258 research outputs found


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    The observation of Haddow (1), that certain carcinogenic polynuclear hydrocarbons are able to inhibit the growth of certain tumors in animals, resulted in a large variety of compounds with a structural resemblance to these carcinogenic compounds being subjected to this type of bioassay. Among those compounds studied were a variety of azo compounds, for example, the unsymmetrical azonaphthalene. Several of these compounds showed a significant inhibition of certain tumors in animals. Other azo compounds have been shown to possess cell— proliferating activity, a classical example being scarlet red. Many pyrimidines occur as natural constituents of living c cells in the form of nucleic acids. This fact has led to their wide-spread application in the therapy of many diseases. The pyrimidine ring occurs in such drugs as the barbiturate hypnotics, non-barbiturate central nervous system depressants, sulfas, antithyroid agents, anti—,malarial agents, histamine antagonizing agents, diuretics and vitamins. Because of the important role the pyrimidines play in therapeutics, interest has been shown in the effect azopyrlmidines would have on inhibiting tumor growth. Haddow's demonstration of the tumor-inhibiting possibilities of azo analogs of the carcinogenic hydrocarbons suggests that these analogs are substantive to tissue components involved in tumor formation. Foye et.al. (2) working on this basis felt that such compounds could serve effectively as transporting agents for introducing metal ions at the site of tumor growth. They felt the presence of the metal might be of value in inhibiting tumor growth, or that it might act as an indicator of the enzyme systems involved in the process of tumor formation and growth. Accordingly, they prepared a series of metalated azo derivatives of the naphthols and phenanthrols. Later (3), pharmacological studies indicated that they had certain antitubercular activity in mice, and also that the in vivo activities of the metal chelates differed significantly from those of the non-metalated compounds. The present work was undertaken in an attempt to prepare certain azopyrimidines having two hydroxylgroups ortho to the azo linkage (i.e. one hydroxyl group in the ortho position in each aromatic nucleus), since these are known to be especially adaptable to ahelation with metals; and to prepare metal chelates of these azopyrimidines using cobalt, nickel, copper, iron and chromium salts

    Teaching Video NeuroImages: Atypical childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes: Seizures often discussed, rarely seen

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    A 7-year-old right-handed boy with poorly controlled epilepsy presented to the epilepsy monitoring unit for further clarification of his diagnosis. Seizure onset was at 3 years with focal motor seizures of left face and arm followed by confusion and aphasia. Prominent behavioral and school difficulties were also reported. Valproic acid monotherapy (23 mg/kg/d) was weaned by day 2 and a habitual event captured on day 5 (figure, video 1). Brain MRI and an epilepsy gene panel (including GRIN2A) were nonrevealing. The diagnosis was therefore consistent with atypical childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes. This differs from benign rolandic epilepsy because of earlier seizure onset, increased seizure burden, EEG with background slowing (figure) with stereotyped discharges, seizure semiology, and more prominent comorbidities.1,

    Physicochemical quality indicators of honey: An evaluation in a Ukrainian socioecological gradient

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    Physical and chemical quality indicators of 65 polyfloral honey samples from three administrative districts of Chernivtsi region in South Western Ukraine were studied. The chosen administrative districts were Putyla (representing the 'Traditional villages' stratum), Storozhynets (the 'Intermediate' stratum) and Khotyn (the 'Intensive agriculture' stratum), which reflect a steep gradient of social and ecological conditions such as land cover and land use, level of economic development, culture and demography. The quality of honey was determined in accordance with the requirements of the Ukrainian national standard and the EU Directive relating to honey (or Codex Alimentarius Honey Standard) by using the following indicators: reducing sugars and moisture content, diastase activity, free acidity, pH, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and proline content. The profile of carbohydrates was analyzed, in particular glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, trehalose, melezitose, raffinose. The ratio of fructose to glucose (F/G) was determined. All tested samples complied with the international standards for the mass fraction of reducing sugars, diastase activity and hydroxymethylfurfural content. For physical and chemical parameters, the studied honey samples were of high quality. The content of the reducing sugars in the honey samples varied within the range of 66.0-97.6%. The fructose content ranged from 342 to 549 mg/g, and the glucose content variation ranged within 283-517 mg/g. The average fructose/glucose ratio was 1.2 for honey samples from the three studied districts. Besides fructose and glucose, some oligosaccharides, such as maltose, trehalose and melezitose, were found in the examined honey. Melezitose was detected in the honey samples from 'Traditional village' (21 samples) and 'Intermediate' (5 samples) districts. The total variability of HMF content in the studied 65 honey samples from apiaries in the three districts of Chernivtsi region ranged from 0.19 to 30.8 mg/kg. The minimum moisture content was found to be 16.2% (in the 'Traditional village' and 'Intermediate' strata), and 22.2% was the maximum (in the 'Intermediate' stratum). Our studies have shown that free acidity of the samples varied within the range 13.5 to 58.0 meq/kg. Proline content variability for the three studied geographical areas ranged from 82.3 to 1201.2 mg/kg. The studied samples of honey had a low pH level (similar to 3.7), high content of proline (similar to 513 mg/kg) and reducing sugars (similar to 80%), which indicates its nutritional value and naturalness. Deviations from the honey standards in moisture content, acidity and electrical conductivity was revealed in 8% to 10% of all samples

