452 research outputs found

    Fatigue Behaviour of Cold-formed Steel Sections

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    In the expected life span of a transmission tower, the members are subjected to a large number of alternating wind applications. Fatigue behaviour due to repeated loading must therefore be considered in design. This paper presents the fatigue-test results for 52 cold-formed steel members. The results obtained can be used to establish additional guidelines for fatigue design of cold-formed steel sections

    Stridulation of the clear-wing meadow katydid <i>Xiphelimum amplipennis</i>, adaptive bandwidth

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    Rubbed wings, analysed calls and peculiar sound generator structure in males of a conocephaline katydid, Xiphelimum amplipennis, give insight into the making of broadband spectra. High shear forces are indicated by a robust forewing morphology. Intensity is high for frequencies in a 20-60 kHz ultrasonic band. Besides a typical katydid sound-radiating mirror and harp, this insect has a long costal series of semitransparent specular sound radiators. These wing cells are loaded behind by an enlarged and partitioned subwing air space. Calls repeat steadily with five different time-domain sound elements. Distinctive spectra are associated with two of these, giving stepwise frequency modulation that combines to create the exceptionally wide spectral breadth. Broadcast sound levels at 10 cm dorsal, right and left, are near 100 dB. Costal wing-cell sound radiation was explored by loading the costal ‘speculae’ with wax. This produced almost no decrease in lateral sound levels, but did alter spectral content. Apparently this insect’s costal region both baffles and radiates. The species lives at high densities in cluttered vegetation and sound signal attenuation should code via spectral shape for distance ranging.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Wing resonances in a new dead-leaf-mimic katydid (Tettigoniidae: Pterochrozinae) from the Andean cloud forests

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    Day-camouflaged leaf-mimic katydids Typophyllum spp. have a remarkable way of evading predators as male and female forewings appear as bite-damaged leaves complete with necrotic spots. As in all other katydids, males produce sound signals to attract females by rubbing their forewings together. The biophysical properties of these special leaf-like forewings remain obscure. Here we study the wing mechanics and resonances of Typophyllum spurioculis, a new species of leaf-mimic katydid with a broad distribution in the Andes from Western Ecuador to the middle Central Cordillera in Colombia. This species performs an unusual laterally directed aposematic display, showing orange spots that simulate eyes at the leg base. At night, males are conspicuous by their loud, audible calling songs, which exhibit two spectral peaks at ca. 7 and 12 kHz. Using micro-scanning laser Doppler vibrometry we find the effective sound radiators of the wings (speculae) vibrate with three modes of vibration, two of which include the frequencies observed in the calling song. Remarkably, this resonance is preserved in the parts of the wings mimicking necrotic leaves, which are in theory not specialised for sound production. The eyespot function is discussed

    Observations of the Goldreich-Kylafis effect in star-forming regions with XPOL at the IRAM 30m telescope

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    The Goldreich-Kylafis (GK) effect causes certain molecular line emission to be weakly linearly polarized, e.g., in the presence of a magnetic field. Compared to polarized dust emission, the GK effect has the potential to yield additional information along the line of sight through its dependence on velocity in the line profile. Our goal was to detect polarized molecular line emission toward the DR21(OH), W3OH/H2O, G34.3+0.2, and UYSO1 dense molecular cloud cores in transitions of rare CO isotopologues and CS. The feasibility of such observations had to be established by studying the influence of polarized sidelobes, e.g., in the presence of extended emission in the surroundings of compact sources. The observations were carried out with the IRAM 30m telescope employing the correlation polarimeter XPOL and using two orthogonally polarized receivers. We produced beam maps to investigate instrumental polarization. While in nearly all transitions toward all sources a polarized signal is found, its degree of polarization only in one case surpasses the polarization that can be expected due to instrumental effects. It is shown that any emission in the polarized sidelobes of the system can produce instrumental polarization, even if the source is unpolarized. Tentative evidence for astronomically polarized line emission with pL<~1.5% was found in the CS(2-1) line toward G34.3+0.2.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Specific nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins can promote the location of chromosomes to and from the nuclear periphery

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    BACKGROUND: Different cell types have distinctive patterns of chromosome positioning in the nucleus. Although ectopic affinity-tethering of specific loci can be used to relocate chromosomes to the nuclear periphery, endogenous nuclear envelope proteins that control such a mechanism in mammalian cells have yet to be widely identified. RESULTS: To search for such proteins twenty three nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins were screened for their ability to promote peripheral localization of human chromosomes in HT1080 fibroblasts. Five of these proteins had strong effects on chromosome 5, but individual proteins affected different subsets of chromosomes. The repositioning effects were reversible and the proteins with effects all exhibited highly tissue-restricted patterns of expression. Depletion of two nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins that were preferentially expressed in liver each reduced the normal peripheral positioning of chromosome 5 in liver cells. CONCLUSIONS: The discovery of nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins that can modulate chromosome position and have restricted patterns of expression may enable dissection of the functional relevance of tissue-specific patterns of radial chromosome positioning.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Shrinking wings for ultrasonic pitch production: hyperintense ultra-short-wavelength calls in a new genus of neotropical katydids (Orthoptera: tettigoniidae)

