres, dans le cadre d’une procédure de délibération collégiale. Ainsi, l’incertitude met en tension les convictions qui relèvent de l’éthique déontologique, et la responsabilité qui relève de l’éthique téléologique. C’est la confrontation entre ces deux éthiques qui permet au soignant de décider en ayant la paix dans l’âme

    End-of-life Decision-Making Process in Neonatology : to Adjudicate Between the Certainty and the Uncertainty

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    Le processus décisionnel est un évènement particulier qui confronte les soignants à leurs doutes et à leurs incertitudes. Chaque décision comporte inéluctablement une part de doute et d’incertitude, sinon elle ne mérite pas d’être appelée « décision », car elle ne serait que le résultat de l’application d’un savoir acquis à l’avance, à une situation connue. C’est cette part d’incertitude qui est le lieu de la réflexion et qui offre à chacun la possibilité de se questionner, c’est-à-dire de se mettre dans la situation où il faut vaincre l’indécidable pour pouvoir décider. Au cours de ce travail, j’aborde le rôle du médecin en tant qu’arbitre entre le certain et l’incertain en situation de fin de vie chez le nouveau-né. Afin de cerner cette problématique, je rapporte six observations cliniques, toutes tirées de ma propre expérience et qui illustrent mieux qu’un long discours les notions du certain et de l’incertain, et permettent de donner à chacune de ces notions son véritable sens pratique de manière concrète.Vouloir aborder la notion de l’incertain au cours du processus décisionnel en situation de fin de vie, consiste à accepter d’aller à l’encontre de la culture médicale dominante, qui valorise la certitude, car l’incertitude véhicule une image négative dans l’imaginaire des soignants. Pourtant, le doute peut avoir un effet salvateur sur le processus décisionnel, car il incite les soignants à se concerter avant de décider. Ainsi, celui qui doute n’est pas un ignorant, mais quelqu’un de prudent au sens aristotélicien, c’est-à-dire qui soumet son choix à la critique des autres, dans le cadre d’une procédure de délibération collégiale. Ainsi, l’incertitude met en tension les convictions qui relèvent de l’éthique déontologique, et la responsabilité qui relève de l’éthique téléologique. C’est la confrontation entre ces deux éthiques qui permet au soignant de décider en ayant la paix dans l’âme.The end-of-life (EOL) decision-making process remains a particular event that confronts health care teams with their doubts and uncertainties. Indeed, for such a decision to made, there must be some doubt and uncertainty, otherwise, instead of being a conscious “decision”, it becomes a simple application of prior knowledge. EOL decisions are not simply a case of the decision-maker overcoming his or her indecisiveness. In this work, I examine the role of the doctor as an arbitrator in the conflict between the certain and the uncertain in EOL situations in the neonatal period. I have based my work on the analysis of the trajectories of six clinical observations drawn from my own experience, which illustrate, better than a long speech, the notion of the certain and the uncertain, and give these abstract concepts a concrete and practical meaning.To explore the notion of the uncertain during the decision-making process in EOL situations, is to accept to go against the dominant medical culture that values certainty, because uncertainty is negatively perceived amongst caregivers. However, doubt can have a beneficial effect on the decision-making process itself, and on the consequences of the decision taken, since it encourages discussion between caregivers and allows time for decision-making. Thus, he or she who doubts is not ignorant, but cautious in the Aristotelian sense, when trying to deliberate a choice by subjecting it to the criticism of others as part of a procedure of collegial reflection.In this work, I also show that doubt and uncertainty compel the decision-maker to confront his or her personal convictions, which constitutes ethical ethics, with his or her responsibility, which is teleological ethics. It is only in the tension between these two ethics that the caregiver can decide with peace of mind