    Перспективи застосування лазерного зміцнення в авіаційній промисловості

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    Москалик В. М. Перспективи застосування лазерного зміцнення в авіаційній промисловості / В. М. Москалик / Авіація, промисловість, суспільство : матеріали ІІІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Кременчук, 12 трав. 2022 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, Кременчуц. льотний коледж, Наук. парк «Наука та безпека». – Харків : ХНУВС, 2022. – С. 224-226.Зазначено, що у процесі експлуатації авіаційна деталь, внаслідок важких умов роботи, неминуче втрачатиме свої фізико-механічні характеристики. Ефективним способом збільшення її працездатності вважається зміцнення. Лазерне зміцнення є більш прийнятним порівняно з традиційними методами через те, що метод, що розглядається, менш енерговитратний, у нього більш високі показники збільшення триботехнічних властивостей, а також можливість обробляти тонкостінні деталі складної форми. Отмечено, что в процессе эксплуатации авиационная деталь вследствие тяжелых условий работы неизбежно будет терять свои физико-механические характеристики. Эффективным способом увеличения его работоспособности считается укрепление. Лазерное укрепление является более приемлемым по сравнению с традиционными методами из-за того, что рассматриваемый метод менее энергозатратен, у него более высокие показатели увеличения триботехнических свойств, а также возможность обрабатывать тонкостенные детали сложной формы. It is noted that during operation, the aircraft part will inevitably lose its physical and mechanical characteristics due to difficult working conditions. Strengthening is considered an effective way to increase its performance. Laser hardening is more acceptable compared to traditional methods due to the fact that the considered method is less energy-intensive, it has higher tribotechnical properties, and also the ability to process thin-walled parts of complex shape


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    International audienceVanadium (chemical symbol, V) is a d-block transition metal,silver in color, appearing in the first long period of the peri-odic table between titanium and chromium. Vanadium hastwo stable isotopes: 50V and 51V, with atomic abundance of0.25 % and 99.75 %, respectively. Vanadium has several oxidation forms (between 2+ and 5+). In the lithosphere, Voccurs as reducing V(III) form, whereas in oxidizing con- ditions V prevails under V(IV) form. Vanadium(II) is partic- ularly unstable in the environment. Vanadium(III) is more stable than V(II), but it is also gradually oxidized by the air or dissolved oxygen. Vanadium(V) is expected to be the prevailing form in waters exposed to atmospheric oxygen, whereas V(IV) may be present in reducing environments. Depending upon geometry and environment, V ionic radii vary between 36 pm and 79 pm. Vanadium has a high melting point of 1910 42 C and is a mildly incompatible, refractory,lithophile (siderophile in the iron core and chondrites) ele- ment. Vanadium has an electronegativity of 1.63 on the Pau- ling scale and displays a first ionization potential of 6.74 eV. More details can be found in Richards (2006) and Haynes (2015)

    Лазерні технології у промисловості

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    Москалик В. М. Лазерні технології у промисловості / В. М. Москалик, Д. О. Виборнов // Шлях успіху і перспективи розвитку (до 26 річниці заснування Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ) : матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 20 листоп. 2020 р.) / редкол.: Д. В. Швець (голова), О. М. Бандурка, С. М. Гусаров та ін.; МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. - Харків : ХНУВС, 2020.- С. 353-355.Зазначено, що застосування лазерного випромінювання при механічній обробці металів та сплавів дозволяє збільшити продуктивність в декілька разів, покращити якість обробки. Інтенсивно розвиваються методи лазерної обробки тонкостінних листових матеріалів для формування об’ємних конструкцій в наслідок направленого деформування. Таким чином, теорія і практика лазерної обробки матеріалів підтверджує широкі можливості лазерних технологічних процесів, які дозволяють ефективно вирішувати найскладніші задачі в промисловості. Указано, что применение лазерного излучения при механической обработке металлов и сплавов позволяет увеличить производительность в несколько раз, улучшить качество обработки. Интенсивно развиваются методы лазерной обработки тонкостенных листовых материалов для формирования объемных конструкций в результате направленного деформирования. Таким образом, теория и практика лазерной обработки материалов подтверждает широкие возможности лазерных технологических процессов, позволяющих эффективно решать самые сложные задачи в промышленности. It is indicated that the use of laser radiation in the mechanical processing of metals and alloys makes it possible to increase productivity by several times and improve the quality of processing. The methods of laser processing of thin-walled sheet materials for the formation of three-dimensional structures as a result of directed deformation are being intensively developed. Thus, the theory and practice of laser processing of materials confirms the wide possibilities of laser technological processes, which make it possible to effectively solve the most complex problems in industry

    Specificity determinants for Cry insecticidal proteins: insights from their mode of action

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    Insecticidal proteins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are used as active components of biopesticides and as plant incorporated protectants in transgenic crops. One of the most relevant attributes of these Bt protein-based insecticidal technologies is their high specificity, which assures lack of detrimental effects on non-target insects, vertebrates and the environment. The identification of specificity determinants in Bt insecticidal proteins could guide risk assessment for novel insecticidal proteins currently considered for commercialization. In this work we review the available data on specificity determinants of crystal (Cry) insecticidal proteins as the Bt toxins most well characterized and used in transgenic crops. The multi step mode of action of the Cry insecticidal proteins allows various factors to potentially affect specificity determination and here we define seven levels that could influence specificity. The relative relevance of each of these determinants on efficacy of transgenic crops producing Cry insecticidal proteins is also discussed