4,398 research outputs found

    Thyroid function tests

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    Thyroid disorders can be difficult to detect clinically, but thyroid function tests can assist in making a diagnosis. Measuring thyroid stimulating hormone is the first step. If it is abnormal, free thyroxine should be measured. A raised concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone with a low concentration of free thyroxine suggests hypothyroidism. A low concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone with a high concentration of free thyroxine suggests hyperthyroidism. Measuring thyroid autoantibodies may help establish the cause of the dysfunction. Different assays can give different results, and tests of thyroid function may be affected by drugs and intercurrent illness

    The coil pumps

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    A family of Coil Pumps has been developed at Loughborough University over the last 10 years by the author. The coil pump, sometimes known as the 'hydrostatic pump', was known and used in the 18th and 19th centuries, since then it appears to have been forgotten. Laboratory investigations lead to a theory for predicting the behaviour of this little known pump The theory is based on an assessment of the boundary levels of the liquid plugs within the loops. From this work, two types of suction pump were derived and the lift pump theory was developed and adapted to predict their behaviour. One suction pump was based on one helical coil and it required a regulated air supply. The second pump used two helical coils 'back to back' one taking water into the pump and the other (of larger capacity) withdrawing it. Laboratory tests were carried out on a number of versions of both suction pumps and the experimental results agreed well with those produced by the theory. Practical applications of this family of pumps included a low cost stream powered lift pump, a dosing pump, a sewage suction pump and a sewage treatment process

    Molecular techniques reveal cryptic life history and demographic processes of a critically endangered marine turtle

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    The concept of ‘effective population size’ (Ne), which quantifies how quickly a population will lose genetic variability, is one of the most important contributions of theoretical evolutionary biology to practical conservation management. Ne is often much lower than actual population size: how much so depends on key life history and demographic parameters, such as mating systems and population connectivity, that often remain unknown for species of conservation concern. Molecular techniques allow the indirect study of these parameters, as well as the estimation of current and historical Ne. Here, we use genotyping to assess the genetic health of an important population of the critically endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), a slow-to-mature, difficult-to-observe species with a long history of severe overhunting. Our results were surprisingly positive: we found that the study population, located in the Republic of Seychelles, Indian Ocean, has a relatively large Ne, estimated to exceed 1000, and showed no evidence of a recent reduction in Ne (i.e. no genetic bottleneck). Furthermore, molecular inferences suggest the species' mating system is conducive to maintaining a large Ne, with a relatively large and widely distributed male population promoting considerable gene flow amongst nesting sites across the Seychelles area. This may also be reinforced by the movement of females between nesting sites. Our study underlines how molecular techniques can help to inform conservation biology. In this case our results suggest that this important hawksbill population is starting from a relatively strong position as it faces new challenges, such as global climate change

    Accurate Chart Latticing for Loran-C

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    Unless the Loran-C lattice has much the same accuracy as any other feature shown, the chart is out of balance. There is not much point in charting hazards with great precision if the mariner must allow a large margin for positioning error in his navaid. The Canadian Hydrographic Service’s calibration program aims eventually to improve our knowledge of radio wave propagation so that we can rely on a calculated lattice with only a very few check points to verify the predictions. While we work towards this, we also map the lattice in the field so that we can put it on the chart accurately now. We calibrated the Canadian West Coast Loran-C chain in the Spring of 1977, using Satnav offshore to give the ± 150 m accuracy needed for latticing small scale charts. We looked for and found the predicted coastal " phase recovery " using Trisponder and sextant fixing. And we made observations on shore by helicopter and calibration van to give propagation data for future predictions

    The argumentation in socio-scientific discussions : reflections from a case study

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    Estudos vêm demonstrando a importância da argumentação no ensino de ciências, em particular, nas discussões de aspectos sócio-científicos. Neste artigo, apontamos como a argumentação pode contribuir em tais discussões e a necessidade do desenvolvimento de intervenções pedagógicas pelo professor que contribuam para aumentar a capacidade argumentativa dos alunos. A análise qualitativa de um estudo de caso, em que o professor planejou um debate para desenvolver a argumentação dos alunos, indica que o uso de perguntas que solicitem ao aluno que justifique os seus pontos de vista pode auxiliar para que eles percebam a necessidade de melhorar a sua argumentação. O estudo demonstra a dificuldade do professor em conduzir o discurso argumentativo em sala de aula e aponta a necessidade de serem desenvolvidas mais pesquisas que auxiliem os professores a melhorar a argumentação dos alunos. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTStudies have demonstrated the importance of argumentation in science education, particularly in discussions on socio-scientific issues in classrooms. This article points out the role of argumentation in discussions about socio-scientific issues and the need to develop pedagogical interventions that enhancing the students’ argumentation. A case study, in which the teacher carried out a debate in the classroom to enhance students’ argumentation, illustrates how attempts from the teachers to ask students to support their views can help students to pay more attention in their arguments. Furthermore, the case study shows the difficulty of the teacher in organizing and supporting argumentative discourse within the classroom and the need to develop more research to support the teachers in the target to improve argumentation in classroom

