61 research outputs found

    Recognizing Elder Mistreatment: A Guide for Courts

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    The crime of elder abuse takes many forms: financial, emotional, sexual, and physical abuse, as well as neglect. In many (perhaps most) circumstances, multiple forms coexist and this is referred to as poly victimization. As in child abuse and domestic violence, people who are victimized tend to be vulnerable for a variety of reasons that span from physical to cognitive to psychological domains. This article outlines several aspects of age-related physical changes and highlights those features of aging that can make an older adult susceptible to elder abuse and neglect. We will go on to describe physical manifestations and laboratory markers, as well as the role of medication in abuse and neglect. Finally, we will address the topic of capacity. Throughout the article, we will indicate how knowledge in these areas can enhance the functions of the court in cases of suspected elder abuse and neglect

    El último dinosaurio vivo. Antología personal

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    Reseña del libro de Rony Vásquez Guevara, El último dinosaurio vivo. Antología personal (Lima: Micrópolis,  2016), realizada por Laura Elisa Vizcaín

    Apuestas genéricas de la edición independiente en México: el caso del cuento contemporáneo

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    The purpouse of this article is to understand wich are the essential literary genres that Mexican contemporary independent publishing considers, with special interest in reviewing the case of short story. At the first glance, it would seem that the independent publishers prefer no canonic publications and no comercials genres. But in the analysis of many publishing houses is obvious that canon plays an important role in their decisions. Published genres are part of the ethnocentrism of Reading, and that´s one of the reasons why short story is not well represented in publishers’ catalogs.Este artículo reflexiona sobre la edición independiente contemporánea en México, con la intención de comprender cuáles son los géneros literarios a los que este sector atiende, el interés primordial es responder qué tanto se publica de cuento. Parecería que las editoriales con la etiqueta de independientes, preferirían la publicación de obras no canónicas y géneros no comerciales, sin embargo, al revisar las posturas de algunas agencias se observa que el canon juega un papel importante en las decisiones. Los géneros que se publican forman parte del etnocentrismo de la lectura, por lo que el cuento no es mayoría en sus catálogos


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    La anestesia regional es la técnica más utilizada en las cirugías. La anestesia espinal tiene ventajas y desventajas que han sido descritas en trabajos previos. Si bien es una técnica segura, simple, económica y confiable, puede presentar eventos adversos como cefaleas, complicaciones a nivel neurológico y alteraciones hemodinámicas. Comparar el efecto de norepinefrina vs efedrina para el manejo de hipotensión en pacientes bajo bloqueo neuroaxial sometidos a hernioplastia en el Hospital General de Atizapán. Ensayo clínico, controlado, aleatorizado, ciego, prospectivo, longitudinal, analítico. 22 pacientes estudiados, divididos en dos grupos (norepinefrina, efedrina), a los cuales se incluyo posterior a la presentación de hipotensión arterial secundaria al establecimiento de bloqueo neuroaxial por anestesia espinal, sometidos a hernioplastia inguinal, en el Hospital General de Atizapán de Abril a Septiembre del 2020. Se realizó tomas de signos vitales a los 5 y 10 minutos post bloqueo; si el paciente presenta presión arterial media menor a 65mmHg se administraron 5mg de efedrina o 4mg de norepinefrina conforme al grupo, con posterior registro de signos vitales a los 3, 10 y 15 minutos. Se identifica asociación entre el medicamento administrado y la corrección de la hipotensión a los 3 minutos. El riesgo relativo para el medicamento aplicado y la corrección de la hipotensión en la aplicación de efedrina es de 17.5 (IC 95% 1.596 - 191.89), lo que indica que los pacientes tratados con efedrina tienen 17.5 veces más riesgo de no corregir la hipotensión a los 3 minutos en comparación del grupo tratado con norepinefrina. Se reconoce que la hipotensión que se instaura como consecuencia de un bloqueo espinal se debe, por un lado, a la caída de la resistencia vascular periférica, y por el otro, a la disminución del retorno venoso, que se puede corregir tras la administración de norepinefrina. Al adicionar bolos de efedrina, mejora el retorno venoso disminuyendo la capacitancia venosa de los miembros inferiores.UAEM, la autora

    Advisory Notice

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    Introduction to Bibliographica's current issue, describing its cover and banner

    Central Odontogenic Fibroma combined with Central Giant Cell lesion of the mandible. Immunohistochemical profile.