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    This article reports the discovery of a new genus and three species of predaceous katydid (Insecta: Orthoptera) from Colombia and Ecuador in which males produce the highest frequency ultrasonic calling songs so far recorded from an arthropod. Male katydids sing by rubbing their wings together to attract distant females. Their song frequencies usually range from audio (5 kHz) to low ultrasonic (30 kHz). However, males of Supersonus spp. call females at 115 kHz, 125 kHz, and 150 kHz. Exceeding the human hearing range (50 Hz–20 kHz) by an order of magnitude, these insects also emit their ultrasound at unusually elevated sound pressure levels (SPL). In all three species these calls exceed 110 dB SPL rms re 20 µPa (at 15 cm). Males of Supersonus spp. have unusually reduced forewings (<0.5 mm2). Only the right wing radiates appreciable sound, the left bears the file and does not show a particular resonance. In contrast to most katydids, males of Supersonus spp. position and move their wings during sound production so that the concave aspect of the right wing, underlain by the insect dorsum, forms a contained cavity with sharp resonance. The observed high SPL at extreme carrier frequencies can be explained by wing anatomy, a resonant cavity with a membrane, and cuticle deformation

    Prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in the local farm environment and livestock: challenges to mitigate antimicrobial resistance

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    The effectiveness of antibiotics has been challenged by the increasing frequency of antimicrobial resistance (AR), which has emerged as a major threat to global health. Despite the negative impact of AR on health, there are few effective strategies for reducing AR in food-producing animals. Of the antimicrobial resistant microorganisms (ARMs), extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs)-producing Enterobacteriaceae are an emerging global threat due to their increasing prevalence in livestock, even in animals raised without antibiotics. Many reviews are available for the positive selection of AR associated with antibiotic use in livestock, but less attention has been given to how other factors including soil, water, manure, wildlife, and farm workers, are associated with the emergence of ESBL-producing bacteria. Understanding of antibiotic resistance genes and bacteria transfer at the interfaces of livestock and other potential reservoirs will provide insights for the development of mitigation strategies for AR

    Convective and Wave Signatures in Ozone Profiles Over the Equatorial Americas: Views from TC4 (2007) and SHADOZ

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    During the months of July-August 2007 NASA conducted a research campaign called the Tropical Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling (TC4) experiment. Vertical profiles of ozone were measured daily using an instrument known as an ozonesonde, which is attached to a weather balloon and launch to altitudes in excess of 30 km. These ozone profiles were measured over coastal Las Tablas, Panama (7.8N, 80W) and several times per week at Alajuela, Costa Rica (ION, 84W). Meteorological systems in the form of waves, detected most prominently in 100- 300 in thick ozone layer in the tropical tropopause layer, occurred in 50% (Las Tablas) and 40% (Alajuela) of the soundings. These layers, associated with vertical displacements and classified as gravity waves ("GW," possibly Kelvin waves), occur with similar stricture and frequency over the Paramaribo (5.8N, 55W) and San Cristobal (0.925, 90W) sites of the Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) network. The gravity wave labeled layers in individual soundings correspond to cloud outflow as indicated by the tracers measured from the NASA DC-8 and other aircraft data, confirming convective initiation of equatorial waves. Layers representing quasi-horizontal displacements, referred to as Rossby waves, are robust features in soundings from 23 July to 5 August. The features associated with Rossby waves correspond to extra-tropical influence, possibly stratospheric, and sometimes to pollution transport. Comparison of Las Tablas and Alajuela ozone budgets with 1999-2007 Paramaribo and San Cristobal soundings shows that TC4 is typical of climatology for the equatorial Americas. Overall during TC4, convection and associated meteorological waves appear to dominate ozone transport in the tropical tropopause layer

    An Integrated TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource to Drive High-Quality Survival Outcome Analytics

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    For a decade, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) program collected clinicopathologic annotation data along with multi-platform molecular profiles of more than 11,000 human tumors across 33 different cancer types. TCGA clinical data contain key features representing the democratized nature of the data collection process. To ensure proper use of this large clinical dataset associated with genomic features, we developed a standardized dataset named the TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource (TCGA-CDR), which includes four major clinical outcome endpoints. In addition to detailing major challenges and statistical limitations encountered during the effort of integrating the acquired clinical data, we present a summary that includes endpoint usage recommendations for each cancer type. These TCGA-CDR findings appear to be consistent with cancer genomics studies independent of the TCGA effort and provide opportunities for investigating cancer biology using clinical correlates at an unprecedented scale. Analysis of clinicopathologic annotations for over 11,000 cancer patients in the TCGA program leads to the generation of TCGA Clinical Data Resource, which provides recommendations of clinical outcome endpoint usage for 33 cancer types