    Predicting the Efficacy of Future Training Programs Using Past Experiences

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    We investigate the problem of predicting the average effect of a new training program using experiences with previous implementations. There are two principal complications in doing so. First, the population in which the new program will be implemented may differ from the population in which the old program was implemented. Second, the two programs may differ in the mix of their components. With sufficient detail on characteristics of the two populations and sufficient overlap in their distributions, one may be able to adjust for differences due to the first complication. Dealing with the second difficulty requires data on the exact treatments the individuals received. However even in the presence of differences in the mix of components across training programs comparisons of controls in both populations who were excluded from participating in any of the programs should not be affected. To investigate the empirical importance of these issues, we compare four job training pro-grams implemented in the mid-eighties in different parts of the U.S. We find that adjusting for pre-training earnings and individual characteristics removes most of the differences between control units, but that even after such adjustments, post-training earnings for trainees are not comparable. We surmise that differences in treatment components across training programs are the likely cause, and that more details on the specific services provided by these programs are necessary to predict the effect of future programs. We also conclude that effect heterogeneity, it is essential, even in experimental evaluations of training programs record pre-training earnings and individual characteristics in order to render the extrapolation of the results to different locations more credible.

    The initiation and development of metamorphic foliation in the Otago Schist, Part 2: evidence from quartz grain-shape data

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    Shape, size and orientation measurements of quartz grains sampled along two transects that cross zones of increasing metamorphic grade in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, reveal the role of quartz in the progressive development of metamorphic foliation. Sedimentary compaction and diagenesis contributed little to the formation of a shape-preferred orientation (SPO) within the analysed samples. Metamorphic foliation was initiated at sub-greenschist facies conditions as part of a composite S1-bedding structure parallel to the axial planes of tight to isoclinal F1 folds. An important component of this foliation is a pronounced quartz SPO that formed dominantly by the effect of dissolution?precipitation creep on detrital grains in association with F1 strain. With increasing grade, the following trends are evident from the SPO data: (i) a progressive increase in the aspect ratio of grains in sections parallel to lineation, and the development of blade-shaped grains; (ii) the early development of a strong shape preferred orientation so that blade lengths define the linear aspect of the foliation (lineation) and the intermediate axes of the blades define a partial girdle about the lineation; (iii) a slight thinning and reduction in volume of grains in the one transect; and (iv) an actual increase in thickness and volume in the survivor grains of the second transect. The highest-grade samples, within the chlorite zone of the greenschist facies, record segregation into quartz- and mica-rich layers. This segregation resulted largely from F2 crenulation and marks a key change in the distribution, deformation and SPO of the quartz grains. The contribution of quartz SPO to defining the foliation lessens as the previously discrete and aligned detrital quartz grains are replaced by aggregates and layers of dynamically recrystallized quartz grains of reduced aspect ratio and reduced alignment. Pressure solution now affects the margins of quartz-rich layers rather than individual grains. In higher-grade samples, therefore, the rock structure is characterized increasingly by segregation layering parallel to a foliation defined predominantly by mica SPO

    Would Functional Agricultural Foods Improve Human Health?

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    Concern over diet-health relationships has moved to the forefront of public health concerns in the UK and much of the developed world. It has been estimated, for example, that obesity costs the UK National Health Service up to £6b per year (Rayner and Scarborough, 2005), but if all consumers were to follow recommended healthy eating guidelines there would be major implications for food consumption, land use and international trade (Srinivasan et al, 2006). This is unlikely to happen, at least in the short term, but it is realistic to anticipate some dietary adjustment toward the recommendations, resulting in an improvement in diet quality (Mazzocchi et al, 2007). Although consumers are reluctant to make major changes to their diets, they may be prepared to substitute existing foods for healthier alternatives. Three of the most prominent nutritional recommendations are to consume more fruit and vegetables, which contain phytochemicals beneficial to health, reduce consumption of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and increase intake of long-chain n-3 fatty acids (FA). In the first case, consumption of fruit and vegetables has been stable at around three 80 g portions per person per day according to the Health Survey for England. It is estimated that 42,200 deaths per year could be avoided in England and 411,000 Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) could be saved if fruit and vegetable consumption were increased to the recommended 5 portions per day (Ofcom 2006). As well as continuing to encourage people to eat more, it could be desirable to ‘intensify’ the beneficial phytochemical content of existing fruit and vegetables.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Industrial Organization,
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