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    Central Odontogenic Fibroma is a benign neoplasm of mesenchymal origin that makes up less than 5% of odontogenic tumors. There is a variation of this lesion that includes a zone of giant cells. This neoplasm is characterized by fibroblast proliferation, a component of apparently inactive odontogenic epithelium within a mature connective tissue stroma and multinucleated osteoclast-like giant cells. Clinically, it manifests as a slow-growing central lesion, which causes painless cortical expansion and may occasionally cause the displacement of adjacent dental organs or resorption. We present a new case of this combined lesion that was revealed radiographically as a well-defined radiolucent area in the left mandibular body. Histologically, we identified a mesenchymal lesion composed of mature fibrocellular tissue, where islands and cords of odontogenic epithelium and fibrocellular areas with numerous giant cells can be distinguished. The immunohistochemical examination was positive for giant cells with the marker CD68 and positive for epithelium cords with the marker CK19, which indicates that this an odontogenic lesion


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    ResumenEn el presente artículo nos hemos dado a la tarea de resaltar la importancia de conocer la forma en que nuestros estudiantes son capaces de adquirir conocimiento, basándonos en dos Modelos que son utilizados actualmente para explicar el proceso de aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes de cualquier edad y grado de estudio.Primeramente, nos hemos centrado en el surgimiento del concepto de “Estilos de Aprendizaje” llamado también “Estilos cognitivos de aprendizaje”, el cual tiene sus inicios en los años 50’s; posteriormente analizando el Modelo propuesto por David Kolb; por el cual el alumno aprende, que está basado en dos formas:Mediante una experiencia directa y concreta.Una experiencia abstracta. Dando como resultado la clasificación de los estudiantes de acuerdo a un estilo particular de aprendizaje, y así se le asigna a cada uno ciertas características.Por otra parte, se ha considerado también para el presente artículo, el Modelo de los Cuadrantes Cerebrales de Hermann, quien propone un modelo inspirado en los conocimientos funcionales del cerebro, ya que este autor considera que los seres humanos tenemos cuatro marcas que nos hacen únicos, la primera de estas son las huellas digitales, la planta de los pies, el iris de los ojos y el desarrollo de la corteza cerebral. Tomando como punto de partida que ninguna persona tiene una corteza cerebral igual a la de otra persona (ya sea por su proceso de evolución o desarrollo del individuo), por lo tanto, propone el dividir una esfera en cuatro cuadrantes, los cuales representan las formas de operar, de pensar, de crear, de aprender y en suma de convivir con el mundo.Asimismo, es de suma importancia considerar que cada estudiante presenta distintos estilos de aprendizaje, los cuales los docentes deberán tomar en consideración en el momento de planear la transmisión y adquisición del conocimiento que servirá para potenciar las competencias transversales de sus estudiantes.Por último, es indispensable no olvidar que en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje se tienen dos o más personas compartiendo la responsabilidad de la transmisión y adquisición del conocimiento.Palabras Clave: Estilos de aprendizaje, Estilos Cognitivos de aprendizaje, Modelo de Kolb, Modelo de los Cuadrantes Cerebrales de Hermann. AbstractIn this article we have given the task of highlighting the importance of knowing the way in which our students are able to acquire knowledge, based on two models that are currently used to explain the learning process by students of any age and degree of study.First, we have focused on the emergence of the concept of "Learning Styles" also called "cognitive learning styles", which has its beginnings in the 50's; later analyzing the Model proposed by David Kolb; by which the student learns, which is based on two forms:Through direct and concrete experience.An abstract experience.Resulting in the classification of students according to a particular style of learning, and thus certain characteristics are assigned to each one.On the other hand, it has also been considered for the present article, the Model of the Brain Quadrants of Hermann, who proposes a model inspired by the functional knowledge of the brain, since this author considers that human beings have four marks that make us unique , the first of these are the fingerprints, the soles of the feet, the iris of the eyes and the development of the cerebral cortex. Taking as a starting point that no person has a cerebral cortex equal to that of another person (either by its process of evolution or development of the individual), therefore, it proposes dividing a sphere into four quadrants, which represent the forms to operate, to think, to create, to learn and, in sum, to live with the world.Likewise, it is very important to consider that each student presents different learning styles, which teachers should take into consideration when planning the transmission and acquisition of knowledge that will serve to enhance the transversal competences of their students.Finally, it is essential not to forget that in the teaching-learning process there are two or more people sharing responsibility for the transmission and acquisition of knowledge.Keywords: Learning styles, Cognitive learning styles, Kolb model, Hermann's brain quadrants model

