257 research outputs found

    A transmission problem across a fractal self-similar interface

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    We consider a transmission problem in which the interior domain has infinitely ramified structures. Transmission between the interior and exterior domains occurs only at the fractal component of the interface between the interior and exterior domains. We also consider the sequence of the transmission problems in which the interior domain is obtained by stopping the self-similar construction after a finite number of steps; the transmission condition is then posed on a prefractal approximation of the fractal interface. We prove the convergence in the sense of Mosco of the energy forms associated with these problems to the energy form of the limit problem. In particular, this implies the convergence of the solutions of the approximated problems to the solution of the problem with fractal interface. The proof relies in particular on an extension property. Emphasis is put on the geometry of the ramified domain. The convergence result is obtained when the fractal interface has no self-contact, and in a particular geometry with self-contacts, for which an extension result is proved

    Layered fractal fibers and potentials

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    We study spectral asymptotic properties of conductive layered-thin-fibers of invasive fractal nature. The problem is formulated as a boundary value problem for singular elliptic operators with potentials in a quasi-filling geometry for the fibers. The methods are those of variational singular homogenization and M-convergence. We prove that the spectral measures of the differential problems converge to the spectral measure of a non-trivial self-adjoint operator with fractal terms

    Weak formulation for singular diffusion equation with dynamic boundary condition

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    In this paper, we propose a weak formulation of the singular diffusion equation subject to the dynamic boundary condition. The weak formulation is based on a reformulation method by an evolution equation including the subdifferential of a governing convex energy. Under suitable assumptions, the principal results of this study are stated in forms of Main Theorems A and B, which are respectively to verify: the adequacy of the weak formulation; the common property between the weak solutions and those in regular problems of standard PDEs.Comment: 23 page

    Stationary quasivariational inequalities with gradient constraint and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions

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    Publicado em "From particle systems to partial differential equations. Part 2. (Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics, vol. 75). ISBN 978-3-642-54270-1We study existence of solution of stationary uasivariational inequalities with gradient constraint and nonhomogeneous boundary condition of Neumann or Dirichlet type. Through two different approaches, one making use of a fixed point theorem and the other using a process of regularization and penalization, we obtain different sufficient conditions for the existence of solution.(undefined

    Survival probability and order statistics of diffusion on disordered media

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    We investigate the first passage time t_{j,N} to a given chemical or Euclidean distance of the first j of a set of N>>1 independent random walkers all initially placed on a site of a disordered medium. To solve this order-statistics problem we assume that, for short times, the survival probability (the probability that a single random walker is not absorbed by a hyperspherical surface during some time interval) decays for disordered media in the same way as for Euclidean and some class of deterministic fractal lattices. This conjecture is checked by simulation on the incipient percolation aggregate embedded in two dimensions. Arbitrary moments of t_{j,N} are expressed in terms of an asymptotic series in powers of 1/ln N which is formally identical to those found for Euclidean and (some class of) deterministic fractal lattices. The agreement of the asymptotic expressions with simulation results for the two-dimensional percolation aggregate is good when the boundary is defined in terms of the chemical distance. The agreement worsens slightly when the Euclidean distance is used.Comment: 8 pages including 9 figure

    Variational convergence of gradient flows and rate-independent evolutions in metric spaces

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    We study the asymptotic behaviour of families of gradient flows in a general metric setting, when the metric-dissipation potentials degenerate in the limit to a dissipation with linear growth. We present a general variational definition of BV solutions to metric evolutions, showing the different characterization of the solution in the absolutely continuous regime, on the singular Cantor part, and along the jump transitions. By using tools of metric analysis, BV functions and blow-up by time rescaling, we show that this variational notion is stable with respect to a wide class of perturbations involving energies, distances, and dissipation potentials. As a particular application, we show that BV solutions to rate-independent problems arise naturally as a limit of pp-gradient flows, p>1p>1, when the exponents pp converge to 1

    Description of diffusive and propagative behavior on fractals

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    The known properties of diffusion on fractals are reviewed in order to give a general outlook of these dynamic processes. After that, we propose a description developed in the context of the intrinsic metric of fractals, which leads us to a differential equation able to describe diffusion in real fractals in the asymptotic regime. We show that our approach has a stronger physical justification than previous works on this field. The most important result we present is the introduction of a dependence on time and space for the conductivity in fractals, which is deduced by scaling arguments and supported by computer simulations. Finally, the diffusion equation is used to introduce the possibility of reaction-diffusion processes on fractals and analyze their properties. Specifically, an analytic expression for the speed of the corresponding travelling fronts, which can be of great interest for application purposes, is derived

    Marx’s "Capital"in the Information Age

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    This article argues that a media and communication studies perspective on reading Marx’s Capital has thus far been missing, but is needed in the age of information capitalism and digital capitalism. Two of the most popular contemporary companions to Marx’s Capital, the ones by David Harvey and Michael Heinrich, present themselves as general guidebooks on how to read Marx, but are actually biased towards particular schools of Marxist thought. A contemporary reading of Marx needs to be mediated with contemporary capitalism’s structures and the political issues of the day. Media, communications and the Internet are important issues for such a reading today. It is time to see Marx not just as a critic of capitalism but also as a critic of capitalist communications

    Convergence of a penalty-finite element approximation for an obstacle problem

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    This study establishes an error estimate for a penalty-finite element approximation of the variational inequality obtained by a class of obstacle problems. By special identification of the penalty term, we first show that the penalty solution converges to the solution of a mixed formulation of the variational inequality. The rate of convergence of the penalization is ɛ where ɛ is the penalty parameter. To obtain the error of finite element approximation, we apply the results obtained by Brezzi, Hager and Raviart for the mixed finite element method to the variational inequality.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46320/1/211_2005_Article_BF01396189.pd

    Inheriting library cards to Babel and Alexandria: Contemporary metaphors for the digital library

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    Librarians have been consciously adopting metaphors to describe library concepts since the nineteenth century, helping us to structure our understanding of new technologies. We have drawn extensively on these figurative frameworks to explore issues surrounding the digital library, yet very little has been written to date which interrogates how these metaphors have developed over the years. Previous studies have explored library metaphors, using either textual analysis or ethnographic methods to investigate their usage. However, this is to our knowledge the first study to use bibliographic data, corpus analysis, qualitative sentiment weighting and close reading to study particular metaphors in detail. It draws on a corpus of over 450 articles to study the use of the metaphors of the Library of Alexandria and Babel, concluding that both have been extremely useful as framing metaphors for the digital library. However, their longstanding use has seen them become stretched as metaphors, meaning that the field’s figurative framework now fails to represent the changing technologies which underpin contemporary digital libraries