    Sequential Modulation of Cardiac Autonomic Control Induced by Cardiopulmonary and Arterial Baroreflex Mechanisms

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    Background—Nonhypotensive lower body negative pressure (LBNP) induces a reflex increase in forearm vascular resistance and muscle sympathetic neural discharge without affecting mean heart rate. We tested the hypothesis that a reflex change of the autonomic modulation of heartbeat might arise during low intensity LBNP without changes of mean heart rate.Methods and Results—Ten healthy volunteers underwent plasma catecholamine evaluation and a continuous recording of ECG, finger blood pressure, respiratory activity, and central venous pressure (CVP) during increasing levels of LBNP up to −40 mm Hg. Spectrum and cross-spectrum analyses assessed the changes in the spontaneous variability of R-R interval, respiration, systolic arterial pressure (SAP), and CVP and in the gain (αLF) of arterial baroreflex control of heart rate. Baroreceptor sensitivity was also evaluated by the SAP/R-R spontaneous sequences technique. LBNP began decreasing significantly: CVP at −10, R-R interval at −20, SAP at −40, and the indexes αLFand baroreceptor sensitivity at −30 and −20 mm Hg, compared with baseline conditions. Plasma norepinephrine increased significantly at −20 mm Hg. The normalized low-frequency component of R-R variability (LFR-R) progressively increased and was significantly higher than in the control condition at −15 mm Hg.Conclusions—Nonhypotensive LBNP elicits a reflex increase of cardiac sympathetic modulation, as evaluated by LFR-R, which precedes the changes in the hemodynamics and in the indexes of arterial baroreflex control

    Mapping the structure of mixed seagrass meadows in the Mexican Caribbean

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    The physical and ecological importance of seagrass meadows in coastal processes is widely recognized, and the development of tools facilitating characterization of their structure and distribution is important for improving our understanding of these processes. Mixed (multi-specific) meadows in a Mexican Caribbean reef lagoon were mapped employing a multiparameter approach, using PlanetScope remote sensing images, and supervised classification based on parameters related to the structure of the seagrasses meadows, including the cover percentages of seagrass/algae/sediment, algae thalli and seagrass shoot densities, canopy heights and estimated leaf area index (LAI). The cover, seagrass and algae densities, and seagrass canopy heights were obtained using ground truth sampling, while the LAI was estimated using data obtained from long-term monitoring programs. The maps do not show the differentiation of seagrass species, but ground truthing contemplated characterization of the density of Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme and Halodule wrightii and their respective LAIs. S. filiforme was the dominant species in terms of shoot density, and T. testudinum was dominant in terms of LAI. In the multiparameter-based map four classes were defined, based on the cover and structural characteristics, and its overall accuracy was very high (~90%). Maps based on sediment cover and LAI alone also had 4 classes, but they were less accurate than the multiparameter-based map (~70% and ~80%, respectively). The multiparameter-based seagrass map provided spatially-explicit data on the abundance and structure of seagrasses, useful for future monitoring of the changes in the meadows, and also for studies of that require data of large-scale meadow structure, such as inventories of associated biota, blue carbon storage, or modelling of the local hydrodynamics